• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 480 Views, 57 Comments

Fluttershy Digs Deep - MagicS

Angel Bunny disappears down a rabbit hole one morning and Fluttershy follows in search of him.

  • ...


The pit went down a steep slope for a while before leveling off for a few feet and then leading to another slope. This was how it was time after time as Fluttershy and the others went down it. It was crooked too, never quite actually turning or circling around but rarely being totally straight either. The heat was bad and still pretty painful for all of them but they were at least able to make their way through it thanks to the extra protection of Daylight’s magic. The white unicorn was still practically immobile and lying across Maud’s back. Maud didn’t look like the extra weight affected her at all and Amethyst Star only occasionally rubbed at her forehead to complain about a burgeoning headache. Angel Bunny continued his ride on Fluttershy’s back to avoid direct contact with the heated rocks.

“Maud? Do you think we’re coming close to the lava chamber?” Fluttershy asked her.

“I would say so. Based on how deep we already are and the increasing heat. We may technically already be inside what could be considered as an underground volcano,” Maud said. “Meaning the central magma chamber can only be so far away.”

“Is it magma or lava?” Amethyst Star asked. “Cause I’ve kind of been using both. I think we all have.”

“Since we’re underground it should technically always be called magma, even though it’s been flowing and erupting in other places, it’s still magma since it’s underground,” Maud said.

“Good to know. I mean, I hope I never have to deal with magma and volcanoes ever again after this, but it’s the principle of the matter,” Amethyst Star said.

“Same with me… although I visit the Dragon Lands every now and then and there are a lot of lava pools there,” Fluttershy said.

“I like magma in its own way. It’s just another state of rock,” Maud said.

“Ungh, c-can we be a little quieter?” Daylight Gleam asked through gritted teeth. “Hard to keep this up already...”

Fluttershy smiled apologetically and rubbed her hoof in circular motions on the other mare’s shoulder to try and relax her. “Sorry, Daylight. We’re just trying to pass the time.”

“Yeah I’ve got a headache but you don’t see me complaining,” Amethyst Star said.

Angel Bunny reached over and slapped her.


“Let’s just keep walking. It’s getting hotter even through the shields again,” Maud said.

Maud was right and as they went down another slope the powerful heat coming from the air and straight up through the rocks was starting to become overwhelming despite Daylight’s magic. The air shimmered and wavered like a dragon was getting ready to breathe fire in their faces and the rocks felt like walking over a grill. That wasn’t going to dissuade them any longer though. Heat or no heat they were going to make it through this tunnel and find the true magma chamber.

It didn’t take more than a few more jagged slopes before Fluttershy saw a glowing orange light at the end of the tunnel.

“I-I think this is it...” she said.

They slid down the last bit of sloped, scalding rocks and walked towards the light. It was a fearsome light, scary and hot. Not warm and inviting like the sun or a flashlight in a dark forest. Fluttershy found herself shaking with each step she took closer to it despite all her efforts not to and everything else she had already been through down here. This was it. It for real. The light pouring in from just outside the tunnel got more powerful, tinged with deep reds and bright yellow beams. And the heat that came along with it made Fluttershy’s frightened mind leap to comparisons of crematoriums.

Everypony was silent as they walked into the light and exited the tunnel.

They appeared at a ledge on the wall of a massive cavern, it was circular in form with walls shooting up several hundred feet, pillars of stone also dotted the cavern to hold up the ceiling while natural bridges and walkways spanned much of it, almost forming circles and rings around the cavern to get to practically any part. Giant spikes of stone protruded up from the floor and hung from the ceiling while a huge hole in the middle of the ceiling that the mares couldn’t fully see into penetrated the cavern and the subterranean realms above.

And of course, the “floor” of the cavern wasn’t really a floor at all. It was a gigantic, bubbling, red hot pool of magma. It covered the entire bottom of the cavern, hissing and oozing, crackling and slooshing while sitting there. It was just magma, it didn’t think or feel but it somehow appeared so malevolent just looking at it. Who knew how deep that pool was and how much magma was really down there. It could probably bury all of Ponyville if it erupted right underneath it. Bubbles of the hot liquid popped and splattered magma against the rocks while the pool churned.

