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Chapter 1: The Battle Begins

Our story begins in the city of Canterlot City.

That day, Twilight Sparkle, a Pyrus Brawler, was hurrying home to collect some things.

Twilight has dark purple hair, with two streaks of pink and magenta, and her eyes were purple. She wears a short dark pink coat over a purple tank top, a dark purple skirt, with a magenta six-pointed star sewn on one side and decorated with six smaller white stars, and purple boots with pink socks. She keeps her Bakugan Gear attached to her skirt. Lastly, she wore purple fingerless gloves, the left glove of which was longer and she wore a kind of red watch on her left wrist called a BakuPod.

"Mom, I'm already home!" she yelled as she closed the door.

Her mother, Twilight Velvet, was practicing her yoga poses as her daughter ran up the stairs.

"Twilight! I've left your food in the fridge and don't forget to wash your plate!" Velvet said, before wincing at the position she was in.

"Thanks mom! I'll be right down!"

In her room, Twilight placed her backpack on the bed.

"Okay, I'm going to pick out my weapons" Twilight said, as she opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a metal box.

When she opened it, Twilight saw that it contained small red spheres with orange markings, each with a different pattern.

"Hmm, let's see... I'm taking... this... Oh, and my Saurus...!" Twilight said, as she grabbed three of the red spheres she needed "Oh, and this one too! Let's do it!"

Below, Velvet was in a different yoga pose.

"Twilight! The food is ready and it's going to get cold!"

"But wasn't the food in the fridge?" Twilight asked, as she walked down the stairs with a smirk.

"Don't get smart with me!" Velvet yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Twilight said, running for the door.

At that moment, Velvet noticed her daughter leaving, while she entered a different yoga pose.

"But where are you going?" Velvet asked curiously.

"See you again!" Twilight yelled, as she jumped on her bike and chuckled as she headed toward the park "WOO-HOO!!".

In the park, two boys were waiting for Twilight to show up. And just in time, she finally showed up.

"Sorry for the wait!" Twilight said, waving to the boys.

"I thought you had chickened out" said the first boy with a smirk.

This was Snips, a snooty boy with big front teeth and orange hair, wearing a black t-shirt with white scissors and blue pants.

"I doubt it, Snips" Twilight said with a confident smile, before noticing the other boy with Snips "And who is that? Have you brought a helper?"

"You're not going to fight me, Sparkle" Snips said with a smirk on his face as his friend stood up.

"Well, here's another one he want to lose…" Twilight said, turning her attention to Snips' partner.

"My friend says you think you're good" Snips' partner said "It's time to check if it's true".

"Yeah, I'm the best" Twilight said, as she smiled, knowing how confident she was. "And who are you?"

"My name is Snails, and I am the Master...of Subterra Space" he said with a smirk on his face.

"What are you saying!? You just made that Subterra Space thing up!" Twilight said feeling surprised, before crossing her arms "I mean, what am I going to have to fight against a beast that doesn't even exist?"

"HEY, DON'T GO OVERBOARD!" Snails yelled.

"Okay, let's do this" Twilight said, turning to Snails and giving him his confident smile, as she raised his fist "But I want you to know that I have never lost a battle".

Meanwhile, at Twilight's house, her father had just returned from work.

"I'm home now, honey!"

Night Light, a businessman who has dark blue hair and amber eyes and a tall figure. Just like his wife, his appearance looks younger than his actual age. He is often seen wearing a white shirt with a blue tie, black pants, sometimes he also wears a black vest.

"Huh?" Velvet answered, who was in a new yoga position when she raised her head to look at her husband with a surprised expression "I wasn't expecting you so early".

"Yeah, well, but today I've sneaked out to eat" said Night Light.

He then went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and found just what he was looking for.

"Wow, there's flan!" Night Light said, as he took the dessert out of the fridge.

Back at the park, Twilight and Snails were ready for their showdown.

"Are you ready or what?" Snails asked, feeling totally determined to beat Twilight.

"Let's go!" Snips yelled, cheering his friend on.

Twilight just smiled knowing that she is going to win.

Then a moment of silence filled the area, until suddenly, the park's fountain was activated and the pigeons flew away.

At that moment, Twilight and Snails quickly drew a card each.

