• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 6,666 Views, 153 Comments

Whether You Want It Or Not - Roserado

Sunset Shimmer comes back to Equestria and discovers that she became an alicorn while she was away. It creates some problems. Hopefully Starlight can help.

  • ...

1.Wings (Whether You Want Them Or Not)

The sound of hooves against wood and the doors behind her slamming shut marked the end of Starlight Glimmer's trip back to Ponyville. A glance across the train platform she just stepped onto reveals a total lack of other ponies. None to greet her and, more importantly, none to ask her questions about the preparations that need to be made.

Starlight begins to trot off the platform as the sounds of the train continue to hum, reminding her of the time limit she's under. Her reprieve of responsibility only lasts for so long, but she's going to enjoy every moment of it she can. Maybe, if she's lucky, the new arrival will show up late, and Starlight will get an extra twenty minutes of leisure time, uninterrupted by queries about the upcoming coronation. For some unfathomable reason, Twilight decided to give her the job of helping to organize the whole thing.

As Starlight starts the short walk from the train station to the castle, she ponders what prompted Twilight to assign her such an important role. Sure, she's moderately competent at ordering people around (especially when they're willing), and she's done a good enough job as a guidance counselor, but that hardly seems like enough credentials to shuffle around thousands of ponies she doesn't know the names of faces of in order to prepare for the coronation of Equestria's next ruler.

She pauses. Putting it all together like that, it feels like a much bigger deal than what Twilight made it seem. Starlight scoffs and continues on, the castle now in sight. She hadn't been paying attention until now, but few Ponyville residents seem to be around. Only two or three were within Starlight's line of sight. This was unsurprising, as many had already left for Canterlot to attend the coronation. None of the usual chatter or bustle of ponies walking from here to there was present. It would've been unnerving if Starlight didn't know why they were gone.

In what Starlight is sure was the most disappointingly fast ten minutes of her life, she approaches the doors to Twilight's castle. As she opens them with a sliver of magic, she considers who it is she's actually going to be greeting and taking to Canterlot. Twilight gave Starlight specific instructions about how to handle her that she is sure got written down on a list somewhere. Where that list ended up, Starlight has no idea. All she really has to go off of are the vague things she can remember Twilight mentioning about her friend.

Something about her arriving out of the magic mirror they keep around that leads to an alternate world inhabited by things called 'humans'. Starlight has certainly never been there, and Twilight's friend hasn't ever come back, at least to her knowledge. What was her name again? It would be really embarrassing to have to guide somepony around that you're supposed to know the name of. Sun something?

Right, Sunset Shimmer! That unicorn that used to be Celestia's student before Twilight. She mentioned that offhand once. Starlight never felt it was appropriate to ask about her, despite the curiosity she felt. They hadn't been as close then as they are now. She probably could have afforded to ask a couple questions before she left, but her brain was overridden with thoughts of escaping her duties, even for just an hour or two.

The echoing of her hoofsteps across the walls of the castle reminded her once more that she was alone here, albeit temporarily. Not that much different to how it was normally, so it doesn’t bother Starlight too much. Now, where was the room with that huge mirror contraption…?

A rumbling interrupts her thoughts. The walls begin to groan under some invisible strain, and vibrations from the floor shoot up her legs and shake her body. Before Starlight can get her bearings, a sudden tremor knocks her off her hooves, the sound of her fall completely muffled by the deafening cascade of crystals ringing with energy. She only has a moment to right herself before the soundwave reaches its crescendo, and a sudden wall of white flashes out from behind a corner.

An immense pressure flows out of the mirror, filling the room with white light. As Sunset forces herself through, the pressure increases, only ceasing after her whole body is on the other side. The mirror seems to stick to her like molasses, only letting her go after she fully pushes herself through. The rumbling quiets down, and the light fades away, leaving a tired and confused Sunset standing alone in the now still room. She shakes herself back and forth, hoping to clear her head and gain her bearings.

"Haven't been back to Equestria in a long time… I guess they moved the mirror." she muses to herself.

