• Published 7th Dec 2021
  • 2,456 Views, 54 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the Shadowbolts - KittyrinnAiko

Sunset's father is back in her life and things are looking up, but things aren't always what they appear to be.

  • ...

Chapter 14

“Now. Lunch isn’t quite ready yet,” Granny announced. “Y’all have a seat, and I’m going to get everything ready.”

“I’d be delighted to help,” Nova offered.

“Noth’n doing, yer a guest.”

“We already tried,” Holiday offered.

“Maggie, I just want to get caught up. It’s been far too long since I saw you last.”

“And who’s fault is that?” Granny’s voice was kind but carried a tone of it’d be nice to see you more often.

“Oh, come on Maggie. I’m burning the candle at both ends as is. I’ve my duties in Akkadia, I have to keep tabs on certain elements in England, and to be honest Sunset’s the primary reason I’m even here.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Granny all but shot back.

“Because in a roundabout way, she’s part of my family and she nearly stepped off a bridge,” Nova replied sounding defeated. “Maggie, I’ve lost too many. I made a promise to keep an eye on her, and I wasn’t about to lose her just because Wallflower Blush had a bur under her saddle.”

“And the other reasons?”

“The architect of misery himself has been asking questions.”

“Come on. Sounds like we need to talk.” Granny offered grudgingly followed by the two women going back to the kitchen.

“Know what? I’ve some questions of my own,” Applejack announced a moment later. She got up and followed after. What she saw was Granny and Nova lip-locked like they were old lovers. “Aaaaa...”

“You know I love you, I’ve always loved you,” Nova offered as they parted.

“I suppose it’s better the way things turned out,” Granny offered quietly. “So what’s that old fool up to this time?”

“He’s figured out that Harry is alive. Seems my subterfuge wasn’t good enough, and he’s bound and determined…”

Nova spots AJ standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “Miss Brandy, can we do something for you?”

“Ahhhhh…” Applejack was all but groaning out. She took a moment to reboot. “Noth’n, I didn’t see nothin!” Applejack declared, spun on her heels, and departed post-haste.

“You happy now?” Granny accused.

“Ya.” Nova had a big grin on her face.


“Sure am...

“Now as I was saying, Dumbledore has been asking questions.”

“So what’s he know?”

“Thanks to one of my counterparts showing up and masquerading as Aerie Potter a few years back, he’s kind of figured out he’s been played. Oh, it took him a bit, what with me replacing Harry with a Changeling. Several. And they'd gone with Aerie too because they figured they'd a better chance of being nurtured as girls. Just not from that specific family though. The family Dumbledore would have put Harry in were the absolute worst, and then that man put compulsion charms on them. It was all my Lings could do to stay in that house more than a couple of days at a stretch, even reformed as they were. They even built themselves a bunker under the house so they could switch off without anyone ever catching on. I will have to say it sure put a monkey wrench in Dumbledor's plans when Harry turned out to be a girl.”

“Aye, you’ve ranted about Dumbledore on more than one occasion. I especially love how he didn't bother to rush into help when Riddle and his Death Eaters attacked the Potter house, but that half-giant of his comes trundling in to pick up Harry after all the smoke cleared like what had happened had all been planned.”

“I doubt Hagrid ever did catch on when I presented him with an Aerie Potter. Oh, and Sirius wanting to go after Peter.”

“Which you put a stop to.”

“Damn right I did. Sirius was furious, but I knew full well he’d be walking into a trap.”

“And then Dumbledore framed him for betraying James and Lily and declares himself the Magical Guardian of the boy. Good thing he never succeeded in his plans to manipulate him. If he’s looking for Harry now, I don’t know what he could hope to gain. That young man would be of legal age in Wizarding Britain now, even if Dumbledore does come looking, he can’t touch him, can he?”

