• Published 26th May 2022
  • 1,379 Views, 21 Comments

Summer of '11 - moviemaster8510

Following the conclusion of Friendship is Magic's first season, one fan's discovery of a mysterious book will grant him the greatest summer of his life.

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Chapter V: You Get What You Give - New Radicals, November 1998

Oli led his friends down the stairs, each of them walking single file as they took the time to admire the intensely modern architecture.

Oli reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped aside, permitting the Equestrians to browse the main floor at their own leisure. “Please be careful not to scratch or dirty the floors. We just had them cleaned.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she spotted the bookcases that lined the entire side wall of the living room. “Oooh…”

Oli chuckled, knowing exactly what she spotted without even having to look. “If you’d like to borrow one, let me know. Dad still likes to read those from time to time.”

The thing that caught Rarity’s attention the fastest was the pristine baby grand piano sitting alongside the wall next to the window. “What a lovely looking instrument. Do you play at all?”

“I…” Oli shrugged. “A little. Can’t remember the last time it was tuned, though–”

“Goodness me!” Rarity’s voice trailed off as she went another direction. “Just look at this kitchen!”

Oli let the others file in through the doorway before following them in. Oli spotted Rarity with her front hooves on the edge of the counter. Though the kitchen wasn’t particularly big, made even smaller looking by the long island the outer counter surrounded, the state of the art fridge, oven, microwave, and sink was definitely worth priding oneself over.

“I bet you could whip up all kinds of scrumptious goodies with these!” Pinkie Pie had already pulled the oven door down and stuck her head inside as far as the grates would let her. “Do you like cooking, Oli?”

“My dad’s more a cook than I am,” he answered. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bad at cooking or anything, but my dad considers it a second hobby.”

“Maybe he could have us all over for dinner one of these days!” Spike enthusiastically suggested.

“Well, first I need to tell him about you guys, and I don’t really know when the best time or place will be… yet. He knows your story too, but… well, he knows I know your story, but he considers it… child stuff.”

“What do you mean, child stuff?” Rainbow Dash asked, offended.

Oli closed his eyes. “As a matter of fact, I think now would be a good time to show you your… ‘story.’”

“Show?” Fluttershy wondered. “What do you mean show?”

Oli stepped aside and motioned his arm towards the den, which featured a large sectional, a glass table, and a flat-screen TV mounted to the wall. The others looked at the space inquisitively, still unsure what Oli implied.

“Please,” he said. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Twilight and her friends sat still as statues as they watched the events of the previous morning wrap up on the TV screen. The sole exception was Pinkie Pie, who Oli stole several sideways glances watching as she mouthed every line of dialogue that each character was saying, a pleased smile on her face.

By the time the animated Pinkie Pie announced her party upon her and her friends’ return to Ponyville, the others began to look to each other, uncertain of how these events would play out knowing that they did not end up coming to pass as the episode portrayed. They then all watched with total stillness as the animated Twilight was granted her stay in Ponyville alongside her new friends as the episode came to a close. Even as the credits rolled, Oli let them play out, wanting to give the Equestrians all the time they needed to process everything they just saw and heard.

Finally, Twilight broke the silence with a sniffle as she wiped the tears filling in her eyes. “So that was your story, Lauren…”

“Wowee, that was good!” Pinkie Pie cheered, looking to Twilight. “Your friend really is a good storyteller!”

“I… I don’t understand.” Applejack felt breathless. “It’s like she knew everything we did word for word, act for act…”

“Perhaps that story she got told her all that,” Fluttershy reasoned. “I must say, all in all, it was very respectful.”

“It doesn’t make it any less weird,” Rainbow Dash spoke, audibly shaken.

“And how,” Rarity replsied.

“So, what happens next?” Spike asked. “It looked like there were more ‘episodes,’ so maybe–”

“We should watch ten more!” Pinkie Pie’s blurt had every head turned toward her. “What? Just to give it chance!”

“I…” Rainbow Dash struggled to say. “Think I’ve gotten my fill of this ‘story’ for one lifetime.”

“I understand,” Oli responded. “I figured it would be a lot to take in, but I knew I’d have to show you eventually.”

