• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 1,542 Views, 18 Comments

The great Crystal escape - Kaliann25

Flurry wants to go to ComiCon, she have been planning it for weeks. But Cadence needs her home to attend a diplomatic meeting, and that’s final. Flurry agrees to disagree.

  • ...

I am going to ComiCon either you like it or not!

Flurry Heart was humming the Overlord theme song as she applied the final touches to her cosplay. A black armor that looked like a maid outfit. She have dyed her mane blonde already, so the only thing she needed to do tomorrow was to apply her makeup and voilà!

For this ComiCon she would be one of the six deadly Battle Maids for the Overlord series. She could barely wait.

Somepony knocked at her door.

“Flurry!” called her mother through the door. “Are you getting ready for tomorrow?”

“Yes mom! I am more than ready!”

“Good! Can I come in?”


Cadence opened the door, and gasped.

“FLURRY! What did you do to your mane?!”

“What you mean? I dyed it, obviously!”

Cadence made an exasperated sigh.

“I can see that. Why did you do it?”

Flurry tilted her head in confusion. “For my cosplay, of course! The ComiCon is tomorrow!”

Cadence’s eyes widened in realization.

“Is tomorrow? Oh, Sweetie, I’m so sorry!”

Flurry Heart shivered; she had a bad feeling of what was coming.

“What you mean with ‘sorry’? I told you ages ago!!”

“Flurry I am sorry, but you’ll have to cancel your plans. Two particularly important diplomats from the new Storm Republic are coming tomorrow and I need you to be here. It is your duty as the Princess of the Crystal Empire!”

“No, mom, please! Can’t you just reschedule them? This is the San Neighgo ComiCon, the biggest event of the year! I can’t miss it!”

Cadence sighed. She knew how much her daughter loved this event. Every year she would go and return with hundreds of bags full of posters, stickers, body pillows (daimakuras as she called them), comics, mangas, and toys. Lots and lots of toys.

Flurry had so many toys and collectibles that she had two spare rooms dedicated for her to store her figurines, and her limited edition comics.

“I know this is important for you Sweetie but they have a very busy agenda and cannot reschedule at the last moment.”

Flurry angrily kicked the wall.

“Come on mom! Why do I have to be there? I don’t have any power or anything. You and dad can handle them on your own.”

“Flurry I know is frustrating, but you know that we have to follow certain protocols!”

“But I bought my train tickets and my VIP passes already!”

Cadence smiled at her.

“I’ll refund you; I promise. Now let’s take care of that hair of yours and get ready for tomorrow!”

Much to Flurry’s annoyance, Cadence used her magic to restore her hair back to its natural estate.

“Now put this costume o yours back on the closet and then use this time to review the etiquette manual I gave you for your birthday, okay darling?”

After her mother left, Flurry frowned.

“This isn’t over! I’ll go to the ComiCon either you like it or not!”

When she was sure her mother was back on her chambers, Flurry quickly packed her cosplay and makeup tools in a saddlebag and then opened the window. Then, with the help of a rope, she started to climb down. If she flew there was a chance she would be spotted by one of the Airforce’s pegasi.

Once she was safe behind the trashcans where nopony could see her, she looked to the next target, the garden. If she managed to cross through it without being spotted by a guard or by any of the gardeners, she would be out of the castle and free to teleport to a safe place.

After observing the patterns of both guards and the staff, she began to walk to the garden where she would hide in a bush. Unfortunately for her she stepped on the tail of a raccoon who came to loot the trashcans.

The creature squealed in pain scaring Flurry who fell and landed on the trashcans making a huge noise.

“Your Little Highness are you okay?!” asked a diligent guard.

“I’m okay, thanks now if you excuse me I have to go before…”

Cadence then walked toward them.

“Flurry Heart! What is the meaning of this scandal?”

Before she could make an excuse, Cadence snatched Flurry’s saddlebag with her magic and looked at the content.

“Were you trying to sneak out?”

Flurry groaned. “Busted!”

“Flurry, go to your room. Now.”

Groaning in defeat, Flurry walked upstairs and slammed her door shut.

Cadence sighed, this would be a long day. Usually she would ask her husband to cast a barrier around the castle to prevent anypony to escape, but he was busy patrolling the borders for the day.

Back in her room, Flurry hugged her daimakura as she looked at the character on it.

