• Published 16th Feb 2022
  • 459 Views, 8 Comments

What could have been - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

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What could have been

What could have been

Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

"Please! Don't! I'll do anything you want."

"Anything, huh?"

"Yes, anything!"

"You say that you could give me anything, but in all those years we spent together, you never gave me what I wanted. Goodbye."

Everyday, I see his stupidly handsome face, and hear his manly deep voice. He walks the school with her, goes places with her, and I just stay in the shadows, watching.

She's my best friend, and he's my ex. But even if he broke up with me, I still have feelings for him.

I might have been pretending to be using him just because he was popular, but in reality, it was because I loved him. Yes, I loved him, and I still do.

No one could know that Sunset Shimmer was in love, that she actually had feelings for someone, or that was what I told myself. If they knew that I was capable of feeling love, they would no longer fear me. I was stupid to believe that.

If only I had paid more attention to him. If only...

You know, I think things might have worked out between us, if it weren't for him. Or if only I hadn't been so...so...If I hadn't acted like that. I was the one who broke us.

He joined this boy in being rude to me, and I broke our friendship. I told him that we could no longer be friends. Why? Why did I do that?

If only I had waited for him to come back to me. But now he never will. He...he's moved on. He doesn't even do so much as look at me, and when he does, his gaze is filled with hatred.

I love him...I still do. I tell myself- Be happy for your friend, don't be jealous. He moved on, so why can't you? Because I still love him. I'm not sure who I love. There's this cute guy that I have a crush on, but I don't know if he likes me back.

But even if he does, I'll never be able to move on. At my old school, I had a crush on another guy. He was cute, had a good voice, but left.

No matter what I do, or who I end up with, I'll never be able to get over him. Because he was my first love. He was the first guy that I actually tried to do anything with.

I gave him hints here and there, but he never picked them up. He never noticed my feelings for him, and we grew apart.

It was love at first sight. But I know that no one will ever love me. I don't deserve it, do I?

Not after everything I've done. On Valentines day, I stay in the shadows and watch jealously as he takes his significant other out on a date.

I follow them, and watch jealously. They walk through a forest, and I follow.

And when he goes on his knees and proposes, I'm unable to contain my anger. How could he have moved on? How dare he propose to her!

I watch as he opens a box, revealing a glittering ring inside. The girl smiles happily, and I walk forward and brandish a knife, catching them off guard. With a maniacal grin on my face, I kill the girl, smiling as she screams one last time.

I pull my bloodied knife out of her heart as she falls to the ground, dead.

Then I move on to him. His hands are held up, and he is frozen in fear. I hold my knife, wondering if I should kill him or not.

He unfreezes, and begs me, "P-please don't kill me! I'm begging you!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this," I told him.

"Please! Don't! I'll do anything you want."

"Anything, huh?"

"Yes, anything!"

"You say that you could give me anything, but in all those years we spent together, you never gave me what I wanted, did you, Flash?" His name comes out softly.

I remove my hood which had been covering my face, and he asks, "S-sunset? S-sunset S-shimmer?"

I laugh. It is a strange sound to my ears; empty and forced. "Yes, Flash. It is me, Sunset."

He can hardly get a word out before I make my decision. "I'm sorry, Flash, but your time has come to an end," I say softly.

I push my knife straight into his heart, and watch as he falls to the ground. His last words before the light fades out of his eyes are, "I loved you, Sunset. But I never got a chance to tell you." And then he's dead.

I see a piece of paper in his pocket, and unfold it. I read,

"To Sunset Shimmer.

I love you, Sunset. I really do. I was going to tell you today, but before I could, you said that we were no longer friends. That you didn't want to talk to me.

I didn't know why, but then I realized something. When I joined my friends in bullying you, I did the wrong thing. I let them force me into doing it.

They said, "Join us, or we'll kill her."

I didn't want to see you die, so I joined them. But now that I think about it, I should have killed them. I should've been strong. But I'm so weak.

At times, I wonder what a strong, brave girl like you saw in a weak boy like me. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to give this to you, but if you ever find it, know that I love you, and I always did.

I'm sorry for what I did, and hope that you can forgive me.

Forever yours,

Flash Sentry."

Then the reality of what I've done hits me. I kneel next to his body and cry. "What have I done?" I ask myself.

As the sun sets, I pull the knife out of his body and stare at it for a few seconds, wondering if I should do it. My hand moves, and I stab myself. Straight in the heart.

The pain is more than I can imagine, and as I shut my eyes for the last time, I say, "One last Sunset."

The End.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! This is the third story I've posted this week. This was inspired by my long term crush on this guy in my class.

His name is Wasif Orko, and he was my first true crush. I really liked him, and gave him hints which he never saw. I think we had a chance, but then Mihda came and ruined every single chance I ever had of being with Orko.

We had a fight, and we don't talk to each other anymore. Know that unlike this story, I didn't kill him. Killing someone is totally not my thing.

I hoped you liked this, and don't forget to vote, like, comment, and follow! {Share this with your friends!}