• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,130 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

Fan Meeting

Shortly after they left DJ Subatomic's place, and after Vinyl got back, to say that Bunk Bed Junction's being impressive was an understatement. All of them have tons of rooms, places to put, as well as a few places where they could work on a few things. However, a few hours later, Mikey got bored and watched TV to see if there was anything interesting on. That was...until he stumbled upon the news.

"We interrupt this program for an important news report." The news anchorwoman said, gaining everyone's attention. "Last Night, a sabotage at Club Planetarium, has resulted in an unexpected change of leadership. The authorities have identified the group behind the interference, as Bunk Bed Junction, an Indie Rock Trio. The Band was led by a guitarist who goes by the name of Mayday, followed by her drummer and bass guitarist, Zuke and Yolo." The anchorwoman said as the news showed a picture of Mayday with her face near the camera, with only the tops of Zuke and Yolo's head being seen.

"Oh, come on! How come is it every time whenever I'm on a picture, I always get cut off!" Yolo complained as the others couldn't help but snicker at this.

"But it appeared as they are not alone." The news anchorwoman continued while showing their group picture. "For among them were a large group of teenagers, visitors from outside of Vinyl City, according to witnesses."

"Well, you have to admit, and I know it's bad for us, the group shot looks good. Even Shini looks good from that angle." Mikey smiled.

"Oh, stop." Shinigami said as she blushed and giggled while the News anchorwoman kept going.

"Sources say they hijacked DJ Subatomic Supernova's concert close to midnight, which subsequently led to NSR's first district loss in years." The News anchorwoman said, who then had the picture of a satellite next to her. "However, Tatiana reassures everyone that the launch of the New NSR Satellite, supervised by DJ Subatomic Supernova, went smoothly despite the takeover."

The TV then showed another footage of Tatiana talking to the audience and the ones watching live. "The loss of the Cast Tech District is but a minor setback for NSR. Our launch was deemed a success. The NSR satellite, is set to reach its course in orbit soon, which will mark a major for us in-"

Suddenly, Mayday punched the TV, causing it to be shut down.

"Not the TV!!" Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata exclaimed.

"Not again! Mayday!!!" Yolo growled

"And I thought Raph had issues." Spike noted, which caused the hotheaded turtle to growl and look at Spike. "Well don't give me that look, you know it's true."

"Great, you owe me a TV, May." Zuke groaned while rolling his eyes.

"Does she always punch a solid object?" Applejack asked.

"That's right. She even punched me in the face, and I didn't even say anything!" Yolo answered.

"Those NSR buffoons! We managed to defeat an artist of theirs, but somehow, they still win." Mayday growled.

"What, you actually thought it was going to be that easy?" Karai asked in disbelief.

"That's right, just because you had one victory, doesn't mean the fight's really over." Leo agreed.

"He does have a point. My friends and I learned that the hard way every time whenever we face a ninja threat, a magic threat or a worldwide threat." Sunset nodded.

"They're right May, and besides, did you have to punch the TV though? We ain't got money to spend on another one." Zuke pointed out.

"Wait, you guys are having financial troubles?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Not exactly. Zuke and I work part-time at a mechanic's place, even specialize in fixing Qwasa devices to help power the systems. Though uh... let's just say our budget's been a bit tight lately. Ever since a certain guitarist spent most of it on a helicopter." Yolo explained as the others were surprised by what he had said, and slowly looked at Mayday.

"Listen to me guys. Our revolution is set on a long and difficult path, so sacrifices must be made for the greater good." Mayday said when suddenly, Raph slapped her behind the head, making her yelp before rubbing the back of it. "Ow!"

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Raph shouted.

"Raph!" The Rainbooms exclaimed before they heard Mikey chuckle, making them glare at him.

"Sorry, I'm just glad it's not me being slapped for once." Mikey apologized with a smile.

"Although, Leonardo and Karai do have a point. We were able to defeat one of the Artist, but where do we go from here?" Rara asked while crossing her arms.

"That's a really good question." April admitted..

"Yeah, like where do we...?" Casey tried to wonder before he and the others heard a ringtone going off.

"Uh, did someone get a message?" asked Keno.

