• Published 20th Mar 2021
  • 3,031 Views, 29 Comments

Guess I'm a Pokémon now - Delta-Boio

A man finds himself in the body of a legendary Pokémon, and is thrown into an unknown world.

  • ...

Chapter IV

Author's Note:

Recently came back to the site to see how things are and realised I left some writing on this story and Power Vessel so I'm posting these for anyone who still wanted more lol. Sure is nice seeing all this stuff again after years. Mildly considering releasing some more chapters for this story and star eater so let me know if you're interested in it

Stay silly my friends

Ronan's point of view

Yep. That was about an inch away from my head. Time to run.

Dodging and weaving side to side, the onslaught of Psychics didn't stop. Thankfully, my opponent wasn't the fastest thing in the world, so I managed to dodge their attacks rather easily. That would not be enough though; I needed to get closer.

Lookin around briefly, I noticed the awe on the faces of our viewers, as well as Spike.

"Are ya sure it said level eight, Spike?" Applejack asked from off the pitch.

"I've never seen a level eight move like that!" Another one shouted from the side. She was wearing sports gear and had bright rainbow hair. If I remember correctly she was using an aerodactyl during the Ultra-Lunala fight.

Spike didn't answer as I continued to dodge. He was in a state of bewilderment, not wasting any time to blink. The problem was, he wasn't giving commands. I'm not obliged to make a move without his word. A strange, almost instinctual, feeling was preventing me from taking action.

15 seconds had gone by without an instruction. I continued to doge every blow, but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up forever. If I am to win this battle I can't afford to take a single hit.

"Darling" The woman known as Rarity called out. "Your Pokemon is currently too low of a level to act without a command!"

"Huh?" Spike snapped back into reality before properly viewing the situation. "Oh, shoot, you're right." Finally! "Zeraora! Use Fake out!"

Releasing a sigh of relief, I looked back and smiled at the boy before bursting towards the alakazam. I squeezed past the volley of Psychics before leaping at the ugly thing. Thankfully, it only seemed to want to use Psychic, but that simply wouldn't do. I was gonna make this guy try if it's the last thing I do.

Fake Out


So funny story, I 'woke up' in a pokeball to the familiar sound of the poke-center jingle. I had been defeated apparently. No clue how that could have happened.

I was quickly released from my pokeball, now surrounded by the six women, their Pokémon, and Spike. "Are you okay?!" Spike shouted, as he pulled me in for a hug. Instinctually, I used Spark the moment he touched me. He shook for a moment, making a weird sound as his hair began to stand on ends. I stopped once I realized my mistake and he let go.

Spike fell to the floor from shock, just like ash did. "Seems fine to me." Applejack chuckled as she picked up Spike from the ground. The worried looks that were once on the women's faces were now gone as they began to laugh. Spike soon came to and joined in on the laughter. I'll admit I did crack a smile, but I hid it as best as I could.

Once the laugh track had ended, Twilight stepped forward with Alakazam to her side. I'm sorry little Pokémon, I did not mean for Alakazam to leave you fainted. He got a bit carried away..." She patted my head in apology; I had to hold myself back from using Spark again. Alakazam stepped towards me and bowed his head in what I assumed to be a sign of respect or apology, so I raised my hand -sorry, paw- to tell him not to worry.

"Despite the outcome, he did perform splendidly." Rarity stated, trying to make me feel less disappointed in my loss. My frustration must have been evident on my face. It's not like I expected to win, but it would have been nice to at least have hit him.

"Didn't he?!?!?" Spike shouted, jumping up and down in excitement. "He was like SWOOSH SWISH, KABLAM!!! So cool!!!" There is little pride to be taken from a kid complimenting you on losing, but I could tell he meant it. "Zeraora is so fast!!!!"

"Who?" Twilight asked, as the group went quite in confusion.

"Zeraora." Spike spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, gesturing to me.

"That's what you're going to call it?" Rarity asked. "Odd name, but not a bad one.

"He called his name during the battle." The women with rainbow hair added. "How'd you come up with it?"

Spike opened his mouth to speak, only to stop and think. He began to look confused. "I didn't come up with it..."

"Hmm?" The room collectively mumbled, excluding me.

"I just... knew it... I guess...?" Spike concluded, not having a real answer to the question.

Comments ( 3 )

Happy to see something after all these years good to have ya back I was starting to think it was the end for this fiction

RanBro #2 · May 2nd · · ·

don't worries probably gonna have to wait for another 3 years after today hopefully not

I mean can't lie you ain't wrong

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