• Published 28th Apr 2021
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My Little Pony: Friendships are Magic - professor space n time

A fan rewrite of the series . Including my own OC and some additions to the lore.

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Chapter 1 (Friendship is Magic Part 1)

Twilight Sparkle rested in the shade of a tree while reading a book.

~Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sister who ruled together and created harmony for al the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powes to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her eldest sister brought forth but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon! She bowed that she would shroud in eternal night. Reluctanly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom, The Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her sister and banished her permanently on the moon. The elder sister took responsability for both sun and moon. . .

". . .and harmony has been mantained in Equestria for generations since." Twilight narrated aloud finishing her reading, "Hmm, Elements of Harmony, I know I've heard of those before, But where?" She said thoughtfully, trying to remember in which book she had read about them.

My Little Pony, My Little Pony
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me,
Big adventure,
Tons of fun,
A beautiful heart,
Faithful and strong,
Empathy and kindness,
If shared easy feat
And magic makes it all complete
Yeah, My Little Pony
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

Twilight was walking calmly back home when she came across three mares, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette.

"There you are Twilight, Moondancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard, You want to come?" Said Twinkleshine. The three of them inclined to the front with a smile waiting for her response.

"Oh, sorry girls, I got a lot of studying to catch up on." She said smiling uncomfortably and embarrassed, then she started running down the road, quickly running away from the three mares.

Twinkleshine sighed in frustration and anger "Does that pony do anything except study? I think she's more interesteed in books than friends." She said as the three of them watched Twilight speed away, then turned around and continued on their way.

"I know I've heard of The Elements of Harmony." Twilight said to herself as she ran back to the castle ignoring the greetings she received when crossing the bridge. She quickly climbed the stairs of the tower until she reached the library in her room.

Spike was about to leave the library, he was carrying a gift box wrapped in red paper tied with a gold ribbon, but as he approached to open the door it was opened quickly and with force by Twilight "UGH!" was the only thing he could say before being thrown to the ground.

"Spike!, Spike!" She said waiting for her assistant's response "Spike?" She said seeing him on the ground.

Spike groaned in pain. "There you are!" Said Twilight, she quickly trotted over to the shelves full of books and started going through them "Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prohecies. What's that for?" She said looking at the crushed box that Spike had pierced with his tail.

"Well. . ." He said removing it from his tail "It was a gift for Moondancer, but. . ." At that moment the teddy bear inside fell to the ground and made a small squeak.

"Oh Spike!, you know we don't have time for that sort of thing" She said as she went through the books in a pile and then threw them away seeing that they weren't what she was looking for.

"But we're on a break!" Spike reproached.

Twilight lit her horn with magic and pulled several books off the top of the shelf and began to go through the titles "No, No, No, No, No, No, UGH! SPIKE!"

"It's over here!" He said standing at the top of a wooden ladder, he had just pulled out a blue book with gold lines on the spine fron the top of a shelf.

Twilight grabbed the book with her magic and pulled it towards her, pulling spike with it because he didn't let go of the book and hit the ground when the book got in front of Twilight "Ah!" she said triumphantly upon reading the title. Twilight happily brought the book to the lectern, while Spike sighed in frustration and sadness when he saw all the books that Twilight threw on the floor and that he surely had to start picking up at that moment.

"Elements, elements, "E", "E", "E"." She said flipping through the pages of the book "Aha!" She said triumphantly upon finding what she needed "Elements of Harmony, See Mare in the Moon? " She said confused when she saw the hoofnote on the page.

"Mare in the moon?, but that's just an old ponies' tale" Spike said standing on a ladder organizing the books that Twilight had thrown.

Twilight flipped through the pages of the book "Mare, Mare, Aha!. The mare in the moon: Myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by The Elements of Harmony and imprisioned on the moon. Legend has it that 'On the longest day of the 1,000th year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal'" Twilight gasped in horror "Spike! Do you know what this means?"

"No." He said honestly before loosing balance and faling "Whoa!, Ow!" He said as he landed in Twilight's back.

She gave him paper and quill "Take a note, please, to the princess"


Twilight was about to dictate when suddenly somepony knocked on the door "Am I interrupting something?" Said a young but still somewhat deep voice in a formal tone, it was Amara standing in the doorway with a light and warm smile on her face.

"Actually, yes" Twilight said "I was about to send a letter to the princess"

"Why?" Amara asked her as she took seat.

"Because if the results of my investigation are correct a great catastrophe is coming" Twilight told him.

"Really? What kind of catastrophe?" Amara asked, Twilight's words had piqued her curiosity.

