• Published 28th Feb 2022
  • 8,777 Views, 228 Comments

The Rise Of An Empire - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?

  • ...

Chapter 8

Twilight woke up with a grin on her face, and a small but noticeable skip in her step.

"You seem rather happy today, my love," said Sombra while brushing his mane. "Surely it's not just from being well rested."

The dark purple mare set her toothbrush back in its place and walked to her lover, placing her forehooves on his shoulders.

"You are correct. Today, I know exactly what we're going to do. We're going to Canterlot, unfreezing that statue, binding Discord up in a dungeon, and then the fun will begin."

"So you want to see if we can get some use out of him?"

"Correct. It would be such a waste if we just killed a creature that bears such magic without even trying to get him to join us first..."

"I share your sentiment. I assume we'll also be bringing those two mares along with us?"

"The more fear we instil in them, the better."

A knock was heard on the door. The Dark Queen marched over to it with an air of impatience and opened it. "Guard. What is it?"

"I am here to inform your Majesties that a unicorn mare by the name of Tempest Shadow has requested an audience with you and the King."

"Make her wait in the throne room. Don't let her out of your sight." Saying that, she shut it before the guard could say another word and turned to her lover, who raised an eyebrow. "Some unicorn named Tempest Shadow wants to speak with us."

"Three unicorns in a row... Hopefully we won't need to put her in her place as well."

Twilight merely nodded and straightened her crown. "Let's go, shall we?"

Tempest Shadow studied the throne room as she waited patiently. "You've been rather silent, Grubber," she said to her companion.

"...I... Do you think that these ponies will deceive us like he did?"

"If I thought that, why would I have come here?"

"...Good point."

"These rulers... One is an umbrum who was betrayed by the former Princess, and the other is a pony, who was betrayed by those dearest to her. They joined forces, and like us, they're against Equestria. What would they have to gain, if they were to deceive us?"


"That was a rhetorical question."


"Why are they taking so long?" she muttered, as her patience wore away. "We've been waiting for almost an hour now."

No sooner than she had said that, the Guards opened the doors of the Throne Room and the rulers of the Crystal Empire entered.

"Haven't you heard of the proverb, patience is a virtue?" asked Twilight sarcastically.

"Your Majesties." Tempest and Grubber bowed respectfully.

"Who is your companion? I don't believe the Guard mentioned him," said the King, glancing in the Guard's direction, inadvertently causing him to open his mouth to let out a stream of apologies. However, Sombra held his hoof up. "Save your apologies for later."

"Y-yes Sir."

"So, I don't think I've introduced myself. I am Tempest Shadow, former general of the Storm King's army, and this is Grubber, who was the commander."

"The Storm King?"

"He is not known to many as this is his first attempt to take over Equestria, so if you allow me, I shall explain who he is."

"You may begin."

"So let me get this straight. You joined him because he made a deal with you, in which he'd fix your horn if you helped him."

"Yes, Your Highness," said Grubber. "A few days before our arrival here, Tempest was discussing the plans for the attack with him, and I was there so I could write everything down. Once it was confirmed that he would be able to successfully take over Equestria, he got some drinks out to celebrate, and well...He has a habit of blabbering when he's drunk."

"So, basically, he got completely drunk and then he told me his true intentions... I was foolish to trust him."

"...What was your reason for coming here today?"

"To form an alliance with you. Grubber and I shall join your army if you fix my horn. I am good at organising attacks and torturing, and Grubber can gather information about those who seek to oppose you."

"Alright... But what's in it for him? What's his reason?"

"I want that stuck up bastard to learn a lesson," said Grubber with anger shining in his eyes. "Tempest wasn't the only one who learnt the truth that night."

Twilight nods and Sombra holds his hoof out. "Then it's a deal."

"And uh, there's one thing we need to tell you," Grubber said nervously. Twilight waved her hoof in a 'go on' signal. "If his airship lands according to plan... He'll be in Canterlot by this evening."

"Don't you think that would have been useful to mention earlier?" growled Twilight.

"Calm down," whispered Sombra into her ear. "We'll deal with Discord; I promise we will. But it looks like that will have to wait."

"But why do we need to stop him first? What about him is so dangerous that we need to stop him as soon as possible?"

" Well… While the Storm King may not seem that threatening and to some, he is laughable… He actually possesses a lot of power. "

"Which he does not show unless he gets really...pissed off, for lack of a better word, " added Tempest. "And I know his power better than anyone as I was his right hand pony. He never thought I'd find out about his deception, and he trusted me… He said that after Equestria was successfully taken, he'd get Grogar's bell and summon him so if anyone tries any heroics, he could strike them down in an instant. Though, I know that's just because he wants more power. He is the Storm King after all, so he'd already be able to summon lightning bolts and kill whoever he wants… "


"I know you're disappointed, but try and look at the bright side. You can spend more time thinking of how you'll win him over to our side and make him be loyal to us."

"I guess so..."

They turn back to their new allies.

"Tell me all of the Storm King's weaknesses. Anything and everything he fears," demanded Twilight.

"As you wish, Queen Twilight," smiled Tempest. "There are many things he fears, the first being-"

"Wait, not here. Guard!" called Sombra, after which one entered. "Tell the cooks to make lunch for four." Looking towards the former General, he asked, "You don't have any allergies, do you?"

"Neither of us do."

"You may leave now. And wait, make sure that the guest room is suitable for staying in." The Guard bowed and left. "We'll talk about it over lunch. You two must have had an exhausting journey from...wherever the Storm King's base is to here. I suggest that you go and rest. A maid will show you to your room."

They nodded appreciatively and left.

