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Chapter 5 - The White Dragon Alley (Part 2)

Shortly after leaving Gringatts, Twilight and Spike were back in the White Dragon Alley, walking around the area.

Having bought most of her school supplies, Twilight realized that she was still missing one thing as she read the list.

"I'm still missing... the wand" Twilight said, after looking over the list.

"The wand?" Spike asked, before pointing towards a specific store "Then go to Ollivanders, there's no better place".

Twilight looked over at the shop Spike was pointing at: a narrow, dilapidated building with chipped gold lettering above the shop door that read: "Ollivanders: Makers of Wands since 382 A.C.".

"Why don't you go ahead and wait for me?" Spike replied "I still have a business to take care of. I won't be long".

With that, Spike walked away through the crowd, while Twilight headed for the wand shop.

Soon, Twilight entered the interior of the store, which was completely silent, as she looked around and placed some of her recently bought books on a cabinet by the door.

She looked at shelves filled with various thin boxes, of which there were surely wands of various shapes. But, for some strange reason, there were no signs of people anywhere.

"Hello?" Twilight called softly as she approached the store counter "Hello?"

Suddenly, a background noise startled her.

Twilight looked to the back room when an elderly witch appeared, at the top of a ladder.

The woman, Elizabeth Ollivander, smiled briefly as she looked at her new client.

"I was already expecting you to come visit me, Miss Sparkle".

Slowly, Ollivander came down the stairs and she went to one of the shelves full of wands, looking for what she needed.

"It seems like just yesterday that your father and mother came to buy their first wand..."

Suddenly, Ollivander reached for one of the cases and pulled out a wooden wand, offering it to Twilight.

Twilight couldn't believe she was holding a real wand, as she held it for a second or two... doing nothing.

"Come on, shake it" Ollivander said, as she waved her hand.

Hesitantly, Twilight waved the wand... sending most of the boxes flying and crashing to the floor, causing her to flinch and quickly set the wand down on the counter.

"Rather not..." Ollivander said, as she returned the wand to her case.

Thinking quickly, Ollivander reached for another wand from another case.

"Try... this one".

Twilight took the wand and waved it at a vase... and it shattered, so much so that she flinched in shock.

"No, no, definitely not that one!" Ollivander shook his head, while Twilight put the wand back on the counter "Never mind…"

Then, Ollivander walked over to the back room and she picked up a third wand case... but she stops and as her face turns thoughtful.


As Twilight watched curiously, Ollivander returned to her and presents her with her wand.

And then, the moment Twilight had the wand in her hand, it suddenly glowed under her. Her hair flew in all directions and various pieces of paper flew into the air.

Ollivander looked slightly surprised, as her face sank into her thoughts.

“Curious… very curious…”

"Excuse me, but... what's curious?" Twilight asked, confused.

“I remember every wand I've ever sold, Miss Sparkle" Ollivander explained, as she examined the wand "And it turns out that the Alicorn Wing, which feather contains your wand, gave another feather… just one more. It's curious you were meant for this wand... when it was her sister... that gave you that scar on your hand".

As soon as Ollivander said that last sentence, Twilight couldn't help but feel curious.

"And... who did the other one belong to?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Oh, we never uttered her name..." Ollivander shook his head "The wand chooses his owner, Miss Sparkle. It's never entirely clear why. But, what is clear, is that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things… terrible, yes… but great”.

Then, Ollivander handed Twilight her wand back and she headed back into the back room, leaving Twilight with many thoughts on her mind.

Then, before Twilight could ask another question, there was a bang from outside the shop, causing her to turn to see who it was.

"Twilight! Twilight!"

It was Spike...with a birdcage in hand.

"Happy Birthday!"

And inside the cage, a male barn owl was sitting along the bar.

"Wow…" Twilight said, surprised to see her new pet.

Later that day, as soon as the two finished shopping in White Dragon Alley, they returned to The Silver Witch for the night, since tomorrow was the day Twilight was going to Canterlot High by train.

As they ate the dinner that the owner of the place prepared for them, Spike noticed that Twilight was sitting quietly at the table and, while she was petting her new owl (which she named Owlowiscious), she hadn't said a word since she left Mrs. Ollivander's wand store.

"Hey, are you okay, Twilight?" Spike asked "You seem very quiet".

Twilight turned to Spike, sensing that her friend especially needed to hear what she couldn't stop thinking.

"He killed my parents, right? The one who did this" Twilight asked, as she showed the scar on his hand "You know that, Spike. I know that you know".

The subject of how Twilight got her scar and who was responsible for it made Spike stop eating... knowing that she deserved to know the truth.

With a deep sigh, Spike pushed his food bowl away.

"First, and understand this because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some get darkened…" Spike explained, seriousness in his voice “Years ago, there was a wizard who darkened more than the rest. And his name was Gr--... his name was Gr--..."

