• Published 6th Oct 2021
  • 1,425 Views, 36 Comments

The Hidden Tribes - Silver Dragon Blade Wing

Sunny Starscout and her new friends had thought that it was only Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. But they would soon discover there were more Tribes

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Clan

As the group moved through the bushes Sunny continued to ask Flare questions about Thestrals, learning that yes they could see in the dark almost as well as they could in the day and no they didn't drink Pony blood. Flare was quite chill as Sunny asked her questions, calmly answering them when she paused for breath. Soon they reached the spot where Flare had said his "Clan" lived, parting the bushes to reveal a small gate and beyond that was Flare's home.

"Wow..." Was Sunny and her group's collective response.

The place was a large lodge with several other buildings spread about a wide clear area with a sparkling lake next to it, though there were tons of random junk laying scattered about.

"Impressive isn't it?" Flare asked.

"It's beautiful." Sunny said. "A little messy though."

"It was an old fishing camp built, or rather thrown up, here and sort of forgotten at some point, while the buildings are a bit run-down they are safe and the lodge is the home of me and my Clan." Flare continued, "As far as we know it's the only place where sunlight can reach the forest floor. As for the junk, that was here before we arrived, we just never got around to clearing it up."

Flare lead them to the entrance of the lodge and open the door for them, the room what fairly large, just a little smaller than the main room of Sunny's lighthouse. Across from the entrance was a second door that led to a stairway going down with two large windows on the wall next to the doors and a few tables, couches and chairs scattered about.

"Sorry about the mess, you five are pretty much our first visitors since Mr. Argyle, so we never really had a reason to tidy up the place."

As Flare had said there were several things laying about but the place had a sort of "lived-in" look and the stuff laying about wasn't really a tripping or stepping-on hazard. Any further talk was interrupted when the sound of three barks rang through the air found by heavy thumping as three massive dogs charged up from the stairs and went straight for Hitch, who only had time to yelp in surprise before he found himself on his back under three seven foot, one hundred seventy four pound dogs getting his face washed by tongues the size of hoof towels.

"Gah! Why-*Putf* me?!"

The girls were laughing, Sunny the hardest as she had known Hitch to me an animal magnet but as far as she knew he never had to deal with ones this big. Fortunately Flare gave a whistle and the three dogs got off Hitch who sat up, his face thoroughly licked.

"Why am I magnet to animals."

"Well look at it this way sheriff, you won't to take a bath for awhile." Zipp snarked.

Hitch gave her a deadpan look. "Ha-ha-ha."

"Sorry about that." Flare said, petting the three dogs. "These three are very friendly and love giving and receiving affection. These big puppies are Dreadnought, Titan, and Juggernaut." Dreadnought was mostly black with a brown underbelly and patches of white scattered about, Titan had the appearance of a husky, and Juggernaut was pure snow white. Izzy approached first, smiling happily.

"Oh my gosh, they'll adorable!" Her response was happy barking and tails wagging, Izzy held a hoof forward to let the three sniff her, followed by the three giving Izzy licks which caused her to giggle which Flare smiled to.

"Seems like they like you Izzy."

Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp came over next, greeting the dogs and getting licks and tail wags in return. Flare then lead the group downstairs which was a room around the same size as the one above that had been set up like a large media room with a very large TV mounted on the wall across from the stairs with a set of metal shelves holding various game consoles on each side, a large wooden coffee table in front with enough space for two Ponies to walk in between them and around the table with enough space for a Pony to walk in between them was a set of two recliner chairs and a large sofa. In one of recliners fast asleep was a Pegasus Stallion with a strawberry red coat, white mane and tail, and a Cutie Mark of several types of candy. He wore a long, wool white and gold scarf with three cornflower blue bows tied onto it around his neck. Next to him was a small table was an open box of white, brown and green chocolate mint straight candy canes.

Flare gave a cheeky smile and gestured to the sleeping Pony with his hoof, and Titan ran forward before jumping onto the chair and giving the Stallion a rapid-fire licking.

"GAH *-puft!-* Titan! Get OFF!"

He pushed the dog off as Flare waved for Sunny and her friends to take a few steps back, and the Pegasus wiped his face, his red eyes blinking the sleep out.

"I love you too but you're much too heavy to be a lap-dog." He then noticed Flare grinning. "Flare?! For crying out loud could you not sic the dogs on me while I'm napping." He said with a scowl.