"BAKUGAN... OPEN FIELD!" they both yelled at the same time.

At that moment, six lights of different colors (red, orange, white, purple, blue and green) appeared below them surrounding them, sending them to another dimension called "Pocket Dimension".

In the real world, time around him was beginning to slow down.

Meanwhile, at Twilight's house, Night Light walked into the living room with her flan. But before he could eat it, he stumbled and started screaming as his pudding started to fall.


Velvet noticed it too, but time was slowing down and she came to a complete stop before they could react.

Back in battle, Twilight and Snails entered the "Pocket Dimension", with six elemental worlds revolving around them.

At that moment, they both took out a card.

"GATE CARD!" they both shouted, as they threw their cards onto the battlefield.

Both cards glowed brightly, one red (Twilight's card) and one orange (Snails's card). They grew larger to fill the battlefield and their owners landed on opposite sides of each other.

Then, Snails held up a sphere similar to the ones Twilight had, but this one was brown with orange markings.

"Get ready, here it goes!" Snails yelled, as he threw his sphere at the card that lit up orange earlier on the field "Bakugan Stand!"

At that moment, when the sphere landed in the center of the card, it opened, revealing a figure that looked like a praying mantis. Then, the figure brightly lit up, transforming into an real monster.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Mantris

Type: Praying Mantis

Base G-Power: 340

Description: Mantris is a huge Bakugan based on the appearance of a Praying Mantis. He has blades embedded in his feet, and eyes that can see behind his head. He strikes with remarkable speed to knock out enemies from him. He also has a large rear part resembling a bee stinger that he uses for defense.

Mantris hissed fiercely as he rose on the card, shocking Twilight.

"Wow! A Mantris!" Twilight said, with a surprised expression on her face.

Mantris looked at her and hissed almost crushing Twilight with her clawed paws. But Twilight managed to jump back avoiding him, and then activated her Bakupod to see her opponent's data.

"Welcome, Twilight Sparkle" the Bakupop said "Rival: Subterra Mantris. Power level: 270 G. No further data available".

"Great. Well, this Mantris is a Subterra Bakugan, and his power level is 270" Twilight said, after analyzing the information "At least I know what kind of beast it is. Let's see, what do I fight it with?"

Having an idea, Twilight took one of her red spheres from her, as she formed a confident smile on her face.

"Your little bug is finished!" Twilight said, before tossing her sphere onto the battlefield "Bakugan Stand!"

Then, landing on the card where the Mantris was, the sphere split open, revealing a serpent-like figure, which glowed as she transformed.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Serpenoid.

Type: Snake.

Base G-Power: 320

Description:Serpenoid is a gliding monster that can coil around its enemy, draining their life out of them. His attack is extremely fast, but the suffering he inflicts is slow and methodical. His power grows as he sucks the life out of his enemies, leaving them empty.

Serpenoid turned to Mantris and hissed fiercely.

"Power level: 320 G" Twilight's Bakupod said, comparing the data of both creatures.

"Bakugan BRAWL!" both Twilight and Snails yelled, as both Bakugan began to fight.

Mantris was the first to attack, swinging his giant blades at his opponent, but Serpenoid managed to dodge it and coil around Mantris' body.

"Very well!" Twilight cheered, but then she noticed Snails giggling "Huh?"

"Gate Card open!" Snails yelled, pointing at the card where the creatures were fighting, causing it to start glowing.

At that moment, the battlefield around them turned into a dry desert, and Twilight couldn't help but notice two Egyptian pyramids appearing as well. She then looked at Mantris and Serpenoid, as Mantris dove to the ground, escaping from Serpenoid's grasp, who searched for him on the battlefield.

"Increased Mantris power level to 420 G" said Twilight's Bakupod, who began to panic.

"Oh no!".

Just then, Mantris jumped out of the arena, surprising Serpenoid as he slashed at him with his blades, forcing him back into his sphere form and landing right at Twilight's feet.

"OH YEAH!!" Snails yelled with a smile, as his Mantris reverted to his sphere form and returned to him.

"End of first battle" Twilight's Bakupod said "Winner: Subterra Mantris".

"HA, HA, HA!!!" Snails laughed smugly "You fell faster than a house of cards in a tornado, Sparkle!"

Soon, Snails brought out another Bakugan.