That wasn’t the only thing about the magma and this chamber it resided in though. In the center of the chamber—directly beneath the hole above—the great form of something rose out of the magma.

It was huge, rising up and up till the dome of its head almost touched the ceiling. It looked like it was totally made out of magma and connected to the deep pool below, with it having a massive upper body and two powerful looking arms that ended in big hands and thick fingers that almost hung low enough to dip into the pool but a waist that got narrower and narrower as it went down until it tapered off into the pool of magma itself. The magma avatar’s head was big and egg-shaped almost like a gorilla’s with a squat nose on its face and a huge lower jaw that jutted out over its chest.

Fluttershy could safely say that even if it wasn’t a giant made of magma that she had never seen anything remotely close to looking like it.

And it had eyes too. Real actual eyes that were a surprisingly deep and expressive blue. Fluttershy almost felt herself mesmerized looking at them.

All the others were just as quiet as she had been—plainly shocked to come out here and see this… thing. Whatever it was. It was so absolutely giant that it practically filled up the entire chamber, bigger than all but the biggest of dragons and other creatures that Fluttershy had ever seen. Was it intelligent like Earth Miser or was it some kind of mindless magma monster? The magma that made up its body constantly flowed and roiled about, bubbling and dripping down. It seemed like just whatever this magma being was hadn’t noticed them at all either. Not exactly surprising how tiny they were compared to it.

“W-What do we do?” Amethyst Star asked, a frightened grimace frozen on her face as she stared at the magma giant.

Fluttershy shook her head. “At this point I’m not so sure.” She was definitely feeling a little afraid too.

“At least it isn’t… trying to melt us...” Daylight Gleam said.

“I really want to talk to it and ask what melted rocks it’s comprised of,” Maud said.

“Um, well speaking of talking...” Fluttershy bit her lip. “That probably is the best way to go about this. I-I can fly up to his face and say hello. I’m sure he’s friendly.”

“You don’t seem to believe that,” Amethyst Star said.

“I want to believe it. And um, it’s my way of doing things. Be kind and be genuine and you’ll definitely get some kindness back in return. If I just politely ask him about who he is and if he has anything to do with the recent eruptions we’ll resolve things down here quickly, calmly, and peacefully,” Fluttershy smiled.

“I can safely say I don’t share your optimism right now.”

Angel Bunny reached over and slapped her again.


“That huge thing is just sitting there… standing there… in the magma pool,” Daylight Gleam said. “Is it even really alive? And if you get close to it it might burn you up, Fluttershy.”

“Well what else can we do?” Fluttershy asked.

“I still think we should be a little more quiet for a while and just watch it,” Amethyst Star said.

“For once… I agree with Amethyst,” Daylight said.

Fluttershy looked to Maud. “Maud? What about you?”

“I’m also worried for your safety but I have faith in you. I’m well aware of your exploits,” Maud said.

“Well that settles it for me,” Fluttershy resolutely said. “I want you to stay here and out of sight just in case but I’m going to go fly up to him and see what I can learn. Angel? Can you please go with Miss Amethyst Star for now? I don’t want you to be in any danger either.”

Angel Bunny frowned up at her and for a moment Fluttershy thought he would refuse. But after a quick hug to her head he hopped off her back and onto Amethyst’s, where the two proceeded to glare at each other. Now that it seemed everypony (and rabbit and pet rock) were ready, Fluttershy extended her wings and prepared to fly up to face the magma being.

When a gigantic sigh left its lips and the shoulders of magma slumped.

Fluttershy and the others paused and looked up at him in confusion while the magma being looked down at the huge pool of magma, his eyes were half-closed and he appeared to be deep in thought and quite upset about something. The entire body of magma shuddered and rippled, causing more ripples to radiate out of the pool and make it all bubble more fiercely. The magma being balled his hands into fists and then looked up at the ceiling—directly into the large hole leading above.

OOOOHHHHH~” A deep hollering moan came from his mouth that shook the entire chamber. His bass voice reverberated in here as if it was the perfect sound stage.

Fluttershy’s jaw dropped at the emotional wailing and she and the others had a good feeling of what was coming next.

“Is this really about to happen? Is this real life?” Daylight asked.

“I think it is,” Amethyst Star said, her expression one of a very weirded out pony.

