• Published 24th Jan 2022
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Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters - Microsoft_2016

A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series.

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Chapter 3: Kaiju vs. Space Bear

It was another beautiful sunny day in the wonderful land of Equestria. Inside the Golden Oaks Library, Spike was helping Twilight practice magic tricks. So far, it had been a major success. Twilight was able to nail every single one of them that were listed on the chart. With this next trick, Spike felt quite confident that Twilight would be able to pull it off. She's already made this far, so why would she fail on this one? He looked at Twilight with a confident smile and said "Come on, Twilight. You can do it." Twilight felt pretty confident right now, but she took it with humility. She didn't want to be overconfident on this and completely mess up. That would make her look bad.

She looked at Spike and said "Okay, here it goes." She lit up her horn and a magical aura formed around Spike's snout. Spike closed his eyes with a grin waiting for it to happen. Eventually after about three seconds, a mustache appeared on Spike's face and Twilight stopped her magic flow. Spike looked at the mustache and was quite impressed. Ever since he met Rarity, he always wanted to impress her. So, he thought it would be a good idea to get the mustache on his face so that he could flirt with Rarity. Obviously, it would go as you would expect, but Spike's too young to understand that concept yet. So, we'll let him have his fun for now before we tell him the harsh truth.

Spike looked at Twilight and said "Ha ha! You did it!" He rushed over to the canvas and placed a checkmark to magic trick number 25. He said "Growing magic. That's number 25. Twenty five types of tricks and counting." Twilight blushed a little bit at the compliment and looked away shyly. He looked at the mirror and said with a smile "And I think this is the best trick so far. Hello Rarity. What's that? Oh, it's nothing. Just my awesome mustache." He laughed a little bit and Twilight shook her head, smiling a bit. She knew that Rarity wouldn't even think of Spike that way, but she didn't want to break his little heart. So, she just let him live his fantasy.

She looked at Spike and said "Sorry, Romeo. As attractive and enticing as you look, it's just for practice and it's gotta come go." She lit up her horn again so she could get rid of the mustache. Spike wasn't too fond of the idea and didn't exactly want to give up his beautiful mustache quite yet. He wanted to show Rarity so that she could fall in love with him and then maybe even get married sometime. Wait, what? Uh, cut! You didn't hear nothing! Moving on! Spike had a pleading look on his face that basically begged Twilight not to remove the mustache, however, that effort was in vain because Twilight removed it anyway.

He said "Wait! Oh, rats." He covered up his face, but it basically did nothing. Twilight laughed a bit and then they walked out into Ponyville. Spike was mentioning how great Twilight was doing and how impressed he was with her. He said "Twenty five, Twilight. That's twenty five different kinds of tricks and counting. But I thought Unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents." That's how it would normally go for Unicorns, but Twilight was special. While other Unicorn's talents might be cooking or singing, Twilight's was specifically magic. So, it sets her apart from the rest.

Twilight smiled at Spike and said "True, for ponies who's special talents are for things like cooking or singing or math, but what if a Unicorn's special talent is magic?" It was definitely an interesting question to ask. After the events of Nightmare Moon, Twilight really began to examine why she was so different amongst her fellow Unicorns. It definitely took a while and she still hasn't come up with an answer yet. She's confident she'll find one, but she knows in the back of her mind that she may never figure it out and just accept it how it is, leaving it completely unsolved.

Spike looked at Twilight and said "Like you, Twilight. And you know a ton of magic." Twilight felt happy when Spike said that. She always knew that Spike would go above and beyond to compliment her. After all, he is her number one assistant. So it would make sense as to why he would praise her that much, even if he was exaggerating a tad bit. But that didn't really bother her at all. He was considered family to her and even though he might go a little far on the compliments, she still loved him.

Twilight looked at Spike and said "Oh, Spike stop. I'm sure there's lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me." Spike thought that was absolutely ridiculous. Twilight was simply downplaying her abilities and underestimating her skills. True, she might not be prideful about her talent, but she is downplaying it way too much. She needs to have a little bit more confidence in herself. Not many Unicorns can do 25 different magic tricks in one sitting, so the fact that Twilight can do that is truly remarkable. She has a different kind of blood in her. A special type that was selected by a higher figure.