The Mane Five were still in their hideout, desperately trying to come up with a plan.

"So look. Twilight's gone and joined Sombra. She's beyond the point of saving. Ah'm not even sure if Ah'd wanna save her, what with all this torturin' she's been doing. Ah mean, sure, Ah'd like ta have a go at Chrysalis for what she did, but what Twilight did to her? "

Applejack shuddered upon remembering what she had read in the newspaper Rarity managed to sneak back along with food that morning.

"That was just terrible, darling… I never thought Twilight would be able to do such a ghastly thing. "

"Well, that's not our Twilight. She's different now," said Rainbow. " We need to take her down before she kills us. "

"Take her down before she kills us? That's an...interesting thing to say, Rainbow Dash. "Why, I'd say we all deserve to be killed because of how we acted that day. Getting excited over the chance to wear some dresses and be in a wedding… Ignoring our close friend's worries and...abandoning her just for that. Every one of us should just die right now," spat the former party mare.

Fluttershy nervously stepped forward in concern. "Pinkie-"

"My name is Pinkamena. Not Pinkie," snapped the pink mare.

"W-well, then Pinkamena, a-are you o-okay?"

"No. Why would I be?" she scoffed . Suddenly she stood up and stamped a hoof on the ground. "I wonder...How can all of you be okay after what happened? "

"Because we've got a plan. We're gonna put it into action and show King Sombra who's boss! "

"Hahaha. You're so funny, Rainbow Dash. You're acting like Sombra is the villain in this. He's not controlling Twilight. Twilight went to him and she's doing this all on her own. It's all of your faults that she's like this…"

" And what, you're the good guy in all of this? " scoffed Rainbow Dash.

"I never claimed to have helped her, but I did nothing to her. No, it was Pinkie who did it. "

"Pinkie dear, have you lost your mind?! What's wrong with you?"

"As I said before, my name is Pinkamena! Do I have to spell it out for all of you numbskulls?! P I N K A M E N A! Pinkamena! Pinkie is the fool that contributed to the events that led towards the corruption of Twilight Sparkle. I. Am. Not. Pinkie!"

" Now, let's not waste time arguin' about all of this… " said Applejack.

"Yeah… Let's focus on what we need to do. Though, we could consider saving Twilight. She deserves that much… Every moment wasted is another second that Twilight is out there, unable to transform back into herself because of what we did to her! We need to stop her before it's too late and we can't save her! "

"Save her?" asked Pinkamena, as if this were all a joke to her. "We can't save Twilight. There's no way to do that. Once one's mind is corrupted, they'll never turn back. To try and 'help ' her we'd have to first strip her of all her dark magic, with powers we don't have, and why would she want to go back to normal after we all abandoned her? And would you even want to talk to someone who's going on a torturing spree? Why, she might even decide to hunt you down and kill you next."

"Stop trying to bring the mood down everywhere!" glared Rainbow, ceasing her hovering to step closer to the mare with the faded pink coat.

"Bring the mood down? Ahaha… All I'm doing is just stating facts. I'm actually being useful, while you're just trying to give them false hope."

" It's called motivation! "

"Useless motivation. You're just going to be sending yourself and your friends on a suicide mission. Just give up. What's done is done. The pain, the truth, it's already been given. " She looks at the pegasus coldly. "You've never done anything useful. All you do is show off, brag, and act like you've got everything under your control, when you're actually no braver than Fluttershy. It's all just an act, isn't it? Give up. "

She walked forward, her hoofsteps echoing throughout the cave, until she was literally face to face with the one with whom she had been speaking.

Before Rainbow could react, she pinned her against the wall and snarled, "You'll never be able to undo what was done. Now, I think that giving you a little taste of how powerless you are should put you in your place."

With that she began pushing down on the athlete's throat. Applejack rushed forward and attempted to pull her away, but the mare saw her coming and kicked her with a hindleg, causing the apple farmer to fall down, winded.

Rainbow, of course, attempted to struggle, but for once she found out that the former party pony possessed more strength than her.

Just as she began to see spots in her vision...the other mare released her hold on her, letting her fall to the ground.

Pinkamena took a deep breath and glared at the other members of the mane five who were looking at her fearfully. "You know what, I'm done with all of you. You're all hopeless."

With that said, she stormed out of the cave. Her body was surrounded with a dark aura, and her dark pink mane began to get even darker…

"And to think he claims himself to be the Storm King…" laughed Twilight. "I'm sure that he couldn't even stand a small attack!"

"Now, let's not get too cocky… Underestimating one's enemies is a sure way to fall in battle… But yes, I do believe that even a small squadron of our guards could easily defeat him. Hence, I assign the task of murdering him to you, Tempest. "

"To me?"

" Yes, why not? I shall send a group of soldiers with you if you require any assistance. Or do you not want to do it?"

"No, I can do it, despite having hardly any magic. I am well trained in hoof combat and can wield hoof held weapons efficiently, even having designed some of my own…"

" It would be the perfect chance for you and Grubber to get your revenge, " chipped in Twilight.

Tempest looked at Grubber, who nodded. "I'll be more than happy to take part in killing him."

" I accept this task. That bastard will pay for his deception and lies…"

"Now come on, my love. This will be a fun show to watch," grinned the Dark Queen.

Author's Note:

I think this looks fine. Ah well, I'll just publish it.

Perhaps a longer chapter would have been appropiate, but I didn't want to make this feel stuffed.

This story is about to get a lot darker.

Let's see if I can update soon... Until then, votes/likes, comments, favourites and all the usual stuff would be appreciated.

PS- It seems that this story is naturally meant to be fast paced.