"Let's finish the job" Snails said, as he tossed the Bakugan at Twilight's Gate Card, which opened to reveal a crab figure "Bakugan Stand!"

Snails' new Bakugan glowed and turned into his true form.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Terrorclaw

Type: Crab

Base G-Power: 270

Description: Terrorclaw has two large, strong, sharp claws that he uses to attack his enemies. With six legs, he is one of the fastest Bakugan.

"You think you're very good, huh?" Twilight said, as she prepared to launch another Bakugan "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but... you're finished! Bakugan BRAWL!"

Twilight's new Bakugan landed on the same Gate Card as Terrorclaw and opened revealing the figure of a humanoid bird.

"Bakugan Stand!" Twilight yelled, as her new Bakugan glowed and took on his true form.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Falconeer

Type: Falcon

Base G-Power:300

Description: Falconeer can fly incredibly fast, with great maneuverability towards prey from above. He possesses extreme vision that see things at a great distance. Most importantly, this Bakugan can resurrect and correct any mistakes that he may have experienced. Defeating him once is no longer enough.

"Gate Card open!" Twilight yelled, pointing to the card where the Bakugan were, which was her card.

The card glowed brightly as a field of flames erupted from it. Both Snails and his Terrorclaw warded off, but were caught off guard when Twilight's Falconeer charged at Terroclaw and knocked him down, landing back in his sphere form at Snails' feet, who couldn't believe his eyes.

"Yeah!" Twilight said, as her Falconeer returned to her sphere form and returned to her hand, smiling confidently.

Snails stared at her, rather annoyed at the loss.

"You asked for it, Sparkle! Gate Card!" Snails yelled, before throwing another card onto the battlefield.

"Third round begins" Twilight's Bakupod said, as they both launched two Bakugan at the card, which were the same Bakugan, but with a different color pattern.

"Bakugan Stand!" Twilight and Snails yelled at once.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Saurus

Type: Dinosaur

Base G-Power: 350

Description: Saurus is a tough Bakugan that attacks at the head of his opponents and has a direct fighting style. His temper is strong and he can split the earth in two with powerful blows. Also, if the horns on him break off, they will immediately grow back. It is almost impossible to knock him out, since his body is very heavy on him.

The two Saurus began to fight each other, trying to take the other down.

"Activate Skill Card! Saurus Glow!" Twilight yelled, as she tossed a card at her Saurus, causing it to glow red.

Snails began to panic as Twilight's Saurus charged at her Saurus and knocked it down with a shoulder strike, causing it to fall towards Snails. He cowered in fear, but he didn't realize that his Saurus returned to his sphere form and landed next to him.

"Huh?" Snails said when he looked at what happened, being quite surprised "No... this is impossible!".

Twilight smiled as she held her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, Snails, but it looks like you only have your Subterra Mantris left. And not only that, in the next battle I'm going to humiliate you" Twilight said, knowing she was right.

Snails shot another furious look at Twilight.

"We'll see, Sparkle! Gate Card!" Snails yelled, before throwing his third card onto the battlefield.

Then, Snails picked up Mantris, ready to throw him.

"Bakugan BRAWL!" Snails yelled launching her Mantris, who hissed at Twilight as she appeared on the battlefield.

Faced with this challenge, Twilight threw her Falconeer onto the battlefield.

"Bakugan BRAWL!" Twilight yelled, as her Falconeer emerged through the flames.

"Gate Card open!" Snails yelled, as his card turned the battlefield back into a dry desert, increasing the power level of his Mantris.

Then, with a smile, Snails pulled out a card.

"I'll use the Skill Card. Slasher!" Snails said, as he threw the card at his Mantris, who absorbed it as his claws began to glow, firing an X-shaped blast of energy at Twilight's Falconeer.

But despite the attack, Twilight couldn't stop smiling as she pulled out her own Skill Card.

"Bah, not bad" Twilight said "But don't think that only you have an ace up your sleeve".

"What!?" Snails said, as he stared at Twilight.

"Activate Skill Card! Fire Frame!" Twilight said, as she tossed her letter, which burst into flames and created a shield of fire that protected Falconeer from Mantris's attack.

"Impossible!" Snails said, panicking.

