• Published 7th May 2021
  • 1,241 Views, 73 Comments

What the where? - ARandomLonelyDude

Locally grown, cringy, sort of good that has an Indian guy.

  • ...

0-1: Who is you?

Can the white stop now. It is hurting my eyes... wait... my old body has my glasses but my new body does not and I never mentioned if I want the eyes to have 20/20 vision. Guess I'll have to wait and watch.

Hey look the white is fading and I'm in... I need my glasses. Something falls onto my head. I use my magic to pick it up and get it close to my face. It's my glasses and a note with it. I put on my glasses and read the note aloud.

"Idiot, you forgot your glasses. Also if you can't figure something out because of your idiotic-ness, just call out to me.
-sincerely, other you"

Nothing too important. I'll look around to see where I am. I'm the room in the castle of two sisters that has the elements of harmony. The spheres are still there along with another cracked sphere on the ground. The sun is still up. So this is probably before Nightmare Moon but how long? Meh, probably just before the summer sun celebration.

I walk towards the sphere on the ground. It doesn't seem to have any marking- wait, there is a black colo(u)red 'E' on it. There isn't anything to do. I'll just go to the library for some books on magic.

It's been about four hours and I have read the book other me gave to me. I even practiced the magic. I've learnt a lot of the normal unicorn magic from the book and some others that were lying around. From the elemental magic, I have only learned how to control ground like in avatar minus all the moves they did to use the power. Right now wind is the hardest.
Illusion magic was relatively easy but I only learnt how to create a few low level illusions and that's when that section ended.
Shadowmancy was weird but cool. I was able to use shadows as portals to get move around and create actual tetris blocks as big as me but nothing else yet. I still have not touched dark magic and 'summon dead guys' magic.

I close the book and levitate it into my saddle bag and get off the chair I found in the library. I walk to the throne room just in time to see Nightmare Moon's escape from the moon. There is the blue smoke and now it's Nightmare Moon. She is slowly moving her head like surveillance camera to look around the room. Her eyes stop at me. We stare at each other for like 30 seconds before I break the silence with a, "Hi."

"Do you not know who I am?", she asks clearly offended that I didn't run away screaming at her sight.

"You are Nightmare Moon. You want to create eternal night over Equestria so that the normies can appreciate it.", I said without missing a beat.

"So you do know who I am... Who are you?", she said. I came up with the name 'lonely gear' for myself. It fits nicely as my cutie mark is a bronze gear and I am lonely.

"I am Lonely Gear. I like scaring normies.", I introduce myself with a smile.

"What does 'normies' refer to?", she asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"A normie is a pony or creature gravitating to social standards, accepted practices, and fads of their own time & geographic grouping without broader cultural perspectives from which they draw, basically an ideal equestrian. In short, an idiot.", I said.

"What make you any different from the average pony then?"

"I believe that the night is more beautiful than the day an-", I was cut off as something hit me. Oh, hello darkness, my old friend.

Ow... My head hurts. Anyone caught that train's number plate? I open my eyes and look around. I'm lying on my side, my head hurts, everything is blurry and I can't feel my glasses, Princess Celestia , the elements and two blue blurs are having a heated argument, my head is in Spain without the s, Rainbow Dash has my saddle bag and none of them have noticed that I am conscious. The argument is about who is wrong and who is right. I get up and look around for my glasses. I find them lying a short distance from me but that is not a problem. The problem is that they are broken beyond repair.

Something hit my head again and the pain has been increased a lot and now I'm angry. I look around to find out who hit me and see Rainbow Dash but can't tell if she is angry because of my lack of glasses.

She noticed me and decided to insult me with a, "Wait. You can see without your glasses?"

I pause for a second to think of a good insult.
I then say in a professional tone, "Unfortunately, yes, I can see the rainbow colo(u)red, piece of shit, disappointment that two very unlucky parents were cursed with."

The result is me getting hit in my face that must have broken my nose and being thrown a few meters away but at least I have the satisfaction of roasting her. I rub my nose with a hoof to wipe away some liquid. My hoof is now red with blood. Im punched again and thrown to the floor. I almost pass out but then a flashback of my 1st grade teacher calling me strong fills me with energy and I get back up. I look around and spot The rainbow shit charging at me again. I focus my magic and catch her in a levitation spell. I'm pissed off as my head is already paining a lot and using magic is making it worse not to mention the pegaus trying to free herself. The pain can't get any worse now.

"STOP FIGHTING!", said Celestia in her royal canterlot voice, making me lose my magical grip on Rainbow and proving me wrong about the pain. I turn around and see her blurry figure approaching me. She stops in front of me.
"You will stop hurting my ponies. Is that clear?", she says firmly. I look at her incredulously and then I frown. I breathe in and out through my mouth a few time before looking her in her eyes and asking, "क्या आप अंधी हो ?(Are you blind?)"

She looks at me with a confused expression then asks, "What?"

"क्या आपको मेरी नाक से बहता हुआ खून नहीं दिख रहा है?(Do you not see the blood flowing from my nose?)", I ask. I wanted to insult her so much but I didn't. She had lived for a thousand years after all.

"Speak equestrian, not some gibberish, you freak.", Rainbow Dash said to me. I slowly turn my head around to look at her.

"त् कया करॆगी अगर मैं अंग्रॆज़ी मॆ बात नही करुगा ?(What will you do if I don't speak in english?)", I say to her as I fix my nose bleed with a basic heal spell. I spot my bag on the ground and levitated it to me. I open it and see if everything is still there. My fedora is stuffed in the bag and the book is missing.
I look at Celestia and say, "Someone has taken my spell book and I would appreciate it if they returned it to me."

"I would have your book returned but because you were in league with a villain, which makes you a criminal, I can't."

"What evidence do you have that I was in league with a villain?"

"Rainbow Dash had heard you call Equestrian ponies inferior and agreed to help her with her plans.", she said in a cold voice.

"Were there were more witnesses who heard me say that 'Equestrian ponies are inferior'?", I asked with a nagging feeling that this will go bad.

"No, there weren't any.", she answered.

"So you just have her word. Well here is my side of the events. I and Nightmare Moon just agreed on the fact that the night was more beautiful than the day but not on her plan of creating eternal night.", I said.

"So there were no witnesses for your side of events either?", she asks. I nodded in conformation.

"Since there is no evidence to back up either of your claims, you are not a criminal.", she declares.

"But...". she continues.

Author's Note:

dang. Murphy's law.
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