Spike said "Are you kidding? I don't think there's another Unicorn in all of Equestria with your kind of ability, Twilight." Twilight simply smiled nervously as it was clear that Spike had WAY too much faith in her abilities and should definitely come down to Earth a little bit. However, their moment was cut short as Snips and Snails came running towards them all excited and everything as if they literally just found the cure to cancer or something. But regardless, there was something interesting going on, and these two wanted to share it with Twilight and Spike.

Snails said "Gain way! Coming through!" Spike was horrified at what he saw and then got hauled away by those two. He got stuck on Snips's head and Twilight simply watched what was happening as he got carried away by those two foals. Spike wanted an explanation for this. Here he was, talking to Twilight about her magical abilities, and then next thing he knows, these two boneheads come running down the street like chickens with their heads cut off, and just haul him away as if he were some item being thrown into the bed of a pickup truck. And if that wasn't enough, Snips' horn is poking right at his chin, so he could impale him at any moment.

He said "Snips! Snails! What's going on?" The two of them stop and Snips yeets Spike into the air before he crashes right onto the back of a wall and groans in pain. The excitement they had on their faces was unbelievable. They literally had massive poop-eating grins on their faces and just looked at Spike as if they enjoyed watching him suffer like some serial killer at 2 AM in the morning. They were super excited to tell Spike about this. They mentioned that there was a new Unicorn in town and apparently, she was the best one in Equestria. This caught Twilight's attention and it made her sad. Spike thought these two were bluffing and gave proper credit to Twilight.

Twilight was curious about this Unicorn, so she asked the two "Where is this Unicorn?" If what these two were saying was true, then she might have an issue on her hooves. Here she thought that she might stand unopposed even though she didn't want to admit it, and now she has a challenge from somepony else who claims to have the same abilities as her. She believed that it would go as you would expect it to go. This was definitely going to be a long ride ahead for her and Spike as well.

Snails said "She's in the town square. Come on!" He hopped over Spike and dashed off towards the middle of town. Snips was excited as well and took off. Both Spike and Twilight got curious and followed the two to the town square. They made it there and it was quite crowded with ponies. This was the first thing interesting that had happened since Godzilla took out Nightmare Moon. Oh yeah, word spread quite quickly in this town and they were all still trying to recover from that since they now had a Kaiju living amongst them deep in the North Celestial Ocean just outside of Manehattan. It was definitely a lot to process and this event happening here put that reality to the side.

Suddenly, a voice spoke saying "Come one, come all. Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" The said pony made an entrance and smiled at the crowd drawing gasps from them. She looked at them and said "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Some fireworks went off and Rarity gave her two bits of the matter at hand. Spike was attempting to give the credit to Twilight, but then he realized he was standing right next to Rarity, so he fumbled his words and ran off to get his mustache so he could "impress" her. Rarity looked confused and Twilight asked if there was anything wrong with being talented.

Applejack said there was no problem with having magical talent as long as you're not going around bragging about it to every pony you see out on the street. Rarity also gave her comments about how one pony with magical abilities does not make them better than anyone else, which unintentionally made Twilight feel guilty. Rainbow smiled and said how that was her job being better than everypony else and Applejack gave her a glare. She turned around and took a massive dump on magic, but Applejack still had that glare on her face which proves that Rainbow didn't understand why Applejack was glaring at her in the first place.

Trixie got upset at this and said to the crowd "Well, well, well. It seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie?! Do they not know that they are in the presence of the most magical Unicorn in all of Equestria?!" Rarity blew that off as bogus and Spike tried hyping up Twilight, but he got silenced by her as she didn't want to get shamed by her friends for trying to "show off." Twilight pulled Spike aside and explained to him about how she is afraid that her friends might shun her by using magic since they did the same for Trixie.

Some more fireworks went off and Rainbow had enough. She wanted an explanation for why Trixie was so insistent on being the most powerful Unicorn in all of Equestria. So, she asked Trixie "So, Great and Powerful Trixie, what makes you think you're so awesome anyway?" Trixie simply laughed that off as it was clear to her that Rainbow was doubting her abilities or lack thereof, and was trying to make her look like a fool in front of the entire town. So, she planned on silencing this doubter by dropping a jaw-dropping fact on her that would get her to shut up and sit back down in the audience, no longer causing interruptions.