Rarity slid off her spot on the couch and walked up to him. “And quite frankly, Oli dear, I’m grateful you did.”

“Though I’m curious,” Fluttershy piped in, “what does happen next?”

“Do you really want to know?” The Equestrians turned to look at each other, and Pinkie Pie was the first to accept with a nod, prompting the others to do so as well. “Well, each episode kind of deals with another event which has you learning about the facets of friendship. Like… Fluttershy… boy this is going to sound weird if… anyways, Fluttershy, what are your opinions of dragons?”

“Dragons?” Spike turned back to look, uncertain where this was going to lead. “I find them to be quite fascinating. You saw how I reacted when I saw Spike, right?”

“Right but… in this episode, you– your character apparently has a deeper fear of adult dragons, and you have to be the one to confront one when the smoke from its snoring begins polluting Ponyville.”

“Goodness, that doesn’t sound like me at all! I would have happily gone to that dragon myself and asked him or her to move! I may be shy around other ponies, but I love other animals of all shapes and sizes!”

Oli looked down, his mouth partly open in deep contemplation.

“What about me, what about me!?” Pinkie Pie mounted Fluttershy and waved her hoof wildly. “What kind of crazy shenanigans did I get into?”

Oli shook his head, quickly getting over this latest development. “Let’s see… you apparently cleared the town of these creatures called parasprites by marching them out of town with a bunch of musical instruments.”

“Yeah, that sounds like something I’d do!”

“And Rainbow Dash, you pulled off… actually, do you want to see the moment for yourself?”

“What mom…” Rainbow Dash began to pick up on Oli’s implication. “Does it make me look awesome?”

“The awesomest!”

“Then quit beating around the bush and put it–”

The sound of a garage door opening. Oli knew instantly who it was and felt the blood in his veins turn cold. As the doorknob turned and the door was pushed open, everyone sat or stood in complete silence as they heard footsteps approach them. Oli turned to the others and looked them in the eyes, swiping the tip of his hand near his neck and mouthing the words, “Not right now.”

“Oli?” After a few moments of no reply, he walked closer to the kitchen entryway before the sound of another door opening and the thumps of feet descending a basement stairwell dithered as they went lower.

“Does he know you’re here?” Applejack whispered.

“He may have been checking to see if I was back from my ‘bike ride.’” Oli struggled to match her impressively low, but still intelligible volume. “He must be dropping off the guitar he got before he leaves to check on another one.”

“What are we supposed to do?” Fluttershy was close to crying.

“If we stay quiet, he should take off right away. Now we just have to hope he isn’t also stopping stopping for–”

The footsteps began to ascend, and with them, the basement door creaked open, Oli’s dad stepping outside of it. Oli closed his eyes as he hoped the next set of footsteps would go back to the direction of the front door. Instead, they got louder as they came towards the kitchen. Oli opened his eyes, fierce determination filling them with what he was about to have to do.

As Art became visible as he passed the kitchen entryway, he made a habitual glance towards the den, seeing Oli standing there with an odd steadfastness.

“Oli,” he said, “what are–”

He then saw them, in all their colorful equine and draconic splendor. Oli could watch his dad’s face as it processed everything as it must have been happening: the initial thought that his son had decorated his couch with lifelike, lifesized dolls of these characters, followed with the quick dispelling of this notion as each of them stared directly at him with their fearful, blinking eyes.

“Oli…” His father stumbled backwards as he raised a trembling, pointing finger at them. “What the fuck is–”

“Dad, please, let me explain!” Oli sped towards him as his back was about to crash into the island, yanking him to a stop before he could.

“Those aren’t…” A sinister thought came into his mind, a scowl betraying this. “You didn’t seriously–”

“Dad, I said let me explain!”

Applejack came off her spot on the couch and cautiously walked around to approach them both. “…Mr. Oli’s dad, sir?”

Any anger that Art felt melted away into gripping terror as he legs began to buckle, Oli quick to hold him under his arms to prevent his falling. “Oh my shit, it just…”

The entire situation completely imploded, and Oli felt it hard to mask his frustration. “Dad, I know, please just take a seat, and I’ll explain everything.”

