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Just a guy very slowly writing Pone to escape reality... Icon by BijutsuYoukai!


Sombra has been defeated yet again. Death has never put a crimp in his plans for total conquest though. However, this time he has been brought back not by a pony or a meddling Draconequus, but by a Dragon. A Dragon who had been planning to have his horn for dinner. Sombra finds to his horror that not only is he powerless, he is stuck alone with this cute aggravating Dragon for around 3 months. What will happen in that time?

A Sombra/Fizzle fic for the Crackship Contest: 2022. Takes place after Sombra's defeat in Season 9, but before Future Twilight at the very end of the season. AU, since it diverges from the canon ending.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Why would anyone want to eat a Unicorn's horn?

He thought it was a red crystal or gem.

I was gonna ask that too, I liked this one.

ooohhh wait... He got some transphobia on his big fic recently, might be PTSD from that

It's because this is a M/M ship fic, all of which are downvoted on principle by biggots on this hellsite, and I didn't want to deal with that.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story, thanks, that means a lot.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed! Means a lot coming from you, big fan of your work!

whelp ima upvote ur comments then

Ha ha, thanks!
What the heck, my mental health can't get much worse, have a ratings option!

Very cute story!

Sombra growled. He could fly, and teleport, but not … right … now… He sighed and looked at the tower of pain made of rock. “I could do this in my sleep!” he scoffed. He started up the slope … and fell flat on his butt. After 3 more attempts that all ended the same way, he gave an enraged scream.

Is that a hint to magic-made flying/levitation, or being an alicorn?

Either way, this story is… interesting. I’m enjoying it thoroughly.

Sombra glanced down at himself. “Whoa…” he agreed.

Has he turned into mirror-world Blue-Sombra, or has he got a boner..? In the latter’s case, why would you need a mirror? I.. have questions.

The grey and black Dragon was very firmly chained up in the throne room,

Wait, WHAT?!

In the show he could do the turning into shadow and flying or shadowwalking thing... at that moment he's completely out of Magic though.

Yeah. He turned into a Dragon after the Love Confession and night together. Maybe because he fell in love with Fizzle, or maybe there was just some random shift of very local magic. It's Equestria, weird stuff is the norm. :rainbowlaugh: Fizzle wanted a mirror to show him his new self.

I'm gonna like this story. A very creative crackship where hilarious shenanigans are bound to occur!!

Sombra screamed, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” before the Void once again claimed him.

haha, i always loved how vicious this scene was in that episode, and seeing it from Sombra's perspective really underlines that!

The stallion also had an impressive set of fangs. Weren’t ponies vegan?

well yes, but you see, they had to make Sombra hot, therefore;

“Are you a Princess – er, Prince?” the dragon asked.

Sombra snarled. “No, worm, I am a King.”

perfect Sombra

Before he could start a proper monologue, the dragon cut him off by saying, “Oh, I’m not a wyrm, I’m a drake. Big difference!” He said with a disarmingly cute smile.

aww! classic misunderstanding

Fizzle raised a patch of scales that served as an eyebrow. “OK, I just met you and now you’re doing role-play? Besides, who made you the Dom?!”


Fizzle chuckled. “Oh! Yeah, they probably wouldn’t have these where you’re from. Just a second…” He grabbed a second fish, whacked each with the spade-shaped tip of his tail to stun them, and let out a stream of dragonfire, cooking the unfortunate creatures alive. How beautifully barbaric, Sombra thought. He might fit in here after all!


Fizzle’s spines drooped. “We … did. We haven’t for a long, long time.” He brightened up. “Feeling better?”

and yeah, the other species' civilizations as depicted in the show don't really seem very functional if what we saw was all there was! makes sense that what we're seeing is their civilization on a decline

“An Umbrum. A long-dead race of living carnivorous shadows; nightmares made real. I am the last of my kind, and count your blessings it is so, or your world would be in eternal darkness.”

well, that explains the fangs and the carnivorousness!

