• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 6,999 Views, 224 Comments

Unison: Spectacles and Shades - Bookish Delight

Twilight Sparkle and Vinyl Scratch have a meeting of the minds... and learn more than they expected.

  • ...

5: Catching Hearts and Minds

"Salutations, esteemed student body of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns! I, the most the most supremely gifted, supremely talented unicorn in all of Canterlot -- no, in all of Equestria, have graciously decided to grace you all with my graceful presence! You've suffered through the rest, but now it's time to sample the best -- gaze in awe at the magical machinations of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

A blue filly wearing a tiny pointed hat and a cape two sizes too big for her frame stood at center stage on her hind hooves and raised her front ones, sending fireworks erupting around her. Some of the ponies in the audience tensed, waiting for them to catch on the auditorium's stage curtains. Thankfully, none of them did. Trixie, her eyes closed and smile enormous, didn't notice one way or the other.

"And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie will proceed to pull various animals out of her hat!" she said, pulling it off of her head. "Ah, ah, ah -- I know what you're thinking to yourself, but this is no mere parlor trick!"

Trixie held her hat out horizontally, making the opening visible to the audience. Upon looking inside, a different place entirely could be seen upon looking inside of it -- a place full of trees and shrubbery, indeed with some bunnies and birds hopping about. Murmurs spread amongst some of the parents in attendance; if one were to listen closely, the words "royal garden" could be vaguely heard in some parts of the room.

Trixie's smile widened as she sensed her audience's engagement. "Dimensional magic, mares and gentlecolts! Let's see anypony top that!" She reached in. "And now, to transport what we can!" Trixie reached into the hat, fiddled around... and after some time passed, her face scrunched in frustration.

"Get... get back here! Come on, let me grab you! I swear, you all bounce like rabbits! The -- nngh! -- Great and Powerful Trixie appears to be suffering from -- ugh! -- magical difficulties... come on, you, reach..."


Backstage, Binary rolled her eyes at the blowhard on stage. She'd heard of this "Trixie" before, mainly because Trixie tended to spend every waking moment saying her name as loud as she could during recess, rendering the time unsuitable for study. The outcome of her act was pretty much what Binary expected, and she afforded herself a small, spiteful smile.

Still, eventually she could take no more, and went back to her previous activity: pacing back and forth behind the piano which was reserved for her talent show act. She looked back at the long stool, her mind once more replaying the events of the last few hours...

...and once more, without her permission.


"Two years?" said Binary, looking at the apparition before her. "How is that even possible?"

Earth Bound sighed. "I'm sure you've been taught from an early age that magic requires strength of will, but more than that, a reserve of personal energy. Stamina, if you will."

"Right," Binary replied. "The more complex any magic spell I attempt, the more winded I am when I come out of it."

Earth Bound nodded. "But you get over it. You recover."

"Well, yes, of course. I mean, every unicorn does… wait." Binary froze. "Are you trying to tell me that…" She trailed off.

Melody's parents lowered their gazes.

"For the overwhelming majority of unicorns, recovery at extreme worst requires a good night's rest," said Sky High. "But every once in a while, you get a unicorn whose body has a much lower tolerance against the taxing effects of magic. Every once in a while, you get a Magical Melody."

"A Magical Melody for whom recovery from even small spells can take years of good night's sleeps," said Earth Bound. "The stronger the spell, the longer it takes. Obviously it meant we had to homeschool her. If she were allowed to take normal unicorns' studies..."

"She would reach a point in her life where her body would literally be unable to take the strain," Free Style finished.

Sky High nodded with forlorn eyes. "It took a long time for us to find all of this out, since this isn't exactly a common condition. Once we told her, she didn't take it well, but she agreed that had to stay rested. It takes a long time for young unicorn to learn to control their magic, and the spontaneous spells she'd already cast from birth onward had already taken their toll on her."

"Still," said Earth Bound, "restless children find a way, and it wasn't long before she'd figured out a way to not be... so confined."


The conversation of minutes past faded into echoes in the back of Binary's mind. She'd remembered insisting to see Melody after that -- positively begging, in fact. Fortunately not much begging was needed; they'd given her a ride to the house, called up the stairs, and given her directions to Melody's bedside.