She said "Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the DREADED URSA MAJOR!" Some fireworks appeared in the sky showing an animation of an Ursa Major and both Snips and Snails were left speechless at that. It was considered very difficult to defeat an Ursa Major, so the fact that Trixie dropped this bomb on everypony left quite the impression. She looked at the crowd with a mischievous grin and said "When all hope was lost, all ponies of Hoofington had nopony to turn to. But the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave, deep within the Everfree Forest." Snips and Snails easily bought into that and declared her the most talented pony in all of Equestria.

Spike didn't buy that remark and retorted with trying to promote Twilight which got his mouth literally zipped by her as she didn't want him saying anything about her magical abilities. Trixie just laughed and said "It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville." After she said that, it went dead silent and all you could hear was crickets in the background. Trixie got cocky and said "Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Well then, I challenge you Ponyvilleians: Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers, anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!" Some more fireworks went off and Spike couldn't take it anymore.

He took off the zipper and begged Twilight to do something about this pony and challenge her to a duel. Twilight obviously said no to that and didn't want to embarrass herself at all and get publicly shamed by everypony in town. Trixie looked into the crowd and knew exactly who her victim was gonna be. She said "Hmm. How about you?!" She pointed her hoof right at Twilight and grinned gleefully. Twilight was terrified at that prospect and immediately tried to bail out of it. Applejack had enough and went toe to toe with Trixie. She showed off her cool trick and the crowd was impressed. However, Trixie thought she could do better than that.

She showed her magic and basically gave it to Applejack. In other words, she gave her an L on that one. Rainbow slammed Trixie for her showboating and said it was her job to play dirty with others. She showed off her skills as well and the crowd was completely amazed at this as well. Trixie smiled mischievously at Rainbow and blasted her magic right at the Rainbow above her head and it made Rainbow spin around in the air before crashing onto the ground all dizzy and everything. Trixie threw some shade at Rainbow and everypony in town laughed along with her. Spike got angry at this trash talk and said that there needs to be another Unicorn to challenge Trixie with their own prolific magic. Rainbow and Applejack liked that idea, but Twilight didn't really want to do that.

So Rarity was able to bail her out and basically put herself on a pedestal by saying that Applejack and Rainbow behave like ruffians and she was above that crap and instead acts with grace and humility. Trixie decided to taunt her and asked if she was afraid to have one hair stick up in a rat's nest of a mane. Rarity took that as a challenge and declared war against Trixie. She criticized Trixie for showing off her powers and that it's ridiculous how she uses her ruffian ways to treat others badly. She also said that it's not just about muscle for a unicorn, but also elegance and beauty. Trixie smiled devilishly and lit up her horn to make the drama queen have a total meltdown.

Spike complimented Rarity and said how Trixie would never beat her, but that changed in like two seconds when something horrific happened. Everypony gasped with horror and Rarity was really nervous. She yelled for somepony to give her a mirror since she knew Trixie did something to her hair. Her friends downplayed it, but Spike spilled the beans. It turns out Trixie turned Rarity's mane into green seaweed and it looked simply horrid on her. Rarity ran off crying about how awful the color green was and the pony standing right there was quite offended by that since she had a green mane herself. So, that only left Twilight to challenge her. Spike told her to step up to the plate, but Twilight continued to downplay her abilities which only made Spike more frustrated.

It didn't help for Twilight that all those ponies were staring right at her and Spike kept encouraging her to challenge Trixie, so it made her very overwhelmed. Trixie taunted Twilight and basically challenged her to come up and show off her magic to not just her, but everypony standing here. Twilight made some sort of an excuse about laundry and bailed out of there as soon as she could. Spike was disappointed and Trixie just walked away in victory, taunting Spike along with it. Spike was furious with that and was going to get back at her for that.

Back in the town square, Snips and Snails gave Trixie a smoothie for her to drink and basically bugged her by asking for cool stories. Trixie didn't want to put up with them and told them to not come to her again until morning. Of course, they treated her like she was their queen and walked away backwards. Spike was standing right there and asked what they were doing. Snips said that they were giving Trixie a smoothie and Spike teared into them for falling for this scheme. Snips countered with the story of Trixie defeating an Ursa Major, but then Spike asked some serious questions. He asked them if they were actually there, and they said no, but before they could come up with a counterargument, Spike shut them down and said that the proof is in the pudding.