A cursory look around the room reveals what she already knew; Twilight had taken the mirror to the human world from Canterlot and situated it in her own castle. Twilight had told her as much through the nearly filled book Sunset kept from her days as a pony. She had been putting off coming back for a new one as long as she could. Or for any other reason, for that matter.

A couple curious taps of her hooves on the floor help her feel sturdier than she did in the past couple moments. Her back feels heavier than she remembers it being.

Did I grow at all? I feel taller.

An idea pops into her head, and she turns around to face the mirror. There, she sees her human form, the body she's inhabited for years now, before the image slips away to reveal her current self. An orange coat, fiery red and yellow hair with tufts going here and there, and a confident but nervous expression.

That, and a pair of wings.

Her eyes go wide and she jumps backwards, the mirror image fading away. Frantically, she turns her head side to side, seeing just how real her wings are. As if they had a mind of their own, they extend outwards, the feathers ruffling with the sudden movement. The sudden sensation is alien to Sunset, and she exclaims in surprise.

Thoughts begin to run through her head, and her heart fluctuates with conflicting emotions. Shock, fear, excitement, and anxiety all bubble up in equal measures, dizzying her with the strength of which they've come forth. Head still turned to the side, her back twitches, and her left wing snaps forward, throwing her to the ground. Her snout bumps against the hard floor, the impact echoing through her skull.


After a moment, she brings herself back up to all fours, the dizziness quickly wearing off. As if the past minute was all an illusion, Sunset slowly cranes her head backwards, dimly wishing she just imagined it all. Seeing her hopes unrealized, she takes a moment to tuck her wings back in, resignation slowly setting in.

Why did I feel like something like this was going to happen?

"Hello? Is somepony there?"

An unfamiliar voice suddenly pierces through the haze of Sunset's thoughts, and her attention is immediately brought to the entrance of the room. She quickly looks around, hoping to spot something she can use to cover herself. A stack of books, a piece of mirror machinery, another stack of books, and a small cushion, devoid of blankets or coverings of any kind. There was nothing. A pony begins to round the corner as Sunset finds herself frozen in place, eyes locked on the doorway.

A lavender coated mare walks through, immediately spotting Sunset. Without any pause, she begins to speak.

"HI! You must be Sunset. I'm Starlight, Twilight told me you were coming. She's glad you decided to come to her coronation! I'm here to take you to… the…" Her voice trails off as she finally sees the feathery abnormalities attached to Sunset's sides. "Are those wings?"

"Yes." Sunset grimaces at how quickly she responded.

"Are they real?"

"Yep." No, you idiot! Why did I say that?

"Twilight said you were, uh, a unicorn."

"Yeah, so, about that. I didn't actually know I was an alicorn until I came through the portal and I was kinda freaking out over it. Pretty sure I still am."

Starlight, eyes still wide, slowly blinks, still trying to comprehend the situation. "Are you okay?"

Sunset opens her mouth to respond, pauses, thinks on it for a moment, and then speaks. "I think so? I'm not injured or anything like that, it's just kind of shocking, I guess?"

An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air between them. Neither can think of what to say, and for a couple moments, the anxiety in Sunset's chest grows and grows until it bursts out of her.

"I feel like you should be more surprised at this." For Celestia's sake, you did not just say that.

Starlight lightly shakes her head, and after seemingly regaining her composure, responds, "Maybe I just got used to it. I've only ever known Twilight as a princess, and I see her almost everyday. That, and being on speaking terms with Princess Cadence makes me more accustomed than most."

Sunset vaguely recalls Twilight mentioning the several times where she and her friends had to save Princess Cadence and the Empire she rules. It occurs to her that Starlight was one of the ponies that assisted during the last handful of disasters that struck Equestria. She's probably not an average pony.

An uncomfortable thought squeezes its way to the front of her mind.

"How would everypony else react to me being an alicorn?"