“You could bunk with me… I am a reptile, so I know body heat helps, but I get the feeling-”

“I’d rather eat my own hooves,” Sombra spat.

hehe, we'll see where this goes, Sombra

Sombra felt … Cozy. He shuddered as he remembered that diabolical filly who certainly did not deserve that as her name.

haha, when Sombra calls you diabolical...

He was in a different chamber of the cave, in a sort of nest. Fizzle’s arms were wrapped around him, and, oh, sweet Faust, his forelegs had a death grip on the dragon’s chest!

quelle horreur!

“I am not a snugglebutt!” Sombra shrieked.

“Really?” Fizzle let Sombra go. Sombra let out a small whimper like a puppy at the loss of contact. Fizzle chuckled. “Yep. Snugglebutt.” He pulled Sombra close again.


Fizzle nodded. “The Great Dragon Migration is kind of a rare thing, but everybody else is at our summer home right now. The train would run if there’s some sort of Pony Friendship Emergency,” he said with an eye roll, “But that’s not likely to happen with just me here.”

augh, piling on top of all the other indignities Sombra is suffering right now, the idea that he has to now depend on the Friendship Express to leave the Dragonlands really is delicious

Fizzle deflated like a balloon, giving Sombra kicked-puppy eyes. He was normally immune to those, but … “Gah!” Sombra screamed, screwing his eyes shut. “Don’t look cute to manipulate me! I hate cute!”

the Dark Lord doth protest too much, methinks

Fizzle chuckled. “Going to have to bring your lingo up to speed. I like males. Romantically. Sexually. Got it? I’m guessing it was more taboo when you were younger…”

aww, Sombra has so many centuries of social progress to catch up on!

Fizzle gave an annoyed snort. “It depends. There are always creatures who hate gays, nothing you can do about that. Ponies are pretty open-minded as a whole, Changelings are almost frighteningly tolerant cause of the whole ‘eating love’ thing, Griffons hate everything, so it’s no worse than normal, Yaks don’t care, and neither do Dragons. Not sure how Umbrum view it…”

it is funny to think of the griffons as actually living up to the whole too-equally-misanthropic-to-be-homophobic thing. i'd actually believe it for them!

“As I learned more about myself and my heritage, I learned that my kind physically cannot stand love. It … repels us. And yet … I have at times desired … what others could so freely have. Something as simple as an embrace. A kiss. Someone to come home to at the end of a long day.

oof, fascinating backstory to think about. sort of like the reverse of Changelings!

Fizzle gave a light chuckle. “I … didn’t have it as bad as you, but in a way I can relate. True, dragons don’t care who you like, but … we value strength above everything. Being the runt of the brood and having … not masculine interests made growing up a dragon interesting. To the point that even today they leave me behind to guard this place while they all soak up the sun.”

ah, yeah, the dragon society as depicted in the show does pretty uniform in their expectations, with Smolder feeling the need to hide her feminine side out of shame. oof, gendered expectations!

Sombra wouldn’t admit it, but … the Dragon Lands were beautiful, in their way. They were a hellish landscape of fire and brimstone, and almost nothing could survive there, but … it was growing on him.

i mean, the only difference between it and what Sombra prefers seems to be temperature, just saying!

That night Sombra was colder than he’d been in his life. “Blasted lizard. Who does he think he is, telling me how to live my life?! He’s never ruled! He’s never had Ponies requiring his input on every aspect of their lives! He’s never been…” Sombra sniffed, “Deliriously happy sitting upon a throne, his enemies at their place beneath him…”

aww! almost makes you want to see Sombra take over the Crystal Empire for the ninth time

Hours later, he found Fizzle. The Dragon was hogtied and a group of gruff smelly canines were busy almost strip-mining the surrounding cave.

oh nice, was wondering what the Diamond Dogs were up to!

It had a handle at the very top, and a large cloth bag took up most of its structure. The bag was made of sewn flesh, and sparks flew from a large exhaust tube at the very bottom. It let out a constant, grating, whining growling noise.