Until an Ursa Major actually walked up the streets of Ponyville causing havoc and Trixie vanquishes it, he's not going to believe a word she says. That gave Snips an idea and he asked Snails if he was thinking the same thing. He got some response about flea markets and just told Snails to come along. Spike tried giving Twilight another pep talk, but she would have none of it. She cited that her friends slammed Trixie for showing off her talents and if she tried to challenge her, she might lose her friends. Spike explained that wasn't the same thing, but Twilight didn't believe that at all. Spike tried one last time, but Twilight had enough and summoned a door in front of Spike. He had enough and slammed the door in front of him.

Twilight thought that was absolutely ridiculous and Spike just opened the door and walked out of the library. Twilight watched him walk away and looked down at the ground sadly. She wondered what Godzilla was up to these days. Ever since he destroyed Nightmare Moon, she hasn't heard from him at all. She assumed that he was probably very busy or something, but she didn't speculate on it. However, it would be nice for him to make a return, but she couldn't control that. Oh, how amazing it would be if Godzilla were here right now.

Meanwhile, deep in the North Celestial Ocean, Godzilla was sleeping on the ocean floor taking a nice nap. It would be cut short though. His scales suddenly lit up and he woke from his slumber. He felt a threat was coming on and it was in the same area that he vanquished Nightmare Moon. He growled with anger and swam up to the surface. He stood up and let out a mighty roar letting everypony in Manehattan know that he was back. The King has awoken and he's out to fight. He began marching through the city once more and the ponies just stared at him walking through and headed west.

Back in Ponyville, Snips and Snails and went into the Everfree Forest looking for an Ursa Major. They went into the cave, but it was completely dark, so Snails tried to cast a light with his horn, but he was struggling. He finally did get it, but they now faced a much bigger problem. They looked behind them and saw that an Ursa Minor was sleeping right there and opened his eyes as soon as he saw the light come on. He stood up and growled at the two ponies down below. Both of them screamed and the Ursa roared right at them. Godzilla's scales lit up again and he began running faster as he knew that the threat was awake and was about ready to make his attack. Meanwhile, Spike was just kicking a rock out of sadness and saw Snips and Snails running. He asked them what was going on. He told them about the Ursa Major and the bear roared loudly before Spike turned around and saw it too. All three of them ran through the forest in order to get away from the Ursa, but it created a lot of noise.

Snips and Snails banged on the door of Trixie's wagon and Trixie came out to meet them. She was definitely not happy with them and told them that she was not to be disturbed. Both of them said there was a major problem and Trixie demanded an answer on what could be so important right now. She got her answer by hearing the loud roar, and then she screamed for her life and ran away. Snips and Snails did the same and took off. The Ursa smashed the wagon and roared loudly. Spike ran inside the library and tried to tell Twilight about the commotion outside, but she didn't want to hear it. Spike tried to explain, but the roaring did the explaining for him. Twilight got worried and asked if that was what she thought it was.

Snips, Snails, and Trixie all stood in a corner nowhere to go and the two foals explained to Trixie that they wanted to see her make the Ursa disappear and that it took a lot of trouble to get it here. Trixie couldn't believe what she heard and gave them the what for. But both of them told her that she said that she vanquished the Ursa before, so this shouldn't be too hard. Trixie then attempted to defeat it by using a rope, but the bear snapped it in two with his paws. Snips and Snails got frustrated at Trixie, so she tried harder, but that didn't work either. She tried the thunderstorm, but it angered the bear even more. All of them ran and the bear continued roaring.

Eventually, the entire town woke up and looked outside to see what the commotion was. They saw the Ursa and ran away. Twilight ran over to see what was going on and she was horrified to hear that Snips and Snails brought this Ursa Minor to town. They told Twilight that Trixie would vanish it, but Trixie accepted reality and told them the truth. They were shocked to hear it and Trixie explained why she did that. The Ursa stood on its hind legs and roared loudly causing the entire crowd to gasp. But then, a miracle happened. Suddenly, there was a loud roar off in the distance, and everypony turned to see who it was. It was none other than Godzilla.

