• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 2,385 Views, 201 Comments

The Ending of the End Revised, or Be Careful with what you wish for. - SaburoDaimando

Were you disappointed in the Series Finale? Do you wish it was different? Well be careful with what you wish for.

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Chapter 6: The secret of the Emotion Amplifier

Author's Note:

Apologies for not getting this part up sooner. I'll try to get the next part out as soon as I can.

The secret of the Emotion Amplifier

In the town of Appleoosa, many villagers hid behind the doors of the many buildings as a number of ponies marched through town, chanting “Hey Hey. Ho Ho. Twilight Sparkle’s got to go.” Some of the villagers stood behind the alleyways, holding children nearby. Even some of the buffalo were too afraid to come out of the buildings.

Nearby, Sunny Starscout took notice of the crowd from a nearby alleyway. She grinned with an evil grimace as she watched the protesters chant “Hey Hey. Ho ho. Twilight Sparkle’s got to go.”

“I could just sit back and watch these goons just make me look like a pariah,” Sunny Starscout said to herself. “But still, I think I should check them out and see if I can add fuel to the fire.”

Without a second thought, Sunny Starscout trotted up to the crowd and walked next to one of the protesters.

“Excuse me,” Sunny said to the protester. “I see you’re protesting a certain Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh we sure are,” the protester said. “Everything about Twilight Sparkle is a lie. Everything about Princess Celestia is a lie. I heard they took our prophet Neigh Nanners and planned on locking him in the dungeon.”

“Is that so?” Sunny asked.

“Oh you bet,” the protester responded as he held the sign in the air. “Neigh Nanners told us that he will be arrested by Princess Celestia, and now what he said came true. Celestia will pay for her crimes, as will Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well what if I told you that because of Twilight Sparkle,” Sunny Starscout said. “That the final season of Ogre and Oubliettes the Animated Series turned into a horrible mess?”

The protester closed his eyes and went into a quick thought as he said “Well now that you think of it, it was a horrible season. Too much focus on spectacle over character. And everything felt empty and meaningless. Not to mention I thought the new armor looked too simplified.”

“So why demand they remake the final season into how it’s supposed to be?” Sunny Starscout asked. “If you can lash out at a government for its failures, you can also lash out at a company for a botched season.”

“You’re right,” the protester said as Sunny gave a wink to him. The protester turned to his companions and yelled “HEY! YOU HEAR THAT! TWILIGHT SPARKLE WAS THE REASON WHY THE FINAL SEASON OF OGRE AND OUBLIETTES WAS WEAK! WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THAT?”

The crowd of protesters booed as they continued to chant “HEY HEY! HO HO! TWILIGHT SPARKLE’S GOT TO GO!” As the crowd continued to walk down Appleloosa, Sunny Starscout stood there with a smirk on her face, watching the crowd get smaller as they marched away.

“Ignorant fanboys,” Sunny said. “They are so easy to dupe.”

Sunny Starscout laughed to herself as she walked down another alleyway.

Back in Canterlot Castle, inside the royal bedroom, Princess Celestia laid on her bed emotionally drained as she cried her eyes out. Her tears fell from her eyes and onto the water-saturated mattress. During that time, the door knocked three times.

“Go away,” Celestia cried. “I’m too much of a failure.”

The door opened to see Sunset Shimmer walk, where she saw Celestia crying in her bed. Though Sunset was depressed, she showed not a sign of tears, but sympathy.

“Princess,” Sunset Shimmer said. “What happened out there is not your fault.”

“It is,” Princess Celestia said. “I let Twilight Sparkle down, I let her become this evil because I used Discord as a prop to help her out. And now because of me, she’s gone evil, just like how you became evil.”

As Celestia tried into her pillow, Sunset sat down on her bed and rubbed her back.

“Don’t listen to that no-named conspiracy theorist,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I don’t know what kind of voodoo magic he’s using, but you’re stronger than this.”

“But I don’t know if I can,” Celestia said as her face was still on the pillow.