Starlight casts her eyes to the side in thought. "...Well, at the very least, it would interrupt the coronation, which is the entire reason you're here. I can't imagine everypony seeing a new princess seemingly appear from nowhere would make things go smoothly."

The color drains from Sunset's face, and her eyes dart here and there, slight panic beginning to take her. After a moment, though, a way out appears in her mind, and she rushes towards Starlight, suddenly pressing her front hooves against Starlight's shoulders.

"You need to help me hide my wings!" Sunset yells, inches away from Starlight's face. "I can't go out in public like this! I'm supposed to be here as a guest, not the next princess of Equestria!"

Starlight separates herself from Sunset and responds to her request, "Okay, I'm not saying I won't help, but is this really worth getting worked up over? I understand being surprised, but you look like you're about to implode from anxiety!"

Sunset starts to tap a hoof against the floor, nervous energy pouring out of her. "What do you think will happen if I just waltz through the streets of Canterlot, not even bothering to hide the fact I'm an alicorn? How fast would the news spread? I don't want to be a princess, I'm not cut out for it, not even a little bit! I didn't even want to come back here, but Twilight sounded like she would be sad if I didn't come, so I was just going to show up, compliment her fancy new crown or whatever, and then leave! I don't want all of this!"

While she catches a breath, Starlight speaks up. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'll help. Just, please calm down."

"Okay. Yeah, okay, I can do that." Sunset sighs, some of the tension leaving her body.

Starlight looks over Sunset's wings, the surprise not entirely gone. She looks back and forth between the wings and her face, her gaze not settling on either one.

"They don't look much bigger than Twilight's wings. Couldn't you cover them with a sheet, or a cloak? I bet that would do the job."

Sunset shakes her head in disagreement. "I don't know how to use these things yet, I'm pretty sure I'll end up twitching and shooting one of them out. I can't take that chance."

"Well, what can we do instead?"

Sunset ponders for a moment before looking back to Starlight. "You're a powerful unicorn, aren't you? You know lots of magic?"

Starlight sputters for a moment before properly speaking. "I, well, I-I wouldn't say I'm all that great. Twilight probably just said that to make me sound good."

Sunset squints her eyes. "I don't think Twilight would exaggerate somepony's abilities when it comes to magic. She talks about you more than you'd think."

Not that I remember much of that.

Starlight quickly trades a surprised expression for one of pleased contentment. "I suppose I know my way around a few powerful spells."

Heh. She kinda reminds me of Trixie.

A slight smile creeps into Sunset's words as she says, "Great! So, you should be able to make my wings disappear."

The momentary look of pride on Starlight's face falls away, and turns into one of contemplation. Her eyes look at nothing as she racks her brain for solutions to the problem that was just placed in front of her.

"I don't know if I can make them completely disappear, even for a few hours. I could definitely make them invisible, though. You'd still be able to feel them, and so would other ponies, but they'd be completely undetectable by eye. How does that sound?"

Sunset barely manages to keep her relief from being completely obvious. "I'll take it! Go ahead and cast the spell, I'm ready whenever!"

Without another word, Starlight takes a couple steps back, and her horn begins to glow a powerful light blue. She aims it at Sunset, and a bright beam shoots forth from it. The glow of her magic embraces Sunset, warping around her. For a moment, the space to her sides seems to bend inward, the light distorting. The moment passes, and sunset looks behind her to a seemingly smooth back, free of any additional appendages, feathery or otherwise.

Never thought I'd be so happy to see myself as an ordinary unicorn.

Her elation soon calms as she realizes she can still feel her wings, and even hear them as they settle back to her sides.

"You know, I really didn't think this was how this introduction was going to go."

Sunset turns back to Starlight, the latter still talking.

"Sure, I know Twilight tends to play up the best aspects of her friends, so I told myself I was just going to get rid of my expectations and see you as you were. Well, I, er, really wasn't expecting to see another alicorn. Guess I hadn't curbed all my expectations, huh?"

Sunset lets out a laugh, surprised at her behavior. "You know, from what Twilight told me, I thought you'd be more well spoken. Guess I thought wrong too!"

