• Published 23rd Mar 2022
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Sunset Shimmer’s Journey Through Kalos - Brian Sheil

Sunset is determined to prove that her dark past is behind her. A great way is to be a Pokémon trainer

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A Diamond in the Swamp

As our heroic trio venture into the swamp of Route 14, Sunset was challenged by a Pokémon Ranger. It was a young man with black hair, and wore a red outfit.

"Let's battle, Quagsire!' The Ranger calls out.

Out pops a blue creature with a thick tail. Sunset studies it with her Pokédex.

Quagsire, the Water Fish Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It waits in the water with its mouth open to catch prey.

"I'd like to catch a Quagsire." Sunny beamed. "But, only if it's a Wooper."

Sunset knew who to call out. "Ivysaur, I choose you!"

As soon as Ivysaur came out, the Ranger made a call. " Quagsire, use Mud Shot!"

Quagsire fired balls of mud. Ivysaur was hit. But, wasn't effected that much.

"Ivysaur," Sunset said, "Leech Seed, if you please."

Ivysaur fired a seed at Quagsire. The seed drained the water fish Pokémon of some energy. Sunset followed it up. "Okay, Ivysaur. Use Razor Leaf!"

The Seed Pokémon fired a bunch of leaves at Quagsire. The Ranger was surprised when his Pokémon fainted.

"Very impressive, Miss Shimmer." The Ranger said as he recalls his Quagsire. "You and Ivysaur worked well together."

Feeling proud, Sunset hugged Ivysaur. Suddenly, Ivysaur started to glow. Sunset moved out of the way as Ivysaur started to grow. When the glowing stopped, Ivysaur grew bigger, and it's red bulb opened up into a beautiful flower.

"WOW!" Sunset cheered as she pulled out her Pokédex. "My Ivysaur has become a..."

Venusaur, the Seed Pokémon and the evolved form of Ivysaur. Said the Pokédex. When the flower is nourished by enough sunlight, it gives off a pleasant aroma.

Sunny and Izzy were surprised to see this evolution. Suddenly, a female voice calls out to the girls as the Ranger walks away. "Well done, Miss Shimmer. An excellent evolution."

Sunset realized that Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich were watching the action.


"Mr. and Mrs. Rich!" Sunset gasped. "What are you doing in these parts?"

"We heard that Diamond and Silver are in these parts." Filthy Rich answered.

"Probably to find new Pokémon to keep Whismur company." Spoiled Rich added.

Just then, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon arrived. Diamond wore a green shirt, blue jeans with suspenders, and black sneakers. Silver wore a red flannel shirt, gray slacks, and white sneakers.

"Mother!" Diamond gasped. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Calm yourself, dear." Spoiled Rich said. "You are old enough to make your own decisions. So, I'm not going to bring you down for this."

"Diamond," Filthy Rich said, "did you catch any Pokémon in the swamp?"

Diamond Tiara nodded, and called for a Pokémon. Out popped a round blue creature with a swirl on its belly, and a watery tail. Sunset was pleasantly surprised as she uses her Pokédex. "How cute. It's a Poliwag."

Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokémon. The Pokédex said. It may not walk on land early. But, a trainer can help it along to walking well.

Sunny fell in love with it. "It looks so adorable."

In an abandoned cabin outside of the swamp, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were sitting on the floor. Their hands were tied behind their backs, their ankles were tied together, and their mouths were taped shut. Their Pokémon were hanging from the ceiling in a net. Looking at the girls angrily is Garble and his boys.

"This will teach you not to betray your vendetta against Sunset Shimmer!" Garble growled angrily.

"You three girls created Anon-A-Miss to destroy Sunset's reputation!" Flume added. "How dare you make up for your misdeeds."

"Your little group of monkeys won't help you now." Clump mocked.

"By the time you traitors free yourselves, we'll be long gone." Garble said. When he and his gang left the cabin, he slammed the door hard. The girls got scared. But, their Pokémon aren't as Pansear's fingers nails glowed and he worked on the net.

Pokémon Quiz

Hello. Sunset Shimmer here. Which Pokémon looks like it's surfing?

Back at the swamp, Sunset and company were looking at Sunset's Pokémon.

"So, you're Ivysaur evolved into Venusaur." Diamond realized. "You must be proud of yourself."