The flames around Falconeer then disappeared as he fired a fireball at Mantris and landed a direct hit, forcing him to revert to his sphere form and land at Snails' feet.

"YES!" Twilight said, as she picked up the Falconeer's sphere.

"Game, set and match" Twilight's Bakupod said "Winner: Twilight Sparkle"

"Looks like victory is mine" Twilight said.

At that moment, the two of them left the Pocket Dimension and time moved again.

Back at Twilight's house, a splash was heard, indicating that Night Light's flan had finally hit the ground.

"MY FLAN!!!" Night Light groaned.

Back at the park, Snips saw that the fight between Twilight and Snails was over, but noticed that Snails' Bakugan were scattered on the ground.

"WHAT?! Impossible! You promised me that you were going to crush her!" Snips said, in shock "What happened?!".

"I'm sorry..." Snails said , who fell to his knees in defeat, trying to understand how he could have lost.

"Heh, that was easy…" Twilight said, who smiled as she winked.

Later, night fell on the city, and Twilight recently came home so she could chat with her best friends online.

"And then, I crushed him with my Fire Frame! Heh, you should have seen me, girls, I was amazing!" Twilight bragged to her friends "Although it's natural... what can you expect from the best Bakugan Brawler?".

Then, a girl with light pink hair who was on the computer screen spoke to her.

"But what do you say, Twilight?" replied the girl "I checked the list, and you're at number 121".

This girl was Fluttershy Sandora, a Haos Brawler. She was wearing a light purple shirt and a white skirt with a print of three pink butterflies. She has maroon fingerless wristbands, with a white Bakupod on her left wrist, and white knee-high socks and green boots. Her eyes were cerulean green.

Twilight looked at her in surprise.

"That's impossible, Flutteshy… I have to see that" Twilight said, as she used her computer's mouse to scroll through the rankings. "Scrolling up…"

Then, Twilight found her range.

"Aha, number 117!" Twilight said, as she corrected Fluttershy.

"Don't swagger so much, Twilight!" Fluttershy said smugly "If you're not in the Top Ten don't talk".

"Look who's talking…" Twilight exclaimed before sticking her tongue out "You're not on the list!"

"Hey, don't overdo it!" Fluttershy said, annoyed by the comment.

At that moment, another girl on another screen appeared with a bright smile.

"Well, I think that's a good score, Twilight!" the girl said "Number 117? That's four positions in one day!"

This girl was Applejack Ambrosia, a Subterra Brawler. She is a pretty girl, with long pale grayish olivia hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and moderate sap green eyes. Her clothing consisted of a light brown stetson hat, an orange and dark brown country style shirt, a brown jean skirt, brown boots with three red apple logos on each and long dark brown fingerless gloves, an orange Bakupod on his left wrist.

"Wow, thanks Applejack" Twilight said.

Fluttershy sighed.

"This looks like a nursery…" Fluttershy said, crossing her arms.

Then, a third girl spoke up.

"What you should do is take a look at Rainbow Dash..."

The girl was Pinkanemia Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie to friends), an Aquos Brawler. She is a rich and generous girl who specializes in Bakugan Aquos. She sometimes acts as the Brain of the Brawlers, a true walking encyclopedia. She loves to play Bakugan and work on strategies. Her appearance was made up of curly, puffy, hot pink hair and bright, innocent blue eyes. Her clothing consisted of a light blue t-shirt, a blue short-sleeved mini jacket, a purple bow around her waist, a wide purple skirt with a print of three balloons on the sides (one yellow and two blue) and blue long boots.

"She's at No. 1, and in a few years you could catch up with her".

This comment caught Twilight off guard as she looked down, and it didn't go unnoticed by a fourth girl on another screen.

"In a few years?" the girl replied.

This girl was Rarity Dostoevskaia, who is also a Battle Brawler, but she has never been in a battle. Her appearance consisted of dark purple hair and deep blue eyes. Her clothing consisted of a purple dress, with a three blue diamond print on the skirt, a white jacket with a blue hood, and purple boots.

"There must be some way to do it earlier, don't you think?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Bah… I bet I could…" Twilight said, as she leaned back in her chair and stared up at the ceiling of her room, "I don't want to brag, but… no one's been anywhere near defeat me".

Then, she looked towards the window.