As Oli helped his dad over to a chair at the dining room table, Twilight and her friends all slowly got up and joined Applejack as she came to make an audience to him. Oli pulled the chair out, and Oli’s dad nearly fell into it, the shaking in his legs unable to stop, something Fluttershy couldn’t draw her eyes away from.

“Do you need some water?” Fluttershy asked.

Art's stare refused to let up, and the others stayed still at a safe distance, unsure how he’d react from this point on.

“Twilight.” Oli sounded both defeated and frightened. “Please get my dad a glass of water. Cabinet on the right next to the sink.”

Twilight simply slunk into the kitchen as quickly as she could, and Oli could feel his dad’s muscles tense as his entire head traced her motions. He then watched as the knob of the cabinet door went aglow with Twilight’s magic before the door seemingly opened itself. After seeing a tall glass float its way out, surrounded by more of Twilight’s magic, Art slumped over and buried his face in the palm of his hand.

“Dad…” Oli massaged his father’s shoulders, “it’s okay, I promise–”

“Son, this is the furthest thing from okay…” He refused to look at anyone. “The abosolute… furthest…”

Twilight’s other friends looked to each other, uncertain how this would go anymore. Oli reached his open hand towards Twilight, signaling her to pass the glass to him as she finished filling it. As it traveled its way over to him, Oli prepared to grab the glass, and as soon as it made contact with his fingers, Art slapped both the glass and his son’s hand away.

“Get that away from me!” His sudden shout, coupled with the blast and splash of broken glass and spilled liquid, made every Equestrian in the room, recoil and gasp sharply.

Oli winced as he shook his hit arm, furious and close to tears. “Dad, holy shit! Stop!”

The Equestrians sunk into themselves with growing fright as they were subjected to this sudden shouting match. Oli grabbed his father’s arm, and before he could try and wrestle it free, Oli knelt to him, keeping his grip steady and immobile.

“Dad, listen to me! This is going to sound insane, but these are my friends!”

His father hocked out a laugh. “Do you hear­–”

“Yes, I just told you! And yes, they’re basically the same as the characters on that show I watch…” Oli quickly began to realize how insane he must have sounded to his father. “But… they’re obviously here now, they’re real, and… I have an explanation for this. But please, calm down.”

Oli began to breathe heavily, sobs oncoming. The Equestrians loosened their tensed muscles as they leaned in, concerned over their friend’s evident sadness, in spite of everything.

“Truth is…” Oli looked straight down to the floor. “When I first met them and realized they existed, I was actually really excited about introducing you to them. I wanted to do this another way, and now I have to do it this way.” He took a moment to wipe his eyes with his forearm before wiping his nose with his wrist and looking up at his dad. “And I don’t expect the explanation to sound any less crazy, but… honestly, you really won’t have much of a choice but to believe it.”

Oli’s dad squinted as he tried to find any hint to any answers he needed from him. “What are you talking about?”

Oli glanced behind him at the Equestrians on the couch, trying to express some sympathy for making them endure this. Art sat lazily at the dinner table across from his son, who kept his hand on his Dua Harmonium. For what it was worth for his father, he figured Oli was right; he’d have to take everything he was just told at face value.

…with some proof, at least.

“And their world is in that book?” Art quietly asked.

“The book serves as a portal to their world.” Oli answered back. “I… haven’t gotten a chance to try it with someone else, but–”

“No way you’re taking me there.”

“That’s fine, but let me finish. I don’t expect you to, but as far as I know, I’m the only one who can read and use this book.”

“Then how’d they get here?”

“I… can take anyone and anything with me so long as they’re in close proximity to me and in physical contact with me.” He then pointed at his dad before he could make the obvious retort.

After a little silence, Oli’s dad looked dead into his son’s eyes. “Show me though.”

Oli cocked his head, needing to confirm. “You mean…”

“Go to this other world then and come back. I want to see it for myself.”

“I… okay, I can do that.” Oli turned back to the ponies, who noticed and looked to him. “Is it okay if I leave you together?”