“I’m excited,” Maud said.

The magma being raised his arms, holding them wide so that they almost touched the walls of the chamber.

And began to sing.

Ooooohhhh what another ordinary day~
The same as any old I’m sad to say~
Just quiet and lonely deep down here~
I still haven’t found any friends I fear~

The magma entity let out a deep sigh after this verse and glumly stared back down at the magma pool. His melody was flat and slow and Fluttershy could almost visualize the tubas and heavy drums that would’ve gone along with it.

What a lonely place this has always been~
And to find some friends I don’t know where to begin~
I just wish I could do something to brighten my mood~
But those happy feelings continue to elude~

Just stuck down here with nothing to do~
Always alone with no one to talk to~
I try and try my best but it’s no good~
There’s no way to make any friends here, who could?~

“Oh… he’s so lonely,” Fluttershy whispered as she listened to him sing, she clasped her hooves under her chin as he continued on.

Yes it’s lonely here, oh it’s so lonely here~
I’ve always been alone as far as I can remember~
Despite my efforts I can’t do anything, so I’ve learned~
Oh yes it’s lonely here down in the center of the Woooooooorld!~

OHHHHHH!~” He hung onto the last note for an outrageously long time, whatever passed for his lungs must’ve been quite robust, and it was so loud too that all the ponies and rabbit had to cover their ears. The chamber shook and dust fell from the ceiling while the rocks vibrated.

When he was done he let out another deep sigh and slumped over, looking utterly defeated and empty.

Fluttershy found tears building up in her eyes. “I know exactly how he feels. Oh, this has definitely been a mistake just like with Earth Miser! He just wants some friends.”

“I mean, yeah that’s what the song said and all, but do we really know how he’ll react to seeing us?” Amethyst Star said. “He might not even know what ponies are.”

“You do… you...” Daylight Gleam said. “I’m too weirded out to try and talk you out of anything anymore. I somehow get the feeling that anything logical or smart I think of isn’t going to apply here.”

Fluttershy nodded and turned back to look at the magma being. “Then I’m going.”

She put her hoof at the edge of the ledge they were on—and accidentally kicked a pebble off it that went falling to one of the rock bridges below that spanned the chamber. The pebble hit it with a loud clatter that echoed each time it bounced, loud enough to get the attention of anything in here. Fluttershy and the others winced with each loud sound and glanced up at the magma entity.

He had heard it too and when he looked over his eyes finally found the interlopers. His wide mouth and big eyes were both open in surprise as he stared at them.

“I am honestly surprised it wasn’t me who did that,” Amethyst Star said.

Fluttershy now shyly blushed and smiled up at the magma being. “Um, hello.” She waved.

The magma being’s whole body boiled and bubbled, whether from embarrassment or anger it was impossible to tell, and he drew himself up to his full height while holding his balled up fists in front of his chest. “WHO DARES ENTER THE LAIR OF MAGMAN?!

“I’m Fluttershy, and these are my friends, it’s nice to meet you, Magman.” Fluttershy said, sweating. “I-I really liked your song. It was very heartfelt.”

Magman’s eyes opened even wider. “S-SONG?! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!

Fluttershy frowned. “But you were singing just now, we all heard it, it was lovely. It really resonated with me.”

“Fluttershy...” Daylight Gleam warned.


“But no one mentioned you singing about wanting friends,” Amethyst Star said.

“Oh no...” Daylight muttered.

AND I-I DIDN’T, WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYI—HOW DARE YOU!” Magman roared and lifted up one of his long and powerful arms.

“Uh oh,” Maud blinked.

Magman’s big palm came down right at their location, the red hot magma hand threatening to smother, melt, and crush them all at once.

“Jump!” Fluttershy yelled and jumped off the ledge to the rock bridge below. The others followed right after her, Maud jumping with Daylight on her back and Amethyst with Angel Bunny.

They landed with a crash on the bridge while Magman’s hand swatted against the wall and ledge where they had just been standing. His magma hand smeared against the rock, leaving a red hot trail behind as the wall partially melted.


Fluttershy looked over at the melting wall and then frowned up at Magman. “Now hold on one second! You’re not being very nice right now!”