“I’ve been in that situation before,” Sunset said. “The Memory Stone, the Time Twirler. And each and every time, I figured out how to solve the problem involving Equestrian magic.”

Celestia lifted her head and turned towards Sunset Shimmer. She wiped the tears from her eyes and slowly got up.

“You really think so?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t think so,” Sunset said. “I know so. Now is not the time to be crying over those kinds of harsh comments.”

Suddenly, they both heard the sound of a little filly cooing to them. Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia turned their heads to see Diamond Tiara standing at the doorway with Starlight Glimmer next to her.

“Diamond Tiara?” Celestia said. “Are you alright?”

“I overheard what you’re going through,” Diamond Tiara said as she ran up to Celestia’s bed and jumped onto it. “And frankly, the mean words I said in the past towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders pale in comparison to what he said, and what kind of magic he used.”

“I see,” Celestia said.

“But I also overheard what Sunset Shimmer said to you,” Diamond Tiara said. “And if you need someone to help cheer you up, I’ll be here.”

Celestia looked at Diamond Tiara with an awkward look. The little filly with the tiara on her head walked up to the alicorn and placed her hoof on the back of Celestia’s hoof. The Alicorn Princess of the Sun smiled warmly.

“I’ll need all the help I can get,” Princess Celestia said. “Thanks.”

Diamond Tiara said nothing but nodded towards Princess Celestia, who took notice of the dirt and tomato bits on the filly’s mane and coat.

“And on a side note,” Celestia said. “I think someone needs to clean you up. I can get Luna to pitch in.”

As Celestia and Diamond Tiara giggled, Sunset walked up to Starlight Glimmer, who looked content at the little filly and the alicorn princess.

“Nice choice in bringing in someone to help cheer up Princess Celestia,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Actually,” Starlight Glimmer said. “It was her idea. She felt sorry for those horrible words that Neigh Nanners said to Princess Celestia and decided to help cheer her up.”

“That’s great,” Sunset replied. Her face turned to worry as she said “But there’s also the fact that something emitted from Neigh Nanners when he spoke.”

“Much like those artifacts that you brought up to Celestia like the Memory Stone and the Time Twirler,” Starlight said as she pondered to herself. “Or remember when Juniper Montage had that magic-powered mirror?”

“That’s what I’m thinking as well,” Sunset said. “Only unlike back in the human world, this is magic that’s already here in Equestria. And we should have checked him when we had the chance.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said. “We should have. But something about his magic caused us to get backed into a corner.”

“We’ll find out what kind of magical artifact he had,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And we’ll pry it loose.”

Starlight Glimmer agreed as she and Sunset shook hooves.

Meanwhile, in the city of Baltimare, the streets were lined with ponies marching down, chanting a tune that is both powerful and frightening.

“I don’t know what I’ve been told,” the protesters chanted. “Twilight Sparkle’s undersold. Tell that mare to take a hike, along with her friends that we dislike. Sounds off, one two, Twilight Sparkle’s nothing but glue.”

As the protesters marched down the street and chanted, Izzy Moonbow popped her head out of a nearby alleyway. She smiled with a devilish grin as she trotted out from the corner and walked up to a nearby member of the mob.

“Excuse me,” Izzy asked. “But I noticed a party going on here.”

“It’s no party,” The protester said. “Our prophet said that Princess Twilight Sparkle, her friends and even the Princesses are the ones who made Equestria bad. They’re even responsible for all the bad guys who gave us all a hard time. King Sombra, the Storm King, the Pony of Shadows, you name it, they’re responsible.”

“Is that a fact?” Izzy said.

“Oh you bet it is,” the protester said as he continued to march alongside the crowd. “You got a problem with that?”

“Oh no I don’t,” Izzy said as she marched alongside the protester. “But I got some juicy information that the Government of Equestria’s been hiding.”

“Say what?” the protester said as his face turned to complete shock.