Even given the public knowledge of their friendship, Binary wondered in the back of her mind why her parents had been so cordial about things.

She reached Melody's room and opened the door, chuckling inwardly at her mild surprise upon seeing the room looking exactly like the apparition that Melody's parents had shown her. Her emotions neutralized, however, once her eyes fell and she saw Melody lying in her bed, also as expected.

"Binary?" Melody's voice was barely above a whisper.

Binary put on a smile -- partly because she wanted to, and partly because it distracted from the threatening tears. She stepped closer. "Hi, Melody."

Melody continued to talk, her back to Binary. "I... I didn't want to tell you. I pleaded with them not to tell you. I didn't want you to see me like this."

"Why not?"

"Because..." With a slow turn, Melody looked at Binary with shaky eyes. "...imagine you had to tell your only friend that she didn't know how much time she had. Wouldn't you be really scared to admit it? And wouldn't you be scared of the reaction?"

Binary mulled it over for a short while, then nodded. "Uh-huh, I would. So now it's my turn." She knelt at Melody's side, clasped their hooves together and smiled into her friend's eyes. "Imagine your only friend told you she wasn't going to be around much longer. And the whole time, you can see the fear and sadness in her eyes up close. Would you make a big deal out it, knowing how scared she already had to be?"

She saw Melody thinking in turn, and then realizing.

"No. I wouldn't. I'd do everything in my power to make sure she knew I was glad I got to know her at all. More than anything."

Binary warmed. "Thanks for the advice. I think I'll take it."

Melody nodded. "My... my family used to move around a lot because of work. They started moving around even more once they started trying to find a cure for me. I didn't last long in schools, and... well, after you break off enough friendships before they have a chance to start, you stop seeing the point of forming them at all."

Binary held back a sniffle. "Melody, you should be saving your strength."

Melody shook her head. "But then came you. You burst through my door telling me how awesome I was. You didn't give me a chance to stop you. Then I remembered that my parents had decided to settle down in Canterlot to be close to the Princess, and I wasn't really going to be going much of anywhere this time around. So... I let you share in my song."

Binary blinked. "Your song?"

"Mm-hmm. It's always playing in this house, whenever we're together. I'll let you hear it by turning it up a little. See if you can feel the vibrations with your magic."

At the side of the bed, Binary soon could hear a soft lilting of notes echoing throughout the room. At the same moment, she felt Melody's grip loosen. Instantly Binary's heart leapt in alarm, but then she felt something else -- two blue forelegs hugging her from behind.

At that moment, Binary understood.

In that same moment, the other Melody whispered in her ear. "There are links between sound and magic. Between music and magic. That's how I kept my name. And now you know what I know."

"I... I don't know what to say." Binary turned around, staying in her friend's forelegs. This Melody looked and felt just as much a real pony as the one in the bed. Then again, Binary supposed, she always had. "Thank you for trusting me with this."

"It's the least I can do," said Melody, "given what we've been through together."

Binary smiled despite herself, and hugged Melody in return. "It's actually too bad you can't show this off at the talent show."

Melody sighed. "I do so wish I could go. I didn't know what to do when you asked. I didn't want to say no because that would have meant letting you down in front of your classmates. I couldn't do that. Not after everything you've done for me-oh, and now look, you're crying."

"I-I am?" Binary wiped under her eyes and felt liquid. Curses. Caught at last. "Whoa. I guess so. I... look, I can't help it. You're also the first real friend I've ever had... and now you're crying too." She looked back at Melody's body on the bed. "Both of you."

Melody sniffled. "I'm so sorry, Binary. I've done no better than I used to, no matter how much I try to live with what I have, with what I can and can't do... I just keep messing things up."

Binary shook her head. "No, Melody. No you haven't. Not this time, you haven't."

Melody looked up with wide eyes. "R-... really?"

"Really. You've made a friend who doesn't care what kind of 'condition' you have, and who's going to show the world just what you've brought to her life. I'll bring your music to the talent show myself."


