• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 6,320 Views, 149 Comments

A Storm of Emotions - MelodyMori

Summer Storm, a once human turned thestral filly, must now find her way in Equestria and her second life as Luna's adoptive daughter.

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Chapter 3

Caleb Smith
Location Unknown, September 5th, 2021

I frowned in frustration as I read the latest message from my contact in Japan: He was unable to bring my two children home and the cops were hot on his tail. I ran a hand through my short-cropped blond hair, setting the burner phone in the shredder to dispose of it.

“So hard to find good help,” I grumbled, shaking my head and sighing to release some of the frustration building in my chest. My voice held just a touch of the Texas twang from my childhood home. “At least Noah is dead and buried, that homeless chick was able to do that at least. Maybe I should be the one to get the-”

My ruminations were interrupted by three knocks on the door, not too hard but strong enough to echo through the small apartment I found myself in for the moment. I double-checked that I had my Smith & Wesson within reach if things went south and stepped towards the door. A quick peak through the eyehole revealed a single white woman waiting outside, her hair a mess of colors that clashed with her otherwise professional scarlet dress and high heels.

I raised my eyebrow a bit and opened the door just a touch, the chain lock on the door pulling taught. “Who are you and what do you want?” I growled, my bad mood overwhelming my typical manners. After all, a lady should be treated right and all that.

“My name is Cosmos, and I have a job for you, Mr. Smith.” The lady offered a disarming, her eyes sparkling with a predatory glint instead. “May I come in?”

Cosmos? What a hippie name.

I internally rolled my eyes but relented, undoing the chain lock and opening the door all the way. Cosmos stepped inside, her gait confident and seductive in equal measure. Her strange golden eyes glanced over the spartan apartment as I led her into the kitchen, pouring her and myself a glass of fresh sweet tea.

“So, what is this job?” I grunted, not wanting this strange woman in my apartment for too long.

She sipped her sweet tea, a small moan of pleasure slipping out of her before she smiled at me. That same stupid smile. “Right to business? Not in the mood for niceties I see.”

“I am a busy man and I do not like you. Now, what is the job?” I couldn’t help but offer a smirk of my own as my bluntness wiped the smile off her face for a moment.

“Simple: I want you to infiltrate a park and locate a certain statue, and I will pay you one-hundred-fifty-thousand US dollars.” Cosmos’ smirk returned as I couldn’t help but blink a bit. That much cash for a simple infiltration? “I’ll also throw in a certain...favor for this job. I’ll help you get your kids back. I know a few people in high places after all...”

I scowled, crossing my arms as I raised an eyebrow. “What’s the catch? What makes this statue so special?”

“It’s magic.” Cosmos let out a titter as I huffed in barely contained disdain. “I am kidding, of course. Let’s just say it means a lot to me...”

Summer Storm
Sweet Apple Acres, 5th of Summer’s Dawn, 1082

As the sun reached the apex of its journey across the sky, I stood sweating and panting next to the apple cart. Thanks to Big Mac and my teamwork it was now mostly full of apple baskets, the fruit almost gleaming in the sun. The big stallion himself stood patiently by the next tree, his level gaze on me.

“Ah know that look!” I yelled, my wings flaring out in a futile attempt to look intimidating. “Ah can do one more tree!”

I stepped over to the next tree, my legs shaking a bit as I went. I bit the full basket’s handle and started to pull it along, huffing and puffing from the exertion. After a foot of distance, I was forced to let go of the basket to catch my breath, my lungs burning from all the work from the morning.

Big Mac stepped over to me with a surprising amount of dexterity for such a large stallion and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I waggled my filly legs in protest but was forced to give up as he lifted me way off the ground. Truth be told it was oddly comforting on some kind of instinctual level to be carried in that manner by somepony who cared.

“Lunchtime.” Big Mac grunted in his deep voice, somehow speaking clearly despite having a muzzlefull of neck scruff.

“A-Ah....okay.” I acquiesced, clearly on the losing end of the battle of wills. Plus I was a bit hungry...

With a surprising amount of ease, Big Mac carried me back towards the farmhouse, his strides long and confident. I couldn’t help but let out a small yawn, the gentle rocking motion of his strides calming my filly body. I had to use a hoof to hold my hat on my head, as otherwise it would have slid off at the angle I was being held at. The journey didn’t take too long, Big Mac’s greater height allowing him a faster speed than I would have by myself.

A delicious smell wafted from the open window of what I assumed was the kitchen, the smell of freshly baked fruit! My mouth started to water a bit at that scent, its call seeming stronger in this body. It felt similar to how my mouth would water back home when I would cook a medium rare steak or so, delicious as hell.

Big Mac set me down in front of the farmhouse before opening the door, gesturing with one hoof for me to enter first. I stepped in cautiously, not really sure where to go in the home. Thankfully I could hear AJ, Granny, and Applebloom in the next room so I could at least follow that. Rounding the corner I saw the three Apples setting up a decently sized dining room table with various apple products like pastries as well as simple stuff like some salad. All in all a delicious lunch for a group of ponies. I was too late to help set up so I took the empty seat next to Applebloom instead.

“Ah heard Granny and Big Mac put you to work.” Apple Bloom giggled and poked me in the side. “How did it go?”

“It went well!” I grinned, awkwardly looking at Big Mac as he chuckled.

“She pushed herself too hard like you did the first time, ‘Bloom.” Big Mac explained, a small smile on his face.

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head, trying to ignore how sweaty my fur was. “...yeah, Ah may have gotten a little overzealous.”

“Ain’t nothing wrong with workin’ hard little one.” Granny Smith stepped in, her voice shaky with age but strong with the wisdom that brought. “Just be careful not ta hurt yerself. Especially for a filly yer age.” She paused for a moment before squinting. “Er, how old are ya anyway?”