"Be careful, Rainbow Dash..." Twilight said "Because someday... I will defeat you".

Meanwhile, in a Japanese-looking training dojo, a Brawler girl was sitting on the roof, staring at the moon with sulky eyes.

This girl was Rainbow Dash Rivera, a Ventus Brawler and the world's #1 Bakugan Brawler.

Her clothing consisted of a black t-shirt, covered with a long blue jacket, a black skirt with a pattern of a cloud shooting out a red, yellow, and blue lightning bolt, and blue boots. Her appearance consisted of hair that was the color of the rainbow and her eyes were bright pink.

"Defending my position in front of some fans was a joke. I need a real adversary..." Rainbow Dash thought "One who understands the power that exists in the dimension of Equestria".

If that human named Twilight could understand that Bakugan is not just a game. The great battle is taking place in my universe, Equestria.

A universe fueled by six worlds, each with its own Element.

The Element of Earth, Subterra.

A turtle-shaped Subterra Bakugan emerged from the ground, while another centaur-shaped Bakugan rode between the mountains.

The Element of Light, Haos.

A knight-shaped Haos Bakugan twirled his staff, while another fairy-like Bakugan flew past him.

The Element of Darkness, Darkus.

Darkness surrounded the area, as a reptile-shaped Bakugan armed with a sword flew past.

The Element of Water, Aquos.

A robot-shaped Bakugan Aquos emerged from the water, while a black silhouette watched, sitting on an iceberg.

The Element of Wind, Ventus.

A green-colored Falconeer was flying between tornadoes, while another similar Bakugan flew past it.

And the Element of Fire, Pyrus.

Out of the flames, a dark blue Bakugan floated up trying to reach its destination. But his path was blocked by another red colored Bakugan.

"Grogar! WAIT!" the Pyrus Bakugan yelled, as he stepped into the path of the blue Bakugan.

"Get the hell out of the way, Bahamut!" Grogar yelled.

Grogar had a dark blue ram-like appearance, with deeper blue curved horns, a white mane and tail, and red eyes. His only clothing was a red necklace with gold accessories and a dark green bell.

The other Bakugan, was Pyrus Bahamut.

His appearance resembled a humanoid dragon. He had orange wings, large curved yellow horns on the top of his head, and strong red armor around his body.

"Why are you so obsessed with getting all that power?" Bahamut asked "You know it will only lead to your destruction!"

"SILENCE!!!" Grogar yelled angrily "You have no idea how I feel! You know nothing of our world!"

"I suspect you're after that human woman named Abacus" Bahamut said, looking at Grogar "What I'd like to know is, where did you find him?"

Then, Grogar laughed as he drew a card.

"Do you know what is it?" Grogar asked.

Bahamut just watched as he narrowed his eyes with a snarl.

At that moment, Grogar tossed the letter, transforming into something Bahamut hadn't expected to see.

"A portal!?" Bahamut asked.

"Yes!" Grogar yelled, as he began to float towards the portal "It leads to the source of power!"

Bahamut tried to chase after it, but watched as the portal closed.

"But where...?" Bahamut asked.

"IN THE DIMENSION OF EQUESTRIA!" Grogar's voice yelled, who was nowhere to be seen "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!".

At that moment, Bahamut knew something was wrong, and he had to find a way to stop Grogar, before it was too late.

Back in the human world, Twilight was on her way home from school. But someone got in her way.

They were Snips and Snails.

"I want the rematch" Snails said, as he had a smirk on his face.

"Come on…" Twilight said "Do you like losing?"

"SHUT UP! We fight NOW, Sparkle!" Snails threatened.

"YES!" Snips yelled.

Accepting the challenge, Twilight drew a card, as did Snails.

"BAKUGAN... OPEN FIELD!" Twilight and Snails yelled, as they entered the Pocket Dimension.

"GATE CARD!" Twilight and Snails shouted, as they threw their cards onto the battlefield.

At that moment, Twilight noticed that Snails's card lit up with purple light instead of orange light.

Snails then showed his Bakugan, except that it wasn't brown with orange markings, but black with purple markings.

"Come in! Bakugan BRAWL!" Snails yelled, as he threw his Bakugan at his own card "Bakugan Stand!".