"I'm serious! If this is going to be our last hurrah, then we're going out with the biggest bang ever. Like, universe level..."


"...and with no regrets," Binary repeated to the empty backstage.

She planted her hooves on the ground. I'll do this. For both of us. For what we shared. for what I wish we could have-

She stopped herself from crying for the third time that night. Really, it was getting annoying. Fortunately, a pompous voice distracted her.

"All right, all right, time for the ladybug to go back to the garden. We'll get the rabbit next time. And now, for her show-stopping finale, the Great and Powerful Trixie will proceed to turn everypony's wings into horns, and vice vers--wait... wait! Why did it only work on me? Trixie is not a pegasus! Somepony, help! The Great and Powerful Trixie is untrained in the use of wings!"

Amidst laughter from the audience, Trixie uncontrollably sailed through the curtain to backstage, and crashed into the wall behind Binary, who turned around to see one utterly dazed blue unicorn with her outfit completely crumpled.

Trixie came to her senses, glaring back at Binary. "What are you looking at?" she said, before galloping off.

A still-chuckling stagehoof approached from the left. "You ready, dear?"

Binary nodded, and barely had enough time to sit in front of the piano before the curtain rose. Her parents were there, as were Moondancer and her crowd. All the way in the back, she could see Princess Celestia standing expectantly. A violet unicorn filly whom Binary did not at all recognize clung to her back, forelegs wrapped around her neck. Celestia appeared to either not notice or not care.

The room was deathly quiet. She would have to make a sound before the audience did.

Like it or not, the show had to go on.


"Unison: Spectacles and Shades"

A My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fanfiction

Part 5: "Catching Hearts And Minds"

by Bookish Delight, 2013-2014

All characters and referred properties belong to Hasbro.


With one of Melody's music sheets in front of her, Binary began playing.

Magical Chopsticks was a simple song, all told, starting with single notes and moving on to some simple chords. It was one of the songs they'd started out with when teaching Melody how to combine differing works of music. In other words, it had the best chance of not being flubbed.

Sadly, somewhere along the line, her horn had forgotten this.

Missed notes abounded. Wrong notes replaced the ones Binary was sure she'd hit. Nothing was working, even with the few lessons she'd had and retained from years ago. The whole thing was just coming out a mess. "Flubbing" was an understatement.

Her heart twisting, she raised her eyes just above the top of the piano and scanned the audience's expressions. She saw the condescending looks of adults trying to be polite, and smaller ponies restless in their seats. Children were always the most truthful. They couldn't wait for the song to be over.

Binary was right there with them.

Melody, I... I'm sorry... if I keep going, I'll just humiliate your dreams -- our dreams -- even more. I just wasn't cut out for this.

She stopped and leaned forward, resting her head against the sheet stand. This time, she didn't stop herself from sniffling.

I can't do this by myself. Now I understand. You were the only reason our duet wasn't a total failure in the first place.

In the midst of her self-pity she nearly failed to realize that the music hadn't stopped. She certainly wasn't playing, but the piano was.

And it was playing correctly. Amazingly correctly.

Her head darted up, and she looked back at the audience. The audience's expressions had completely changed. Some were blissful, someone were nodding their heads to the beat, and hey, even the fillies and colts didn't look that bored anymore.

She looked down at the piano and saw the keys being pressed with a familiar light. She looked to her right, afraid of her hunch as to who she would see...

...but still utterly thankful when that hunch was proven correct.

"Melody? What are you doing here?"

Her magic not letting up on the keys for a second, Melody turned to Binary with a wink and smile.

"Taking a chance."

Binary gaped. "And I love you for doing so, but how and why-"

With a trill, Melody finished the song to moderate applause. She placed her hoof on top of Binary's.

"When this is over, you can lecture me as much as you want. But right now, if I'm going to play, I'm going to need a musical guide. Know any good ones?"

Binary jumped off of the stool. "I might." She ran backstage, and less than a minute later was pushing a record player behind them. "Can they all see you?" she asked.


"And nopony's the wiser to your song?"

"Nope. Well, there's one who might be."


Melody nodded to Princess Celestia, who simply smiled and nodded in return.

