• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 260 Views, 22 Comments

The King Of Pizza 2 - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

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"Isn't It Obvious?"

The King of Pizza 2

Chapter Two

"Isn't it obvious?"

Sombra smiled as he looked in the mirror, combing his mane and spraying a variety of hair products onto it.

Once he had finished his hair care, he hops off the tool in front of the bathroom sink, and slams the door behind him.

However, what he least expected was to run into Esmeralda. "Sombra?" asks the human in surprise, for the grey unicorn would usually wake up after 12 PM. "What are you doing?"

" Esmeralda. What are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed. " He stares at her and gestures to the bed to emphasise his point.

"Well, I was trying to sleep, but a certain someone was making such a racket in the bathroom that I couldn't. So, what are you doing so early in the morning?"

" Isn't it obvious? " he asks, levitating a flyer over and showing it to her. "I'm getting a job."

Esmeralda blinks. "You're...getting a job," she repeats, unable to believe what she's just heard.

"Yes, I am. Is there any problem with that?"

"Sombra. You're a unicorn. In this world, unicorns are a mythical creature, and seeing a talking one that can do pretty much anything is going to get the government after you so they can lock you up and do experiments on you."

Sombra frowns. "You're right...but nothing says I can't disguise myself and then get a job!"

" What are you-"

Esmeralda stops her question midway as a flash of light envelops the pony, and when it fades away, in Sombra's place is a six -foot tall man with a pale complexion and shiny black hair that ends just above his shoulders.

"And that, my darling Esmeralda, is how it's done," Sombra says, winking, and without giving the human any time to process his transformation, slides down the rstairs and slams the door shut.

It's late in the evening when Sombra returns, and Esmeralda pauses the episode of Hidden Love that she's watching.

"Esmeralda! I'm back!" The transformed unicorn joyfully sings and hops into the living room after he's turned back into a pony.

"I guess it went well? "

"It was fantastic! The second I walked into that pizza restaurant to claim my job as a pizza delivery guy- because I didn't think I could handle making the pizzas because I'd get hungry- they gave me the job immediately! Like, all I had to do was to let them take a few pictures of me, and it was mine! And when I delivered the pizzas, the girls were all kind enough to let me have a slice!"

" Let me guess, you told them you loved pizza and-"

"You've got it all wrong! They begged me for a picture and offered pizza in return, and even said they'd order pizza from this restaurant more often!"

Esmeralda felt a small pang of jealousy upon hearing that, but ignored it. Sombra's mine! He came to my house, he landed here! So why should-

"Esme? I forgot to tell you, but since I managed to get the restaurant to have so many orders, the manager gave me a whole pizza for free. Let's share it? Since you're ill, it'd be rude if I didn't give you any. "

She merely nods, with a smile at his sudden kindness, and unpauses the episode.

A few days later…

"Sombra? You don't need to go to work anymore. I'm completely well now," says Esmeralda as she walks out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

The grey unicorn takes a seat at the table and levitates the human's coffee out of her hands and in front of him. "Actually, you should stay home and get some more rest. I'll work for as long as possible!"

As Sombra sips the coffee, Esmeralda sighs. My coffee...I made it and he stole it… "So...do you like working?"

" Yes, is it that surprising? "

"Well, you did enslave an entire Empire just to do your work. "

"That was different. I was a King. Now I'm not." He stands up and turns in the direction of the door. "I'm going to go to work now; bye."

Esmeralda shrugs as he transforms into a human. I guess I could relax a little… Her eyes widen as she realises something. If I don't get back to work today, I won't have a job any longer.

One month later…

Esmeralda and Sombra return home from the pizzeria, and the former kicks her shoes off and drops onto the sofa.

"I'm exhausted…" the former groans.

"That's why you should've rested like I told you to. "

"I would've lost my job if I just stayed at home!"

"So? I could work."

" If we both work, we'll be able to save up a lot of money together. "

"Save? But I'm going to spend my money. Isn't that the point of earning it?"

" Spend it on what? " she quizzes.

The former King grins. "Pizza! Well, not pizza since I get more than enough from my fans, so I guess I'll get pizza-themed accessories. "

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and then transforms into himself.

"Since when did you have a phone?"

" Since I started my job. I have to fit in, after all," he replies in a tone that sounds like it's obvious.

Esmeralda shakes her head and says, "But you shouldn't spend all of it. Now that you've got a job, you can pay half of the rent. And pay for your own pizzas."

" Esmeralda… Paying rent is boring! It's my money, so I can do whatever I want with it! " he exclaims in exasperation. Why is she trying to be so lazy and make me pay?

She sighs. And he said that he could've worked instead of me. If I let him, we'd be on the road. "Fine. I'm going to have a shower."

Sombra doesn't reply as his eyes are glued to the screen, with a smile forming on his lips as he sees all the pizza-themed things he can buy.

Author's Note:

I need ideas...

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