• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Player 4

Writing days are probably over...


Tickling. Declared as horrible torture by many. But there are two sides to every coin. And when it comes to tickling, well, ponies would sure know that, as displayed by various events all around Equestria.


1. Stress Relief - Princesses Celestia and Luna are overwhelmed, stressed, on the verge of burnout and need to relax. But everything about work and responsibilities and everything work won't stop overflowing their heads. The only solution may be for somepony else to take control of their minds... and the somepony they choose may have something extra to add to that.

(This story idea was requested by superfun)

2. A Friendly Game - It's Rainbow Dash vs. Applejack and Rarity in a bet for who will have to be under each other's tickling "slavery" for a while. The loser(s), outside of a meal and sleep break, have to give the other(s) free reign to tickle them to their heart's desire. Do the "losers" really experience the tickling as a loss, though?

(This was also requested by superfun)

3. Tickle for Your Talent - Ponies of Ponyville wake up one day to find themselves suddenly not living up to what their cutie marks symbolize. Years of experience doesn't matter as they're botching every hobby and task. Trademark talents drained away, chaos ensues in the town. But might the solution turn out to be something really straightforward and fun?

(I came up with this idea, it was not requested)

4. You're Not So Bad After All - Spike and a pony cook up a sneaky plan to get the other dragons to stop viewing ponies in such a negative light. What if somepony who loves being tickled pretended to hate it and invited some dragons to "torture" her with tickling, only revealing at the end that she had fun? Hmm...

(This idea was also my creation)

5. ????????? - (to be revealed at publication)

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 23 )

"Hahahaha! Tha-hat is the ticket, Starlight! Hahaha! "

I am confused by this sentence, do you mean "Tha-hat tickles, Starlight!" or something else?

Either way, this is a pretty cute chapter, and I am looking forward to what lies ahead for this story!

Funnily enough, I first heard the phrase "that's the ticket" from a video game - Super Mario Galaxy. Characters would say it as a synonym for "Yes! I like that! You're doing well!" when you did something good to them. And I just felt like using it here.

And thank you! I'm also looking forward to more! Thank you for the follow too!

Finally managed to get around to actually reading this.
This was a great chapter

This was pretty fun.

Thanks! Do you think either chapter is better than the other?

Comment posted by ManeBrony deleted Dec 31st, 2021

Will you do a chapter with Rainbow Dash getting tickled?

It's not currently part of the plan, but I could add a story where RD is tickled. I have thought about making a sequel to this chapter where AJ and Rarity turn things in reverse on her.

11102577 That would be awesome. Loving this story so far!

Hey! I haven't finished all the stories yet but I just finished the third and I think it's my favourite out of the lot so far! I love how adorable this is, from start to finish. The only things that I would change would be Spike's involvement in Chapter 2. Even though it isn't sexual, there's still cuffs and it just feels weird with him being a child while the rest are adults, though I'm sure that was not your intention. I also think that the general public would be a little more alienated by the idea of group tickling a mare in Chapter 3, but it's small beans because I love that chapter.

I look forward to more tickle fics from you! You've inspired me to brainstorm more ideas.


The only things that I would change would be Spike's involvement in Chapter 2. Even though it isn't sexual, there's still cuffs and it just feels weird with him being a child while the rest are adults, though I'm sure that was not your intention.

Totally understandable. That never crossed my mind while I was writing the chapter, because I didn't feel it was creepy or anything, but yeah, maybe the innocence level could have done better without it. "A Friendly Game" was also my first tickling story to feature bondage; I don't normally use it, so my skills perhaps could use some honing in.

I also think that the general public would be a little more alienated by the idea of group tickling a mare in Chapter 3, but it's small beans because I love that chapter.

Under normal circumstances, yeah, probably. In retrospect, this chapter was assisted by the citizens' desperation to get their talents back. They probably would resort to more intense measures than otherwise when trying to defeat dark magic, is how I see it.

You've inspired me to brainstorm more ideas.

That's great! Always feels good to know my work can inspire.

Player 4,

Any chance you can make a chapter where Pinkie Pie tickles Twilight completely silly? I’d really like to see more tickle stories with Twilight on the receiving end (and enjoying it, for that matter).

I'd love to see more stories like that as well. I'll try and think about a way to add it to this compilation

Sounds great! I have a suggestion for the setup. Maybe Twilight came home from her royal duties feeling bad about how it went. Thus causing her to feel depressed. And then Pinkie Pie shows up to attempt to cheer her up.

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