NICE? NICE?! YOU COME TO MY HOME UNINVITED TO EAVESDROP ON ME AND THEN LIE TO MY FACE! YOU DON’T DESERVE NICE!” Magman’s body blistered and bubbled, turning even redder.

But Fluttershy wasn’t dissuaded despite the fear rolling off her friends. “Y-You listen here, okay! E-Even if you’re embarrassed about us hearing your song, this is no way to act!” She clenched her hoof in front of her chest. “We didn’t mean to eavesdrop and I’m sorry about that but we’re trying to be friendly here. And we aren’t lying and you know it, s-so don’t lie to yourself either, cause attacking us won’t help you. Um, it will probably just make you feel worse actually.”

LIARS!” The furious Magman roared and brought his hand down towards them again.

“Run!” Amethyst Star yelled this time and the whole group sped off down the bridge.

Magman’s hand landed right behind them, smashing through the rock and shaking the entire rest of the bridge. Cracks shot through it and now the entire thing threatened to break apart after Magman’s powerful blow shattered and melted a good portion of it in the middle. The ponies were all thrown to the ground and landed in a heap on the shaking bridge. Fluttershy looked down to see pieces of rock breaking off and falling into the blistering magma pool, where they disappeared with a ploop.

I AM NOT EMBARRASSED ABOUT ANYTHING! I AM THE MIGHTY MAGMAN! I CERTAINLY DID NOT SING ABOUT HOW LONELY I AM AND HOW MUCH I WISH I COULD HAVE FRIENDS! DO NOT SPEAK ANOTHER WORD OF SUCH A THING!” Magman shook his fists and shouted, his voice echoing around the entire chamber and making it all shake as well.

Amethyst Star shook in fear, holding herself while Angel Bunny hugged tightly to her back. Maud looked slightly worried now as well, though it might have just been concern for the others. Daylight Gleam looked close to passing out, her eyes half-lidded as she breathed hard and stared up at Magman.

And Fluttershy? Fluttershy was mad.

She stood up tall and fiercely stared into Magman’s eyes, not scared at all by his shouting or display. “Now you look here!” She said, stomping a hoof down and flaring open her wings. “With the way you’ve been acting, even if there were others for you to meet, nopony would want to be your friend anyways!”

Magman’s jaw dropped, Angel Bunny’s jaw dropped, Amethyst Star’s jaw dropped, Daylight Gleam’s jaw dropped.

Maud’s jaw dropped.

“Fl-Fluttershy?” Amethyst Star tilted her head.

Fluttershy didn’t answer her as she flew up and away from the bridge—straight towards Magman’s face.

The giant magma being shrunk back away from her, his lip quivering as the frowning pegasus got right up in front of him.

“Okay, you! It was wrong of us to eavesdrop like that and I can certainly understand feeling shy and embarrassed because it’s happened to me many, many, times in my life! But we apologized! So there’s no reason to be a big, unfair, violent meanie!” Fluttershy admonished him. “Do you have any idea how happy I was when we got in here and I heard your song? I was happy because I could feel so much genuine emotion coming from you, I could feel your pain and sorrow and I knew that it meant you were a good magma being because nopony evil could sing a song like that! And I knew exactly what had happened that made us come down here. You were looking for friends.” She held up a hoof to silence any retort from Magman. “And don’t you dare deny it! You were scared, tired, sad, and lonely, and all you were doing was trying to find more friends or get out of this place so you wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. However, if you think acting out like this is okay then you’re wrong. You may have a lot of pride but that doesn’t make it okay to attack others in your moment of weakness. Especially when we just came here to help and I was fully willing to be your friend. If you gave me the chance.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then smiled warmly at Magman. “Would you still like to be friends?”

Magman’s lip quivered some more as whining noises emerged from his throat. The ponies watched in confusion and worry up until the magma being threw his head back and opened up his mouth, wailing and crying up at the ceiling.

WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Magman cried loudly, shaking the entire chamber again. “WAAAAAAA!”

Big tears of magma rolled from his eyes, falling down his cheeks and then into the pool. He lifted his hands to try and rub his eyes and stop the flow of “tears” but it was to no avail. Magman kept crying and crying with his tears dropping into the pool of magma, making the whole thing bubble and sizzle some more. In fact the entire magma pool was rippling and bubbling with more ferocity, like a pot of water that had been left on boiling for too long. It was making Fluttershy and the other ponies a little worried.