"Oh. Well, no helping that, I guess." Binary grabbed the nearby megaphone. "Fillies and foals, I'm Binary Match of Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. Please allow me to introduce Magical Melody, music prodigy to the stars!" She gestured towards the record player, and then the piano, as she spoke. "Whatever I play, or however I change things up, she'll work her piano magic with all of it just fine! But I've got some surprises in store for both you and her."

Her trusty saddlebag was summoned, albums lifting outside of it and spinning over Binary's head, until one settled on the player, and the needle settled upon it.

"Let's hit it!"


She started slow -- a light classical piece which she knew was easy for Melody to reproduce. As Binary expected, the absence of an orchestra didn't bother Melody in the least. As minutes of Three Seasons played Melody managed to blend her piano's notes perfectly into the virtual ensemble brought about by the record. She watched the audience close their eyes, sometimes swaying as they got lost in the high, flittering notes which did their best to communicate the joy and serenity of nature. It was just the effect Binary had wanted for her opening act.

A third of the way into the first movement, Binary took off her record, placing another one on the turntable. Opposite Ends Meet, the record said -- a golden oldie about two singers who were completely different ponies finding solace in one another. It was one that Melody had never played before -- a little faster and a little complex -- but she knew that it would be just the thing to wake the audience up, and it'd make great preparation for her planned finale.

Her deductions were correct. This time, the audience was a little more chipper, and smiles abounded. In the audience, she noticed a young burgundy filly with a frizzy pink mane grooving next to her mother, who chuckled despite her visible annoyance at her daughter's antics.

Binary smiled herself. Sometimes, ponies did follow the laws of logic and sequence.

Melody, for her part, adjusted to the increased speed well enough. Her notes blended into the lyrics, adding a classical spice normally not present in the genre the particular song represented, much less the song itself.

Soon enough, the song finished, though Binary always felt it ended just as it was getting really good. Still, there was no time to dwell on tonal opinionations. She dug back into her saddlebag, and pulled out the record she'd been saving for just this moment.

It was time for something a little more personal.

The cover read Mares of Rock 'n Roll -- a record she'd found in her mother's collection one evening and found extremely enjoyable. She'd spent hours turning it over in her mind and on paper, wondering just what made its pieces work so absolutely well. A little bit of jazz, a little bit of rock, held together by the same sort fast beats as the last song she'd played -- none of it should work when put together, but there it was, all pressed onto a single record, and she loved it.

The instrumental version was meant to be played via separate octaves to distinguish two groups -- one comprised of fillies, the other of colts -- competing with one another through song. Fast, steady beats, but thick with foreground and background notes. Certainly not as complicated as the works of Iron Mareden, but due to its involved nature it was no less worthy of being called a musical challenge. She hoped Melody was up to it.

As the opening strains of the song played, however, she got her answer, in the form of her her friend's voice echoing clear in her mind.

Hey, Binary?

Binary's eyebrows shot up. Huh?

I know this one. Keep the record on and come play it with me.

Binary froze.

But Melody, you've seen me try to play! You already know I can't!

It'll be okay. Trust me.

Binary sighed inwardly. All right.

Hurry, before the duet starts!

Got it! Binary left the record running and went to the seat, plopping back into her previous position to Melody's left. The deep-noted keys of the piano looked at her intimidatingly. "Guess you want me to play the colts, huh? Well, I'll fumble as best I can."

"Come now, Binary, I said you can trust me."

Melody looked at Binary, then at the keys directly in front of her. Binary did as well, and was shocked to find them changing color -- from white and black to pink -- in a flashing sequence.

She wondered why for all of three seconds. Then it all clicked.

She pressed one of the pink keys with her magic before it changed back to normal... then another, and another. Each time she did, the note she pressed made sense. The song made sense.

She heard Melody's voice once more in her mind.

Let me guide you, just this once?

Binary could barely hold in her happiness.

You got it.

The two continued, blending in harmony during some parts of the song, and moving back and forth between each other during others. So much fun was Binary having that she nearly failed to notice the reaction of the crowd. A slight raise of her head revealed them clomping their hooves an impromptu dance.