Flare laughed, "Sorry Sweet but it's too funny."

The Pegasus, identified as Sweet, snorted and picked a candy cane out of the box, placing it in between his lips. He stood up and was about to say something to Flare, but did a double-take seeing Sunny and her friends.

"Well I'll be: Two Earth Ponies, a Unicorn, and Two Pegasi, all together?"

Sunny smiled as she approached. "I know, surprising isn't it?"

"Indeed," He blinked, looking more closely at Sunny before his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little. "You're Sunny Starscout right? Mr. Argyle's daughter?"

"I am." Sunny confirmed, "Flare already told me about you group's relation with him."

Sweet smiled and held a hoof out which Sunny shook with a smile of her own.

"Pleased to finally meet you, Mr. Argyle spoke highly of you. My name's Sweet Treat, and you've met Star Flare and our dogs. Who are your friends?"

Sunny had just finished introducing Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp when a loud scream of rage rent the air and caused everypony and dog to jump several feet. A Unicorn Mare with a silver coat, blue mane and tail with a gold stripe running through it, blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a thirty-second music note made of carved gems entered the room though a doorway opposite of the TV. She was holding what looked like a bunch of wires, and she was not happy at all.

"Look at this." She was snarling as she shook the wires in her hoof and looked at Juggernaut, "Ruined, AGAIN! Juggernaut, how many times do I have to tell you that my violin bow is. Not. A. CHEW TOY!!!"

Juggernaut stared back at the raging Mare, then pointed his paw at Dreadnought and made some noise which was followed by the latter looking at the former with a shocked looked and a noise of his own.

(Dog Translation;

Juggernaut: "Umm... He did it."

Dreadnought: "WHAT!?")

"Don't try to Horseapple me! You're are the only one who has done this! Silver is going to flip once he finds out that your tore the door off my locker again."

Flare and Sweet facehoofed in prefect sync with each other.

"Oh no." The latter groaned.

"He just fixed that last week." The former sighed as the Mare huffed at Juggernaut.

"Bad Dog."

Juggernaut gave a deadpan stare, then stood up and walked over to the other wall where several flowers sat.

"Juggernaut? What are you-" The Mare was cut off as her eyes widened in horror as both the realization hit and the dog lifted his leg over a bundle of roses.

"NO!!! NOT ON MY ROSES!!!!!"

With that scream that caused the other Ponies (especially Flare) and dogs to cover theirs, the Mare zoomed in a doomed attempt to stop Juggernaut followed by Flare to keep her from killing the dog.

Sweet turned to Sunny and her friends with a sheepish smile.

"Very sorry about that... that was my twin sister Music Gem. Normally she's actually a very kind Mare who loves to make music, but... Juggernaut likes to mess with her. None of know why, but he likes to get under her skin. That's actually the sixth violin bow she's gone through."

They looked over to see Flare trying to hold back the enraged Gem while Titan pulled Juggernaut away by the scruff of the neck and Dreadnought was facepawing at the scene. Sweet sighed.

"Silver is going to be peeved when he gets back."

"Silver?" Hitch asked.

"Our forth member and the "Leader" of our group." Sweet explained, "He's off hunting right now and keeping a Manticore that have been causing trouble out of our area. That's the fifth time this month, and He's getting very sick of it. He's even said and I quote: "One of these days, POW! Right in the kisser". Silver is normally a gentle soul but he's also the best fighter among us."

"What race is he?" Sunny asked.

"It would be easier to explain by you seeing for yourselves, but he should be back in..." Sweet paused to look at a clock mounted on the wall next to them. "An hour or so. We also have a fifth member named Atlas Wings, but she's very shy and uncomfortable around those she doesn't know. In the meantime, Why don't I give your the tour of the place."

The six of them left up the stairs, leaving Flare to deal with the mess.

In another part of the forest

Queen Haven was not having a good day, after escaping from Zephyr Heights with her winged dog Cloudpuff (who had found a silver badge on their way here) she had followed her daughters' trail hoping that they were safe. Now she was lost in the Dark Forest, a place that few ever entered.

And fewer ever returned.

Thankfully it seemed that badge Cloudpuff had allowed him to pick up the scent and she was following her ever faithful companion, but she wasn't the only one here.


From the bushes four Pegasi emerged, Haven immediately recognizing two of them as her former personal Guards Zoom Zepyhrwing and her ever-present partner Thunder. The four fanned out and blocked her path forward, Zoom speaking.

