• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

PseudoBob Delightus

How hard can writing novels be, anyway?

Comments ( 12 )

You could change the setting of this from Equestria to Ohio and it would still make sense. Average discovery in Ohio.

You fools, you've said its name three times! Now it's coming to ge-

This is pretty darn good so far. Really enjoying how you handle the magic. I am very curious for a reveal of how the Bad Thing (whatever it is) changed its tactics from immediate clumsy mayhem (suiciding the professor, the slaughter in №305) to successfully taking over a major metropolitan area w/o any word getting out.
Hoping for more.

Thank you!!! And yes, there will be more. Hopefully soon.

consider me incredibly unnerved by this story!! when i realized that the "then something changed" line actually meant something it was like a pin dropped. chapter 3 has been the "scariest" so far, if only because you *know* what just happened and have got to keep reading to see it confirmed in detail. it was interesting to see chapter 4 start off with the "germ" already having spread so far, though. hearing that "tens of thousands" have died already really nails home how fucked Equestria is if they cant keep this under control. i can only imagine the internal panic this is causing and what hell its wreaking. so far 10/10 dashies i am so scared :rainbowderp:

Thanks for the great comment! Yeah, chapter 3 is definitely the most traditionally horrific so far. And I do love hearing that the pattern setup has paid off in some ways. Will it continue to pay off? Only time will tell.

More is soon to come...

This is soo good, verry classy

and my rump, which hadn’t moved off this damn chair for… two hours? Three?

Get on my level - try seven


Mark, is that you??

Well this is certainly interesting.
I should probably leave a like on this or something

So far, this is a pretty successful horror story. Although because of the lack of AU tag, up until I saw the last two chapters with Twilight Sparkle, I assumed it took place in the future, given the access to technology such as guns and radios, and it really does seem like an AU setting because of that. Anyways, the part I like most about the recent chapters is that we're finally learning about weaknesses that this threat has, in terms of eyesight being needed to be captured by it. If it was some inexorable, hopelessly unbeatable force, as I was starting to wonder before these chapters, that would be way less narratively interesting, so I'm glad it has been revealed to have just enough in the way of weakness to give some grim hope.

Thanks. Hope you enjoy it!

Good point. The story takes place in a post-war setting similar to Equestria At War. This is not explicit anywhere, but it may be more clear and/or relevant in the future, so I've added the AU tag.

And thanks for the other feedback, that's great to hear!

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