Upon landing on the card, Sails' Bakugan split open, revealing a turtle-shaped figure, which glowed and became his true form.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Juggernoid.

Type: Turtle.

Base G-Power: 290

Description: Juggernoid is a turtle-shaped Bakugan that possesses a hard shell, which he can use to protect himself from enemy attacks.

Juggernoid broke out of his shell and roared at Twilight.

"Oh no!" Twilight said worried "But how did you get a Darkus beast?"

"Who cares, Sparkle" Snails boasted "Now you call me... Master of Darkus"

"No way..." Twilight answered, with a blank look "What I'm going to call you is loser".

Snails got frustrated at that comment.


"Yes! But give me a second…" Twilight said, before looking over at Jugguernoid "Let's see, what do I use…? Something big or something small?"

Analyzing the situation, Twilight had an idea.

"I've got it! Bakugan BRAWL!" Twilight yelled, as she launched her Saurus.

But before he could get to his feet, Saurus bounced off Juggernoid's shell and landed on Twilight's card.

"Bakugan Stand!" Twilight yelled as her Saurus turned into her true form, roaring at Snails.

"Ha, come on, are you kidding me?" Snails asked "Is that all you got, Sparkle?!"

"Hey! Haven't you heard about size doesn't matter?" Twilight answered.

At that question, Snails took out another Bakugan.

"It doesn't matter... if it's been renounced to ashes! Bakugan BRAWL!" Snails yelled throwing his new Bakugan.

It landed on Twilight's card and opened up into a scorpion-like figure, glowing as he began to revert to his true form.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Stinglash

Type: Scorpion

Base G-Power: 330

Description: Stinglash is a scorpion with two huge claws that can go through almost anything. His exoskeleton grants him extremely good protection. His tail moves slowly, but contains powerful poison, for which there is no cure.

"Darkus Stinglash Stand!" Snails yelled as his new Bakugan emerged onto the battlefield.

When Twilight analyzed Stinglash's power with the Bakupod, she gasped in shock.

"Power of Darkus Stinglash 330 G" the Bakupod said "Power of Saurus 280 G".

Stinglash tried to hit Saurus with his stinger, but Saurus managed to dodge it twice. Then on the third attack, Saurus caught the stinger.

"I need more power. Gate Card open!" Twilight screamed, as flames erupted from her Gate Card.

"Saurus power at 310 G" Twilight's Bakupod said.

Stinglash shielded himself from the flames and looked at Saurus knowing that he was still stronger than him. He roared at him as he grabbed his leg with his pincer, making Saurus struggle to break free. But it was too late, Stinglash hit Saurus with his other pincer, forcing him back into his sphere form, landing at Twilight's feet.

"This doesn't look good" Twilight said to herself "If I had found a way to increase the power of my Saurus by 20 or more, I would have won".

Stinglash returned to his sphere form and went back to Snails, as he began to laugh.

"How does it feel to get your ass kicked, Sparkle?" Snails said.

"Hey, this battle is still going on..." Twilight said, with a confident smile.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Grogar had just exited the portal he went through to escape the Pyrus Dimension.

Hovering, he approached two bright orbs that glowed brightly, one was orange light and the other was purple light.

"Yes... I've reached the center of the universe... it's awesome...!" Grogar said, as he gazed at the glowing orbs "There are there the two most powerful opposing forces: the Infinity Core and the Silence Core".

Grogar then began to hover near the Silent Core, the purple colored orb.

"They keep the Dimension in balance" Grogar said "If I can absorb these two energies... HAHAHAHA! I'll join Storm Queen and together we'll conquer Earth and Equestria!"

At that moment, Grogar began to absorb the negative energy from the Silent Core.

"The Power! Feel the Great Power!" Grogar yelled, as he consumed more of the core energy "Excellent... the power, infinite power is entering me... I-"

But before Grogar could finish, something went terribly wrong: his body was being drawn into the Silent Core.

"No... What's wrong...?! Negative energy overload?! I can't control the balance! It's too much! It's too much!" Grogar yelled, as he struggled to try and get away from the Silent Core "No! Not enough positive energy! It's getting out of control! NOOOOO!"

In the end, Grogar was fully sucked into the Silent Core, causing the energy to push the Infinity Core, sending it through a portal to an unknown destination.