The Diamond Dogs all quaked with fear. “Va’coom!” One screamed in terror. “It comes for us!!!” he wailed.

oof, a Flesh Vaccuum Cleaner would be frightening to even a non-canine creature! very fun to imagine it as some sort of evil deity in the Diamond Dog pantheon

Fizzle gave an awkward chuckle. “Listen. You don’t like me. That’s just the Stockholm Syndrome talking.”

i appreciate how genre-aware Fizzle is. must be the bookworming!

Fizzle groaned. “Nevermind. Just … you don’t feel what you think you’re feeling. You’ve never been in love, right?” Sombra nodded. “So you don’t know what it feels like. This is just some crush. For Faust’s sake, you’ve only known me two months!”

i mean, to be fair to Sombra, two months is a pretty long romance buildup compared to most shipfics!

This one was expected by both parties and so was better executed. It was a tender smooch. Fizzle threaded his claws through Sombra’s mane.


Sombra slowly woke up … wrapped in the loving arms of his … coltfriend.

hehe, not a drakefriend?

Luna had the grace to look embarrassed. “They were … personal.”

hahaha, oof! i mean, both for Luna's sake and for the privacy of creatures' sake, i'd hope she wouldn't be looking at those kinds of dreams!

“So why are you a Dragon?” Rainbow asked.

ah, that gives the "pony-shaped" remark from earlier a fun irony

The Guard sighed. “No one else ever has been. At least … I assume so.” Sombra shook his head. “Thought not. I can get in trouble for not acting like some sort of statue, so please don’t mention I talked to you…”

aww, this was a sweet moment of kindness. almost like shared moment between veterans of the same war, on opposite sides

“So … I get to spend the rest of my life here. With you. Pretty light punishment, but … I think I had unexpected help.”

Cadance! there is something nice and full-circle about that!

i loved the bits of worldbuilding with the dragons and the Umbrum, as well as Sombra's tragic backstory. i like that it wasn't just his gayness that deprived him of a happy place in the intolerant society that he grew up in, but also his Umbrum nature, with the two thematically joined in the way that brings to mind how vampires, aristocratic decadence, and queerness have historically been coded together in literature. (i mean, the fangs and the ermine on Sombra!)

i never would have thought to pair Sombra with a secondary dragon character i barely remember, much less see it work! this was as adorable as it was unexpected, which is everything that a crackship should be. a very enjoyable read, thank you for it!

I mean, he's an evil villain, yes, but Sombra gets vaporized with alarming regularity, and it looks like it hurts like Hell each time. :twilightoops:

Ha ha, fangs make an evil grin that much better!

Ah, the Wyrm/Drake debate, who can keep track of these things just on sight? :rainbowlaugh:

Fizzle would definitely know more terminology then Sombra! 😉

I always thought that Umbrum wouldn't be able to physically stand temperatures above freezing, hence them hanging around the Cyrstal Empire, but there really isn't that much difference ...😉

Oof. That ... thing in a filly's skin. I really do think she would fall under the "Horrifying the Horror" trope. Chrysalis wanted food for mostly herself but also her subjects, Tirek is implied in the comics to snatch power as a way to impress his family, but Cozy is just plain evil.

Ha ha, the horror of Sombra realizing he enjoys cuddles...

Yeah, using the Friendship Express (if they'd even let him on it) would have been the cherry on this humilation Sundae. Fizzle also might have known other ways out of the Dragonlands he just chose not to share at the time... He was enjoying this too...

Griffons seem to hate you just for existing in canon, so they really wouldn't care about minor details like that! :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, it's never really discussed in the show, but it looks like Dragons may have had a mighty empire at one point, they just slowly slid into what they are now...

#TherapyforLuna I mean, the Princess of Dreams would see some @#$!@. She's basically the therapist to an entire country, neither of those things can be good for your mental health...

I just love the thought of an evil demon in Diamond Dog mythology being a vacuum cleaner. :rainbowlaugh:

I liked the thought of that guard realizing that no one had ever shown Sombra a bit of kindness, so he should have some before whatever came next.

Ha ha, what, the Princess of Shipping setting Sombra up with Fizzle while getting him out of everone's mane in one swoop? Whatever gave you that idea? :derpytongue2:

Thank you for the kind comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed the tiny bit of worldbuilding I was able to do with this. It means a lot.

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