Suddenly, Mayday took out her phone and looked at the screen. "Oh hey, I got a text message."

Zuke sighed and Yolo slapped his forehead, for he couldn't believe that she was this dense again. However, Mayday looked at the message and was surprised by what it said.

"Guys, guys!!" shouted Mayday as she got excited, "I think we got our first fan!"

"Say what now?" said Zuke surprised.

"But how's that possible? We've only performed and battled once at the club." said Yolo.

Pinkie grabbed Mayday's phone, which surprised them as she read it. "Ooooh. The fan's name is Kliff. And he has a bunch of nice things to say about you guys."

Suddenly Pinkie did something very unexpected and made Fluttershy read it, whilst holding what appeared to be a plant near her. Fluttershy read it... as Flutterguy. "Your exceptional skills at playing your instruments while simultaneously entertaining the crowd is absolutely astounding." Fluttershy read before she gasped and closed her mouth in shock, while Pinkie moved the plant away from her, allowing Fluttershy to speak normally, "Um, what was that?"

"What the...how did you...?!!" Sunset tried to ask before she suddenly saw the plant and gasped, "Pinkie? Where did you get that?"

"Oh, this? I saw some Equestrian Magic go into a plant and when I touched it, my tongue was all swollen. Naturally I panicked, but when I wasn't touching it and stood a little further, it went back to normal. So I thought I'd use it for pranking situations." Pinkie explained, giggling.

"Pinkie, that's Poison Joke!" Sunset pointed out.

"Wait, Poison Joke?" Zuke asked in surprise and walked over to it. "I've heard about the plant, but never thought it existed."

"Wait, they have some here too?!" Sunset gasped.

"That's right. The plant tends to play jokes on you when you come into contact with it." Zuke said.

As everyone understood that, Indigo Zap took the phone and looked at the message. "It says here he wants to arrange a meeting tonight."

"Wow, isn't that exciting, Zuke?! Our first fan meetup!" Mayday cheered in excitement.

"Yeah, that's nice." Zuke smiled.

"We don't have time for that! We need a plan of action!" Raph pointed out.

"That's right, like trying to figure out how to defeat NSR-" Sour Sweet agreed

"He says he knows how to defeat NSR." Mayday informed as everyone blinked at that.

"Wow, that's convenient." Donnie noted.

"Guys, this guy, is our biggest fan, A-T-M. I propose we see what he has to say. We have nothing to lose, right?" Mayday smiled.

"Well, um... yeah sure, why not." Zuke agreed.

"But we should be careful just in case." Yolo pointed out.

"He's right, for all we know, this could be a trap." Leo nodded.

"Don't worry, if it is, we'll be ready." Rainbow smirked in determination.

"Plus, we could always explore the city more, see what they have to offer." Rarity added.

"Awesome! Let me just reply. Aaaaaaand, sent." Mayday smiled as everyone then began to wait around until the person responded.

"So... how did he get your number?" Zuke asked..

"Yeah, how did he get your number?" Yolo agreed.

"I dunno." Mayday shrugged as everyone else felt a bit suspicious at that, for a random person calls, knows Mayday's number, and claims he knows how to beat NSR. Something didn't feel right about this. However, before they could say anything, Mayday's received a new message. "Okay, Kliff says to find him at the Festival Plaza."

"Alright, let's go see what this guy is about." Zuke said.

"Still, we should be prepared for just in case." Yolo pointed out.

"We'll stick to the shadows and keep an eye on things from there." Leo added.

"Alright everyone, let's get going." Adagio declared as everyone exited the lair.

The group got onto the surface as a lot was going on.

"Whoa, this place is amazing." Sunny Flare awed.

"Neighborhood looks really nice too." Indigo Zap added.

"Yup, no matter where we go, we'll always love this neighborhood." Mayday smiled.

"That and the food diner near here." Yolo added as he pointed at the place.

"Nice place. So who owns it?" Adagio asked.

"Oh, that would be Aunty. She owns the Roadside food stall. She sells some of the best food in the neighborhood. Not to mention she's a friend." Zuke answered.

"Um, maybe we should pick something up before we go anywhere." Fluttershy noted in a meek tone.

