• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 3,025 Views, 23 Comments

Apart - DanishDash

A thousand years ago, Princess Luna of Equestria, was banished to the moon following her Nightmare rebellion. What ponies do not know, is that she left somepony special behind, somepony, who has been sealed away for one thousand years.

  • ...

Nothing Left To Lose

The night was still, and all was quiet in Equestria. The moon was full, the stars bright. Nothing seemed amiss on this fateful night.

While the ponies of Equestria went to their beds to sleep, one mare raced through the hallways, ignoring the looks she got from the guards as she passed them. With a powerful slam, the doors swung open to Princess Luna's private study; the thick wooden cracked slightly. Thankfully her study was below the castle, so nopony would be bothered— not that she would have cared if they had been.

The princess of the night let out a frustrated snarl, her breathing heavy with frustration. She wanted to get away from it all, to tear everything down! Tonight had been an utter disaster! She should’ve known better than to think anypony would care about this celebration, or her.

Her chamber door creaked open, and Luna turned her head towards it, thinking it was her sister. She was ready to tell her off, but was surprised, yet pleased, to see her captain of the Lunar Guard. He looked at her with concern, as he often did. Normally, having him near her would calm her; he would make her smile, feel wanted. Sadly, having him here now did nothing to improve her mood.

"My lady." Said her loyal captain. "I am-"

"Don't." Said the princess to her captain. "There is nothing to say. Thee saw how Our sister acted— how everypony acted."

They didn't speak for a while, letting the silence settle, as if they both needed a moment to breathe.

Luna looked away.

Captain Star Chaser was a navy coat-colored Pegasus, with dark blue and light blue colors that made his mane and tail. Unlike the Solar Guard captain, Star Chaser was not of the nobility, but instead a stallion that had shown dedication and drive. He was strong, intelligent, brave, loyal, and kind.

He has been kind to her, even comforted her. He'd seen her when she had felt alone, been there for her whenever she needed a friend. As time passed, the two had gotten closer— much closer than a princess should become to her captain. Luna had however stopped caring about such things a long time ago, and now only sought the happiness and company of Star Chaser: her captain, friend, and lover. But now, right in this moment, she couldn't look him in the eyes; she didn't want him here, not now, not here.

"…Luna." Star suddenly said in that gentle voice of his. "Please, you can talk to me. I'm here for you always."

The mistress of the night looked at him with an intensity he hadn't seen before. "Tonight was supposed to be Our night. The ponies of Equestria were meant to show their love for the night this eve, and protection from nightmares We give them." She bit a trembling lip, emotions running high as she felt like she was breaking. "…Yet, nopony came."

Star shook his head, daring to trot closer to her. "Some ponies came."

"To see Our sister!" Luna snapped back, turning around to face the large underground study. "Nopony appreciates the night that We doth bring them, nor do they seem to care about Us. Nay! They only have eyes for Our sister! Our ‘perfect’ day-bringing sister!" She let out an angry huff, then turned back to face Star Chaser. "She knew it was Our time to receive the love of Our little ponies, and yet she came up and took center stage once more, casting Us into her shadow yet again."

Before Star could say anything, Luna turned around, with an almost low growl. "But no more. That will be the last time. Tonight, all of this will end."

"Luna…?" Star ventured, shuffling closer to her as he had never seen her in such a dark mood before. "What are you saying?"

Luna stood up straighter, refusing to look at him as she gathered her thoughts. Then, after a few seconds, she spoke with a coldness that he had never heard coming from her. "if't be true the ponies of this land doth not appreciate Our night, then We shalt giveth them night eternal."

Star felt his heart sink, and his eyes widen. "You… You cannot do that, Luna. You canno-"

"And why not?" She interrupted, turning to face him. "Is it wrong of Us to wish to be loved? To be seen as equal to Our sister?"

"No! That is not what I am saying, but ponies should not live under eternal night, or day!" He took a step forward, touching her hoof with his. "Luna, please. This is not you...! The mare that I know loves the night sky. She would wish it to be admired, not feared."

Luna took a step back, standing tall, albeit looked hurt. "They will come to admire Our nights, when they do as they do the day."

"But at what cost? Your sister will not allow you to do this; you will be declaring civil war!" He tried to step forward again, but Luna spread her wings threateningly and with such force he was almost knocked back.

"Our sister will plead and threaten, but this time, the moon shall stand her ground!" It was only for a moment, but for a moment, Star Chaser could have sworn he saw her eyes change for the briefest of moments. "Wilt thee stand alongside Us, captain?"

Star Chaser drew back, as if he had been slapped by her words. "Don't ask me that… Don't make me choose."

Luna narrowed her eyes, and she stiffened for a moment. "Thee hath chosen Our sister over Us?"

Star Chaser stomped his hoof on the floor, shaking his head. "That is not what you are asking, Luna! You're asking me to join a rebellion, to help you down a dark path that I cannot follow!"

A tear. A single tear made its way to Luna's eye and moved down her cheek. Closing her eyes, she turned away from him again. "Then thou has't chosen..."

She stepped away, making her way deeper into the study. Strewn candles within the study lit up, not with normal flames, but with strange dark-looking flames. Star watched, as he saw Luna vanish from his eyes, and be replaced with something that was not his love.

He stepped forth again, trying to reach her. "Luna, I understand that you are upset. I get it. Believe me, I know what it's like, but you are making a mistake. Luna, trust me, becoming the villain isn't the ans-!"

"Is that what thee bethink I am?!" She roared in sorrow and turned around, her eyes boring into him. They had changed fully now… Changed into something he could not recognize. "We hath believed thee would stay loyal, but thee art the same as all the rest!" She started to trot towards him, and with every step she took towards him, he took one back. "Thee shalt see, in time. Clearly, thee doth not has't the strength to doth this."

"Luna, please, I love you! Don't do this!" He pleaded, but soon found several chains wrap around him. They moved like snakes, securing his neck, hooves and barrel. All of them were rooted to the walls and seemed to tighten to the point they forced him to stand on his hind legs.

"Luna!" No, not Luna. Whoever stood there before him was not his Luna, but somepony else.

Star Chaser struggled in his chains, hoping to get out and help her somehow!

Luna looked at him with a cold expression. "Doth not bother struggling. I shalt deal with thee later, once all of this hath been taken care of."

"My Beloved, please don't do this!"

The mare moved closer, putting a hoof under his muzzle. "This is for thy own good, captain. Once We dethrone Our sister, we can beest together, forevermore, under Our night sky. But until then." She stepped back. "Thee shalt stay here until this is finished.." She moved towards the entrance again, but then stopped. "And just in case thou art thinking of escaping..." Her horn lit up, and after a few seconds, crystals started forming on the floor around Star Chaser.

His eyes went wide in horror, as he saw them rise and grow around him. "Luna, please-! No! Stop this!” He felt the crystals move around him, surround him, and finally, envelop him. The mare heard as the crystal hardened, and the magic seal had been completed. She had no reason to look back at what she had done, she knew fully well.

However, something deep inside compelled her to do so. Star Chaser was surrounded by a large cluster of crystals, all of them keeping him frozen, and in a deep slumber. The chains all stuck out of the crystal, lifting the crystal up, suspending it about half a meter above the floor.

The mare turned around, feeling a tear run down her cheek. "This is for the best…" And with that, Nightmare Moon stepped out of the underground study, sealed the room away, and went to claim the throne and the day as her night.

Author's Note:

I can't help imagine Luna and Star Chaser sing this song. This story is inspired by this one, and it is so good. ^^