The Equestrians looked to each other before they all gave affirmative nods. Art's eyes softened, only now starting to realize that he may very well have irreparably traumatized them. Seeming to ignore this expression, Oli opened the book to its center and thought the passage purposefully. Oli took a sharp inhale as the snap hit his head again.

Art’s gasped as he noticed the crease of the pages began to darken as it depressed deeper than he knew was physically possible. Oli could only smile and say one last thing for the time being.

“I’ll be back in thirty seconds.” Oli was sucked inside the portal quickly after.

Despite his son’s promise, Art’s leaned over the book and stared at what was now just a crease of continuously folded paper.

“No way…” Art began to let any sense of disbelief slip out of his grasp, and in that moment, he knew his son was right.

Looking up at the Equestrians that he was just made a guardian too, they too looked into his eyes, uncertain what he would and could still do. It was still so much for him to take in. Even if to him, they were simply characters in children’s cartoon, Oli still showed genuine care toward them, and even they still seemed to trust and respect him as one of their own friends. Art stood up, and the Equestrians shifted, wondering if they would need to run and hide or not.

He sighed, expecting that much. “Look, I…” He took another, deeper one, knowing that every word from here on out really mattered. “I’m deeply sorry for how I just acted in front of you. I still can’t say I know what’s going on, or even how… but if my son is a friend of yours, I… From here on out, I’ll treat you with the respect and dignity my son’s friends deserve.”

He then turned around, slowly, faced them. “Oli… he’s a good kid… I’m sure you see that in him. He… doesn’t really ask for much, and… he wanted me to get to meet you guys… probably be friends with you too, even… Once again, I’m so very sorry that I made such a poor first impression on you. If you’d let me, I want to start over again with you guys. My son deserves that much.”

Oli’s dad knelt down and reached a hand out, hoping one of them would accept his attempt at reconciliation. The Equestrians looked about once again to each other, wondering who would be the one to show enough trust to accept his apology. It was Fluttershy who took the initiative to slide off the couch and walk up to him.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash whispered, “are you–”

Without looking, Fluttershy continued to walk as she nodded in reply to the other pegasus. Once she was in front of him, Art looked down at her, and the two stayed still for a moment. As Art began lowering his hand down, Fluttershy gently scooped it back up with the bottom of her hoof and then placed it down onto his palm. Art shuddered, stunned with the knowledge that he had just earned the trust of this mythological creature.

“I’m Fluttershy,” she sweetly breathed out. “It’s truly wonderful to get to meet you, sir.”

Oli’s dad breathed in, not stopping until the tightness in his lungs refused to expand out any more. Unable to restrain the emotions bubbling over, threw himself over Fluttershy and pulled her in for a hug, letting his breath out in a loud, shameful sob. The Equestrians shot up, ready to pull Fluttershy away if they had to, but kept still as they saw Fluttershy’s arms around him as well, accepting his embrace.

“Please…” he whispered close to her ear. “Call me Art.”

“Art?” Fluttershy wondered in reply. “Is that–”

“Short for Arthur.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and adjusted her arms, nuzzling the side of her head against his. “I really like ‘Art.’”

Just then, wind blasted up from the book still on the table, and Oli was flung out from it, this time preparing for the extra two feet of drop that he would subjected to. Once his feet were square on the floor and his balance had been completely regained, he began to turn toward the Equestrians.

“So cool news,” he began, “Celestia was kind enough to send the book back to Twi–”

He saw his dad with his hands placed delicately on Fluttershy’s sides, the clear aftermath of a hug.

“Guys…” Oli stretched a grimace as he slunk to the group. “What’s been going on?”

Art stood up and looked his son in the eyes, a soft smile now gracing his face. “Listen, I just told these ponies that I still can’t fathom how any of this is possible, but I don’t really care about that anymore. If they’re real, and they’re friends of yours, I’m choosing to let them be friends of mine too.”

Oli peered around his dad at the Equestrians, who all gave him confirming nods and smiles.

“This whole thing has been pretty new for all of us,” Applejack commented. “Can’t expect everypony to be right as rain with it.”

“Besides!” Pinkie Pie hopped up to let herself be heard and seen. “You should have seen it, Oli! Not to spoil the moment, but I was supes prepared to be the one to go up to him after that amazing apology…” She stole a glance to Art. “…by the way, but Fluttershy ended up being the one to accept it! Your dad melted in. Her. Arms! It was so sweet!”