Upon nearing what she knew to be the end of the song, Binary got an idea. She knew she'd be able to execute it in far safer a fashion than when Trixie had tried it -- all it would require would be some quick and precise calculations on her part. She started them, all the while making sure to keep playing the keys Melody pointed out to her.

When the final notes played, fireworks crashed in the air, exactly halfway between herself and the ceiling, and with double intensity. Colorful lights shone on all gathered.

And the crowd burst into indiscriminate hoof-stomping applause.


In the midst of the standing ovation, Binary and Melody ran to center stage, quickly nodded their heads in a bowing gesture, then hugged each other.

"Melody!" said Binary. "Melody, we actually did it! They love us!"

"It would appear they do," Melody replied. "I've..." She looked out across the audience. "...this has never happened to me before."

"Don't worry, you get used to it. This is all a little weird for me too."

"Huh?" Melody blinked. "I thought you had the love of your school already."

Binary giggled. "Respect, maybe. Love's another story. But I don't mean that. I mean what you taught me back there just now."

"What... what I taught you?"

"Uh huh." Binary pulled Melody back to foreleg's length. "You taught me that I can really make music, too. Just... differently, is all. Even if I'm just a guide, even if I'm being guided, I can still share my song, just like you share yours. I mean, yeah, I'm the math queen, and I'll always love that as a thing for me. But finally I know something else I can do, which actually makes ponies happy."

Binary looked back out towards the receptive audience herself, doing the best she could not to melt on the spot.

"They're smiling at me, Melody. Smiling at me instead of giving me weird looks and... and..." She rested her face on Melody's shoulder. "...I think I could get used to this."

Melody re-wrapped her forelegs around Binary with a smile. "Welcome to my world, then. I always knew I wanted to do this, but I needed tonight to know I actually could. I can't wait to... wait. What's going on? Do... do you feel that?"

"Huh? N-no, I don't, wha-" Binary looked around, then noticed the audience pointing right at them with outstretched hooves. "Did we just get pranked or something?"

"Not unless someone's had an invisibility spell and a pen!" Melody's gaze was cast towards both their her and Binary's hind quarters, where a single note and twin notes respectively could be seen printed. "Binary, look at us!"

It didn't take Binary long to catch on. "Holy... Melody, we've got our cutie marks!"

Melody gasped as she realized. "You mean, like Mom and Dad and other ponies?"

Binary laughed. "Guess this really was what you were cut out for."

The audience redoubled their cheers as the curtain closed, followed by the two girls redoubling their embrace...

...which was the exact second when Binary fell through Melody and hit the floor.


When Binary came to, she was alone. Then she wasn't... then she was again.

She saw Melody's body fading in and out in front of her, before disappearing entirely.

"Melody? Melody!" Binary rushed further backstage before seeing Melody draped across Sky High's back as she and Earth Bound trotted into the room. A quick glance showed that her cutie mark was still there.

The voice in her mind started up again -- this time audible by all as she saw Melody's parents instantly react.

Binary? Binary, are you there?

"Yeah, Melody." Binary walked slowly towards the three ponies. "I'm here. So is this the part where I lecture you?"

I guess so. Even mentally, her voice was weak. My body couldn't take it, but I'm still here, and it's because I wanted to be. I want you to know that I heard your thoughts just before I arrived. You're not a failure. Don't ever let yourself think that. Your talents are just in a different place.

Binary nodded. "I know that now, thanks to you."

I'm... I'm glad. Not just for that, either. The world never works the way we plan it. I never planned to meet you... and feel like I'd lived a full life in the end.

At those last words, Binary's eyes shot up, and she rushed to Melody's still-unconscious body.

"Don't you dare talk like that, Melody. Not now, not ever! I don't care if a cure doesn't exist, we're making one now! Princess Celestia was in the audience, for crying out loud! Celestia! Princess Celestia, where are you?"

"No need to shout, dear. Open your eyes."

