• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,149 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Arriving at the Crystal Empire

Arriving at the Crystal Empire

One fine evening at Crystal Empire, The Friendship Express arrives at the train station. Once the train arrives at the train station, the Mane Five, Kiara, and the Lion Guard all exit the train with their luggage in tow.

Normally, everyone would be excited about the upcoming joint leadership princess summit with King Simba, Queen Nala, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance all in attendance but because of recent events they’re not. Mainly, because of their dear friend Twilight Sparkle turning to follow in Scar’s paw prints after a series of events that led to her start of darkness.

This upcoming meeting was not only to discuss what’s usually said during the summit the princesses usually have, but also to discuss their new approach in regards to defeating Scar and his followers now residing and occupying Pride Rock.

On the bright side, Kiara’s friends were all very happy for her since this is her first princess summit.

“Hoo-wee! Your very first princess summit. You must be over the moon, Kiara.” Applejack said in excited support for her friend as she walks beside her. “Especially since this your first visit to the Crystal Empire ever.“

“Oh, I am excited.” Kiara didn’t hesitate to deny it but deep down expressed of why they’re really here. “But, to be honest, I just wish I had more reason to feel excited about all of this.”

And it was there everyone, understood why, not because of the fact that this is first big step into becoming a princess but also they have to figure out the best course of action in regards to defeating and redeeming Twilight Sparkle herself.

“Understandable.” Kyoga voiced knowing exactly what she is talking about.

“You're just 'nervicited'!” Pinkie exclaimed cheerfully still wanting to keep the upbeat tone of the conversation up as she jumped up and down into the air. “It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell "YAY ME!!" But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time!” She added as she curled into a ball then affectionaly patted Kiara’s head. ”We've all been there!”

“I'm there almost every day.” Fluttershy shyly added as she looked aside as she can relate to her concerns.

“You've got no reason to fret, Kiara.” Applejack reassured.

“Yeah, Everything's gonna be just–“ Beshte added before being cut off by Rarity as she exclaimed in alarm.

“KIARA! KION! Oh, sorry, darlings, but I just realized you're not wearing your crowns.” She said as she placed her hooves on both siblings cheeks and then tilted their heads and necks downwards as she looks at the tops of their heads before doing the same to her brother who’s been unusually quiet ever since what happened the last time they were in the Pride Lands. “Neither have you haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?”

“It's in our bag’s.” Kiara calmly replied as she directed her eyes at her creamy tan colored bag that matches her fur color with a reddish-brown colored image of a lion roaring on it to indicate it’s hers while Kion wordlessly eyes his gold and red colored bag. “Just haven’t felt like wearing it right now. I haven’t really even gotten accustomed to being a princess."

“Now, now, don’t be so silly.” Rarity insisted from thinking otherwise. “You are a princess now, Kiara. Embrace it!” She then quickly turned to Kion while ignoring the sadden look on her friends face. “You too Kion since you’re a prince too! I'm telling you both, if I had a crown like that, I would never take it off. Why, I'd sleep in the thing.”

“I’m sure you would.” Kion merely replied in response before walking forward still feeling downcast.

“Oh, dear.” Rarity said realizing she may have overdid it by her constant praise and talk about prince and princesses since it heavily reminds him of the pony he used to see as his best friend. “Now darling, my apologies. I didn’t mean to let my overexcitement get carried away there. It’s just something worth taking some pride in.” She apologized while trying to walk beside him.

“I know, Rarity.” Kion said still pressing forward and not looking at her. “There’s nothing you hadn’t said before.”

Rarity not taking his disinterest in wanting to talk insisted on trying to make him feel better by quickly stopping him in his tracks with a raised hoof on his chest. “Listen…” She began with a solemn and understanding expression of the great pain he is feeling. “I know that things haven’t been the same since Twilight turned to Scar and helped him take over the Pride Lands. Our lives and our friendship were never the same since that fateful day and we all have to deal with the fact that what happened back at the wedding was a driving factor in her decision to turn on us.” The Lion and Pony Guard all shared forlorn looks of regret and sorrow for what happened back then. “But I can assure with all of my generosity that we will get her back someway somehow.” She said with a smile before giving him a much needed hug. “Just try to be optimistic and be happy for everyone and everypony’s sake. Okay?”

Kion had to look at the others in the eyes who all returned smiles that scream “Please, Kion? Like Fuli, Fluttershy, and Beshte and confident expressions that scream. “We’ll get her back, Kion.” Like Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Kyoga, Bunga, and Ono.

“Okay.” Kion replied with the urge to smile for her sake before they both walked forward to the Crystal Castle together with the unicorn wrapping her hoof around the lion cub every step of the way there.

The royal siblings, along with Spike and the rest of the Guard all make their way inside so they can put their luggage away in their own rooms before making their way to the castle throne room to where Kion and Kiara are greeted by a fanfare of Crystal Ponies blowing into their trumpets as they both walk down the hallways to greet the other Princesses on the other side of the room.

Once they reached the end of the line of guards ponies. One of the guards who had an orange coat, short blue mane with matching blue eyes spoke up to address everypony in the room.