"You know, Flutters does have a point. We could always get something to eat and drink while we're on the road." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"Eh, I'm down with it." Mayday said as everyone went over.

The said lady named Aunty saw them coming and became excited. "Oh, you three! It's so good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too, Aunty." Yolo replied as he and the rest of Bunkbed Junction hugged her.

"Your usual to go?" Aunty presumed.

"Yes, and more sugar for me." Mayday answered.

"One sugar for me." Yolo added.

"No sugar for mine, please." Zuke requested.

"And some for your friends?" Aunty noticed.

"Oh, why of course, if you do not mind, please." Zuke responded.

"You know, for a diner that sits in the wrong neighborhood, the place really does make amazing food and drinks." Sugarcoat noted as everyone got what they want.

"No kidding. So how come she doesn't work at a restaurant?" Sour Sweet asked.

"Oh, she did once. But once she saved enough, she bought her own place." Zuke informed.

"But couldn't have been somewhere in the city?" Rarity added with another question.

"She did once, but uh, things didn't work out so well." Mayday nervously explained.

"So, now that we got what we came for, let's get going." Casey said.

"Come on, guys!" Leo urged as he and the others jumped onto the rooftops, while Bunkbed Junction and Rara watched in awe.

"Okay, those guys are my new favorites." Mayday awed in excitement.

"Applejack definitely changed a whole lot since summer camp." Rara said in amazement.

"You know, maybe we can have lessons with them sometime." Yolo noted.

"Meh, I'm fine with whatever." Zuke agreed as the four soon ran down the street to try to find their way to the Festival Plaza.

"Wowee! This place is crowded!" Pinkie said.

"We're definitely not in New York or Canterlot City anymore." Mikey agreed.

"I know, right? Then again, it is kinda weird that some names like the Italian painters existed in this world." Sonata noted.

"At least it's something that we're familiar with." Donnie added when Mikey suddenly had some sort of an idea, gaining a smirk, not knowing if it'll work, but decided it was worth a shot.

"You D? You remember that time we were stuck in Batman's world and we had a temporary HQ to go by? Same with the farm back home?" Mikey asked, gaining Donnie's attention.

"Uh, yeah, I do. Why do you ask?" Donnie responded.

"Well, I figured since we're here, we might as well stock up on resources. You know, like new computers and all that junk, maybe even a new TV for Bunkbed Junction while we're at it." Mikey listed

"Mikey's right." Leo admitted, causing himself and everyone else to blink in surprise at that. "Whoa, there's something I never thought I'd say. We'll need to find a way to get what we need whilst we're here in this world. We'll need to be prepared for anything just in case." Leo said as Mikey smiled in pride.

"Hmm... If we do, we're gonna have to find an electronic store that doesn't use anything, as well as some parts form the junkyard. That could be a good start." Donnie pondered.

"First, we'll need a map." Leo started.

"Got it!" Pinkie smiled as she pulled out a map.

Pinkie was looking around as everyone was exploring the city, until she found a stall that had not just guide books, but also a map of the city as well.

"While we were busy exploring, I saw a stall that gives out free maps and tour guide books." Pinkie explained

"So I figured, if we're to know this city, we gotta start somewhere!" Pinkie finished with a smile and a squee.

"Huh nice work Pinkie." Leo noted as Donnie took the map and looked through it.

"Okay, there's an electronic store and a junkyard over here. And thankfully they're close to one another." Donnie noticed.

"Alright, we'll have to split up from here. Donnie, Sugarcoat, Twilight, Spike, Casey, April, Sunny Flare and Pinkie Pie, you guys go to the electronics to get what you need. Applejack, Fluttershy, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Keno, Mikey and Sonata, you guys go to the junkyard and see what you can find." Leo ordered.

"Um, why am I also going to the junkyard?" asked Fluttershy.

"Cuz girl, that place might be filled with guard dogs, and you're the only one among us who can talk and understand animals." Mikey explained.

"Well... seeing when you put it like that." Fluttershy admitted.

"We'll meet back at Bunkbed Junction's place in an hour." Leo said before everyone split up and went to different directions.

Leo and the others continued to follow the path until they had reached the end of the rooftop run and spotted the location where they needed to be.