Twilight looked at Spike in confusion, looking as if he was holding himself back from saying the wizard's name… or was he trying to remember it… or was it too hard to pronounce.

"Maybe if you wrote it down..." Twilight suggested.

"I don't know how to spell it…" Spike said, before starting to speak quietly "Okay… Grogar".

"Grogar?" Twilight asked, out loud.

Quickly, Spike silenced her, while Twilight looked around to see if anyone was listening, since most of The Silver Witch was empty, apart from a few customers.

But even if someone was listening, they either didn't pay much attention or refused to make themselves known.

However, as Twilight looked back at Spike, and judging by the way he was pronouncing that name, she could sense that even mentioning it... was a taboo.

"Those were dark times, very dark…" Spike clarified.

10 years ago...

On the streets of a small town, in the middle of the night, a hooded figure walked in the dark.

If a person found him in his way... he could notice in him an enormous sensation of PURE evil.

The hooded man walked towards one of the houses.

"You-Know-Who... tried to find followers..." Spike's voice narrated "He dragged them to the Dark Side..."

Slowly, the hooded figure used his wand to open the front door of the house.

"Anyone who tried to fight him... ended up dead".

The hooded figure then attempted to chase a woman, who turned out to be Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet, who was carrying her young daughter and trying to escape from him, hiding in a room.

"Including your parents..."

The room's door exploded violently from her hinges... while Velvet used her body to protect her daughter.

Nobody survived his wrath…

Then, Velvet screamed inaudibly but painfully, as she was killed by the magic of the Dark Lord's wand, whose green flash illuminated the windows outside the house.

Finally, Grogar himself pointed his wand at little Twilight's head with murderous intent, while she put the hand of the one who would have her future scar in the middle.

"Nobody, nobody... except you".

By the time Spike finished telling the story, Twilight had many emotions running through her head as she discovered the terrible fate her parents suffered... and the mark Grogar left on her.

"Me?" Twilight asked, speaking softly "Did Grogar want to kill... me?"

"Yes. What you have in your hand is not a normal cut, Twilight..." Spike said, nodding reluctantly "A mark like that is only produced by a curse... an evil curse".

Then, Twilight decided to ask one last question.

"What happened to Gr--...You-Know-Who?"

"Some… say he died. Legends in my opinion" Spike guessed “But no…I think he's still out there. Too tired to continue. But there is something that is true: that you managed to defeat him that night..."

At that moment, Spike looked at Twilight intently, while she listened to the story without interrupting.

"That's why you're famous. That's why everyone knows your name" Spike said "Because you, Twilight Sparkle... you're the Girl Who Lived"

Those words left a shock to Twilight, who was sitting there absorbing everything that she had discovered.

An evil wizard who had the chance to kill her when she was most vulnerable, and yet for some reason, he spared her life.

This still left a lot of questions for her, which didn't help the fact that this Grogar might still be alive and plotting revenge for her.

And if what Spike said is true, and he's as dangerous an enemy as can be, by now Twilight Sparkle has good reason to go to her new school.

Author's Note:

After buying her new wand and getting a pet owl, Twilight discovers from Spike that the person responsible for the scar on her hand and the death of her parents... is the most evil dark wizard of all and the main antagonist of our story: Lord Grogar.

Comments ( 17 )

I understand wanting to change things around in your story, but why can’t Equestria have its own Philosopher’s Stone?

So that they don't accuse me of plagiarism.

“ Nobody survived her wrath… ”

I think you mean, nobody survived his wrath

For the next chapter, I need a candidate for the role of Percy Weasley, knowing this list:

Ron Weasley - Starlight Glimmer
Fred Weasley - Flim
George Weasley - Flam
Molly Weasley - Firelight
Ginny Weasley - Flash Sentry

Any ideas?

I think those rolls are good. Except I think you might want to replace Starlight Glimmer with Applejack. Whatever works for you it's fine

It could work. Thanks!!

With that change, I could change Molly Weasley to Granny Smith and Percy Weasley to Big Macintosh.

However, this change would make me switch to the character I had in mind for Hermione. Any ideas?

Derpy could be like Neville? As for a character for Hermione, and thinking either Sunburst or anyone who's smart and good with magic.

Also when I find myself out of ideas, I just watched like the thing I'm trying to write my story off of. If you're running a story off of Harry Potter, I just watch a movie of Harry Potter

As for the character for Neville, I already chose a perfect one: Fluttershy.

And as for the Hermione thing, just give me a character that would fall in love with Applejack in the future.

No, try someone else.

How about coming up with an OC?

I have no inspiration for OCs:ajsleepy:.

Does one occur to you?

Maybe a wizard boy named Lightning Cast? He would be born a wizard like Hermione, and studies very hard to become a great wizard. His skin would be bright blue with dark yellow hair and yellow eyes?

Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

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