“Oh dear...” Fluttershy grimaced and held a hoof up to her mouth. “Um, M-Magman, I really didn’t mean to be so mean, I just needed you to see-” He kept crying and crying, not even hearing her. “I think I overdid it…”

“F-Fluttershy! You’ve got to make him stop!” Amethyst Star shouted up at her.

“This bridge is collapsing. As is most of the rest of the chamber,” Maud said.

“Magman, please! There’s no need to cry anymore!” Fluttershy tried to consul him.


Fluttershy had to cover her ears thanks to his wailing and she looked back down at the bridge to see her friends and beloved Angel Bunny barely hanging on as it rocked. “Ohhhh...” Fluttershy grit her teeth and then looked at Magman with a steely gaze. “Mr. Magman! Stop this crying AT ONCE!” She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Magman was startled out of his crying, tilting his head down and fearfully looking at Fluttershy.

“I-I-I know what it’s like to want to cry… and to have others shout at you and say mean things. So I’m very sorry I had to be a little harsh with you but I did it for a reason,” Fluttershy said and took another breath. “It’s because I care. About my friends and about you—even though we just met. Sometimes being kind can take a lot of different forms. Just like how being lonely and sad can.”

Magman sniffled and looked down in shame.

“Would you um, care to tell me how you’re feeling?” Fluttershy asked.

One last big magma teardrop rolled off of Magman’s face into the pool below before he nodded and shyly looked up at her. “MAGMAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN ALONE. BUT I HAVE ALWAYS TOLD MYSELF THAT I’M STRONG. I… I DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU CAME HERE AND STARTED SAYING SUCH THINGS. M-MY SINGING IS SHAMEFUL… I WAS JUST SO LONELY.”

“Oh Magman,” Fluttershy smiled comfortingly at him. “There’s nothing shameful about anything you were singing about. You’ve obviously been here a very long time, who could blame you for wanting some friends?”


“Yes, I do,” Fluttershy nodded. “And some of those friendships started out rocky, some of them have had tough times, and besides the ones I’ve been directly involved in I’ve seen many rough friendships. And I’ve seen many ponies and creatures who didn’t have any friends make their very first ones. And it’s beautiful. If you let me, Magman, I’d love to help you make your first friends too.”

R-REALLY?” Magman looked hopeful as he leaned in.

Fluttershy giggled. “Well… you’ve already made your first friend.”

Magman’s head tilted in confusion. “WHO?

“Me of course,” Fluttershy said. She then looked down at her friends and pointed to them. “And I’m sure my other friends here would love to become your friends too.”

Magman looked down at them with stars practically in his eyes. “WOULD THEY REALLY? IS IT TRUE WHAT THE ONE CALLED FLUTTERSHY SPEAKS?

Yes.” Maud instantly responded, getting surprised looks from the others. “I would love to be your friend. By any chance, do you happen to know just what molten rocks compose your body? If that’s too personal of a question for friends who just met then I can understand.”

OOOOHHH...” Magman sniffled, lifting up a hand to wipe away at his eyes again thanks to being overwhelmed by Fluttershy and Maud’s friendliness.

“I… have made lots… of unusual friends,” Daylight Gleam panted. “I wouldn’t mind making one more. Hello… Magman. My name is… Daylight Gleam.”

I-IT’S NICE TO MEET YOU!” Magman said.

“Uh and I kind of live right above you so I guess we’re already technically neighbors,” Amethyst Star shrugged. “So sure, being friends sounds pretty cool. Definitely going to be a surprise to my other friends back in Ponyville.”

NEIGHBOR? I HAVE A NEIGHBOR?” Magman sounded genuinely happy.

Fluttershy then looked down at Angel Bunny and frowned at him.

The rabbit huffed and rolled his eyes, but waved up at Magman anyways.

“And Angel Bunny says he wants to be friends too,” Fluttershy said to Magman. “Look at all the new friends you’ve just made, Magman!”