"So, where is exactly is he? I mean, we saw his picture, but we don't know what he really looks like." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Keep an eye out for him. If Mayday and the others talk to him, then I'm sure that's Kliff." Leo assured.

"So all we gotta do is to wait until they get here." Karai noted.

"Look, here they come now." Adagio pointed out as

They saw Bunkbed Junction approaching the district, whilst also looking around for Kliff at the same time.

"We gotta be gettin’ close." Raph said.

At the same time, everyone else in their groups were able to find what they were looking for. Thanks to Twilight and Sugarcoat, even Donnie, they were able to find what they were looking for and used their own backpacks to pack what they needed.

"Alright, that should about do it." Twilight noted.

"Not to mention what we'll need to make a new TV." Sugarcoat added.

"Just make sure it's Mayday-and-Raph-proof." Sunny Flare pointed out.

At the same time, Applejack, Fluttershy, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Keno, Mikey and Sonata were at the junkyard and were able to find the parts they needed, while Fluttershy was busy entertaining the guard dogs in order to keep them distracted.

"That should about do it." Applejack said.

"Let's just hope so, I'd hate the idea of being unprepared." Keno noted.

"Not with these we won't." Mikey smirked as he popped up with a handful of stuff in his bag.

"We'd better head back. Hopefully Leo and the others have better luck." Indigo responded.

Meanwhile, with Leo and the others, all of them watched and kept an eye on Mayday and the others. Soon enough, all of them arrived at the spot, and within mere moments, a stranger arrived. Bunkbed Junction was approached by a man with red hair and a green headband and has a beard while wearing glasses, a purple scarf with pink stripes, a yellow jacket, black shirt underneath, brown pants and black shoes while holding a tablet. At the same time, the others came back.

"We're here." Donnie whispered.

"We put the stuff back at the lair and came here." Keno said.

"Perfect timing. We got incoming." Leo informed

"Greetings, Mayday, Yolo and Zuke." The man greeted as he approached Bunkbed Junction.

"You're Kliff?" Mayday asked in surprise, which surprised the others when they also overheard them.

"Indeed I am." Kliff confirmed.

"Oh, I almost didn't recognize you... Your photo, I mean." Mayday noted.

"This is why, people shouldn't fall for false photos, just because of some website." Yolo muttered.

"Anyway, hello." Mayday greeted.

"Glad to finally meet you three, a real pleasure." Kliff said.

"Pleasure's ours, Kliff." Zuke replied.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Yolo agreed.

"And where are the kids that fought with you?" Kliff asked.

"Oh, they're around." Zuke said before whistling, which was the signal as everyone else soon came down and landed near them, which surprised Kliff.

"Whoa, trained ninjas, this is awesome." Kliff smiled.

"Nice to meet you sir. My name is Leonardo. And these are my brothers, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo." Leo introduced.

"Ah, named after the famous Renaissance painters, good choice. Very good choice." Kliff noted.

"My name is Sunset Shimmer. These are my friends, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and her pet dog Spike." Sunset greeted.

"My name's Adagio Dazzle, and these are my sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk." Adagio's added.

"My name is April O'Neil, and these are Casey Jones, Keno, Karai Hamato and her friend Shinigami." April introduced herself and the others.

"I'm Sour Sweet, these are my friends, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat." Sour Sweet continued.

"These three are also our friends, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Coloratura." Sunset finished.

"Oh, so you're Vinyl Scratch. I have to say, your performance with Bunkbed Junction is amazing, I've never seen anything like it." Kliff commented as Vinyl replied with a thumbs up and a smile.

"I'm a huge fan of Bunkbed Junction. You could say I'm your biggest number one fan." Kliff said as that set Leo off in a wrong way and couldn't help but feel something off about him. Mikey noticed it, but decided to keep quiet for now. "Just wanted to let you know, your gig with the DJ was beyond cool. I'm all for what you're doing. NSR's wakeup call is long overdue."

"Right. I knew we weren't the only ones who felt this way." Mayday smiled in agreement.

"Definitely not, I mean you were even able to gather these group of kids with you." Kliff added.