Binary hadn't been aware that they'd been shut tight. She opened them, turned around, and then opened them wider. "P-Princess Celestia? H-how long-"

"Long enough," said Celestia. "As Melody told you, I knew of her ruse the whole time. Knowing of her condition, however, I wanted to examine the nature of her spell. When I felt her song fade, I figured it best to intervene." Celestia walked towards Melody's parents. "You have a strong daughter. You should be proud."

Earth Bound nodded. "We know."

Sky High followed suit. "And we are."

Celestia extended her hoof and touched Melody's body. Yellow warmth flowed from the princess's hoof to the filly, causing her to glow with a similar light. In ten seconds' time, her eyes fluttered open.

"Wha..." Melody's head lifted as she looked around. "Mom? Dad? Binary? I... how long was I out?"

"It doesn't matter," said Sky High, nuzzling her daughter's cheek. "What matters is the now. It's the only thing that ever matters."

"I've given her enough strength to overcome a little of tonight's stress," said Celestia. "But even my abilities don't extend much further." She turned and drew a circle in the air in front of her, causing a yellow ring to appear, large enough for any of the ponies to pass through. "Given the circumstances, there's exactly one thing we can do."

Melody and her parents nodded, and moved towards the ring. Binary did the same, but Celestia held up a blocking hoof. "I am afraid I can only allow family to pass."

Binary froze. "B-but I..."

"It's okay," Melody piped up. "She's my sister."

Celestia looked at Melody. "Truly?"

Melody nodded. Celestia stared at her, then at Binary, then back at Melody again. Her reply was a knowing smile.

"All right, then, Binary, you've been vouched for. You may join the rest of us. Please come with me."

All five ponies passed through the ring, and when they emerged, their mouths and eyes widened in awe at the glamour which met them: pictures of royalty, gold and jewels, complemented by more subdued purples, greens and pinks adorning the furniture. A large and spacious bed lay near the rear.

Free Style was already there. Binary ran over and hugged her mother, then looked back. "All right, we're here," she said. "What's the thing we can do for Melody?"

Celestia levitated Melody, placed her on the bed, and tucked her under the covers. "We can make her last minutes all the happier."

Binary's heart sank like a stone. "What?"

Celestia's expression was somber. "Even after thousands of years, we still don't live in an Equestria where her condition is curable. These are my personal chambers. I thought that perhaps allowing her to be a Princess, even if just for a short while, might offer some solace." She ran a hoof over Melody's forehead, just before levitating her crown from her head and placing it on hers. "Is the bed to your liking?"

Melody nodded. "I've... I've never been on one this soft," she whispered.

Binary ran up to her. "Melody, why did you do this? You didn't have to do all this for me! You knew-"

Melody nodded. "I've known this would happen for a while, yes. It's funny, though -- I always thought it'd be my worst day ever." She looked into Binary's eyes. "You made it my best."

Sky High and Earth Bound both put their hooves on Binary's shoulders.

"And she talked it over with us first, dear," said Sky High. "When you have children, you'll understand -- you don't say no to their dreams, especially if you don't know if they'll ever get the chance again. Our daughter's dream was to have a concert side by side with the sister she never had."

"None of us were sure exactly what the outcome would be," said Earth Bound, "whether she'd be able to take it. But even given what's happened, I still know that we've never seen her smile so much for so long as she has tonight. Or since you entered her life, honestly."

"And now I have my whole family with me. Mom, Dad, 'Sis'... all of the reasons I can smile are here." In demonstration, Melody did just that, while holding out her hooves in beckoning to the three ponies before her. "Your Princess asks you to approach," she said with a tiny giggle.

In reply, the three instantly moved forward into a group hug. Sniffles were no longer stifled, sobs were no longer held back. It was impossible to hold back the constant tears from six eyes.

"We love you, honey," said Sky High.

"I love you all too," said Melody. "Thanks for everything. And Binary... because I can tell... please... please don't-"

The sentence was never finished. Magical Melody's eyes closed. Her body stopped moving.

Yet even when her body was let go and fully placed back on the bed, her smile of contentment persisted.


Binary stepped back, looking at Melody from the end of the bed. She watched Celestia wordlessly move the covers over Melody's head, and take her crown back.

At that moment, she decided that she couldn't look any more.