"I have discovered that the mare on the moon is actually Nightmare Moon and if my calculations do not fail, which they never do, she will return from her exile tomorrow, I have to warn the princess immediately" She said with a serious tone.

Amara chuckled "Twilight, my dear bookworm, the mare in the moon and Nightmare Moon are just old pony myths, there's nothing to worry about and no reason to write a letter to my mother"

"It's not a myth! Everything in my research can prove it" Twilight said, passing her a folder full of notes and documents with her magic, Amara opened it and began to read it carefully.

“Although I admit that it is a very complete investigation and does not have any notable errors or confirmation bias, I think I will keep my point, it is just a myth, if it were true my mother would have already warned me, and if it is and she for some reason had decided not to tell me I'm more than sure that my mother will put her back on the moon without any problem” Amara said with a relaxed tone that only irritated Twilight.

"Twilight, I think Amara is right, plus Princess Celestia must be very busy with the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration" Spike said.

"Spike, do me a favor and support me for a moment" Twilight said staring at him with an annoyed expression "Anyway, why did you come?" Twilight asked Amara.

“I came to say goodbye, Mom gave me orders to go to Ponyville to supervise the preparations for the celebration and get some friends, so I decided to pass and say goodbye, after that I will go to deliver my gift to Moondancer since I cannot be at her party, and talking about the party, Are you going?" Amara asked her.

"No, I don't have time for that," Twilight told her.

"I was going to go, but Twilight pushed me when she opened the door and I crushed my gift" Spike said pointing to the mangled teddy bear lying on the floor.

"Oh that's not a problem at all" Amara said, opening her backpack and taking out of it a gift card to an extremely expensive local library. "Here, tell her you bought it." She said giving him the card that had a small bow tied with the inscription "For Moondancer"

"Wow, thanks! Wait, isn't this your present for her?" Spike told her "I would not like to take your gift for her and make you look inconsiderate."

"Nah, no problem, that's a spare" Spike looked at her confused "I always buy three gifts for any birthday, if I lose one or it breaks I have two other spare ones, if the first one works I save the other two to use them on another birthday, unless they are food or have an expiration date like that card” Amara told him.

"Oh wow, that's pretty smart actually" Twilight said, impressed by how clever the idea was and yet how simple it was at the same time.

"Thanks" Amara said as she closed her backpack "Do you still want to send that letter?" she asked her.

"Of course" Twilight said determinedly.

Amara rolled her eyes and smiled "Okay, do it" she said sitting down again "I want to see the expression on your face when you see that I am right" she said with a mocking smile.

"Whatever" Twilight said rolling her eyes "Spike take note. My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster."

"Hold on. Preci--, Preci--" Spike said as he tried to write that word he didn't understand.

"P-R-E-C-I-P-I-C-E, precipice" Amara spelled him out "If you say that somepony is on the edge of a precipice, you mean that they are in a dangerous situation in which they are extremely close to disaster or failure."

"Oh, thanks!" Said Spike.

Twilight continued with her dictation "For, you see, the mythical mare in the moon is, in fact, Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night. Something mus be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight. . . Sparkle. . ." Spike said out loud as he finished the letter "Got it!"

"Great!, send it" Twilight ordered.

Spike took a deep breath and blew out a green flare dematerializing the letter that turned into a bright magenta-hued mist that flew away from an open window. "There, it's on its way, but I wouldn't hold your breath."

"Oh, I'm not worried Spike, the princess trusts me completely. In all this years she's been my mentor, she's never once doubted me." Twilight said. Suddenly, Spike burped a letter "See?" she said looking Amara with a mocking smile "I knew she would want to take inmediate action."

Spike cleared his throat and started reading the letter "My dearest, most faithful student, Twilight, you know that I value your diligence an that I trust you completely."

"Mm-Hmm" Twilight said proudly as she looked at Amara with an egotistical smile.

Spike chuckled "But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books." Twilight gasped incredolous "My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you with my dear Amara to supervise the preparations for the Summer sun Celebration in this year's location, Ponyville, and I have an even more essential task for you to complete. Make some friends"

Twilight watched incredulous while Amara bursted into laughing "Ha! ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!, Told ya!"

"Wha-What?" Twilight asked without being able to process what she just heard.

"You bit off more than you could chew Twily" Amara said getting up "Now you're stuck with me, I'll let you get your things ready, we'll meet at the castle gates, there will be a carriage waiting for us, Spike let's go we'll give Moondancer our gifts and then we will meet Twilight”Amara was about to walk towards the exit when she stopped to pick up the shattered teddy bear to throw it away, at that moment when she bent down she saw a book thrown under a bookshelf, she took it with her green magic and took it out "Hey Twilight, have you read this book yet?"