“The man is a master of manipulation, and I’ve no doubt he’ll try his best. If nothing else, that man-made it necessary for me to keep tabs on his doings. I honestly believe he was the one who set up the Potters. Riddle would never have known about Harry or some damn prophesy if not for that man.”

“You ever regret not goin’ through that time warp to get you closer to home?”

“Sometimes, but I’m glad I stayed. I’d have been an adult by the time I got home anyway, and I’ve got a feeling this world would have been a total shit hole on the other side of that time warp.

“And today I get to have lunch with my mom even if she doesn’t know it.”

“You want to run that by me again?”

“Princess Twilight. I haven't even been born yet, and don’t worry, it’s fine so long as I’m on this side of the portal. Princess Twilight would have been here today with or without me. Everything that’s happened was supposed to happen. I’m just glad that Dusty showed up right on cue. Oh, I’d have swooped in and caught Sunset, but she needed her father.”

“Is he her father?”

“Well, ya see, therein lies the problem. He might be her father.”

“Which begs yet another question, doesn’t it?”

“Are they ponies or human?” Nova offered. “I hear Sunset has learned how to turn herself into a pony, but in truth, that doesn’t prove anything. What people don’t know is that once someone has been in Equestria, they are from that point on from that world. It’s the magic of the world, it saturates the individual and makes them a brand new being.”

Applejack returned to the family room where everyone was getting to know each other better. “Zachery, was it?”

“Friends call me Zap,” he offered.

“Your Aunt?” Applejack’s question sounded more like Applejack was ready to tie Zachary to a chair and stick a light right in his face.

“More of a Great Aunt. Listen, you know about magic. My aunt is a very powerful magic-user. She’s a princess of Equestria if you know what that means?”

“I do,” Sunset offered.

“I’m not sure I do, and I am a Princess of Equestria. I will have to admit that I don’t know anything about her outside of Princess Celestia knowing about her,” Princess Twilight announced. “But from what Sunset has told me about magic in this world it suggests that Nova Swan is not someone to be taken lightly.”

“She looks young because of her manna reserves,” Zachary offered. “A large manna reserve slows down the aging process. I’ve been told that she went after the people who killed my parents. She’d been there, but…”

“Arrived too late?” the human Twilight asked.

“Twilight?” Princess Twilight asked.

“It’s alright,” Zachery offered. “I barely remember any of it. Aunt Nova arrived about the same time the attackers did. Maybe a moment or two later. She had to fight her way through to get to me. Uncle Sirius arrived next. He’s my God Father. He says wizards don’t like to go up against Aunt Nova because wizards like their killing nice and tidy.”

“And she’s not tidy about killing?” Applejack asked sounding horrified at the idea.

“Wizards have a spell that just makes a person not alive anymore,” Dusty offered. “Nice and clean.”

“That’s horrible,” Princess Twilight whispered. By the looks that crossed the faces of everyone there, the feeling was mutual.

“All neat and tidy with no mess and nearly untraceable.” Dusty let out a sigh. “In the sort of work I do, my part-time work, and I didn’t say anything mind you. I’ve seen it. Fortunately, the people from Eques have come up with ways to counter it.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Lofty interjected.

“My Aunt Nova is a wonderful loving person. In Eques she’s known as the Princess of hope,” Zachery offered. “That said, she’ll do whatever she has to protect others.”

“Of course, she would. She’s a hunter,” Fluttershy offered demurely as she hugged the coat fox. “Strange thing though… I’d swear she was the waitress at the diner Mac picked me up at.”

“Probably was,” Sunset offered. “She knew you were out in that storm looking for me. She mentioned checking up on you after she was sure I’d be alright.”

“Well, what do you know about that?” Applejack offered quietly.

“Sunset…” Apple Bloom began quietly. “Were you going to, well, you know?” Apple Bloom couldn't bring herself to outright say it.

“Dusty had to lasso me and drag me off that bridge,” Sunset informed her. “I…” Sunset faltered, her head dropping. “It’s all kind of a blur now.” Silence. “I remember, I was standing on the wrong side of the railing. I’d let my body pitch forward. And then I stopped. I just couldn't understand why I’d stopped moving? Why hadn’t I fallen?”

