• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,176 Views, 113 Comments

The Softness Of Her Heart - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy!

  • ...

W-we're just very close friends!

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

I wake up to find that I'm trapped in Sombra's embrace. I try to lift his hoof off me or even wriggle out, but he's hugging me too tight.

"Sombra?" I tap him a couple of times but he doesn't stir.

I blush as I realize I'm now trapped by my handsome stallion Sombra and decide to wait until he wakes up to get out of bed.

But then I remember... Today is spa day! Rarity would be upset if I missed that!

I began shaking my way out of Sombra's embrace, and my movement wakes him up. "Fluttershy...why are you moving so much?" he mumbles.

"Today is spa day and Rarity will be upset if I'm late for it!" I exclaim.

"So why aren't you going?"

"...I'm a little...trapped."

Sombra looks at me and blushes. He lifts his hoof, allowing me to get out. But as I get up, he pulls me back down. "Can you stay with me for a little longer?"

"But Sombra..."

"Fifteen minutes? Ten minutes? Even five minutes?" he asks me, making those adorable pleading eyes that I can't resist.

"Fine," I slip back into his embrace. "Ten more minutes."

"Sombra, ten minutes are over now and I really need to go."

"One more minute?"

"Sombra... How about this? Once I'm back, we'll spend a very long time sleeping together."

"But I wanna sleep with you now..." he says, half slurred.

"Now Sombra, I really don't want to be late for Rarity, and I want to sleep more with you. But it would be rude of me not to go, as this is going to be our first spa day in months..."

Sombra wraps his hooves around me tighter. "Please?"

I'm about to give in when Angel bunny hops into the room, bites Sombra's hooves, causing me to fly straight up and into the ceiling in shock which causes me to cry in pain and fall with Sombra catching me while muttering curses under his breath.

I recover first. "Angel bunny! How dare you!" I shriek. "You hurt Sombra!"

He tells me that Sombra was causing me to be late.

"So what if he was? He was just having some fun! Now, apologize to Sombra and me or I'll punish you!"

Angel lets his ears droop, looks at the floor and apologizes.

"I forgive you. There's one thing I need to do before I can go, aside from brushing my teeth and mane. Thanks to you, I need to bandage Sombra's hooves."

I look at Sombra who says, "I never knew that bunnies of all things could be so harmful."

With everything wrapped up, I made my way to the spa to find Rarity and Applejack there.

"Fluttershy darling," smiles Rarity. "How are you?"

"I'm doing as well as could be expected after flying into the ceiling. How are you both?"

"I am doing simply marvelous on this wonderful-"

Rarity begins a speech and Applejack interrupts her, drawing a glare from my unicorn friend.

"You say y'all flew into the ceilin'? How did that happen?"

"Well... Sombra wasn't letting me get out of bed because he wanted me to stay for longer, and when he didn't let me go after ten minutes, Angel came in and bit his hooves which caused him to let go of me, allowing me to fly into the ceiling in shock. But luckily Sombra caught me. If he didn't... I think I'd be in the hospital."

Rarity's eyes widen. "Fluttershy dear, did I hear you correctly? King Sombra is in your cottage? Sleeping with you?"

"Didn't y'all hear that Fluttershy was given the task of reformin' Sombra by the Princesses?"

"Heavens, no, I've been so busy lately that I've been unable to pay attention to anything but my work!"

AJ looks at me. "Y'all said ya were...sleeping with Sombra. That's true?"

"Ye-" I catch on to what that means and blushing furiously, say, "N-no! Not in that way!"

"I hope that is true dear, because it is very unladylike to sleep with a stallion you barely know. Especially one such as...Sombra."

"What's wrong about Sombra?"

"Simply everything, darling."

We get to our spa room and I ask, "What does that mean?"

"What it means is, that stallion is pure evil. You can never know what he's planning."

"I'm sure Sombra's not planning anything."

"You can never be sure."

Applejack asks, "So, Shy, how is it? Livin' with Sombra and all that."

"It's been good lately. He's been helping me feed the animals, clean the cottage, and everything else."

"An' gettin' a good nights sleep?"

"Yes. It's been easier to sleep when Sombra's near me. For some reason... I feel safe when I'm near him."

"Do you have...feelings for him, Fluttershy?" Rarity asks.

"What? Yes. I mean, no!" I sigh. "I don't know."

"She's blushin'. That means our lil' Shy's got a fine, might likin' for Sombra."

"Just make sure to marry him first darling," Rarity teases. "If you don't make a move first, other mares will."

My cheeks are red. "Ra- rarity!"

"Though Shy, do ya think he likes you?"

"Sombra? Well-"

"Obviously he does darling. Otherwise, why would he be so reluctant to let go of Fluttershy in the mornings?"

"Ah agree with ya. It certainly makes sense. So, Shy, have ya planned out yer weddin'?"


"I'll be sure to make the perfect suits and dresses for such an occasion!"

"An' ah'll be more than happy ta provide the cider."

"G-girls, I'm not planning on marrying Sombra any time soon! W-we're just very close friends, that's all!"

"Ah see. Ya wanna date him first, get ta know him before ya marry him. Ah understand."

"Remember that Sombra has to take you out to restaurants, not you taking him!"


"Relax Shy, we're jus' teasin' ya."

I take a breath of relief.

"Even so, if you do marry Sombra, be sure to tell us before the wedding happens."

King Sombra's P.O.V:

As soon as Fluttershy leaves, I pull myself out of bed as carefully as I can and wince at my bandaged hooves.

"Holy Tartarus, it's bleeding!"

I glare at the source of my pain, the bunny. "Even bandaged, I'm still a good fighter. So what do you say to a fight, bunny?"

Angel glares at me and nods. It is on.

Author's Note:

Poor Shy. Getting teased by Applejack and Rarity mercilessly.

It's about time I updated, isn't it?

The end of this chapter shows the next will be very soon, because I don't want to leave y'all hanging on what happens in this "epic" fight.

I wonder how Shy will react to it...

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