"Your former Highness." She paused there, Haven seeing the anger in the Guard Captain's eyes, but she also saw pain. "Why? Why did you lie to us all these years? "Zoom finished.

Haven paused, unsure how to answer that right away but it came quickly.

"I know I lied for all those years and most likely nothing I say will make a difference, But please hear me out."

The four guards stared back before looking at each other, than Zoom nodded.

"Alright Queen Haven, we'll hear you out."

Said Pony gave them a thankful smile and started speaking.

"As hard as it is to believe, we never lied out of malice. It was to give hope, even if it was false." She paused, thinking over her next words before continuing. "Now it is time for me to pay for those lies, but please: I must know my daughters are safe, they only did what I told them to do. Pipp just followed along with it and genuinely loved her fans and shows while Zipp hated the lie from the get go, she even did research to try and find a way for us to fly again. I always tried to steer here away from that but she only tried harder. My lies are my own, and I'm willing to take both mine and their punishment. Just please let me find them, and I'll come back with you peacefully."

The four guards were silent, mouths open a little as they processed what Haven had said. They had been around their former Queen long enough to know when she was lying, especially Zoom and Thunder, being her personal guards for many years, knew she wasn't here. After a few long minutes Zoom let out a calming sigh and spoke.

"Alright, we'll find the Princesses and go from there, but first: we need to leave this place as soon as possible. We've all heard the stories."

There sounds of agreement form the other guards but before Haven could say that she believed her daughters were here, a very loud male voice rang out and caused the five Pegasi and one dog to jump several feet.

"I told you to stay out off our turf!!"

Rapidly turning to were the voice came from the Pegasi had to jump to the side as a large creature, Manticore by the tail and wings, came flying out of the trees and after rolling head over tail three times crashed into another tree. Following after was a second creature the five Ponies had only heard about in legends: A Western Kirin.

This one was clearly male with a silver coat, a purple and gold-striped mane on his head, neck, and top length of his tail, and green eyes with slit pupil. His back legs had the hooves of his Pony half while his front legs ended in the hand-like claws of his Dragon half with four fingers. His wings were over-sized compared to his body with a wingspan of fifty feet, at the 'wrist' of the wing arms were small four-fingered hand-like claws similar to the ones on his front legs. Two fangs stuck out of his upper lips with the tips reaching to his chin, two half-a-meter long black horns jutted out from the back of his head on either side of his long mane.

His tail was three times the normal length of most Krirn his age, who's tails were normally eight feet long on average, and was tipped with three scythe shaped blades with the shortest on top and the longest on the bottom. His tail was twenty four feet long not counting the blades which was four feet on the longest one.

Around his neck was a scarf that looked like it taken the image off a banner; it was red in color with a four-winged, three-tailed Dragon seen from the side that was flying above a Maelstrom with a black treasure chest clutched in its front claws, various red lines on the dragon and chest bringing out the details of the two, the head facing towards the one end of the scarf and the tails towards the other end of the scarf, which was pointed at both ends, after the tips of the Dragon nose and tails were two black triangles starched on one corner on the corners above the nose and tails, chevrons colored gold and silver close to the nose and tails of the Dragon, a blue stripe after the chevrons, and a purple chevron facing inward at the end.

The Kirin shook himself off as he growled at the Manticore who had recovered and stood back up.

"How many times must I deal with you before you get the message in that thick skull of yours?! This area is our turf! and I for one am getting sick of dealing with you." The Kirin snarled as the Manticore gave a growl of its own.

"So you what to do this the hard way again huh? Fine then."

The two circled each other before the fight started, first with pouncing but eventually the Kirin got the upper hoof only for the Manticore to use its back legs and the Kirin's own momentum against him to sent him face-first into a tall tree, The five Ponies watching wincing at the impact.

The Kirin shook his head but lost his grip and fell through several branches before landing on a thicker one in between his back legs, which caused Thunder especially to flinch, though the Kirin surprisingly seemed unaffected.

"Dragon half for the win!"

The branch then broke and the Kirin crashed onto the Manticore, rolling off as the big cat pounced on him and pinned him down, but the Kirin was able to grab the cat's face and jaw, wincing with a disgusted look on his face.

"Dear Faust, when was the last time you brushed?!"

