• Published 5th Jul 2021
  • 837 Views, 29 Comments

Rise of the Earthlings - ARandomLonelyDude

Earth and its territories find themselves in a galaxy far, far away.

  • ...

1: Office work on the average Monday.

14 November 2974, Monday. 5:00 AM.

Raven woke up to her alarm clock beeping loudly. She shut off the alarm with her magic and sat up in her bed. She sat there for a minute before getting off the bed and walking to the window. She levitated her glasses on to look at the view outside. Very few knew that she enjoyed the twilight. On Earth it lasted longer and looked more beautiful with the fog that was seemingly always there in New Quebec City. Her mood soured when she remembered her former employer and how she did things.

'I just had to ruin my mood, didn't I?', she thought, starting her morning routine.

Raven was eating breakfast when she got a message on her phone. The Phones were a huge advantage in communication. It was faster than dragon fire, which she thought was the fastest. When Equestria had teleported onto Earth, companies had scrambled to make pony friendly products. Soon enough, phones were adapted to be used by the Ponies. Sadly, no new phone designs were made until iPhone 15 which came out last year, so, it was not uncommon to see an Iphone 11 or a Samsung Galaxy A51. Raven had an iPhone 15 which was surprisingly cheap to be an Apple product.

'Who would be messaging at five in the morning?', she thought.

The message was from her boss Alex Dalton, the governor of the tri-planetary system of Earth, Mars, and Equess. The message read, "Huzzah! You have wasted 10 seconds because of this message.".

Raven just rolled her eyes at the random joke. She had gotten only three in her year of working as assistant to the governor. She finished her breakfast, put on the blue business suit which was basically a uniform to her, and her saddlebags. She exited her house which was located in the suburbs north of the city. The fog had lessened but was still there, and everything was covered in snow. She enjoyed this moment of silence and tranquility, and was soon on her way to the metro station.

New Quebec City was a beautiful place. It was the capital city of Earth, built in the location of the original city to house refugees after the end of the 500 years war, the circumstances resulting in the vast majority of the houses being apartments in the south (think of them as khrushchyovka but good quality) or suburbs in the north.

It had a vast underground level. The metro tube hung below the ceiling, its glass tunnels allowing a passenger to admire the vast cavern and the buildings that reach up to the ceilings and extend above.

Raven didn't care though. She had been using the 6:00 AM metro for almost a year after her defection. She was questioned by officials because of her status as the princess' aide. When she was finally given a home, the people around her were wary, but eventually warmed up to her. What Raven cared about was that an unreformed changeling was sitting in the seat opposite of her next to a person who was reading a newspaper. The changeling was wearing blue jeans, a plain brown shirt and a black jacket with slits for his wings and didn't look menacing or dangerous. The man was wearing black pants and a black sweater.

She was a bit uncomfortable as she remembered the attack on Canterlot 4 years ago. She had been caught and was held prisoner until the changelings were defeated.

"Look at this.", the man said to the changeling. The changeling was a bit confused as to why some just randomly started a conversation with him.


"Captain Shining Armor was caught last night and is being put on trial.", this caught the changeling and Raven's attention.

"Show me.", the changeling said. The man showed him the paper. Raven was relieved that the captain had finally been caught. He had been leading the Equestrian Freedom Fighters, an organization full of xenophobes, who wanted to remove the 'human filth' just like princess Celestia. They had been causing terrorist attacks on Equess, taking the lives of many regardless of their species.

Raven didn't pay attention to the rest of their conversation as she thought about the last time she had gone to Equestria. The trip wasn't work related or something important. She had just wanted to see Canterlot. She had expected ponies to call her all sorts of unpleasant things but was surprised when very little of that happened. It was all fine until she met Twilight Sparkle. She could feel the hate dripping off of Twilight. It was an unpleasant experience. Twilight had blamed her for the defeat of Equestria and the imprisonment of Celestia. If only Twilight knew what Celestia did to Luna, then she would know why Raven had fled.

She got off at her stop and started walking to the government office.


Twilight Sparkle was grinning madly in a room. It was the same room in which the teleportation spell that brought Equestria to this god-forsaken place. She had redrawn the runes and recharged the magic crystals that powered them. She thought about how they would go back with Equess and remove all the human corruption. She thought about how proud Celestia would be. She thought about how happy her friends would be.

Her smile was replaced with a frown.

'Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, Derpy, Lyra, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Raven, Time Turner and the others are not my friends. They will be punished!', she thought with a burning rage inside her. She started casting the spell that would take them back.

Raven entered the office of the governor with reports detailing the reconstruction project's progress. Governor Alex Dalton was a 29 year old man who was born in Vancouver. He was a 6 foot tall, lanky man with pale skin, black hair, blue eyes and rimless glasses. That day he wore black jeans, a blue shirt and a grey hoodie. He never dressed as if he was a governor, but always took his job seriously.

"Good morning Raven.", Alex said without looking up from the report he was reading.

"Good morning.", Raven replied as she set her papers on the table and took her seat. Alex picked up the new reports and started reading them.

"They need more funds to reconstruct Hong-Kong and Tokyo.", she informed Alex. He nodded and continued reading.