Meanwhile, the wave of Negative Energy shot across Equestria, and all of the Bakugan felt its effects.

In the Darkus Dimension, a warrior-like Bakugan felt the Negative Energy and was completely consumed by it.

Bakugan's Information:

Name: Fear Ripper.

Type: Ripper

Base G-Power: 325

Description: Fear Ripper is a Bakugan that uses his large, sharp claws, which are triple the size of his head, to slash and slice his enemies.

Meanwhile, in the Pyrus Dimension, Bahamut also sensed the Negative Energy but, for some reason, was unaffected by it.

"What's wrong...?!" Bahamut asked as he looked around him, but he realized what had happened "Grogar... it must be something Grogar did!"

At that moment, the Pyrus Dimension was beginning to collapse in on itself, and Bahamut soon noticed something approaching. It was Darkus Fear Ripper.

It charged at Bahamut, to slash at him with his great claws, but Bahamut dodged.

"What's a Darkus Bakugan doing in the Pyrus Dimension?!" Bahamut asked in surprise, as he dodged Fear Ripper's attacks.

Back at the battle, for some reason, Twilight was the only one to feel the wave of Negative Energy.

She looked around her as she somehow entered a strange vision in the Pyrus Dimension.

"Huh?" Twilight thought "But what's going on?"

Suddenly, Bahamut and Fear Ripper appeared before Twilight, and for an instant, she and Bahamut looked directly into each other's eyes.

Twilight could only watch as Bahamut and Fear Ripper fought each other.

"It's as if this place is giving more power to that Bakugan in the middle of a battle" Twilight thought, as she looked at Bahamut "Why does that Bakugan have those flames? I've never seen anything like it..."

During the battle, Bahamut struck Fear Ripper with his fists and then with his tail, while growling.

"That Bakugan is getting stronger…" Twilight thought.

But then, before she could see the rest of the battle, a bright light flashed in front of Twilight as she shielded her eyes from it.

When Twilight opened her eyes, she found that she was back in battle with her Pyrus Serpenoid engaging Snails' Darkus Stinglash, though she didn't recall using it.

"This is... super weird..." Twilight said, while she was still feeling confused by what she saw.

"Stop fooling around and let's get this over with, Sparkle!" Snails yelled, before ordering his Bakugan "Darkus Stinglash attack!".

Stinglash attacked Serpenoid with his stinger, but then Snails panicked when he saw Serpenoid coiling around Stinglash's body, holding him tightly, pinning him down.

"Hey, Snails! What are you talking about, if your weak Stinglash can't take the pressure?" Twilight asked, recovering from her confusion.

Then, Twilight pointed to the Gate Card.

"Control Card! Quadruple Battle! Now!" Twilight yelled, as the card glowed brightly "Get ready, because more Bakugan have been invited to the party!"

Suddenly, the cards that Twilight and Snails had in their hands started to glow.

"The... Skill Card... transforms..." Twilight said, with a surprised expression.

Then, two glowing orbs came out of the cards, which became two Bakugan (one was Pyrus and the other was Darkus), and Twilight's card became a new card, with another title.

"Whoa... Crimson Fury?" Twilight said, in a state of surprise and curiosity, as she read the new card.

At that moment, the two Bakugan that appeared landed on the battlefield and transformed into their true forms, revealing themselves to be the same Bakugan that Twilight saw.

"Huh?!" Twilight said. "They're the same beasts that were in my vision!"

"Come back to your senses!" a voice yelled, catching Twilight off guard.

"Hey?" Twilight said, looking around her "Who said that?".

It was at that moment that Twilight looked at Bahamut.

"Was it... you...?" Twilight asked Bahamut.

But Bahamut couldn't answer him, as Fear Ripper still had him in his clutches.

"Fool! Stop right now!" Bahamut yelled, as he tried to convince Fear Ripper to stop "The Silent Core's Negative Energy has clouded your reason!"

"It can't... be real what I hear..." Twilight said.

At that moment, Fear Ripper's power began to build as he tightened his grip on Bahamut, who was surprised by this development.

"His power has incresaide...!" Bahamut said, before kicking Fear Ripper.

Bahamut then concentrated his energy into a ball of fire that appeared in his mouth.