The Kirin's tail then shoot up and whacked the Manticore on the head, stunning it as the Kirin used his back legs to throw the cat off him. Spring to his feet the Kirin used his wings to boost onto a tree and used it as a spring board, clothes-lining the Manticore as it came at him with his wing. The Kirin smiled as he looked at the watching Ponies, who looked like they were halfway between scared and impressed.

"Rubber tree: Always great for a clothes line."

The Kirin jumped back as the Manticore took a swipe at him and stood on its hind legs, the Kirin did so as well only to suddenly look up towards the sky.

"Say, isn't that Celestia's Comet?"

The Manticore looked up, and the Kirin delivered a kick right between its back legs, causing it to double over and Thunder to tighten his own back legs, his wings flaring down to shield them. The Kirin then picked up the Manticore with an "Upsy kitty." and before the Ponies' eyes began to spin the big cat like a basketball, even using a finger to hold the cat up.

"I'm not even trying." The Kirin said before slamming the Manticore to the ground and jumping into the air, body slamming the big cat's side to which the Manticore let out a pained whine.

"Flying piledriver."

The Kirin then grabbed the Manticore by the scuff and threw it into a tree face-first. It was at the point the big cat called enough is enough and once it stumbled to its paws it took off running with its tail between its legs.

"And I've got more where that came from!" The Kirin roared after it, letting out a huff. "Manticores. I'm not one for animal cruelty, but once in awhile you get one that that you have to show your dominance, especially when they wouldn't stay off your territory."

Shaking his head he turned to his watchers, who were looking at him warily.

"What? Never seen a Western Kirin before?"

"...Only stories..." Zoom said, standing somewhat protectively in front of Thunder.

"Well relax, if you don't try to harm me or my friends then you have nothing to worry about." The Kirin said calmly.

The Ponies looked each other before Haven stepped forward, eyeing the Kirin's fangs, claws, and tail blades with caution.

"Excuse me darling, perhaps you could help us? We're trying to find my daughters. My dog here tracked them here and..." She trailed off, the Kirin giving a nod of his head.

"I can do that." He responded, much to the Ponies' surprise.

"Just like that?" Thunder asked, to which the Kirin gave a small smile.

"In the Dark Forest, unless one is strong enough to survive on their own, there's safety in numbers. But it is going to be dark soon and trust me, you do not want to be out here at night. Follow me."

With a wave of his tail the group started following him, as they walked he asked some further questions and Haven told him the full story, knowing from stories that her grandparents told her that it was unwise to lie to a Kirin.

"By the way darling, what's your name?" Haven asked, the Kirin gave her a soft smile before responding.

"My name's Silver Storms."

Author's Note:

And so the second Chapter is done, I don't know what I'm going to do for the next chapter but I think this story is going to have at least four chapters.

See you next time. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 21 )

Whoops. :twilightoops: Thanks for pointing that out.


the derails are happening and I'm living for it, it seems the queen will meet with her daughters sooner than expected

The Kirin's tail then shoot up and whacked the Manticore on the head, stunning it as the Kirin used his back legs to throw the cat off him. Spring to his feet the Kirin used his wings to boost onto a tree and used it as a spring board, clothes-lining the Manticore as it came at him with his wing. The Kirin smiled as he looked at the watching Ponies, who looked like they were halfway between scared and impressed.

"Rubber tree: Always great for a clothes line."


Hello again Silver,

So, it turns out Star Flare isn't alone. I absolutely loved your intros to the other characters; Sweet Treat and Music Gem seem like real fun to be around, and Titan, Dreadnought and Juggernaut were hysterical.

(Dog Translation;

Juggernaut: "Umm... He did it."

Dreadnought: "WHAT!?")

This made me laugh. :rainbowlaugh: I know that Logan would take to these three instantly; just because he's a diamond dog doesn't mean he can't communicate with them. Though I think he'd steer clear of Music Gem once she made her rivalry with Juggernaut clear.

However, I can't deny that Silver Storms had the best intro; single-handedly beating up a manticore, complete with some epic lines, and I'm really excited to see how he handles having Queen Haven and her guards around, along with possibly reuniting the royal pegasus family early.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but could it be possible that Silver Storms is the descendent of a certain kirin pirate lord we both know. :raritywink: I'm getting a faint recollection. (I want to put an emoji for sarcasm, but I don't see any emojis that look sarcastic enough :twilightsheepish:)

Either way, this was a great continuation of the story. Looking forward to more.