Oli cracked a smirk, let out a jolly huff. “So… you’re–”

“Oh, jeez!” Everyone turned to Art, who was looking at his watch. “Completely…” He began to quickly march to the front door, pulling his car keys from his pocket. “Only stopped by on my way to the other buyer! I’ll be back shortly!”

He opened the door an Art-sized crack and slipped through it, tugging the door closed by its edge. Oli and the Equestrias were all alone… again.

“Well, that was fast.” Spike commented.

“Oh, shoot!” Pinkie Pie pounded the couch cushion. “I was so wrapped up in that moment just now, I forgot to introduce myself!”

“I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to have a proper, formal introduction, darling,” Rarity replied. “That being said, what shall we even do now?”

Oli put a hand to his chin, stroking in contemplatively. “You guys want to see the ‘studio?’”

The heads of each of the Equestrians raised, intrigued by his use of the last word. Oli smirked as he went to the basement door, opened it, and took one step on the top stair.

“I’ll lead you down this time.” The Equestrians each began to file up to follow Oli down. “And also, rule of thumb, please do not touch any instrument unless me or my dad give you permission. Cool?”

“Yeah, cool,” Rainbow Dash dismissively agreed. “Now, show us this cool studio of yours!”

“Trust me, it’s not that exciting.” Oli began the descent, and Rainbow Dash was the first of the ponies to head down the stairway, guided only by the light of a single light bulb shining into the corner from the ceiling. Oli reached the bottom and swung out to the right to let the others enter in.

As Oli promised, the basement appeared to simply be a space comprised of a concrete floor and supports to the rest of the house above. To the Equestrians’ left, they found what appeared to be a very well-organized and tidy woodworking station. A guitar case was resting on its side beside the left desk/cabinet, the instrument inside waiting to be worked on later. Twilight switched on the desk lamp situated a couple of shelves above the center table, giving the space and its contents much better illumination.

“Whoa!” Spike struggled to see above the desks and cabinets where his other friends could. “What is this?”

“That’s my dad’s workshop where he works on the instruments he gets,” Oli answered, followed by the click of another switch. “And this… is the ‘studio.’”

With several flourescents lighting up the entire right wing of the basement, the Equestrians’ eyes grew wide as they spotted what was once hidden by the dark. Over a dozen guitars of various shapes and sizes were fixed on the wall by mounted hangers. As the Equestrians came in and got a closer look, they were even more amazed to see that not only were the guitars unique, they all looked to be in near perfect condition.

“Oli, your…” Twilight was tempted to touch the sleek, shining finish of a Gibson Les Paul, but quickly kept her hoof from making contact. “Your father did all these?”

“Yeah.” Oli pointed to the same guitar. “That one right there? Thing was so busted that its last owner literally gave it to him. With a nice sanding, hardware replacement, and some TLC, he could probably sell that thing close to market value. He’s definitely proud of that one.”

“As he should. That’s a gorgeous looking instrument, and your father must be quite talented to make it look like that. You wouldn’t by chance have before and after photographs, would you?”

“And what’s all this?” Pinkie Pie’s voice echoed further in.

Oli quickly weaved himself around the ponies as they admired a section of wall dedicated to refurbished keyboards and synthesizers. He finally found Pinkie Pie standing before a folding table, upon which sat a DJ controller with two CDJs placed beside it. Fastened to the table and raised up above the wiring was a platform where Oli’s laptop could comfortably fit. As well, an empty keyboard stand and floor guitar stand were placed on both sides of the table.

“That’s… all mine,” he chose to answer.

“Whoa, are you, like, a DJ, Oli?” Rainbow Dash and the others began to gather around him and his equipment.

“Yeah. I… like to prefer the term ‘mashup artist’ though.”

“And what’s that mean? No offense, but I think ‘DJ’s’ cooler.”

“I haven’t gotten the chance to really show you yet, but all those records that were in my room? I digitally recorded them into my computer in my room. I’m able to extract the vocals and instruments from all the songs on those records, and I use bits and pieces of them to… well, ‘mash’ the songs up.”