Perfection: The Impossible Pursuit,” Twilight read. “Oh, I forgot about that. I’ll have to read that some other time, though. Because now I have to pack up my things".

"Okay, could you please give me your card so I can return it?" Amara told her as she put the book in her backpack.

"Okay, but don't lose it!" Twilight warned her.

"I have no intention of doing it" She said putting the card in her backpack "Come on Spike".

The two left and walked in silence towards the library, when they arrived they approached Dusty Pages. "Hello Princess, hello Spike" she said with her sweet old lady tone that always softened the heart "It's good to see you both"

"Likewise" Amara said as she took out two books from her backpack and put it on the counter next to two cards "I came to return some books, this is mine, and this is from Twilight"

“Oh Anthology of Horrors, did you really finish it so quickly? You borrowed it yesterday afternoon,” Dusty said impressed.

"What can I say, when the story catches me reading is easy, and I always choose good stories to read" Amara said with a shrug, Dusty put her stamp on the ticket inside the book and put it in a cart along with other returned books.

Then she took the other book and Twilight's card "Perfection: The Impossible Pursuit. You know, it’s actually a very popular book. I'm happy that you could return it for her"

"Well, I wouldn't want her reputation as the 'best book borrower' to go down the drain" Said Amara pointing to the picture of Twilight hanging on the wall "Who knows what the girl would do if one day she forgot to return a book, we would be damned!” She said mockingly.

Dusty chuckled as she stamped the ticket in the book. "Yet another book from Twilight that’s been turned in on time. Tell Twilight 'hi' for me."

"Will do. See you another time, goodbye Dusty Pages" Amara said waving her hoof in goodbye as they left the library. "Well, next stop, west castle courtyard" they walked through a corridor full of tapestries and stained glass windows until they reached the courtyard, there was a round table with a pink tablecloth that had a bowl of punch on top and a rectangular table full of snacks, Minuette was talking to Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine was talking to Moondancer.

"Moondancer! Over here!" Spike said raising his claw over his head.

"Oh Hi, Spike! Princess Amara! Is Twilight with you?! She's missing out the party!".

“That’s the thing,” He said "Twilight can’t come to your party".

“Aww” Moondancer sighed "Why not?".

“My mother sent the three of us to Ponyville to supervise the preparations for the celebration, so we cannot stay. Do not take it the wrong way, if my mother decided to send the three of us it must be something important, I know you wanted to see Twilight and spend some time with her, I've noticed that you are trying to make more friends, I just want you to know that Twilight appreciates you as a friend, although she hardly ever expresses it, you know that Twilight has always been the asocial type just like you, maybe that's why you two became friends, she can be very cold sometimes, heck once I fell off a swing and while I was crying she simply told me "You should have been more careful", of course she helped me up afterwards and invited me to eat ice cream with her family. The point is that Twilight appreciates you and all the others as friends, even if she doesn't say it verbally, I'm sure Twilight will come visit you when we get back and make up for not being here, after all that's what she always does when herr schedule has a change of plans” Amara gave Moondancer a reassuring smile and gave her a hug.

"I understand, thank you princess" Moondancer said smiling.

“Please call me Amara, it was nice to see you. Oh, and Moondancer, happy birthday” Amara said, handing her what looked like a rectangular tablet wrapped in fine, silky fabric that acted as wrapping paper.

At that moment Spike handed her the card, "Wow! Thank you! you didn't had to"

“Nonsense, it is a duty, no, a privilege to be able to give you something. Mine is a chocolate bar, it is imported directly from Mexicolt and hoofcrafted, it has serrano pepper flakes, I assure you it is a delight, the chocolate and the spicy combine very well, but I recommend you eat it in small pieces, like this It will last longer and the spiciness will not irritate you, but if you are able to eat large pieces, serve yourself to your liking. Oh, I almost forgot the wrapping is silk and the ribbon is gold, you can sell it and thus get some bits and buy whatever you want, if I can make a recommendation I think some clothes would look nice on you, maybe a hoodie" Said Amara.

"Oh, I almost forgot something else" Amara said taking a book out of her backpack "this one is from Twilight"

"History of the Greatest Spells of the Northern Regions!" Moondancer shouted excitedly "And it's a first edition!" Moondancer started running towards her friends to show them her gift while yelling at the two of them "Thank Twilight for me!"

Amara smiled, the two of them turned and started towards the castle gates to meet Twilight.