“Oh, Sunset,” Princess Twilight said softly.

“You are the catalyst that changed my life,” Miss Twilight offered, her voice soft. “My life was stagnant. A mixture where nothing new ever happens because there was no energy to start the reaction.” She paused a moment. “I think it’s horrible you ended up out on that bridge, but I’m glad you came to Crystal Prep. It’s just that sometimes bad things have to happen for good things to happen. Isn’t that how it works sometimes? Something bad has to happen to make something good? Let’s just hope that our future activators are less dramatic.”

“Hello, I’m trying ta apologize here,” Apple Bloom protested.

“Bloom…” Applejack warned just loud enough for her sister, and just about everyone near her to hear.

“I just want to say sorry. I never, I never meant for… I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Sunset offered. She could see that Apple Bloom was clearly distressed. “Apple Bloom, yes, a lot of bad things happened, but like Twilight said, good things came out of it.

“So, have you been keeping up on your studies?” Holiday asked.

“Home school,” Apple Bloom offered meekly.

“Yup,” Big Mac interjected in his low drawl.

“Not like you are missing anything,” AJ offered.

“Dare I ask?” Sunset inquired.

“Quiet. Real quiet-like. What with all the orneriest sort gone. The girls all miss you and are right worried.”

“Sunset is in good hands over at Chrystal Prep,” Zachary offered.

“I’ve friends from the neighborhood where my flat was located.”

“That’s good to hear,” AJ replied with a smile.

“I checked up on her,” Princess Twilight offered. “It was a lot of fun.”

“She had everyone thinking she was me,” Miss Twilight replied, her smile infectious. “I heard what Indigo did.” The two looked at each other and shared a laugh.

“I will have to admit it was odd. A little awkward too,” Princess Twilight admitted. “Kind of amusing too. Amazing how much chaos such a little thing could cause.”

“What’d she do?” AJ asked.

“Let’s just say there’s a fairly easy way to tell the difference between the two Twilights and leave it at that,” Sunset explained. “Zap here spotted the difference right away. Didn’t you Zap?”

Zachary began to blush at the memory of his actions.

“We are just about ready to serve up the vitals,” Nova offered as she came out.

“What, now?” AJ protested.

“Perhaps later when it’s just the girls,” Lofty offered as she got up. “Zachary there is already overstimulated enough.”

“I hear the boy who walked into a doorjamb has quite the shiner,” Holiday added as she too stood up.

“Shiner? Doorjamb? Now why in tarnation would someone walk into a doorjamb?” Applejack asked dumbfounded. As the two Twilights began to stand up the possible truth of the matter began to creep into AJ’s mind as it was a bit like looking at two nearly identical sisters. But not twins. Not completely, and the difference was maturity. Princess Twilight was older and more mature in her comportment and appearance. It was subtle but evident enough for anyone who know either Twilight. Rather obvious when the two were right next to each other. Princess Twilight was every bit the elder sister.

“What did she do?” AJ inquired with perhaps a touch of anger.

“Ah, Indigo is lacking in certain social graces,” Zachary offered as he blushed a deeper crimson. “No, I wasn’t there, but I did hear about it after the fact.”

“What say we go in and get seated?” Dusk offered, and a moment later everyone was on their way into the dining room. As for Nova’s jacket, it had gone in search of the hall closet and hung itself up. Much to Fluttershy’s delight.

Author's Note:

Well, this is going in interesting directions, and yes, there is a prequel in the works.

Progress is going to be slow though. At least until I can get out from behind that 8-ball of writer's block. I just seem to be having trouble with this one. The prequel, Aerie Potter, and the Philosopher's Stone ( Which gained the title Agents of Discord ) has been coming along nicely but only because I've recycled material from abandoned projects to speed it along.