I-I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. I WOKE UP TODAY THINKING IT WOULD BE THE SAME SAD AND LONELY DAY AS ALWAYS BUT NOW...” Magman’s lip quivered as he came close to crying again.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy winced and waved her hooves about. “No need to cry! This is a happy occasion!”


“Oh, um, I wish you could too but… I don’t think that would end well,” Fluttershy gulped.

Magman shrunk down slightky. “Y-YES, I WOULDN’T WANT TO BURN ONE OF MY NEW FRIENDS.” He looked down at the others. “BUT THE HEAT IN HERE… YOU ARE ALL FINE?

Fluttershy smiled. “That would be thanks to my—our—friend Daylight. She’s using a spell to block most of the heat from hurting us. But it’s taking a lot out of her...”

OHHHH,” Magman nodded and squinted at the exhausted pony atop Maud’s back. “HERE, ALLOW ME TO CHANGE THAT FOR YOU!” Magman lifted up his big right hand and snapped his fingers, instantly the temperature in the chamber dropped and suddenly Fluttershy felt like she was simply out under the sun on a normal day. “NOTHING THAT I CAN’T HANDLE!

Amethyst Star blinked a few times as she felt far more comfortable too. She lifted a hoof and walked around a little, practically feeling like the air was cool. “Huh, that’s pretty awesome.” She glanced over at Daylight. “I think you can turn off your spell now. Magman’s taken care of it.”

“A-Agreed...” Daylight Gleam concentrated and canceled the spell with a feeling of relief almost instantly washing over her. “Oooooh, that’s much better.” She slipped off of Maud’s back and took a seat on the ground.

Angel Bunny too jumped right off of Amethyst Star’s back and stretched before looking up at Fluttershy to see how she was doing.

“This is so nice! Thank you, Magman!” Fluttershy smiled at him.


“As long as it isn’t any detriment to you, then yes, it’s wonderful to be so considerate. Just make sure you don’t go too far—I have a certain friend who made that mistake once,” Fluttershy giggled.

“Fluttershy!” Daylight called up to her. “There’s something else you need to talk to him about, remember?”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy blushed and then a more serious expression came over her face as she looked at Magman. “Um, Magman? We need to talk about what you’ve been doing lately. With, um, your “eruptions” and sending lava up higher through the ground.”

“Magma,” Maud corrected.

“Anyways-” Fluttershy continued. “You did a lot of damage to someone’s home and scared them quite a bit. I’m not blaming you! Or even angry with you at all, but you just can’t do that anymore. There’s so much you could accidentally destroy or put in danger with your magma.”


“It’s okay, I already forgive you,” Fluttershy said. “And thank you so much for being understanding! I’m so happy to have met you.” The smile on her face grew a little sad as she briefly looked down at her friends and then back at Magman. “But now… we all have to get going.”

Magman’s jaw dropped. He looked so depressed once more. “YOU’RE LEAVING?

“I’m sorry, Magman, but we can’t stay here,” Fluttershy shook her head. “We have homes and families up above, back on the surface. And we couldn’t exactly live forever in your magma chamber in the first place.”

I UNDERSTAND… BUT… I’M SAD THAT MY NEW FRIENDS HAVE TO LEAVE SO SOON AND I’M GOING TO BE ALONE AGAIN,” a fresh round of magma tears started building at his eyes.

“We’ll come back and visit, I promise!” Fluttershy said.

“We will?” Amethyst Star raised an eyebrow.

Angel Bunny smacked her.

“Ow! I mean, yes, we totally will!” Amethyst Star fervently nodded. “I probably won’t come on my own though since I would definitely get lost but if Maud is ever coming down to visit you then I guess I wouldn’t mind joining her.”

“And I plan on visiting many more times,” Maud said.

“I’m not often in the area, but if I ever am I’ll come back down here too,” Daylight Gleam said.

“And as soon as I take care of a few things when I get back home I’ll immediately come back down here to say hi again. We can have a tea party! If you can drink tea...” Fluttershy said.

Magman sniffled loudly and a wide smile broke across his face. “I WOULD… I WOULD LOVE THAT! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Fluttershy clasped her hooves in front of her chest and positively lit up, looking with bright eyes towards the ceiling of the chamber. “This has been such an amazing journey and everything has turned out so well and so happy. I’ve met so many new friends, it’s just magical!”