Izzy reached over to the protester and whispered “Word has it that Equestria created this rainbow factory a thousand years ago. It’s purpose is to take unworthy colts and fillies and…” She continued to whisper into the rabblerouser’s ear, causing his face to pop out in complete distress.

“That is horrible,” the protester said.

“And the worst part about this,” Izzy said. “Is that they end up as your baked pastries. Especially cupcakes.”

The protester gagged as he spat into the street in total disgust, stepping out of the group as Izzy Moonbow stepped aside.

“You mean I’ve been eating ground up colt and filly this entire life?” the protester said as he continued to spit onto the street.

“Just trying to report the truth for Mr Neigh Nanners,” Izzy Moonbow said as a halo formed over her head.

The protester wiped his mouth and said “Well thank you for telling me about this. Wait till the others hear about what’s been in our desserts.”

The protester ran back into the group and inched towards one of his friends, whispering into his ear before said friend whispered into another ear. But nearby, Izzy Moonbow just stood there with a smug look on her face.

“Wait till Chrysalis, Tirek and Twilight hear about this,” Izzy said to herself before disappearing into a nearby alleyway.

Later that day, outside of Grogar’s lair, Shutterbug walked up to the lake and skipped across the stepping stones that led inside the lair. Inside, Tirek sat in his chair reading the forbidden book while wearing a pair of glasses.

“So Tirek,” Shutterbug said. “How’s your research on the bell?”

Tirek took off the glasses and placed them on the table while setting the book next to it and the bell. He got up and walked up to Shutterbug.

“I don’t know how Twilight Sparkle can read that fast,” Tirek said. “But it seems she missed out on some juicy details.”

“Juicy eh?” Shutterbug said with a devilish laugh. “This I have to see.”

“Not just yet,” Tirek said. “We still have to wait for Twilight Sparkle and Cozy Glow to show back up.”

The moment Tirek finished speaking, someone yelled out “Did someone call our names?” Tirek and Shutterbug turned to the entrance where Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow walked in on the stepping stones towards the duo.

“So,” Shutterbug asked as Sunny and Izzy got onto the main portion of the lair. “How did your experience go with those protesters?”

“These morons will fall for anything,” Sunny Starscout said. “The mob mentality is strong with them.”

“Not only that,” Izzy Moonbow said. “But they’ll believe anything about the Equestrian Monarchy, especially if you claim to be against it.”

“Excellent,” Shutterbug said before she turned her attention towards Tirek. “So Tirek. What do you have to show us concerning your research?”

“As much as I want to show it to you three,” Tirek said as he pointed to Shutterbug, Sunny and Izzy. “First things first.”

Shutterbug, Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow grumbled as they all said “Fine.” With a flash of magic, Shutterbug returned to being Queen Chrysalis, Sunny Starscout returned to being Midnight Sparkle and Izzy Moonbow returned to being Cozy Glow.

“That’s better,” Tirek said.

“Okay Tirek,” Midnight Sparkle said. “You said you have some juicy research. Something I missed out on when I speed read through that book.”

“Indeed I have,” Tirek said as he picked up the book and showed off the opened tome to his fellow villains, causing them to look up close. Tirek pointed to a page that had a milky white jewel and said “Have any of you three ever heard of the Emotion Amplifier?”

Cozy Glow put her hoof on her chin, looking as if she hadn’t a clue in the world. But Chrysalis' eyes popped out a bit, looking at the image of the Emotion Amplifier.

“I recognize that artifact,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“And I take it you used the Emotion Amplifier before?” Midnight Sparkle asked.

“Long ago before your time,” Chrysalis said. “I discovered this ancient artifact of Grogar: The Emotion Amplifier. It was there I learned about its true power.”

“The ability to alter the emotions of any one living being,” Midnight Sparkle responded.

Queen Chrysalis laughed as she swished her tail in an amusing posture.

“So this is why Princess Celestia had a lot of faith in you,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But anyway, I was curious about this artifact that one of my subjects found. What was its purpose? What could it do? It was by one freak accident that I discovered its true purpose: The ability to alter the emotions of any one being with pure thought.”

