• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 2,596 Views, 53 Comments

Of Hooves and History - Ahmad J Charles

A young explorer/historian with a submarine ends up off the coast of Maretime Bay.

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Aiden's Affection

On most nights, I would simply just wave goodbye to all the sea creatures and curl up in my hammock in the sub. But a royal castle’s guest suite was a very different story – especially with two royal sisters whom I was starting to like very much. Zipp had a cool streak and a confident, mindful edge to her, while Pipp was adorable and creatively enthusiastic in showcasing things. She was also quite chubby and short compared to her sister, which gave me an idea.

“Girls, bedtime is approaching now,” Haven announced as the door opened. “We have a very important day ahead of us and sleep is a key factor in preparing for it.”

“Um, about that…” I began slowly, raising a hand. Haven nodded with a brief smile as she caught my eye. “Pipp?”

“Yes, Aiden?”

“It’s been such a delight spending time with you. I wish to return the favor by bringing you to your room.”

“Oh, I can easily walk for even fly there myself,” she replied bashfully.

“It won’t be comforting, though.” I slid off the bed to the floor and sat in front of her, palms out. “Do you accept my offer?”

Her face softened with glee as she caught on. “Be my guest, Aiden.”

I reached out and gently gripped her sides, before gradually rising to my feet. My heart jelly-fied a little as her rear hooves joyfully kicked about.

“Little on the heavy side,” I squirmed, pulling her close to my chest and quickly slipping a supportive hand under her hindquarters. “Hold on to me.”

Pipp gripped my shoulders with her forehooves, alleviating the excess stress on my supporting arm. I caught Zipp’s eye and smiled. “Relax, sweetie Pipp.”

With her head against my neck, I gently caressed her mane and gave her back a soft pat. It felt like a dream.

“I’ll show you the way,” was all Haven said, gesturing to the door.

As I followed the queen down the halls, I felt two types of strong energy radiating – Pipp’s warm, softer-than-cotton body, and the pining jealousy from Sunny, Izzy, and even Zipp. Pipp could barely talk; she was just so happy in my arms. A giggle leaked out as I gave a little ear-scratch.

“And here we are,” Haven announced, stopping at a large bronze gold door with beige accents.

“Huh. I’d somehow originally thought it’d look darker with a golden glow to indicate its owner,” I thought. “More significant that way, given the royalty status.”

I squatted down to release Pipp, but felt hooves digging into my chest and shoulder blades. She didn’t want to let go! I looked over at Haven worriedly, unsure what course of action to take. Then a snapshot of my mom flashed in my head with the answer. I stood back up, shifted Pipp into more of an arm hold posture, and gently rocked her back and forth, humming softly.

“I’ll love you forever,

I’ll love you always,

As long as I’m here,

My little pony friend you’ll be.”

I pulled her into a snug cuddle, which felt almost ethereal for a moment. Haven looked on, her face almost glowing with admiration and blissful contentment. We entered Pipp’s room and I gently placed her on the bed, resulting in her eyes blinking open, much to my surprise.

“Oh! I… thought you were asleep.”

“Almost,” she replied softly. “Thanks for the ride. And the cuddles.”

“Anytime, Pipp. Goodnight, my little pony.”

“Goodnight, Aiden.”

Back in my guest suite, Sunny and Izzy were waiting with golden retriever puppy eyes, the silent plea painfully obvious.

“No, I cannot pick up you two,” I confided, shaking my head. “Pipp gets a pass ‘cause she’s smaller – and a pegasus, therefore lightweight.”

Izzy’s face fell as she let out a sorrowful sigh, and Sunny reached up onto the bed’s edge with a pout. I had to chuckle to alleviate the resulting sharp pain in my chest. “You two are like giant puppies, I swear. Come up here and cuddle me all you want.”

That sent Izzy flying. She almost pierced the duvet with her horn as she hurled herself onto it. Sunny’s legs pinwheeled as she tried to heave up on the mattress. I slid off my socks and pushed the covers back, bracing my arms as the orange and purple fuzzballs slid up under them. Even through my shirt, I could feel their hearts vibrating.

“Now, brutally honest talk,” I declared, rubbing Izzy’s chin and massaging the back of Sunny’s neck. “Do you two ‘love’ love me, or are we close friends? ‘Cause I think I’ve been seeing you ponies like cute endearing dogs worthy of all the touchy-feely affection.”

“Why should I deny myself this?” Izzy demanded. “Your loving embrace is the best thing ever to come from outside of Equestria.”

“Even cinnamon rolls?” I teased.

Sunny looked straight into my eyes. “Even cinnamon rolls.”

“It’s mostly your hands,” Izzy noted, playfully running her horn through my hair curls. “They’re as magical as my horn itself.”

“Oh hush,” I half-laughed, fighting back a blush. “I’m not as extraordinary as other people. It’s…”

“It’s your heart,” Sunny cut in, gently pressing a hoof on my chest. “Adaptable, caring, strong, and loving. We feel safe and comforted with you, Aiden.”