Starlight gapes her mouth for a second, but quickly covers it up with a fake insulted expression. "Why, I never! I can see Twilight never taught you proper manners, even with all those visits!"

"Heh. You're sounding like Rarity now."

With all the prissiness she can muster, Starlight asks, "Oh, am I?"

The two glance at each other before breaking into laughs, the chuckling fading away after only a few seconds.

Sunset looks at Starlight with amusement and asks, "How's that? Feel like a better introduction to you?"

Starlight looks back, a smile still on her face. "Much better."

The two ponies walk out of the castle and look out into the streets of Ponyville, the emptiness of it still somewhat off-putting. Wind skirts the open dirt roads, producing a sound like a whistle from far away. Starlight looks at Sunset next to her, the latter seemingly frozen in place. Only her eyes move, left to right, like she's scanning the horizon.

"What are you looking for?" asks Starlight.

Almost like she forgot Starlight was there, she snaps her head to face her. "Huh?"

"I know you haven't ever been to Ponyville, but it's not usually like this. Almost everypony has already left to attend Twilight's inauguration."

Sunset looks back out to the streets, her gaze falling on the houses and other structures that make up the town. "No, it's not that. It's just… strange to be back in Equestria. It's been a long time, but it also hasn't. Does that make sense?"

She looks back to Starlight, who responds, "I think so. I had to go back to my childhood home not so long ago, and that was really weird. I can't imagine it'll be any less weird for you to come back to Equestria, let alone Canterlot."

"Ah, yeah, that's… not something I'm really looking forward to, honestly. I probably would've stayed home if I thought Twilight didn't really want me there." she says through a frown.

Starlight turns her head to the side, stops, and quickly turns it back towards Sunset. "Well, maybe I can take your mind off of that for a few minutes. There's something we need to pick up while we're here before we leave for Canterlot."

She starts walking, and Sunset quickly follows her. "Where are we going?"

Starlight grins. "You'll see when we get there."

Sunset raises an eyebrow, but says nothing in protest. The two walk away from the castle, the sunlight that was blocked from its height now hitting them directly. Almost a minute passes by before Sunset spots another pony. She only sees a speck of movement for a moment before they walk behind a house and out of her sight.

It doesn't take long for them to reach their destination. Starlight brings Sunset to a place that looks unlike anything else that she had seen around.

"So, what are we here for?"

Starlight opens the door, her magic only covering the doorknob. She begins to walk in, and motions Sunset to do the same. She follows her, and takes in the sight. Mannequins, untidy piles of fabric, and several racks of clothing are scattered throughout the place. Realization comes to her soon.

"This is Rarity's boutique?" Sunset asks, almost in disbelief.

"That's right. We're here to pick up the dress she made for you, especially for this occasion!"

Sunset, still surprised at being in a place she had only heard Twilight talk about, nearly gapes at the revelation. "She made a dress for me? But, she… this Rarity doesn't even know me! Why would she?"

Starlight smirks. "Oh, It's not that complicated. Making a wonderful outfit for a good friend of Twilight's is as good of an excuse as any to put together a new dress. And besides, it's pretty generous. Wouldn't you say so?"

"I… guess you're right. That does sound like her. Just hadn't considered she would even think of me."

Satisfied with the surprise, Starlight turns and opens another door for herself. "Sounds like you're not giving her enough credit. I'll go fetch your dress and find something to put it in. You stay here and think about how incredibly thoughtful Rarity is. I'm sure that's what she'd want you to do."

She catches Sunset rolling her eyes before passing into another room and closing the door behind her. Vaguely aware of her limited time, she starts looking for where Rarity might have left the dress. Amidst the mess of fabrics and accessories she left in her efforts to complete everything before the departure, a single finished article is visible on a rack on the other side of the room. It's bright red color easily drawing her attention, Starlight walks over to it, careful not to step on anything on her way there.