She galloped for the door, opened it and bolted through it, ignoring the calls of her name from the gathered mares and stallion.

The castle halls greeted her. She'd never been here before. In the back of her mind, she knew she would get lost. She didn't care.

She had to get away from what she knew she'd just done.

She picked one direction and took it, running blindly down steps until crashing upon reaching the next floor down-


Binary was knocked back upon bumping into another filly -- the same filly, she soon noticed, who had been clinging to the Princess during the talent show earlier, and was clinging to a golden cup at the moment.

"Sorry, sorry," Binary said, quickly getting up and brushing herself off.

"It's okay," said the other filly, doing the same. "But... oh! You're Binary Match, yes? Here. This is yours." The golden cup was floated towards her.

"What's this?"

"You won the talent show. Princess Celestia told me you were here in the castle. She wanted me to bring it to you. Sorry we couldn't put your friend's name on it. She's technically not part of the student body, so..."

"I... I won the talent show."

Binary looked at the trophy, turning it around for as long as she could before her heart sank.

"And it was so worth it, wasn't it, Binary? Worth all of this!" She tossed the trophy away. "Give it to someone else," she said, her voice cracking. "I wish I'd never entered!"

She broke into a gallop once more, leaving a bewildered violet filly behind in her wake.

Comments ( 67 )

Yes it lives, but damn! :raritydespair:

oh the feels and the heartache:fluttercry::fluttercry:

The sadness. It's on level with the joy of this being updated. I don't even know what to feel anymore!

Except for the craving for more~

One instance of 'Theyre' that needs the apostrophe was the only error I saw. Nice chapter!

Stop invading my mind with your feels! :raritydespair:

I lied, keep doing it!:yay:


That was... Damn, man.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Dang. The feels...:fluttercry:

Interesting thing was, I was screwing around in my DAW and was thinking about a good half of the musical topics covered in this fic just before reading this.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

"Musicians want to be the loud voice for so many quiet hearts." - Billy Joel

Good job!

3779357 2215582 Crap man you broke Skeeter! How could you?

3779608 3779426 3779357 3779088 3778618 3778215 3778190 3778121 3778091

...yeah, guys, not much I can say. Though imagine walking around knowing this for a year and a half, 'cause this was in the cards from day one. :fluttershysad:

Still, as one act closes, a new one begins. Glad you're all still with this so far. I do appreciate it -- it really wasn't supposed to take this long. :twilightsheepish:

3779632 I've been waiting for this story. I'd never give it up when it was so good! Also thank you for continuing, I know its hard to know where somewhere is going. It was a bittersweet chapter.

I'm sad now...but I'm still watching this.

You forced me to use an image for my comment, because your name has too many syllables to shout in anguished, impotent rage. And you'd best believe there was anguish and impotence to spare!

Take that with sugar and cream and there is no way to say anything remotely like that without it sounding creepy and weird.

I had to reread the last chapter to remember what was going on.

Quite all right. I actually laughed when I saw the gif. I'd've done the same thing. :rainbowlaugh:

...well, maybe the Vader one.

Ah, Vader, yes. Also a man enraged by his anguish and impotence.


Which is to say his rage was anguished and impotent, not that he himself was. Although after that tragic lava accident....

Excellent chapter!

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuuuuuude. Shit like my little dashie and the up there trilogy didn''t even make me cry this much. dude. amazing.:pinkiesad2:

Well then. That was - that was something else.

If you'll excuse me, I'll just be over here. In my own little corner. With my liquid pride. And all my shattered feels. :fluttercry:

Yeah... It was a nasty one :fluttershysad: I kinda saw it coming, though. I just feel bad for Melody...

Also, did you notice the use of "Magical Melody" ?
...Reminds me of something xD

I loved this chapter. The way it played out is just how it should have, if it were any different it wouldn't have been as good. You got all the character's to react in just the ways you would expect them to and that is a very hard thing to do. I would say that you got this from experience because it's played out so well emotionally and it was done too the point. Might have made the final scene a little too short, but it was made well all the way through. I also loved what you did with the last words, it would have been too perfect for them too have been said and it leaves us with a mystery that I hope you are going to solve later.