“And not just in pure thought,” Tirek said as he pointed to a portion of the book. “According to this, one could also project his or her own emotion-altering message into word or visual form. In fact, the holder of the amplifier did not need to be in the same vicinity as its victims.”

“Correct,” Queen Chrysalis said. “That gave me an idea. What if I could use it to boost the love of those meddlesome ponies? It would mean more love to extract for my hive. And did it do just that.”

“That explains why some parts of Equestria underwent the love pandemic,” Midnight Sparkle said. “I studied that during my early days at the School for Gifted Unicorns. That explained why there was a baby boom during that era.”

Cozy Glow flew up to Queen Chrysalis and asked “By the way. As a filly of curiosity, what were the ponies like under this love pandemic?”

Queen Chrysalis just glared at Cozy Glow and said “That kind of information is not safe for little fillies. Wait until you’re older.” Cozy Glow just flew down onto the ground, sat down and crossed her arms in disgust.

“One thing I also recall,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Was that the Love Pandemic only lasted six months. Was there a reason why it came to an end?”

“There was,” Queen Chrysalis said. “As much as all that love poured into our hive and nourished our appetites, it came with an unexpected side effect. The artificial love created by the Emotion Amplifier began to weaken changelings. We first noticed the side effects one month after we used the artifact to amp up the pony's desire for love. At first, I couldn’t figure out why my own hive was suffering. But I began to theorize that the jewel was behind the problem. So I had my own servants steal love off a group of ponies that weren’t affected by the jewel.”

“And I took it once they consumed the love of those ponies,” Cozy Glow said. “They did not show any signs of illness.”

“Exactly,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I realized that the Emotion Amplifier was slowly morphing into a poison that we changelings couldn’t use. I wanted to get rid of it for the sake of all of us, but I feared someone could use it for their own purpose. So I had it sealed away in my throne using excessive dark rock from Discordia to block the magic off. And it stood there for a long time, hoping that no one else would steal it.”

“That is,” Midnight Sparkle is. “Until Starlight Glimmer and King Thorax blew the throne up and unintentionally sent the artifact flying out of the hive and into the changeling badlands.”

“Part of the reason why I want my revenge on Starlight Glimmer,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “And you can guess the other reason why.”

“Oh I already know,” Midnight Sparkle said.

“There is another thing that I noticed from those crazed protesting ponies,” Cozy Glow said. “They generated some kind of an aura around them like they were possessed.”

“A by-product of the Emotion Amplifier,” Queen Chrysalis said. It has a strong hold on those with a weak mind. But those with a stronger will are capable of breaking free from it.”

“Come to think of it,” Midnight Sparkle said as she rubbed her lower jaw with her hoof. “I struggled to break free from its influence until the bell was able to help me shatter its hold.”

“Then do you suppose the bell could be the key to allowing us to take hold of those miserable morons?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“Not a chance,” Tirek said in protest. “Turning one princess to our side is one thing. But an entire army that could double cross all four of us and take Equestria for themselves while fighting among each other? Out of the question, one hundred percent.”

Chrysalis, Midnight Sparkle and Cozy Glow slunked down a bit over Tirek’s words. Midnight’s eyes began to shift towards the bell. She looked closely at it before turning her attention towards Tirek.

“What about Discord’s magic?” Midnight said. “You were able to use it when we confronted each other in battle.”

Tirek picked up the bell, held it up in the air and said “Yes. I do remember draining Discord of his magic and putting it to good use. But there was something I had that allowed me to control without losing control.” Tirek turned to Midnight Sparkle and said “Perhaps your friends’ magic were able to keep it in check.”

“That makes a lot of sense since no one else but Discord could be able to control that magic,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Actually, now that I think about it,” Midnight Sparkle said. “There is one pony that could control that kind of magic, and that happened to be Pinkie Pie.”

“Well that’s a shame,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Knowing about what happened in Ponyville, she’s most likely up in Canterlot alongside her friends.”