She takes a moment to admire the small golden circles used to connect different parts of the dress together before looking away for something to put it away in. It takes her only a moment to spot an empty suitcase resting against a wall. She floats it over and lifts the dress, neatly folding it up with her magic. After the dress is situated in the suitcase, she closes it and begins to walk back to the main area of the boutique with Sunset.

The door swings open, and Starlight walks through to see Sunset sitting in the same place she left her. Starlight hums in thought as Sunset looks over to notice her.

"Got your dress! Rarity did a great job, as usual."

She hovers the luggage over to Sunset, who looks at it as Starlight releases her magic on it. It falls to the floor with a clack, prompting Sunset to attempt to pick it up with her hooves. After a few moments of fruitless struggle, she looks up to see Starlight pointing at her horn. She lets out a nervous laugh and covers the suitcase with her own magic, just barely redder than her blush of embarrassment.

An amused Starlight rolls her eyes. "Y'know, I kind of thought I'd catch you messing with your wings. Most ponies would be dying to try them out."

Sunset looks away from her, putting on a forced grin. "Heh, well, I've mostly been trying to forget that I've got them. Not being able to see them helps. Thanks for that, by the way."

"Oh, it was nothing. What are friends for?" says Starlight, now headed for the exit to the boutique. "Now, let's get to the train station before the conductor gets tired of waiting for us."

Sunset hums in response, and begins to follow her new friend out. Starlight takes a few steps outside before turning to see Sunset stopped after only a few paces, looking at the luggage that carries her new dress.

She raises an eyebrow and asks, "Um, is something the matter, Sunset?

Sunset continues to stare at the suitcase, as if she was peering directly inside. "Starlight?"


A pause. "Rarity thinks I'm a unicorn, right?"

"Of course. You didn't even know you were an alicorn until you stepped through the portal!"

Another pause, before she looks back at Starlight. "So that means she made a dress for a unicorn."

"Yes? Why does that… matter… oh."

A look of realization appears on Starlight's face.


"That might be a problem."

The two look at each other, then the luggage, then back at each other. Starlight speaks first.

"How about we think on how to deal with this after we get on the train?"

Sunset sighs in fake relief. "Phew. Putting off our problems until later? You're speaking my language, Starlight. I thought you were going to suggest something that a well adjusted pony might say. Had me worried for a second!"

Starlight snorts in amusement. "Don't get me wrong, I'm only saying that cause I'm worried about missing the train."

"Yeah, sure." says Sunset, now finally emerging from the boutique.

"It's true! We might be left behind if we wait around too long!"

Closing the door behind her, luggage carried by magic, Sunset joins Starlight in her short trek to the station.

"I believe you, I believe you. Don't have to convince me anymore than you already have."

"It sounds like you're only saying that to shut me up."

"Whaaat, I wouldn't do that! Would I do that, Starlight?"

A grin reaches Starlight's lips. "A few minutes ago, I would've said no, but now I'm not so sure."

A gasp of mock offence. "Starlight! And here I thought we were friends!"

Starlight breaks into laughter, and Sunset soon follows her. The sound breaks the quiet around them, filling the air with a warm glow, even if only the two of them can feel it.

The dull repetition of wheels clacking against rails is beginning to irritate Sunset. It's barely been fifteen minutes since they sat down in the otherwise empty train, but she can barely keep herself from nervously pressing her hoof against the cushion she's sitting on.

She's always been one to fidget, and a body with hands only enabled her further. Tapping fingers against a desk, repeatedly clicking a pen open and closed, and digging her nails into her palm were all options she had gotten physically used to. Incapable of doing any of them now has rendered her without an adequate way to expel the nervous energy that's been building up.

I guess having fingers is something I took for granted. Opposable thumbs, too.

A glance at Starlight, who is seated closest to the window, reveals she's staring through the glass, the mountain city of Canterlot just barely visible in the distance. After a moment, Starlight looks back at Sunset through the reflection, their eyes meeting. Sunset quickly turns her head away, the connection breaking off as soon as it began.