A bead of sweat rolled down Twilight's forehead. She was just a minute away from casting the spell. She could not break her focus now because she would not have an opportunity like this again. It took a year to charge up the magical crystals and redraw the runes without raising suspicion. If she stopped now, then one of the magic monitoring satellites would detect her, and she would be caught.

With one final input of magic, the crystals grew extremely bright, and the spell was casted. Twilight almost jumped in joy before realizing that something was wrong.

'There are two types of ambient magic here, and one of them seems... alive.', she thought before quickly checking the runes and crystals. She had made a mistake while drawing the runes. The crystals were now dull, meaning that they were no longer useful. Her heart sunk at that. They were the only available crystals suitable for this task, and they were gone.

'At least the humans are gone...', she thought.

The sudden feeling of dread that came and went instantly made Raven jump in her seat. She quickly looked around for something that could cause that, before Alex's question interrupted her.

"Did you feel that too?"

"Yes.", Raven replied. They stared at each other before the ringing of the landline on the desk interrupted them. Alex picked it up and held it to his ear. His eyes grew wide in confusion. He put the phone down before quickly dialing another number.

"Did Luna wake up?", he asked the other person on the phone.

'What does this have to do with Luna?', Raven thought to herself. Alex put the phone down and dialed another number.

"General, you might have noticed the sudden shift in our position. Place the military on high alert. We do not know what we are dealing with.", Alex said before putting the phone down.

"This is a very big problem.", he said as he turned to Raven.

A few hours later, somewhere else.

Grand Admiral Thrawn was on the bridge of the Chimaera. A few hours ago, an anomaly had been detected near Lothal. When it was investigated, star systems that were never there had appeared. He had received orders to position the seventh fleet near Lothal in case of hostiles.

He was thinking about how entire star systems could have appeared. He would find out soon as they entered hyperspace.


"What are we waiting for? We have been sitting here for ten minutes.", Ezra says, visibly annoyed from how he was sitting on a couch.

"Patience, Ezra, Hera has got news for us.", Kanan says.

"It probably has something to do with the sudden movement of the empire's forces.", Sabine says as she leans back on the couch.

"Hope it's a mission. I've been itching to punch some bucket heads.", Zeb says.

"We won't be fighting the empire this time, Zeb.", Hera says as she enters the room with Chopper. She nods to Chopper and the droid starts displaying a map of the local star systems.

"That's Lothal, but what are those other stars?", Ezra asks.

"Apparently, they just appeared. There were signals detected from them, and ships were sighted that looked nothing like the empire would build. Our mission is to investigate them to check if they are allies or enemies. We will be leaving Lothal in an hour, so get ready.", Hera says.

Above the orbit of Earth, multiple battleships scrambled to take defensive positions. The same was being done across all of Amina. It was a nightmare for the officers. They were suddenly teleported to somewhere unknown and were surrounded by unknown threats. Earth was top priority as the capital of the Amina federation, and the closest to a local star system that showed signs of a space faring civilization.

Author's Note:

Here is a map to help you all.
Please leave feedback

Comments ( 15 )
Comment posted by ARandomLonelyDude deleted Jul 8th, 2021

Okay but why does Mars and Equestria need to have the same year as Earth? It's like most people on Mars woul immediately have birthdays every 600ish days

I understand your complaint and I do kinda feel stupid about it but it is too late. The planets of the Sol system(Earth, Mars, Equess only) have orbits of 365 days. I wonder if Mars would get flung out of the solar system because of how fast it is moving.

How's the rest of the story?

Well I've checked the next chapter and you've had a random lore break in the middle of the story suggests pacing and formatting issues. Was there no other way to convey phones built to accommodate horses exist?

No, I didn't find a way to. Should I put that bit into the first chapter or is there a way that I can leave it here?

edit: Don't worry, I think I got it.

"Raven slid the device on her wrist, she once marveled at how the touch screen could detect her stubby hooves, but now the wonder has faded and blended into her daily life." Something like that

Don't worry, I got it sort of. You can check now.

Raven Inkwell and Grand Admiral Thrawn is the same fanfic!
But my birthday was three months ago :heart:

Ok... Constructive Criticism...
The only thing I can think of is that the text jumps back and forth too much. In my opinion you don't have to do that, it will get people lost if there are to many sides jumping back and forth in a story. In this chapter for example you could have done Raven's POV first, then Twilight's and lastly Thrawn's.
(But maybe this is just my personal taste...)

I understand. I don't prefer writing the pov stuff because I make it obvious who's perspective it is.
Isn't the map cool?
P.s. Past me wished happy birthday

I meant "POV" more like "...Raven's parts in the chapter, then Twilight's parts in the chapter and lastly Thrawn's parts in the chapter."

Thank You.

And... YES! It's a cool map. Every story like this should have a map. It's sci-fi law!

The jumping from this perspective to that one is for... uh... dramatic effect?
The dramatic effect works better if the stuff is animated, not written.
How the flag of Amina?

Sadly not a fan of the flag... Too comunist looking for my tastes...

There is only ONE comunist flag design I like:

Comment posted by ARandomLonelyDude deleted Jul 19th, 2021

I prefer the flag of the USSR. The North Korea flag is cool too.

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