“Thank you both,” I replied, shuffling a little to optimize comfort in my position. “It feels great to be in a good relationship like this again after so long. And you can request all the ear-scratches, strokes, hugs, and kisses you want. After sleep, of course.”

I insisted on popping a rubber ball on Izzy’s horn in case of a poking accident, and drifted off into dreamland with my close hooved friends – one beside me, another on top of me.

As expected, I didn’t wake myself up – I was shakily awoken by the same faces that I knocked out with.

“Aiden! Wakeupwakeupwakeup!”

“Ugh, Iz-Sunny? What time is it?”

My eyes flickered, and I noticed the sun had just risen. “Looks to be… about 7 am. Do pegasi royals always get up this early?”

“Yep!” Izzy said proudly.

I sat up and smeared the slumber out of my eyes. “Well, let’s get prepped.”

After a good face-wash, moisturizer, and twin deodorant sprays, I pulled on a pair of slacks and a V-neck knit pullover, along with my sneakers. Not the best look, but it’d have to do. The Turkish getup would be reserved for something more grand when this was all over.

Opening the windows, I turned back and sat back on the bed, slapping the duvet with a smirk. “Get up here, Izzy, and lie back.”

Confuzzled, she stepped up onto the bed and lay down. Cautiously, I reached out and gently caressed her chest. Her eyes with surprise, but a smile slowly grew as I elevated the strokes to soft, kneading rubs. There wasn’t much fluff, but rather a felt-like fuzz that engaged the touchy senses just as much. I worked my tender fingers up to the nape of her neck when my ears picked up an unexpected vibrating hum.

“Is she… purring?” I thought, extending the petting to an ear scratch while Izzy stretched out. Finally, I gave her shoulder a quick massage and sat back, only to have a hoof pull my forearm back.

“I should’ve known you wanted more,” I muttered, resuming the massage. Then Sunny appeared next to her friend with golden retriever puppy eyes. Thus I gave my hands and wrists a full workout releasing pulses of physical energy of love into the souls of my two pony friends. Every time I felt it was sufficient, they softly asked for more – until a door knock saved my muscles from exploding.

“Good morning, Zipp,” I greeted with a hoof-handshake, rubbing my sore wrists.

“And to you, Mr. Aiden,” she replied, glancing over at the bed, where Izzy and Sunny lay softly purring like they’d ascended into a blissful heaven.

“They must’ve had a really good sleep.”

“Oh, indeed,” I replied awkwardly. “With some… aid.”

Zipp cocked an eyebrow. “And what type of aid would that be?”

I shook my head with a smirk. “I can’t really tell you. I have to show you… by providing it.”

Zipp frowned, but shrugged with a submissive smile. I gently caressed her shoulder first, then reached under her belly and gave a couple slow, gradual rubbing motions.

“Feels nice,” she confided. “And… comforting. I see why those two couldn’t get enough of it.”

A sly look fell across my face. “Would you like the full treatment after the meeting?”

Zipp looked away bashfully. “Uh… yeah. Sure. Also, my sister requests your presence.”

Gee, I wonder why that could be? Izzy teased.

Sure enough, Pipp was waiting by the door, her eyes wide and eager as I gave warm morning greetings. Just as I squatted down, Haven appeared, wearing a somewhat nonplussed expression.

“I will admit I was rather concerned by your initial offering, but the response has spoken clearly for itself. Anytime my dear Pipp requests upsies, any doubt or worry your heart holds of accepting said requests shall cease to exist.”

“Understood, Your Masjesty,” I replied politely. Pipp climbed into my arms and I slowly rose back up into a standing posture. She squealed (subtly) with joy and I could feel the smile of her cheeks on my shoulder. Glancing back, I noticed Haven walking up behind with a motherly smile.

Am I becoming part of this family now?

Back at my guest suite, Sunny and Izzy were waiting, along with Zipp, who seemed to have a ‘damn, it must be nice, sis’ look on her face, though if it was there, she was doing a poor job of hiding it.

“We have been graced with another amazing day,” Haven declared. “A day to manage and tend to the needs of the nation. Is everypony ready?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the unison replies came, but I raised a finger, causing Haven to look up at me.

“If permitted, I would like to make a brief formal statement.”

“Go on,” Haven replied.

“Back where I’m from, cats and dogs are kept as pets. As a shower of love, care, and affection, we give them back and belly rubs, shoulder massages, ear scratches, neck tickles, and cheek and chin rubs. And of course, hugs and pats. I whole-heartedly offer such services to all of you, if the mood and situation suits. Furthermore, I can only lift Pipp because her weight is within my lifting abilities.” I caught Sunny’s eye. “If I were to lift any of you, I risk injury.”

For the first time since we met, Haven was taken aback, looking slightly confused. “You want to…”

I shook my head, and Pipp interceded. “If you want to, Mom. C’mon, it’s so comforting.”

It took all my self-control not to smirk at the daughter-mother dynamic. Haven replied with a flat “We’ll see” and didn’t say anything more, heading down the hall as we obediently followed.