“So you are one of the smartest beings in the world. Do you have any ideas? Maybe try another route but where should I go? Huh, I guess I can sneak to the basement and then use the service door. Hiding inside an empty trashcan until nopony notices. Okay we have a plan!!”

Flurry opened the door only to find a soldier blocking her way.

“Going somewhere, your Little Highness?”

“Yeah, I can’t study with an empty stomach. I am going to the kitchen.”

The soldier saluted.

“I’m going with you.”

Flurry rolled her eyes. “Suit yourself!”

They arrived to the kitchen where Flurry took a jar or zap apple jam and peanut butter from the fridge and a bag of bread from the pantry. Also she took a bag of flour, and before the guard could react she threw it right on his horn, blinding him.

The guard coughed as she disappeared downstairs to the basements.

“Victory! I may have lost my cosplay but I’ll still go!”

The lights suddenly turned on revealing Cadence enjoying a glass of wine in the dark.

“Oh Flurry! Do you need something from here? All we have here are supplies for the cleaning staff and the wine cellar. We also have a service door but that one is blocked due to some remodeling we are doing on the back.

Flurry Heart face-hoofed, how could she forget?


“Flurry watch your language!”

She just glared at her mother.

“You know? I’ve been working too much today and haven’t been able to spend time with you as you deserve. How about some girl time? We can start by reviewing your etiquette lessons together and then we can have some tea.”

Flurry groaned. “Oh great!”

The next two hours Flurry was forced to sit on a spare room with her mom practicing the correct way to speak, to eat and how to walk. Also, she had to review which fork was used for which type of food. Whoever who come with the idea that you need more than one for to eat was a total jerk.

“Mother, if you excuse me I’ll go to powder my nose!” said Flurry.

“Good Flurry, you are becoming the prefect lady. Go on dear, I’ll wait. Then we can have some tea.”

Flurry went to the nearest restroom, this was her last chance. There was a window that lead to the garden. If she managed to sneak through it she would be out of the castle and free to go to the ComiCon. And this year’s would be particularly especial since she paid extra to attend the meet and greet event. She would meet the entire cast of the Revenge Squad!

But as she was lost in her happy thoughts she realized that she was stuck,

“Oh come on!”

Flurry kicked, flapped her wings, try to use her magic, etc. But she could not move. She managed to make her head and one hoof to go through but the rest of her body was not moving.

And after fifteen minutes of waiting Cadence decided to come to see how her daughter was doing only to find her stuck.

Using all of her self-control not to laugh at her, Cadence managed to free Flurry with he help of two maids.

“Thanks mom.” mumbled Flurry.

Cadence nodded. “You’re welcome. But Flurry Heart, enough is enough. One more escape attempt and I’ll give away all of your toys and comics.”

“No, please! Not my collectibles! Everything but that!” begged Flurry.

“Then stop it already. I know you are upset and this is very important for you, but dear, you have to understand you are a Princess and a sometimes a Princess needs to put her people before herself.”

Flurry sighed in defeat.


“I promised I’ll refund you the money you spent in your train tickets and your passes, but not until the meeting is over, okay? Now let’s have some tea.”

Flurry followed her mom. This was the end. Her father would come soon and he would cast a spell to prevent her from escape. She was doomed, no ComiCon for her this year.


Shining Armor came from his patrol a little after mother and daughter shared a cup of tea.

After hearing about the situation, he comforted his daughter the best he could.

“Flurry I’m sorry but you are a Princess and have responsibilities. The Crown often comes with lots of personal sacrifices. I know you really want to go, but maybe next year.”

And then Shining Armor casted a shield all over the castle.

“I hate you both!” shouted Flurry before storming upstairs and slamming the door of her room.

Shining and Cadence sighed.

“Sorry I wish I was here earlier. But you handled her very well on yourself.” said Shining giving his wife an apologetic smile.

“You’re here now and that’s all that matters.” said Cadence.

They both went to bed since they had a long day ahead tomorrow. But before they go Shining assigned his must trusted lieutenant to his daughter’s room. A young but skillful swordspony called Rose Quartz.

“You know how smart she is, keep an eye open. She may try something else.”

Rose saluted. “Roger, Captain Armor, sir! She will not escape her room, you can count on me!”

Shining smiled at the mare and finally went to bed with Cadence.

At the next day they went to their daughter’s room. After greeting Rose at the door they knocked.

“Flurry! Flurry open up!

“Flurry I know you’re upset but you need to get ready!”