Thanks for sharing.


PS: I've got my own Generation 5 fanfic - Legacy of the Howlite Howler - up. If you wanted to check it out and leave a comment, I'd love to talk about how Star Flare or the others would react to Logan's antics. :raritystarry:

Thanks again.



So, it turns out Star Flare isn't alone. I absolutely loved your intros to the other characters; Sweet Treat and Music Gem seem like real fun to be around, and Titan, Dreadnought and Juggernaut were hysterical.

Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

This made me laugh. :rainbowlaugh: I know that Logan would take to these three instantly; just because he's a diamond dog doesn't mean he can't communicate with them.

I can see some pretty funny moments there, plus a new level of understanding between Flare's Clan and the dogs.

Though I think he'd steer clear of Music Gem once she made her rivalry with Juggernaut clear.

As long as he didn't try to destroy her things like Juggernaut did Gem would actually be fairly chill with Logan.

However, I can't deny that Silver Storms had the best intro; single-handedly beating up a manticore, complete with some epic lines, and I'm really excited to see how he handles having Queen Haven and her guards around, along with possibly reuniting the royal pegasus family early.

Gives a taste of what Western Kirin are capable of in an actual fight, as for Haven and her guards, that's gonna change things a fair bit. Just not sure how at the moment, but having said that: I do have an idea for the Unicorn Crystal.

It's not in Bridlewood :trixieshiftright:

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but could it be possible that Silver Storms is the descendent of a certain kirin pirate lord we both know. :raritywink: I'm getting a faint recollection. (I want to put an emoji for sarcasm, but I don't see any emojis that look sarcastic enough :twilightsheepish:)

He in fact is. :pinkiehappy: As listed below;

Silver Storms is a descendant of Razor and Atlas

Star Flare is a descendant of Dragonfly and Star Wing

Sweet and Gem are descendants of Dragonfly and Dancer

And the currently unseen fifth member is a descendant of Dragonfly and Bluebelle

PS: I've got my own Generation 5 fanfic - Legacy of the Howlite Howler- up. If you wanted to check it out and leave a comment, I'd love to talk about how Star Flare or the others would react to Logan's antics. :raritystarry:

I will soon. :twilightsmile:

So, what would Logan's reactions to the following events be;

Seeing the place where Flare and his Clan make their home. (The place is based off of Possum Lodge from the Red Green show, one of my favorite comedy shows growing up and one that's helped me through some sad times in the past)

Hitch getting jumped and pinned under the three dogs and getting his face washed.

Seeing Sweet woken up by Titan.

Gem's argument with Juggernaut, followed by him going over to the roses.

And finally, if he was present to see Silver lay a beat down on the Manticore. (form start to finish)

Also, what did you think of Queen Haven's speech to her guards? I'm not entirely sure if I got her character right so I focused more on her lover for her daughters.

And something I just want to mention: In my Gen 5 stories, expect to see Zoom Zephyrwing and Thunder as supporting and/or major characters. I will be honest and say that I quickly fell in love with the two and I do ship them. :twilightsmile:


Seeing the place where Flare and his Clan make their home. (The place is based off of Possum Lodge from the Red Green show, one of my favorite comedy shows growing up and one that's helped me through some sad times in the past)

Logan would whistle. "Nice place ya got here." He'd grimace. "Decor could use more gems, but I wouldn't blame ya if you ate them already." (Yeah, I got a running joke where Logan is constantly eating gems or crystals, and might have a small scene where he almost eats the unicorn or pegasus crystals. Not sure on that one)

Hitch getting jumped and pinned under the three dogs and getting his face washed.

Due to his slight rivalry with Hitch, Logan would fall over laughing at his predicament. Unfortunately, I also feel that his barking laughter would draw the dog's attention. Logan would try to communicate with them, but their excitement would get in the way, and they'd dog pile him as well. Not sure if Hitch would laugh at Logan's predictament, but it would lead to a humorous moment of karma for Logan constantly trying to push his rivalry with Hitch, who doesn't really care about the diamond dog's need to have a rivalry.

Seeing Sweet woken up by Titan.

Titan might literally say to Logan, 'Watch this,' before jumping Sweet. Logan would struggle not to laugh, only to lose it when Sweet chastises Titan for not being a lap dog.

"That's what they all say," Logan would note, maybe eliciting a grin from Titan when he adds. "But we show em! Right?"

