• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Ever since Dean Cadence became Principal Cadence, she's learned the hard way that running a school as prestigious as Crystal Prep Academy is a bureaucratic knife-edge. Among other things, she has to deal with spiky students, a terrifying janitor, and constant comparisons between her and Cinch – which are somehow always in Cinch's favour.

Hardest of all might be getting one of her students – Sour Sweet – to apologize for years and years of bullying. Not least because she must convince the girl it's for her own good too…

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt "Dean Cadence/Justice".

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 19 )

I always wondered how life at Crystal Prep would have been after Cinch was defeated after the Friendship games.

Have I ever mentioned that Sugarcoat is the best? Because she is.

I like the story very much.

I hate Sour Sweet's parents.

Loved the parental teasing human Cadance gotten from her parents especially when her father mentioned they wanted "grandkids". LOL

Caught sight of this story and I had to sit down and read it in one go. Definitely enjoyed it.

Also, poor Sour Sweet. I had my own thoughts for why she had issues, but here...yikes. Girl needs therapy.

Have to agree. We are all, to a certain extent, products of our environments, and with an environment as toxic as that, it's no wonder Sour Sweet would have... issues.

Fantastically done. The Shadow Five are an incredible source of narrative potential, and this realizes that to wonderful effect. The transition period at Crystal Prep will always be awkward, and you've captured the uncertainty and struggle to an outstanding degree here. The contrast between Sour and Cadence is exquisite. My only complaint is that we don't get to see whatever logical bludgeoning Sugarcoat uses to pound Sour into shape. There's something to be said for leaving it to the reader's imagination, but I'd still like to know what it took for Sour to get over herself.

Still, thank you for a great read. Best of luck in the judging.

Was going to be disappointed if no one else got that

Nice. I have written pontification lyrics of "take me to the pilot" , "tiny dancer" , and part of honky cat, I just need to memorize the lyrics and record them! Also have been brainstorming "All the Young Colts Love Gallus".

my favorite one is goodbye yellow brick road, the song not the album

no, I have not, my only copy of goodby yellow brick road is my mother's old record that she gave to me

oof.... this is long overdue, but man, I love your writing! you do a great job with character stories and always blend comedy and drama so well. your prose and figurative language r always a treat

God... you're so great at emotional resolutions and catharsis. I'd love to be able to write them like you someday...!
I think something I always find super impressive about your fics is the way you extrapolate details from minor things. Like, Sour Sweet's mother being Sour Milk and related to Spoiled Milk... Cadence's entire family being music-related.... I dunno, it's just always very impressive!

This might be silly to say, but I enjoyed the way you employed Italian culture in this story.


It surprisingly made sense for Mi Amore Cadenza. I was originally going to have the chapter titles in English, but then a mad bug bit me and I thought, "Hey, why not have them all translated to Italian?" And if it was a bad idea, too bad, because now I like it and it stuck. :derpytongue2:

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