No response.

With an exasperated look, Cadence used her magic to open the door only to find that the room was empty.

“WHAT?!” shouted Rose. “This is impossible! I was here all night!”

Cadence glared at her and entered the room. Flurry have taken off her posters and removed all her collectibles, comics and mangas from her shelves. They were only able to find a note.

Dear mom and dad, I’m going to ComiCon.

I’ll be staying with a friend for a few days so you have time to calm down.

Love, Flurry.

PD: I put all my belongings into a safe place so you cannot damage or take them from me.

The two royals stormed out of the room followed by a very apologetic Rose.

They searched all over the second and third floor. Even the towers, but Flurry or her treasures were nowhere to be seen.

In the end, Shining Armor and Cadence had to go to the Throne Room to wait for the diplomats accepting that Flurry would not be attending the meeting.

Rose simply bowed over and over apologizing and crying.

“I am terribly sorry my Captain! My Princess! I should have check on her room and!”

“ENOUGH!” shouted Cadence with her Royal Voice of Canterlot. “You failed to prevent our daughter to escape, out of my castle. I have no use for useless guards such as you!”

Rose shrank in tears and walked to the main door, but she was stopped by Shining Armor’s barrier.

“Ehem… My Captain would you mind?”

Shining rolled his eyes and cancelled the spell allowing Rose to leave.

“Caddie, you were too harsh on the poor girl! She did her best.”

Cadence sighed.

“I know. Sorry Shine, is just that I am too angry now. But you are right, I’ll apologize with Rose when she comes back. Now, how do you think she managed to escape?”

Shining frowned.

“Huh… we still have some time, let’s go back to the room. We may find our answer there.”

Cadence nodded and went back upstairs to Flurry’s room and began to search.

After five minutes of fruitless effort, Shining finally opened the closet only to find a pony tied and gagged.


They freed the soldier, as she breathed heavily in relief.

“She took my armor. She knocked me down and took my armor. Then she applied some makeup to look like me and locked me here. I am sorry my Captain, she caught me off guard.”

Cadence’s jaw dropped.

“You have to be kidding me…” mumbled Shining Armor.

After exchanging a look, they teleported to the train station, but it was already too late. The train to San Neighgo had left the station five minutes ago.

“Look.” Said Cadence looking at a trashcan.


Shining approached only to find Rose’s disposed armor.

The spouses took a deep breath and shouted in unison.


Author's Note:

And here it is, a short story about Flurry escaping her parents.

I hope you liked it, and enjoy your day.

Read ya’ later!!

Comments ( 18 )

That was fun! There a few grammatical mistakes but otherwise it was good.

Flurry, you sly little fox. Not that I would ever condone disobeying your parents, but bravo!

Fun little piece!

What if Flurry Heart did something to not only tick her mom off but had help too?

That a girl Flurry! :)

The next two hours Flurry was forced to sit on a spare room with her mom practicing the correct way to speak, to eat and how to walk.

"on" In this sentence should be changed to "in". :)

Chrysalis: "I admit, she would make a fine changeling."


Ehhh, she's made these plans with months of anticipation and it was her mother who forgot and made plans for her.

I think she's earned the right to rebel and make it to the Con by any means necessary.

Get some help from her Uncle Spike with a prank.

I could see that if she's not a rebel already. I mean, if she's a good girl who does what her parents ask, they kinda owe it to her to have some fun.
If she's a rebellious teenager, well...

Cady and Shiny, I'm disappointed in you both, especially you Shiny. Flurry is part of the Twilight clan and as such you should have prepared for how clever she is. She may be more adventurous than her aunt at that age, but still, you both, especially you Shiny, should have prepared for her ability to think on her hooves and quickly adapt to a situation.


Maybe she should set a few diplomats on fire "accidentally." That way she'll never be invited again.

As to be expected from one who is a servant of the Supreme One, Ainz Ooal Gown.

This was a very good one-shot. I think that Flurry Heart should have a calendar so , She can put anything on there so her mom and dad can know what is going on .

Your right except for two reasons:
1. she assaulted somepony(the guard) that makes her wrong regardless
2. For most things yes she told her parents months in advance, but Shining and Cadence are right that as rulers people have responsibilities. Flurry is lucky to some degree that she even has time to go to any Con and is not spending every day learning how to be a good ruler. That luck of having her own life is also bad for the Crystal Empire if Cadence dies.

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