“Her highnesses, Prince Kion and Princess Kiara!” The guard announced just when the other princesses along with the lion king and queen move in to greet them.

“Kion! Kiara! So glad that you both could make it! We have so much to discuss.” Cadance was the first to happily greet them with open hooves.

“Indeed.” Princess Celestia agreed before dismissing them since it’s late in the evening. “But it can wait until tomorrow. You all look tired from your journey. Now, off to bed, all of you.”

Everyone all complied with her orders with excited chattering with only Kion lagging behind still not in the mood to talk with them.

“Kion?” His father called out to him to stop him before he could leave. Kion reluctantly obliged and turned around to see his parents along with Cadance offering paws, hooves, and wings for an open embrace. “Come here.”

Kion quickly ran over with tears in his eyes and leaped into his father arms with both Nala and Cadance joining in. The emotional wounds from Twilight’s betrayal and later death threat are still are raw in the poor cub’s mind. “I miss her, Dad.”

“I know, Kion.”

“So do we.”

Both Simba and Cadance heavily sighed while warmly embracing him.

Later that night, Kion and Bunga both sharing a room together, unpack their belongings as they prepare to get some sleep in preparation for tomorrow’s summit. As Kion places her books in the drawer below the mirror he then pulls out his crown. The crown itself was a golden headpiece similar to Celestia’s with red and orange jewels on top of them that gave a shimmery spark. He placed and places it on his head briefly as she looks at herself in the mirror then sighs.

“What's wrong, Kion?” His best friend asked while fluffing his pillow before turning to his back. “Other than of course, you know who.”

“I don't know, Spike. I'm just...worried.” Kion answered unsure of himself as he turned to face him.

“Uh…” Bunga wondered feeling confused. “…other than saving our friend?”

“No!“ Kion shook his head. “I mean it was only like a year ago when we formed the Lion and Pony Guard together. Before then, I had no idea what my destiny would be. I mean Princess Cadance was given the Crystal Empire to rule over. Kiara, is destined to inherit the Pride Lands alongside whomever she decides she wants to marry when she gets older.”

“Well, the one lion I’m seeing she has a special eye on is that former Outsider, Kovu, who kinda has that dark look to his fur and mane similar to...” Bunga replied before realizing what he is about to say. “…um…similar to….Princess Luna. Yeah, good pony, and heavenly cool blue shades of color, like my fur…” He looked and briefly brushed his blue fur. “…that is of course when you’re not getting on her bad side.” He chuckled remembering the time she kicked him for getting to close to her flank just after defeating her super powered evil side.

“Well like the two sisters, my parents currently rule over the Pride Lands…” Kion continued. “…but from the looks of tradition, that’ll leave me with no way of knowing what my future will be when I’m no longer leader of the Lion Guard.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what will be my new destiny in life when the time comes that I have to step down from leading the Lion Guard? What will I do since all I’ll be is just a prince who can’t inherit the throne in the Pride Lands?”

“Um…” Bunga hesitated to think of a good reply. “…I honestly do not know. Come to think of it that’s a very good question. But surely we all know you won’t turn out like Scar right?” He laughed a little before stopping seeing that this isn’t cheering him up due to what he said. “Oops, too soon.”

“I know that’ll never happen no matter what.” Kion acknowledged before pressing forward with his internal struggle. “But, I’m still worried of what I will do with my life when that time comes. I mean what if I never find my true calling in life.”

“Aw, sure ya will, Kion.” Bunga reassured with a wave of his right hand before making his way to his bed so he can go to sleep. “Now c'mon, you should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow! New plans! New strategy! And a bright new future for both worlds going forward!“

“We sure do.” Kion remarked with a small smile before proceeding to place his crown on his bedside before moving to rest in his comfortable bed.

A scene that was observed under the watchful eyes of the fallen alicorn herself, who senses a strong and powerful surge of magic inside Kion’s crown…

…at the same time, another mysterious hooded figure wearing a black cloak makes way through a magical portal from another hidden room inside the Crystal Castle.

Author's Note:

Okay, for starters, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, even since this is coming in late. But hey, better late than never they always say.

Anyways, you're probably having a few questions to what I have put up so far.

For starters, much like with Twilight in this version of the crossover, I wanted to try to do something different to make it a little more interesting.

So having said that I apologize to those who aren't very thrilled with her actions since the Season 3 finale. I just personally thought it would work out since it worked wonders back in one of my previous stories.

And I can definitely assure that Twilight will face the music later on in the future for her actions and that it will definitely come down to the realization no matter for both sides Freudian Excuse is No Excuse in regard's to the former's actions.

Anyways, moving on from that, shortly after the events of the Season 4 opener, a planned summit is held in the Crystal Empire in regards to their next move. The pain of the alicorn's actions have drove the Lion Guard's Fiercest into a Heroic BSOD along with uncertainty about his future following his time as leader of the Lion Guard, which the latter by the way, will be explored when the time comes later on.

Yet what he's not aware of is that he's about to experience an interesting journey ahead of him when a familiar unicorn is out for some prized possessions that he and his sister have.