“Then Discord’s power is out of the question,” Tirek said. “Without the magic of Pinkie Pie, I don’t think I can control it again.”

“Well if you three need a guinea pig,” Cozy Glow said, acting innocently. “I’d be happy to volunteer to see if I could control it like Pinkie Pie could have.”

Chrysalis, Tirek and Midnight Sparkle looked at each other with glee. They fired their magic right into the bell, which levitated, pointed at Cozy Glow and rang, firing off all that chaos magic right into the filly.

Chrysalis and Tirek watched in horror while Midnight Sparkle looked amused as Cozy Glow grew in size into a giant adult alicorn with a bigger mane. The giant mare-child of an alicorn let out a laugh that shook the room.

“You three are more foolish than I thought,” Cozy Glow yelled. “With Discord’s magic, I will conquer Equestria and everyone will Kneel before MY MIGHT!”

With that, Cozy Glow fired off a beam of magic from her horn. When it collided with a stalactite, the explosion emitted what appeared to be rubber chickens. Tirek and Chrysalis looked amused while Midnight Sparkle just yawned in boredom.

“What?” Cozy Glow yelled. “What kind of foolishness is this?”

Cozy Glow fired more bursts of magic from her horn. But when they collided with parts of the cave, they transformed into live pineapples with sharp teeth. Midnight Sparkle just giggled as these pineapples began to bounce past her.

“Kid,” Midnight Sparkle laughed. “You just found out how impossible it is for you to control Discord’s magic.”

Midnight Sparkle, Chrysalis and Tirek stood there as the carnivorous pineapples leaped onto the giant Cozy Glow and began to bite her on her mane and arms. Cozy Glow struggled to shake them off as she freaked out.

“You win,” Cozy Glow yelled. “Just get this power off of me.”

Chrysalis, Tirek and Midnight Sparkle laughed as they rang the bell to extract Discord’s magic out of Cozy Glow, reverting her to an alicorn filly. Cozy Glow flew down to the ground, looking completely disturbed as the bell landed down on the table.

“So you still think you could control Discord’s magic?” Midnight Sparkle laughed. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“This is why this so-called Pinkie Pie would be able to control that kind of magic,” Tirek said.

“Oh you’re not kidding,” Midnight Sparkle said. “Some say Pinkie Pie was born with a portion of Discord’s magic. How that happened is beyond me. But there is another way to put Discord’s magic to use.”

Chrysalis waltzed up to Midnight Sparkle and asked “Ohhhhh, so how does it work?”

Midnight Sparkle picked the bell up from the table and said “In addition to taking and giving magic, the bewitching bell can also use the magic within. With Discord’s magic, we could either undo the effects of the Emotion Amplifier, or we could alter their emotions to make them loyal to us.”

“Excellent idea,” Chrysalis said.

“But why not also suck the magic up?” Tirek asked.

“Because if we tried that,” Midnight Sparkle said. “The bell could overload with all that negative energy and explode. That’s the last thing we need.” Midnight Sparkle placed her hoof on Tirek’s check and said “And the same goes to you. You may have the ability to drain magic, but even draining that kind of magic would drive you mad.”

“Point taken,” Tirek said as he slowly pushed Twilight’s hoof off his chest. “With that taken care of, I think it’s time we put that theory to the test.”

Cozy Glow flew up onto the table and said “I recall seeing a small village of unicorns in the forest of Bridlewood. Should we start there?”

Midnight Sparkle handed the bell to Tirek as the big centaur said “Good idea. And I may need a bit of a snack after all that studying.”

Tirek held onto the bell as Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow followed the centaur out of Grogar’s cave. Midnight Sparkle stood there with a smile on her face.

“Only a matter of time,” Midnight Sparkle said before she followed Chrysalis, TIrek and Cozy Glow out of the cavern.

Meanwhile at the castle, Diamond Tiara wiped soap suds off her mane as she enjoyed a nice hot bubble bath. Princess Luna gently poured some water on her mane, cleaning the dirt and tomato bits off.

