• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
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Undome Tinwe

Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you/Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.


Twilight is forced to condemn her lover Rarity to death to take away the sins of the world.

CW: Religion

On the third day, the second and final chapter will be released.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 23 )

... Huh. Not the subject matter I expected for a shipfic. Well, let's see where this goes.

huh i uh don't know how to feal about this .i mean honestly i don't know if this counts as blaspheme or not

i think it does cause the church condemns being gay so by turning the story of the crucifixion into a gay shipfic counts

however i myself don't believe being gay is a sin so .i don't know what to do hear

I know I generally prefer to keep quiet in the comments and let Death of the Author take its course, but I think for this one it might be better to say that I do consider myself a Catholic, and this was written in a bit of a fever dream as some, idk, attempt to express certain notions I've struggled with in my own spirituality. It just so happened that I finished this right before Good Friday so I figured I'd publish it today since the timing was too perfect. Whether this counts as blasphemy or not probably depends a lot on how you define the word, but that is definitely not my intention.

i mean at that point you have to ask if blaspheme committed on accident is still as bad as on purpose

This was a very interesting start to a premise that practically screams 'Ice Star, read this!' and I look forward to the remaining chapters. Ponies and theology (whether a crossover or with original tailored-to-the-setting stuff) have always been irresistible for me. This particular story is starting to give me Have You Considered My Servant, Twilight? vibes right off the bat.

Though, I'm not sure how religion counts as a content warning.

10751656 You should write more theology and hoers, period.

then again i don't have a leg to stand on here considering im not baptized yet

This is a wild thing to write and I'm kinda delighted you went ahead and did it.

A story as brilliant as the premise promised! I'll be looking out for the next chapters.

Great timing for publishing too.

This was a really interesting story. Casting Rarity as Jesus makes sense, with her generosity. I had to laugh (in a good way) at the crowd choosing to release Tirek; bit of an upgrade from some random guy, lol. I only really know the broad strokes of the Jesus story, so I don't know who in particular everyone is meant to be, but the fic worked regardless.

The romance between Twilight and Rarity here is interesting, especially since it switches around who is the "divine" one in these stories. Twilight fits as the one being unable to fully accept Rarity's divinity but still loving her. You did a good job not having the Jesus side overwhelm Rarity's personality.

I will say that the sequence where Twilight goes back and forth from the balcony and audience chamber was awkward, though. These are separate locations, yet there's little to indicate this and the story spends little time describing the crowd.

"And yet, you saw me restore Late Riser to life."

...hey wait a second

"Forgive them, Twilight, for they know not what they do," Rarity said as gently nuzzled her, and the gentleness in her voice broke Twilight.

This is one of those lines from the Bible that always made even my Twice-A-Year Catholic self sad. I can just always hear the defeat in Jesus' (and in this instance, Rarity's) voice.

Definitely interesting. It reminds me of Have You Considered My Servant, Twilight!


I am THOROUGHLY delighted that you did it, Undome. (As I comment, only chapter one is up so far.)

I also like that you seem to be trying to post this story in a schedule synchronized with Easter. But if you discover that you need a bit more time for writing and editing, I understand.

It is throughly amazing you chose to write this and I do want to see how it'll end.

Worry not about the naysayers, for if it were about any other mythology there wouldn't be any outcry. It's astonishingly heartfelt and I hope the end is one that heralds a better tomorrow for them.

And that Twilight does get to be with Rarity, in the end :pinkiesad2:

"Until then, would you please be a dear and release Fluttershy from your dungeons?" Rarity's smile faded as her expression grew sombre. "I thank you for saving her from herself, but I think visiting her to assure her that I am still alive will ease her guilt."


Definitely an interesting take. I like it.

I decided to go with the interpretation from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Judas since having the Judas expy hang herself was a little too dark for my tastes.

This was a nice ending to the story, and it was good seeing Rarity still giving fashion advice during her torment.

I will say that Rarity returning to Twilight felt oddly under-described. This is one place where purple prose was warranted, but it felt perfunctory.

I see that article has a picture of Jesus and Judas kissing. RariShy confirmed.

Rarity being Rarity to the very end and beyond. Very fitting :raritywink:

I can't buy imagine how their story would continue in humorous shenanigans through the decades of Twiggles trying keep their relationship hidden in increasingly unlikely situations.
Also managing to somehow become an Alicorn and drowning her sorrows in tubs and tubs of ice cream because then she wouldn't be able to be together in the kingdom of heaven, not to mention having to support some crazy Alicorn cult so she keeps not being part of Rarity's clergy.

I know, rather on the opposite vein of this story, but the idea sounds too hilarious not to share :derpytongue2:

I just read the entire story today and I have to tell you...I'm quite impressed. Casting Rarity as Christ was very fitting, given that both are known for their generousity and selflessness. Fluttershy as Judus was a bit of a surprise. The romance between Twilight and Rarity was, I thought, an interesting way to show the sense of duty and guilt that Pilot may have felt, that you showed so very well with Twilight.

The scene when Rarity returns from the tomb and embraces Twilight with enless love was breath-taking to me. I could understand Twilight's relief while still being conflicted about her feelings concerning faith. But when Rarity reassured her that she would return and always be with her, and Twilight realized who and what Rarity truly was, I felt Twi's feelings turn. She knew and believed.

And the way you wrote that scene made me feel it.

Great work, Undome.

And now she will be in a position to preach the wonders of repentance and forgiveness.

As opposed to her name becoming synonymous with traitor. Good to see. The idea of people cursing one another by calling them "Fluttershy"... The mind boggles.

Mind you, the mind is boggling a little from the overall subject matter. Fascinating approach for both ends of this. Thank you for it.

...I'm not so sure this chapter resonated as strongly as the first. I was hoping that this would be a multi-chapter piece that really explored and blended what you were going for here. Instead, the fact that it ends here and depicts most of the Passion of Rarity through exposition really lessened the initial hype I had because it came across as abrupt. We don't get to see how the little quirks of Harmony and a Rarity Gospel change when they're not in the Biblical source material, or how the other Mane Apostles worked, especially since Rarity and Twilight were romantically involved. Leaving off on prayer and hope for Twilight to see her love again felt like a good idea, but then there are things like not exploring Judas-shy and having the Judas stand-in live that felt like they fundamentally ignored or took away from core parts of the story.

I do want to see more stories like this, be it from you or whoever else wishes to write them, but this one fell short of my particular enjoyment and I think it could have been better.

I’ve heard of a character’s sacrifice being paralleled to Jesus’ sacrifice in some form of media, and I honestly think it’s a good parallel because it can demonstrate how selfless a person can be when in a situation where they could lose their life- as selfless as the One who died for all. This, though? I honestly can’t say what I feel about this. As for it being blasphemous, it’s obvious you’re not trying to reject or resist the truth of the Spirit (which prevents repentance and forgiveness as 1 John says), much less mock Him, but rather use the general structure of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion to present a different story. I would equate somewhat with Tolkien’s usage of biblical themes in Lord of the Rings or CS Lewis’ themes in the Chronicles of Narnia (the latter of which makes the themes more obvious). These were clearly

The fact that you wrote this, from what I understand, to think about questions in your own spirituality doesn’t necessarily make this blasphemy, but rather you sort of writing your own parable in a way to try and understand some things, which I personally don’t see a problem with. In fact, if you changed a few of the details to separate it a bit more from the source material (make the inspiration a bit less obvious such as the method of execution, worldbuild a bit more to explain the religion and culture, and remove the shipping so that they are all just friends like in the show), you have the premise for an interesting tragic story about Rarity the Princess of Harmony, former Element of Generosity-turned-chosen one of ponykind.

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