“I can’t say I really understood a lick of that,” Applejack said with a strange sense of pride. “Maybe y’all could show us instead.”

“I’m… sorry, nothing’s really plugged in at the moment.” He then looked away, mumbling, “I should get on that.” He then picked up his normal volume. “I can… give you a basic concept upstairs if you like.”

“On your computer?” Pinkie Pie clarified. “In your room?”

Oli refused to say anything, the pink pony having made it clearer than anyone possibly could at that point.

Oli sat at his computer desk, the Equestrians crowded around him as they tried to get the best view for his exclusive creative runthrough. His laptop was already running his mixing software, two tracks already loaded up, each one on their own timeline and arranged so that certain peaks on their visible waveforms looked to match up with each other.

“Alright,” Oli explained, “I have this track up here…”

He pointed to the top one, which was named “INTERGALACTIC-VOX.” He then pointed to the one below, which was labeled “TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT-INST.”

“…and I have another track below it. First, I gotta’ set them to the right BPM, beats per minute for the uninitiated, and then…”

Hitting the spacebar, a funky synth passage began to play from the speakers. Almost as soon as the drums kicked in, a simple rap began to play over the track. Though the flow wasn’t extremely quick or overly technical, it fit the groove of the Led Zeppelin tune like a glove. Oli glanced off to his sides, noticing Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike bobbing their heads as they listened in. Twilight and Fluttershy seemed still in their contemplation, and both Applejack and Rarity seemed to be indifferent to it.

“I really can’t say this is my cup of tea,” Rarity said, “but I think I understand the concept.”

“Yeah.” Oli slightly lowered the volume along with his voice. “Now, when I’m doing shows, I tend to do all of this on the fly and with more isolated tracks; drums, keys, bass, guitars, heck I’ll lay keys on top of keys if I think they’ll work together.”

“Now did you just say ‘shows?’” Pinkie Pie asked. “You actually do this for other people?”

“Mmhm. I mostly do school dances and weddings, especially on the weekends, but it pays well and often enough that I can help cover bills and still have enough to keep buying records and equipment for myself.”

“Well that sounds mighty responsible of you, Oli,” Applejack complimented. “I bet you and your father really enjoy doing all that.”

Oli nodded, the extra affirmation giving him extra confidence to smile warmly. “Well, you know what they say, ‘Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.’”

“You know,” Pinkie Pie said, “I feel the exact same way working at Sugarcube Corner! Wow Oli, you’re so wise!”

“Thanks, but it’s not exactly an uncommon phrase.”

“Don’t be so modest,” Rainbow Dash lightly punched Oli’s shoulder. “This is really cool what you do.”

“I also noticed those stands by your stuff downstairs,” Fluttershy piped in. “Do you also play instruments too?”

“Yeah. Guitar, keys, and drums. Always good to add your own flourishes now and then.”

“Did your dad teach you?”

Oli blinked, suddenly fighting to keep the comfortable-looking smile on his face. “He helped teach me the guitar, drums I was able to mostly figure out on my own, and… I taught myself how to play keys.”

“That’s amazing, Oli.” Twilight’s casual response allowed Oli to retain his relaxed composure. “When’s your next show, unless it’s not that soon?”

“As… a matter of fact, I have a show this Saturday.”

“Ooh, fun!” Pinkie Pie excitedly bounced up. “Can we come?”

“Now hang on, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “I know we managed to smooth things over with Oli’s father, but that doesn’t mean we can just start showing our mugs all over town.”

“Actually…” Twilight tapped her hoof to her chin. “We could–”

“Actually, hold that thought for a second.” Oli’s face was in his phone, reading the most recent message he got from his dad.

Stopping at the store to make dinner for you and your friends. Ask them what they like to eat, because I sure as shit don’t know.

“That your dad?” Spike asked, trying to pull himself up by the armrests of Oli’s chair to have a look.

“Yeah,” he breathed contently out. “Looks like you’re having dinner with us tonight.” This news resulted in a happy chatter amongst the Equestrians. “I may have a good idea of what you all can eat, but maybe you can fill me in more fully?”