Gem's argument with Juggernaut, followed by him going over to the roses.

Logan would find Juggernaut's defiance amusing, though he'd also get miffed when Juggernaut tries to pin the blame on Dreadnought. Their conversation would go like:

Juggernaut: He did it.

Dreadnought: WHAT?!

Logan: (In dog language so Juggernaut can understand) Yo, don't shift the blame like that! Wear it proud! There's respect for that.

Logan believes that when you get in trouble - especially with someone you have a rivalry with - it's better to own up to what you did.

And finally, if he was present to see Silver lay a beat down on the Manticore. (form start to finish)

Logan would lock on the manticore with a growl and rush in to help. He'd headbutt the manticore away, briefly share a nod with Silver to let him know they're on the same side, and proceed to lay his own beatdown on the manticore while Silver got to still do his own as well. In a way, Logan would also sort of show off his own strength with Silver; catching the manticore's slash with one paw and lifting the beast up with only his head before throwing it around.

After the manticore was sent scampering off, Logan would crick his neck. "I freaking hate cats," he'd grumble, before grinning at Silver. "Name's Logan Wolfe. How ya doin?"

Also, what did you think of Queen Haven's speech to her guards? I'm not entirely sure if I got her character right so I focused more on her love for her daughters.

I honestly think you did very well with it. Haven's main redeeming quality for me was how much she loved her daughters. And without the need to keep up the lies and the title, she does have the opportunity to show the kinder side to her personality. I liked it.

And something I just want to mention: In my Gen 5 stories, expect to see Zoom Zephyrwing and Thunder as supporting and/or major characters. I will be honest and say that I quickly fell in love with the two and I do ship them. :twilightsmile:

I can understand that. The two do have a cute dynamic. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.


Logan would whistle. "Nice place ya got here." He'd grimace. "Decor could use more gems, but I wouldn't blame ya if you ate them already." (Yeah, I got a running joke where Logan is constantly eating gems or crystals, and might have a small scene where he almost eats the unicorn or pegasus crystals. Not sure on that one)

Flare would smile. "Thanks, we do actually have a gem mine nearby but it's unstable and has a high risk of collapse. So we leave it alone."

Due to his slight rivalry with Hitch, Logan would fall over laughing at his predicament. Unfortunately, I also feel that his barking laughter would draw the dog's attention. Logan would try to communicate with them, but their excitement would get in the way, and they'd dog pile him as well. Not sure if Hitch would laugh at Logan's predictament, but it would lead to a humorous moment of karma for Logan constantly trying to push his rivalry with Hitch, who doesn't really care about the diamond dog's need to have a rivalry.

I can see Hitch looking at the scene with a small smile, and Logan being dog-piled is a surprisingly cute image. :twilightsmile:

Titan might literally say to Logan, 'Watch this,' before jumping Sweet. Logan would struggle not to laugh, only to lose it when Sweet chastises Titan for not being a lap dog.

"That's what they all say," Logan would note, maybe eliciting a grin from Titan when he adds. "But we show em! Right?"

With Flare and the others laughing in the background.

Logan would find Juggernaut's defiance amusing, though he'd also get miffed when Juggernaut tries to pin the blame on Dreadnought. Their conversation would go like:

Juggernaut: He did it.

Dreadnought: WHAT?!

Logan: (In dog language so Juggernaut can understand) Yo, don't shift the blame like that! Wear it proud! There's respect for that.

Logan believes that when you get in trouble - especially with someone you have a rivalry with - it's better to own up to what you did.

A good lesson there.

Logan would lock on the manticore with a growl and rush in to help. He'd headbutt the manticore away, briefly share a nod with Silver to let him know they're on the same side, and proceed to lay his own beatdown on the manticore while Silver got to still do his own as well. In a way, Logan would also sort of show off his own strength with Silver; catching the manticore's slash with one paw and lifting the beast up with only his head before throwing it around.

After the manticore was sent scampering off, Logan would crick his neck. "I freaking hate cats," he'd grumble, before grinning at Silver. "Name's Logan Wolfe. How ya doin?"

Silver would smile and offer a hand to shake. "Pretty well all things considered, Name's Silver Storms. Nice to meet a friendly Diamond Dog for once."

I honestly think you did very well with it. Haven's main redeeming quality for me was how much she loved her daughters. And without the need to keep up the lies and the title, she does have the opportunity to show the kinder side to her personality. I liked it.