“How do you feel, Diamond Tiara?” Princess Luna asked as she gently scrubbed some of the dirt out of Tiara’s mane.

“I feel like a new me is coming out,” Diamond Tiara said. “But there’s still a part of me that’s incomplete.”

“It’s because you miss your parents and your close friend,” Princess Luna said.

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Well if I had one wish, I would want you to get them both back.” Princess Luna and Diamond Tiara turned their heads to see Apple Bloom approach them both.

“Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said.

“I appreciate you helping out Princess Celestia,” Apple Bloom said. “But at the same time, I still know why you suffer on the inside. And I want you to get all three of them back in your life.”

“I know,” Diamond Tiara said. “And you’re right. It’s not my fault that I lost my parents and my close friend. It’s the fault of that Neigh Nanners jerk.”

“That might be an understatement,” Princess Luna said. “Remember when Celestia, Novo and myself made those harsh comments towards Discord?”

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara said. “Still can’t believe he pulled that stunt off.”

“Well the way that Neigh Nanners chose to chew into Discord,” Luna said. “On the one hand, some of his wording didn’t make sense. But the kind of aura he gave out troubled me more than the words.”

“He didn’t just chew into Discord,” Apple Bloom said. “He traumatized nearly all of us.”

“One thing I do regret doing is placing Neigh Nanners under arrest,” Luna said. “But during that time, I was not myself thanks to whatever came out of his aura. It was like my own anger wanted to rage out and attack him. I struggled not to physically lash out at him. Even so, if I arrested Neigh Nanners just for the verbal lashing that he directed at all of us, the backlash against all of us would be great.”

“So it would justify what his own base is doing across Equestria?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Princess Luna said. “It was one thing for Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow to unite with Twilight Sparkle. But this is a whole different manner that even I think those four would be unprepared for.”

“Now hold up,” Apple Bloom said as she got onto the edge of the tub. “That’s selling yourself short. You’re Princess Luna and your sister is Princess Celestia. Don’t you both have some kind of Alicorn Magic that could undo what Neigh Nanners is doing?”

“Well on the one hoof” Princess Luna said. “I was able to break through whatever he’s casting. And the fact that most of the group managed to do the same is saying a lot. On the other hoof, I don’t think it’s been done on that kind of scale. I may ask Princess Celestia if she could do just that.”

“That’s all I need to hear,” Apple Bloom said as she stood up on her hind legs.

“Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said as she started to freak out. “Careful. You’ll slip.”

Suddenly, Apple Bloom lost her footing as she slipped on the edge of the tub, falling face first into the water with a huge splash. Diamond Tiara and Princess Luna were quick to cover their faces, Tiara with her arm and Luna with her magic. Apple Bloom stuck her head out of the bath and shook off the excess liquid.

“Well since you’re here,” Princess Luna said. “I think you might be due for a bath. It was your Granny Smith who requested it.”

“Oh no,” Apple Bloom said “CURSE YOU GRANNY SMITH!”

Apple Bloom jumped out of the water and tried to make a run for it, only for Luna to pull her back into the bath with her magic. The moment Apple Bloom comes out gasping for air, Luna scrubbed down the filly’s mane with the washcloth, causing the cutie mark crusader to groan in distaste.

“This ain’t funny,” Apple Bloom said. “I thought they said I could have my own bubble bath.”

“Oh come on, Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara said with a smirk on her face. “You should be honored to be pampered by the great Princess of the Moon.”

“Honored?” Apple Bloom roared. “Pampered? You think that’s funny, Diamond Tiara?”

“Just relax,” Diamond Tiara said. “It’s not that embarrassing.”

“Oh for goodness sake,” Apple Bloom said. “This feels like the old times when you used to give me and my other Crusaders a hard time.”

“Yeah, but that was different and more mean spirited,” Diamond Tiara said. “This is now.”

Apple Bloom let out a collective groan as Luna and Diamond Tiara laughed.

To Be Continued