"You know, it was very sweet what you said to Moondancer" Spike told her with an honest tone.

"It was not that good" she said.

"I'm serious, whenever somepony needs it you have something to say" He said.

Amara shrugged "Perks of being a princess, besides I've always been good with words".

"Well that's true, although I think you must have blamed Twilight more, she always takes a lot for granted in my opinion, and always tries to avoid others, the only ponies she does not avoid are our family, Princess Celestia, you and me. and librarians, she really likes librarians” Spike said.

“Oh Spike, everything I said was true, Twilight feels that way about Moondancer and the other girls, she just doesn't express it, she doesn't think it's necessary. You know, I'm not only good with words, I'm also good with emotions, I don't know how to explain it, but I can understand and know a pony's emotions, no matter how hard they try to hide them, I can feel it, here" She said putting a hoof on her chest in the place where her heart was "It is not just a hunch, it's something certain, it's never wrong, and it's strong, it's like a tickle that is more or less painful depending on what emotion it is, when they are negative like anger, hatred or fear feels like a needle pierces my chest and I feel a prick in my nerves, then it goes down to my stomach and leaves a horrible taste in my mouth, sometimes it gives me a horrible stomach ache. When they are positive you feel. . . strange, I feel like it fills my stomach and warms my body, it's like having hot chocolate or a good glass of red wine. Oh right, you still can't drink alcohol, let's stick with the hot chocolate example, and there are also more complex emotions that vary between each pony. Getting back to the point, because I've already moved away a lot, Twilight does appreciate them, in her own asocial way, but she appreciates them, the reason why she doesn't express it so much surely has to do with how withdrawn she is, you and I know that she is not very talkative, the only times she will speak more than one paragraph is when she talks about history, books, magic or her studies, she talks a lot with us and her family because we are within her comfort zone, we have known her for so long that we are part of her life"

"Well that makes sense" Spike commented.

"Although I think maybe there is another reason, Shining Armor was always very overprotective with her, do you remember that colt that made fun of her hair? The following week he could not be more than five feet from Twilight before running away while he cryed, besides that in her classroom there were many bullies, of course none of them ever touched even one of her hairs because she was mom's personal protégé and because Shining would have broken their legs in 4 different ways. I think there is simply a part of her that is shy and afraid of contact with other ponies, she has always been a logic pony just like me, she is always very calculating and stubborn, she wants things to be within her parameters and meeting someone new would be adding a random factor to the equation, she doesn't know how that pony is going to react, she doesn't know what it will say, do, or think, a part of her is afraid to make friends. I don't blame her, the world can be very cruel, nobles are living proof of it, although I'm not sure I can call those things living beings, I too had trouble with bullies when I was young, but then they realized that annoying someone like me was a bad idea"

"Yeah, they must have freaked out when they remembered that you were the princess's daughter" Spike replied.

“In fact it was not like that, they knew it, they just knew that nothing would happen to them because you cannot arrest foals, and as long as they did not cross the line I could not do anything, what they did not count on was that I would not let them bother me, so I put into practicing the techniques for making speeches and talking that my mother taught me and I confronted them, destroyed them and humiliated them with words, zero insults, only facts, I spent two weeks writing that monologue, some of them did not even look at me again after that, others tried to continue bothering me but I scared them with my- a spell, I made them dance as if they were my puppets while my hypnotic-, nothing, forget it, the point is that they never bothered me again after that" She said interrupting herself.

"That's good, going back to talking about Twilight, I think you shouldn't have given Moondancer your third gift and said she bought it" Spike told her.

"Oh no, she did buy it" Amara told him sincerely.

"Wait, what?" He said confused

“Yeah, a few weeks ago she bought that book for Moondancer, but Celestia gave hera test, so she told me to keep it because she was afraid she would get so immersed in her study that she would forget why she bought the book in the first place, and she did, she forgot that the book even existed, so I decided to keep it to give it to her one day when she was not busy, in the end I also forgot it, I found it yesterday while cleaning and decided to bring it to Moondancer for her to enjoy"

"Oh well, that's very sweet of her, I don't remember seeing her buy gifts for someone other than the family, you or Princess Celestia" He said.

“You're right, maybe she's finally changing, maybe she will finally make one or two friends in ponyville and finally stop bothering me, I'm tired of hearing her talk about how she does her homework, although I admit that our conversations about magic and history are very interesting, they are half or two hours of fun” Amara said with a sincere tone. Then they continued on their way in silence.

Author's Note:

The title of the episodes indicate when each chapter took place.