Thanks, while Haven does have that sort of air to her that nobles in fiction usually do, her love for her daughters shines through.

I can understand that. The two do have a cute dynamic. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

I've gone some ideas, though I think their first serious role will be in the story I have for after the first season comes out. I'll PM you it later.


Flare would smile. "Thanks, we do actually have a gem mine nearby but it's unstable and has a high risk of collapse. So we leave it alone."

"Oh-ho, is that a challenge I smell?" Logan would declare, cracking his knuckles. "Show me that mine and I'll have it shine!"

Small note: never tell Logan something's dangerous or hard to accomplish. His pride will automatically make him try to take it on.

I'm wondering if I should have a scene where someone manages to stop him with reverse psychology, though even then, I'm worried he'll pick up on what they're doing. Needs some work, but it's fun.

I've gone some ideas, though I think their first serious role will be in the story I have for after the first season comes out. I'll PM you it later.

I look forward to seeing the details.


"Oh-ho, is that a challenge I smell?" Logan would declare, cracking his knuckles. "Show me that mine and I'll have it shine!"

Small note: never tell Logan something's dangerous or hard to accomplish. His pride will automatically make him try to take it on.

Noted. :twilightsmile: Still if Logan was able to get gems the Clan would be glad to let him have a fair bit as the only one in the Clan to eat gems is Silver.

I'm wondering if I should have a scene where someone manages to stop him with reverse psychology, though even then, I'm worried he'll pick up on what they're doing. Needs some work, but it's fun.

Indeed, challenge can be a pain sometimes but other times it can be fun.

Interesting story. Added to my read list. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it so far. :twilightsmile:

will this story [eventually] be updated

Yes :twilightsmile:, the next chapter is in the works, just some RL events and focusing on my other stories right now.

ok, thx for the answer on both

I forgot that Kirin’s could become big. I guess he is like an alicorn kirin from that episode when they were first introduce?

This is a good start hope to see more soon. Is this a story expanding of bringing more tribes into the film like Sea and Snow Ponies for example?


I forgot that Kirin’s could become big. I guess he is like an alicorn kirin from that episode when they were first introduce?

Not quite, to give a little backstory; in my verse there are four races of Kirin: Western (which is what Silver Storms here is), Eastern, Mountain (which are the show Kirin), and Valley. Western Kirin in appearance are how Silver is described above, only he's a Pegasus-born which means his wing are much larger than they otherwise would be and his very long tail is a genetic trait from his family line.

Eastern Kirin resemble this and are known for their tea blends which even in the Gen 5 times are very popular.

Mountian Kirin are, as mentioned above, the Gen 4 Kirin.

And finally Valley Kirin resemble Wyverns in that their forelegs and wings are fused together.

Now there's been no "Alicorn" Kirin as far as anyone knows, but the Kirin do have an interesting trait where they gain different features depending on their mother and her race or species, though this is most noticeable on Western and Eastern. For example; a Thestral/Bat-Pony-born Kirin would have longer fangs, ears tipped with tuffs of fur, and a small hooked claw on each wing finger.

If you want I can tell you more about them.

This is a good start hope to see more soon. Is this a story expanding of bringing more tribes into the film like Sea and Snow Ponies for example?

Thanks, and yes it will, not sure which ones at the moment since this story is a bit of the backburner for the time being while I'm focusing on my other stories, but there are going to be a number of changes to the film. For example: The Unicorn Crystal... It's not in Bridlewood! :trixieshiftright:


That’s actually really cool. I am aware of the Eastern Kirin since the Godzilla story definitely made them look cool wish that was in the official MLP.

I don’t mind learning more since it’s really cool to have more different kinds of ponies or pony like civilizations. Also, that’s a neat idea for two different kinds of ponies offspring having a mix of both parents traits that can make them unique. Yea, the alicorn thing was because there was a Celestia copy in the episode. After what you said that I agree with.

No spoilers pls but it’s nice to know you are making it longer at least. :moustache:

Huh so her dad actually went on adventure. I wonder if his disappearance would be he didn’t come back home? Sorry to think of ship Sunny and Flare… :twilightblush: Since it’s longer I wonder if her dad is alive I wonder if he was just hanging out with other ponies that is faraway?

Okay. :twilightsmile: Though I can say inbreeding wasn't the cause, good guess though. :twilightsmile:

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