Nice to see this update! powerful chapter.

3780811 3780810 3779819

Thanks! :twilightsmile: Glad you enjoyed. Will do my best not to take so long with the next.

Well, it wasn't a bad theory, at any rate. Thanks for checking. :heart:

I have little experience with the actual events in this chapter, but I've been writing emotional scenes for over a decade (and even then, some of the stuff in here is new to me!). Thanks for letting me know I've still got it. :raritywink:

'Fraid you'll have to be specific with that one. "Magical Melody" gets used for lots of things! Heck, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to give a pony OC that name!

3780179 3779919
Been told I have this effect without realizing it. Apologies for tagging you with the Feels Cannon unawares. :raritywink: Thanks for the feedback, though!

It was to Skeeter :p

I wrote a clopfic not long ago where Vinyl was a Call Girl, and her nickname was "Magical Melody" :rainbowlaugh:

Nicely done. Even though it's sad, I feel Melody's story would fit perfectly with Faust's original ideas for the show. The idea that even terminally ill individuals can make a difference and have friends in spite of their disease is a powerful message.

Also the Twinyl is worth coming back to... :twilightblush:

Completely fair. It messes with me too and I have the outline right here! (It seemed like the best idea in 2012...)

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

I'm hardly Faust but praise that high humbles me nonetheless. I appreciate it.

And yeah, don't worry, Twinyl's comin'. :rainbowlaugh:


You'll have to forgive me right now for not providing a more in depth review of what I think of it so far, as well as constructive criticism. It seems to me like there are many things that could happen in this story as it stands so far and I would like to see where it goes from here before I start passing any sorts of judgement around.

In the meantime, just take it was an extremely positive note that I really hope you keep pumping this bad boy out for us! Its amazing!

I'm in tears..:fluttercry: :raritycry: congratulations..:eeyup:

Wanderer D

I am very much enjoying this story! I'll be looking forward for more!

god DAMNIT! screw you and your heartfelt story you tear inducing asshole of an author. upvoted faved and fuck you for the future tears i will undoubtedly shed.

3781619 Don't be sorry. I thought that the story was good and deserves more attention. Just one of them stories that make me sad of the story, but Amazingly glad I ever read it. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Bookish Delight deleted Jan 15th, 2014


Why, thank you!

Wow, fancy meeting you here. :twilightsmile:

Hee. Then it's done its job. :)

This is the third-most expletive-laden letter of praise I've ever received. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks a bunch! I'll do my best. Though now I'm gonna be on pins and needles for months wondering what you wanted to say. :rainbowlaugh: Nah, kidding.


This is an excellent story.

Ooh, I do love this one! Right in the feels! You lovable writer you!

YOU! How dare you make me feel like this??!! You brilliant bastard!
On a serious note, this almost made me cry. Almost. And that rarely happens. Thank you for this, my friend.

whens the next update this story is so good, I want more... please.

Oh my gosh...

I haven't read chapter five yet, but just the fact that you took the time to update this... and right after my last comment, too... It makes me so happy :') You really do care about us, your readers and fans, enough to come back to this after almost a year. This is one of my favourite stories I've ever read, and I was afraid I'd never get to know how it ends. Now, I know it's possible, and I hope you keep this one going. Please. :heart:

I have things to attend to right now, but I'll be reading chapter five as soon as I possibly can. Just... thank you so much for writing it.

*cough* TwiDash ftw *cough*


This is the third-most expletive-laden letter of praise I've ever received. :pinkiehappy:

First two? :rainbowkiss:

3989273 twidash is number 1 of my favorite ships

I'm just so in love with this story. Can't wait for the next installment.

Looks very interesting! I have not read it yet but It looks good so far.
Also hope you update it as well!

Edit: WOW this is an amazing story! Probably one of the best stories I have read on here!
I really hope that you are still working on this, it would truly be sad if you gave up on this amazing story! This is my favorite version of Vinyl, the best one I have ever seen!
ps: must you make us cry? that was really sad... :fluttercry::raritycry::pinkiesad2:

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