"Awww." Sunset replied as she blushed.

Suddenly, a brutal muscular man wearing a leather jacket marched into the scene.

"All right, punks!" The man growled. "Clear out! My gang and I are ripping up this swamp!"

"Who are you?" Izzy asked.

"The name is Iron Carl! Me and my boys will tear this swamp to pieces!"

"You'll harm the delicate Pokémon who live here." Spoiled Rich announced.

"Don't worry." Sunset said. "Me and my friends will handle this."

Then, another leather clad biker punk with a Mohawk hair cut came out. He called out a large red spider, and told it to unleash silk to tie up Sunset and her friends.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" The Mohawk said as he recalled his Pokémon. "You dames are not stopping us. We won't even let you learn of that Pokémon."

The Rich family were shocked to see their friends now helpless. Diamond pulled out a Poké Ball. "You won't hurt our friends." She throws the ball to prepare for battle. "Let's do this, Whismur!"

Whismur came, and looks a little weary.

"Not a problem for me!" Iron Carl said as he threw a Poké Ball. "Crush that wimp!"

Out pops a black snake with a pointed tail. Whismur got shocked.

"Don't worry, Whismur." Diamond assured. "I have your back."

"That's what you think." Carl growled. "Poison Tail!"

The snake's tail glowed purple, and prepared to strike. Using instincts, Whismur avoided that tail. The Whisper Pokémon got confidence, then it glowed.

"Whismur is evolving!" Sunset cheered.

When the glowing stopped, Whismur was replaced by a purple creature with round ears and a big mouth.

"Whismur evolved into Loudred!" Izzy gasped.

Silver was heading to free Sunset and her friends. But, the Mohawk stepped in. "Free them and YOU'LL get wrapped up too!"

Silver went over to Mr. and Mrs. Rich who was texting for help.

"Loudred," Diamond said, "use Stomp!"

Loudred soon stomped on the snake's head. Iron Carl was shocked. "I don't believe it!"

"Then, believe this." Diamond said with authority. "Loudred, it's time for the big payoff! Use Hyper Voice!"

Loudred yelled loudly, causing the snake to retreat. Suddenly, sirens were heard as police officers came on.

"Where did the cops come from?" Mohawk asked.

"I secretly texted for the cops." Spoiled Rich said.

Later, the two punks were arrested. And, Silver Spoon and the Rich family were getting over there ordeal.

"We're proud of you." Filthy Rich praised. "You and Loudred made a great team."

"Thanks, father." Diamond replied.

Silver noticed that something is wrong. "What happened to Sunset and her friends?"

"Those three left quickly after they were free from that strong silk." Spoiled Rich answered. "Sunset must've felt so embarrassed."

Spoiled is right. As the girls continue their journey, Sunset Shimmer was feeling very upset.

"Those punks!" Sunset sobbed. "Three new Pokémon I saw, and I wasn't given a chance to learn about them."

"I feel your pain." Sunny comforted. "It's like they knew about us. And, they wouldn't let us fight back."

Izzy used a tissue to wipe tears from Sunset’s eyes. "You'll be okay, Sunset. Besides, we're almost at Laverre City. Then, you'll be ready for your Gym battle."

Sunset tries to feel better. But, after what those punks did to her, it might take a while. Meanwhile, back at that cabin, Scootaloo frees Sweetie Belle. "Hold still. I'll have you untied in no time."

After Garble left that cabin, Pansear used his Fury Swipes to free himself, Pansage, and Panpour from the net. Then, Pansear used his Fury Swipes to free Scootaloo. Pansage did the same for Apple Bloom. Now, Sweetie Belle is free.

"Good thing our Pokémon learned Fury Swipes." Apple Bloom said.

"Me too." Scootaloo replied.

The girls and their Pokémon left the cabin, and left the area.

"Let's head to Laverre City!" Sweetie suggested.

"Good idea." Apple Bloom replied as the whole crowd ran off. "Sunset should be there soon."

End of Chapter 23

Pokémon Quiz Answer

Okay, trainers. If you said it was the Alolan form of Raichu, the Mouse Pokémon, you're right.


At the Sanctuary



Author's Note:

It's another scenario where Sunset was made helpless to stop a nefarious act. Luckily, Diamond Tiara was a big help.

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