Godzilla got closer to the bear and roared as loud as he could at it. The Ursa responded with a roar of his own and the two charged at each other. They collided which created a shockwave and began fighting each other. The Ursa tried biting Godzilla, but Godzilla swung his tail at the Ursa and knocked him down. He then picked up the Ursa and spun him around before slamming him right back down onto the ground causing ponies to fly back because of the shockwave. The Ursa scratched Godzilla across the chest, but Godzilla knocked him to the ground. He lit up his scales and built up atomic breath. Everypony knew what was going to happen next as the sound got louder and louder.

Eventually, Godzilla released that nuclear energy and blasted his atomic breath right at the Ursa, burning him in the process. The Ursa roared in pain and Godzilla responded with a roar as well. The Ursa ran into Godzilla which knocked him down onto a building and Twilight was horrified at that sighting. Godzilla simply got up and snorted out some smoke before looking to the side and crawling from a different angle. The Ursa roared some more and then, Godzilla pounced and opened his mouth. The Ursa backed away and Godzilla threw some debris at it. The Ursa backed up and kicked Godzilla multiple times in the face, which only angered Godzilla more. Godzilla eventually got up top of the Ursa and started ripping across his chest.

He eventually got backed up against the wall and Godzilla put his massive foot on him. The Ursa threw a side punch to Godzilla's face, and Godzilla let out a loud roar before stamping his foot into the Ursa's chest even harder. The Ursa tried to move it, but he was simply too weak to move it and Godzilla had too strong of a hold on him. Godzilla bent his head down to look at the Ursa and the bear simply grunted. Godzilla let out a massive roar in anger and the Ursa responded with one as well. After a few seconds, it stopped and Godzilla simply looked at the Ursa before getting off of him and simply turning away. He huffed out some smoke and started walking away. Everypony was completely shocked.

They literally just witnessed a giant reptile like creature defeat an Ursa Minor with no problem at all. The Ursa tried getting up, but it cried out in pain and fell right back to the ground before going unconscious. Twilight finally stepped up to the plate and lit up her horn. She took the top part of the water tower and put some milk in there before lifting up the Ursa and carrying him back to the cave by magic. Everypony watched with amazement and let out heroic cheers when she was done, even her friends. Her friends praised her and she told them that she was sorry and not to hate her. They thought that was ridiculous and explained to her that Trixie was just being a loudmouth and that Twilight's magic tricks are part of who she is.

It also turns out that most of that time in the library, she was studying up on Ursa Majors. But the one that just ran through Ponyville was a baby known as the Ursa Minor. Trixie was shocked about that and Twilight explained that it wasn't just rampaging, it was just cranky because two crackheads had to go wake it up. Spike then thought about what an Ursa Major actually looked like and Twilight said that he didn't want to know. Trixie trash talked Twilight once more and then disappeared off into the night. Rainbow wanted to go after her, but Twilight told her to just let Trixie go and maybe someday, she'll learn her lesson. Twilight gave Snips and Snails their punishment and Spike joined in as well because it dealt with the mustache.

Twilight then looked up and saw Godzilla staring right at her. He bent his head down and gave her a look that said "Don't ever underestimate your abilities. You're worth more to the world than you think." Twilight smiled and she petted him on the snout which caused some smoke to come out. Godzilla retracted his head back and let out a massive victory roar before swinging his tail and turning to leave. He began to walk back towards Manehattan and the citizens of Ponyville watched him in amazement as he left their town once more. Once again, Godzilla defeated another threat and the world was at peace again, so he could return to slumber. Another job well done.

Author's Note:

AN: Well, we've made it to the end of another chapter! I know this isn't necessarily a villain per say, but I thought it would be a nice bonus addition to this story. I consider the Ursa Minor enough of a threat to wake up the King Of The Monsters, but if you think otherwise, let me know in the reviews section. There will be two more bonus creatures for this season, and then we'll move on to Season 2. So, stay tuned for that. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: Dragons! When a cloud of black smoke from a dragon snoring threatens Equestria, it's up to the Mane Six to go ask him to move and spare Equestria's air quality. However, Godzilla can smell the smoke coming from the mountain in Ponyville, so he heads there to take care of that issue. Will Godzilla be able to handle this issue, or will the dragon find some way to make the King Of The Monsters leave him alone?

Until then, my fellow readers