"We uh, just happened to stumble upon them by chance." Coloratura responded sheepishly.

"And we wanted to help out in anyway we can, yo." Casey Jones explained.

"That's great to know. In fact, there's much I'd like to offer in support of your efforts." Kliff offered.

"You can? How?" Aria asked in confusion.

"Did any of you happen to pick something up after defeating DJ Subatomic Supernova?" Kliff requested as Mikey blinked and remembered he picked something up like that and pulled it out while showing it.

"You mean this?" Mikey asked

"Yes, yes. The Platinum Disc. Every NSR Artist has one." Kliff confirmed eagerly

"What's so important about it?" Applejack asked.

"The importance is by having it, you are the new charter for this district, and you have complete control over it now." Kliff informed.

"Wait, we do?" Donnie checked in confusion.

"That's right. Go ahead, place the Platinum Disc over there, by the dock. Then, play your music." Kliff instructed.

Mikey went over and placed the disc onto where he needed, causing it to play. However, before Mayday could play it, Rainbow eagerly came along. "Can I do it, please?!" Rainbow Dash eagerly asked in excitement.

Seeing that look, Mayday suddenly saw a bit of herself, causing her to giggle. "Go ahead." Mayday confirmed as Rainbow held the guitar with a gleeful smile and went over next to the item. The moment she did a solo, something amazing happened. The entire District's landscape began to shake and move as if it were a puzzle piece, with everyone else watching in amazement. The moment it stopped shifting, their entrance to the Cast Tech District have been made available. Everyone was in awe of what just happened.

"Whoa." Everyone except Kliff uttered in awe.

"But that's highly illogically impossible!!" Twilight gasped as she was just as baffled.

"We can do this?!" Mayday asked in excitement.

"Cool stuff." Zuke simply said, with Yolo nodding in agreement.

"Congratulations. You now own this district." Kliff smiled.

"This is amazing! Now we don't have to worry about getting supplies in the future!" Indigo Zap smiled

"Now then, all you have to do, is hijack the other concerts." Kliff listed

"Other concerts?" The others asked in confusion.

"The other districts. By doing so, you can gain the power to control them as well. You want to free Vinyl City from NSR, right?" Kliff asked

"Of course." Mayday nodded.

"We'd do anything to restore the rights of music." Karai agreed.

"Then you need to beat the remaining NSR artists and take over their districts. Doing so, will significantly weaken NSR's control over Vinyl City. Remember, once you've obtained a Platinum Disc, just head towards the next dock." Kliff said.

"You got yourself a deal, Kliff." Yolo confirmed.

"Now then, that's all I have for now. Meet me here again if you require my future assistance." Kliff responded before Mayday had a crazy idea.

"Here? You've done so much for us Kliff. Come to our secret underground pad." Mayday offered.

"Yeah, you're always welcome to hang with us there." Zuke agreed.

"Really now, heh, don't mind if I do." Kliff accepted.

"It's over at the..." Yolo tried to inform before he was cut off.

"Don't worry, I know where it is." Kliff reassured.

"And while we're at it, we can help you identify more of Vinyl City's artists in order to get to know them better and take them down." Twilight added.

"I can work with that. I could always use the extra help." Kliff said.

"Uh, okay." Zuke responded before Kliff left.

"Isn't this a great start, Zuke! We're not alone in this!! We have more allies now!" Mayday whooped in excitement.

"Come on, let's head back to the lair and plan our next move. And while we're at it, we can give your instruments some upgrades." Yolo said

"Upgrades?" The girls responded in confusion.

"Seeing that our instruments can produce power and do stuff, we figured, why not let us do the same with yours." Mayday smiled.

"That would be awesome! Let's do it!" Rainbow cheered as all of them left.

"Something up?" Mikey asked quietly.

"Something's off about Kliff. He somehow knows Mayday's number, and he claims to be a fan despite them not being out in the open that long." Leo said, making Mikey gasp.

"You too?! I thought I was the only one!" Mikey whispered.

"Glad you caught on." said Leo.

"So what do we do?" asked Mikey.

"We'll have to keep an eye on him while we're here. We can't take any chances." Leo said as the others soon left, hoping to plan their next move.