Did I seriously just do that? Could I be any more obvious?

She can hear Starlight adjusting herself in her seat, and after a moment with no response from her, Sunset relaxes her tensed muscles, grateful that she's not asking her about what just happened.

She's probably just being polite, there's no way she didn't see me staring at her like a weirdo. I'm barely keeping it together when I'm around this one pony, how am I going to deal with the crowds? On top of that, how in the world am I going to get out of talking to Celestia?


Oh, and I just forgot about that, too! Great job Sunset, now you're back to square one. There's going to be a whole spectacle of her and Luna giving their authority to Twilight, there's no way I can avoid her!

Tap tap.

Maybe she'll be too distracted with everything else to look for me? Better yet, maybe she's so busy that she forgets I'm coming? No, there's no way. Twilight even said she was looking forward to it. She'll probably make time for me afterwards, if she hasn't already.

Tap tap tap.

How am I going to hide my wings when she finds me? Is that even possible? I'm so out of practice, I wouldn't even be able to tell if she secretly casted some detection spell on me when I wasn't paying attention.

Tap tap tap tap.

What if she reveals to everyone that I became an alicorn? They'll want to know why I kept it secret. What if they don't believe me? What if I have to stay as a princess? What if I can't go back through the mirror? What if I never get to see my friends again??

Tap tap tap tap tap tap-


"Ah!" she exclaims as she's taken out of her mental daze. "What is it?"

Starlight motions to Sunset's hooves, the front two of which are pressed together. "You were tapping your hooves together. They're louder than you think."

"Oh, I, uh," stammers Sunset, moving them back down to rest on the cushion. "Sorry. Nervous habit. Or, it used to be. I forgot it was something I do."

Starlight sighs, "It's fine. I'm more concerned with what you're so nervous about."

"It's just," she starts, "I know I was made an alicorn for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is going to come from that. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I can never really relax and let my guard down. So, I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head!"

"Hm. That is a toughie…" Starlight responds, pondering her words. "Guess my advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening."

Sunset slouches forward in her seat, a smile creeping onto her face. "Heh. Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now?"

"Yep! Like that." she says, a self assured grin making its way into her voice.

Before either can say something more, the sound of the train slowing against the rails whines throughout the cabin, and Sunset’s stomach lurches forward for just a second as the train comes to a halt.

Starlight looks out the window and exclaims, "Looks like we're here!" before standing up and motioning for Sunset to do the same.

She looks through the window as well, taking in the sights of the city. The tops of buildings in the distance, decadent and beautiful, are almost exactly as she remembered them being. And there, up against the sky, is the castle. She tries to peel her eyes away from it, but something odd sticks out to her. A faint plumage of gray, reaching into the clouds.

Is that… smoke?

"You coming?"

Sunset turns to Starlight, who is already by the exit, and leaves her seat, quickly catching up to her.

"Yeah, sorry. Was just, ah, wondering what to do about the dress."

Starlight playfully rolls her eyes, and turns to depart the train. The doors open, allowing the pair to exit. The two step onto the platform and are immediately hit with a barrage of strangers, all clamoring to get onto the train they just left. Being pushed aside, Sunset is able to make out some of the voices from those trying to get past her.

"Get us out of here!" "Out of my way-" "The city is under attack!" "I told you we should have stayed home-" "They're back!" "Let us on!"

She manages to break free from the pack, and looks around for Starlight. She, too, emerges from the crowd, and they look back to see what seems like dozens of ponies all trying to leave, fast.

"Starlight! Over here!"

Looking to the voice that called her, Starlight pairs up with Sunset once more, an expression of confusion on her face. She opens her mouth to speak, but instead looks at something past Sunset, above her. Sunset turns to see what she sees: a bright orange and yellow beam of magic shooting into the sky, at the other side of the city. The beam fades, and another goes off, piercing the clouds it passes through.

The two turn away to face each other again, and after a moment, Sunset finds the words to say.

"Guess we can put off the dress a little while longer?"