I had to mentally restrain myself from giving my ‘old’ age of twenty-four, instead biting my lower lip a bit as I wracked my brain for my ‘new’ age. I drew a blank and nervously tapped my forehooves together. “Er, Ah don’t really know. Sorry.”

Granny and Big Mac blinked in surprise before the older mare raised an eyebrow. “How do ya not know hold old ya are, dearie?”

I blushed in embarrassment and felt my ears droop a bit. “I-it’s complicated...Ah don’t know how else to explain it...”

“Granny, stop interrogating the poor filly!” AJ came to my rescue, chiding her grandmother. Happy that her family got the message she turned back to me, a warm smile on her face. “Besides, we’re going to the doctor later anyway so ya will get your answer, sugarcube. Though I think yer no older than ‘Bloom, maybe a bit younger since yer smaller than her.”

I frowned and crossed my forelegs. “Ah am not short.” If anyone claimed I was pouting adorably I’d fight them, I am not adorable. I also tried to ignore the fact that Apple Bloom was indeed a good bit taller than me, not towering over per se but an obvious half a head.

Green Neigh, 5th of Summer’s Dawn, 1082

As I stepped out of the woods surrounding the small town of Green Neigh I forced myself to pause for a moment. While traversing through the woods of Equestria allowed me to be in my more...natural form, stepping into town required me to take another form. I had reached the limit of my ability to safely navigate the wilds, as just a few miles from the town sat the mountains splitting Equestria from the Crystal Empire and other Northern Territories. And I hated the cold, so might as well take the train the last bit to Our Town.

I took off my armor and set it into my saddlebags as I thought through the various forms I could take. Midnight Strike, my preferred form, was out as I didn’t want to implicate the identity I was going back to once all this was over. Instead, I decided on a form that I met a few times in Canterlot, back during the wedding.

I shivered for a moment at the memories that brought up, the faint feeling of hooves touching me. The sickly green fire and faint warmth of adopting that new form thankfully distracted me enough that I could push past it. Once the fire died down standing in my place was a light blue unicorn mare, her tail and mane split between a darker blue and white. Dark blue eyes and an hourglass cutie mark completed the look of Minuette.

I grabbed the saddlebags in my magic and set them on my back, making my way to the quaint little town. A few ponies were heading on their daily errands, with the majority of the residents off working in the fields surrounding the town. I made my way to the local train station, not really too interested in speaking to the locals. The faster I got to Our Town the faster I had my family back.

The train station itself was a simple building - a set of benches facing the train tracks and a booth for the stationmaster to relax in while it wasn’t busy. Which given the size of the town was almost never. I headed to the booth, thanking the stars that the stationmaster was actually in there.

“Oh, how can I help you miss?” The portly old earth pony stallion asked, his mouth cracking into a simple smile.

“One ticket to Our Town, please.” I requested, floating over the ten bits the ticket cost.

The stallion graciously took the bits and hoofed over the ticket. “The next train is in half an hour, ma’am. Have a good day.”

Ticket now in hoof I made my way back to a bench to set down my saddlebags, the awning shielding me from the midday sun. With the delay until the next train, I felt myself sag a bit in my seat, exhaustion racing through me. I decided I would close my eyes for a moment, my mind drifting off to thoughts of my family back home...

“Minny! What are you doing here?” A loud feminine voice gasped from the other end of the station.

While a few dozen feet from me her voice was loud enough to instantly snap me from my daydreaming and open my eyes. In that second or two, the owner of the voice galloped over to me, her hoofsteps ringing loudly against the stone floor of the station. The pony in question was a familiar mint-green unicorn, her mane a similar color with a white streak through it. Her golden eyes sparkled with the joy of seeing a friend in a place she didn’t expect to.

“Hello, Lyra.” I offered the mare a small warm smile as I straightened up in my seat. “How are you?”

Of course one of the few ponies that know Minuette had to show up here of all places. My luck has really gone to shit.

“I’m doing great!” Lyra grinned before her brows furrowed in a faux-serious fashion. “But you didn’t answer my question Minny! What are you doing here of all places? I thought you were situated in Ponyville?”

I bit my tongue to not simply brush her off before giving a small shrug. “I decided to take a few days off and check out Our Town, see where that mare Starlight Glimmer came from and all that.”

Lyra rubbed her chin in thought, nodding for a moment. A wide grin of excitement burst out on her face and started to bounce up and down in place. “OH! I and Bonnie am going to the Crystal Empire! Maybe we can go with you and then all three of us can go to the Crystal Empire!” She turned to the beige mare over by the both and yelled over. “What do you think Bonnie?”

“Y-you don’t have to.” I stammered out, my discomfort with the attention skyrocketing.

Bon Bon stepped over to the two of us from the stationmaster booth, a patient smile on her face. “Come on Lyra, don’t bother her. Maybe she’s on vacation by herself for a reason.”

“Aww, c’mon! It’ll be like old times when we’d all travel to cool places together!” Lyra stared at Bon Bon and me with puppy dog eyes. “Pleaaaaase?”

I wanted to grit my teeth and say no, but her face and attitude reminded me of my wife. Unable to say no I simply sighed and nodded. “Okay, we’ll all go to Our Town and then the Crystal Empire together.”

“If Minuette is fine with it then I am too.” Bon Bon let out a small chuckle. “Now put those eyes away, sweetie.”

“Yay!” Lyra cheered and bounced in place, forcing a chuckle out of myself and Bon Bon.

Well, I guess it could be worse...at least they shouldn’t get in my way.

Author's Note:

I ain't dead yet!