"CRIMSON FURY!!!" Bahamut yelled, as he fired the giant fireball at Fear Ripper.

With Fear Ripper defeated, the battle was over.

After leaving the Pocket Dimension and time moving again, Snips approached Snails.

"Are you okay?" Snips asked, as Snails sat down on the ground.

"I'VE LOST AGAIN!" Snails yelled, as he began to cry over his defeat.

Meanwhile, Twilight was still in shock at what had happened.

"I don't get it... I thought Bakugan was just a game..." Twilight thought, until she noticed the Bakugan she was holding in her hand and saw that it was Bahamut "But there is something else, and I am going to find out".

As night fell, Twilight returned home, and the first thing she did was try to talk to Bahamut.

"Hey, if you're there, talk to me. Because I want to get to the bottom of this" Twilight answered, as she looked at Bahamut's sphere.

Unfortunately, Bahamut hadn't said a word since the battle with Snails.

"Oh, this is nonsense... it's just a game" Twilight said "But... I heard you... or so I think".

Twilight then lay down on her bed.

"Oh, I think I'm going crazy... No... I'm sure I heard you" Twilight said, as she looked at Bahamut "I think... you need a name... Let's see..."

Then, on quick thought, Twilight had an idea.

"I think I'll call you... Bahamut!" Twilight said "Yes, that will be your new name! I hope you like it".

Twilight then deposited Bahamut by the window.

"For a moment I thought you would have talked... Too many emotions..." Twilight said, as she got up from the bed and went to her computer "Well, time to chat. Good night, Bahamut".

When Twilight came online, all of her friends were waiting for her.

"Hello Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Hey, you know what, girls? You're not going to believe this" Twilight explained "I was in the middle of a battle, and all of a sudden, I thought my Bakugan was talking to me".

"No way!" Fluttershy said with a surprised expression on her face "You too?!"

That reaction surprised Twilight.

"What do you say, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked confused "Is there someone else who has heard them?".

"Get on the Bakugan website" Applejack advised "Everyone's talking about it!"

Following Applejack's advice, Twilight logged onto the Bakugan website, only to discover that kids all over the world were also saying that her Bakugan talked.

At that information, Twilight gasped in surprise, and slowly looked at Bahamut.

"Yes, he spoke to me!" Twilight thought "Maybe the Bakugan World is more than we thought!"

Author's Note:

Hi, I'm Twilight!

In the next episode, he tried to get Bahamut to speak at school, but all he got was getting me in trouble with the teacher. He doesn't get it, he thinks Bahamut is just a toy.

And to make matters worse, a girl named Tempest Shadow appears and throws all of everyone's Bakugan into the Doom Dimension.

Don't miss what happens when we face Tempest and her Reaper!

Bakugan BRAWL!!

Everyone to play!

This story is based on the story "Bakugan: Legends of Equestria", created by KnightGomora1994

Comments ( 10 )

Hmm, definitely not how I would've done the cast. I know there are very few parallels between the two casts, especially between Twilight and Dan as main characters, but I personally would've done the support cast as follows:

Rainbow Dash as Runo(tomboys)

Pinkie Pie as Julie(ditzy but lovable)

Rarity as Marucho(high class lifestyle)

Applejack as Shun(strong stoic type)

And Fluttershy as Alice(pacifist by design)

Also, there's a sentence in the first fight where you write Shuji instead of Snails.

All in all, a commendable effort and worth a follow for the time being. Keep up the good work.

Fixed Shuji's phrase.

In addition, the selection of characters was inspired by the story in which I was inspired

It is kinda funny, I was already following another Bakugan story and this one pops up.

Though I have to admit it feels a bit strange seeing Twilight in Dan's role. It feels like Rainbow might have fit the role a bit better since she and Dan both start out as arrogant and kinda jerks before getting character development. Fluttershy is also a surprising choice for Runo since it is way different from her usual meek and shy personality.

Dude, seriously, you are really ripping off my story, and using my art without permission.

Guys, while I write the next chapter, I need you to tell me which MLP character would fit the role of Rikimaru.

It's because I have a creative block for that character.

Any ideas?

MLP/Bakugan fics are fun to see.

Will Spike be a Brawler too? Like part of the girls' bond too?

Spike will not appear in this story, sorry

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