• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,515 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

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Arcturius wisdom

The Archon of Arcturius was not a griffon who lost his temper over trifles. Let alone something important as training and educating a person with such an important role as the heir to the entire empire.

But as the months he spent with the heir night and day, he realized how much the boy had changed in recent times. When the emperor brought out his little son of almost four years old, the military archon had to hold back his surprised expression. The boy had grown up very quickly, not absurdly but still remarkably, looking 2-3 years older than he actually was.

Eyr had given his vote of confidence and as far as Proteus could see it, this was just confirmation. The boy would grow much taller than the counterparts of his age, like his great-great-grandfather Grover II before him. He would have an enormous and imposing stature when adulthood is reached.

From what Grover senior had explained, he wanted his son to start strengthening his body, learn humility and prepare for likely future conflicts.

Gabriela, one of the most fervent critics of any decisions that put Grover Junior in direct contact with the priests. Was surprisingly silent about that decision. The Warrior did not know the reason for such lack if taken action by the pink Griffon, but he had given up understanding the reasons for her actions a long time ago.

The first days were very difficult.

Not for the little heir, no. He took it all in really well, he had an insane amount of energy and a willingness to learn. For the priest, it was very refreshing to have a student who didn't look dead, complain all the time while really enjoyed listening to the stories and lessons he had to give.

But that has passed, he now looks more down and has lost much more of the energy he carried. And the Archon knows why.

Because of his father.

And the little heir wasn't the only one, everyone could see that the Emperor was getting worse. But only a few in the inner circle knew the truth.

The Emperor was dying.

It came as a shock to everyone, but he was there when the news broke to the figures important to Grover. He had been diagnosed with ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

A chronic disease with no cure that slowly affects the body's muscles and makes them obsolete. A degenerative disease of the nervous system that causes progressive, irreversible, limiting motor paralysis.

It is one of the most feared diseases in the world. No magical cures by the ponies at Equus or by the scientists at Yale have been discovered. Being extremely rare, only one in 500,000 get the disease. But those affected suffered greatly their entire lives.

It was admirable how he continued to attend all the daily meetings without fail and sort out the paperwork even with his bodily problems. The more he got worse the more he worked.

This had earned him the admiration of many of the castle's staff and created stories of how the 'Weak' Emperor even though he was chronically ill and suffering with every step he took and wing beat he made, he continued on for his son and nation.

This bore an ironic resemblance to the nation itself. The considered sick bird of Griffonia.

Both old, sick, and slowly dying. But refusing to fall and moving forward with all his might. No wonder the boy admires his father so much.

But even with all this wave of positive energy, it still doesn't change the fact that many realists and pessimists alike can see very well.

The Emperor doesn't have long to live.

If the disease, the way it is, and how far its stages are already in the emperor. As far as Proteus could see, he would last a year or more with luck.

"Aaaaarrggggh!" His train of thought was cut short when out of the corner of his eye he saw a piece of wood coming towards him, he quickly drew his staff in response and deflected it masterfully.

"Boy without honor! How dare you attack your mentor while he is thinking?? You will receive my divine wrath!" He yelled at little Grover, who was returning to his position with his wooden staff while grinning. Seeing Proteus's face betray his threat, smiling a friendly smile at the smaller one. It was obvious he was just kidding.

"It's not my fault that you're getting dizzy with age uncle, I think we'd better stop so you can rest." He remarked with an expression of mock pity, the veins of Proteus could almost be seen popping beneath his white fur.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME OLD??? BOY, YOU WILL BE IN A WORLD OF PAIN!" Grover just responded by laughing childishly, running off with a very angry priest chasing after him.

Some guards in the corners even lost their composure, seeing one of the most respected figures for their discipline totally lose their minds and run after a child. It was almost a comedy scene, both bursting out laughing.

Is it a bad idea to piss off Proteus? Absolutely. Did Grover regret it? Not even a little. 'Uncle's reactions are hilarious!' He thought humorously as he ran to 'escape' from his uncle.

Even trying to play the stiff Griffon. Proteus had grown to like the boy as if he were really his nephew. With his aunt and his 'grandfather' too busy fighting in the political scene to pay attention to the little one, and his father working to the point of exhaustion it fell to Proteus to take care of the little one in his absences.

Erion had come enthusiastically, as Eyr's guide and voice to the Goddess of Fertility, Family, and Agriculture. It was obvious why he thought he was worthy and the obvious choice for the matter of taking care of the physical and well-being of the minor. But the other two Archons saw the truth behind his good looks, he would use the Emperor as his puppet. Creating a very good relationship with the boy to take power for it.

For the honor of Arcturius he could not allow it. For the sacrifice of all the soldiers who fought in wars for his honor. Beings like Erion could not corrupt the sacred bloodline of the Von Greifenstein.

"Hehehe, uncle is dizzy again." He let out a sigh as he saw little Grover flying in front of him and nudging his head with the tip of his small claw while chuckling to himself.

"You little terror..." The Old griffon just sighed as he hid a smile. He would grab the boy who let out a 'hey' and put him on his back. The boy had grown up a lot, but he is still a child. "That's enough for today, it's time to go back to the royal library." He just received a dramatic sigh from his back.

"Reading is so boooooooooring. Let's keep fighting! Is more fun!" He just received a pat on his head from Proteus in response.

"It might not be as exciting as training or fighting, but it's just as important. Having a healthy, strong body is worthless if you don't have the intellect to back it up!"

"But there are a lot of guys in the palace who studied their entire lives for this! Can't I leave the job of governing to them?" His eyes widened when he received a chuckle from his uncle. "What... What's so funny?" The laughter immediately cut off, and Proteus took on a serious expression.

"Your father said the same thing when he was younger...." Grover's eyes widened in surprise. "He regrets that decision to this day."

"But why? They didn't obey Daddy? That's their job!" The Boy argued as the priest passed through the halls of the temple of the three gods. Receiving several bows as he passed by the important figure that he was, and the heir to the throne with him. Being followed by four guards who protected both front and back.

"For they have a quality given to us by the gods that cause strife and misunderstandings to this day; Greed and selfishness." He scoffed, then continued. "Since immemorial times, Griffons have fought for wealth and power, valuing wealth above all else and fighting with each other to achieve the greatest amount of wealth." He told sadly. "Only with the coming of your great-great-grandfather and the first of his lineage, that the entire continent was unified and lived in peace."

"Why?" Proteus raised an eyebrow at the boy's question, who continued with his question after a pause. "Why did the gods give us such traits if they're bad?"

"Simple boy, it's because they cared about us too much." This made the heir taken aback by the answer.

"Care...?" He asked totally confused.

"Your confusion is totally understandable. The gods and their intentions have always been a huge mystery to minds as small and insignificant as ours, but the reason is simple. They made it so that only the strongest would triumph, and the weak would die." Grover had to contain his shock.

"That's horrible!" Proteus just shook his head.

"Yes it's horrible, but it's the law of life. It's the main reason why our race thrived where thousands of others perished. Strength is of paramount importance to our race, to protect yourself and everyone around you. That's why we are warriors since birth. For the only true virtues are courage and discipline, and channeled properly they can overcome any obstacle." Grover listened patiently to the lesson his teacher was trying to give him and with great interest.

"But then why did we break up when the ponies held together for so long?" The priest paused, making Grover fear he had asked the wrong question. But just as quickly as he stopped, he resumed his walk. Making Grover breathe a sigh of relief.

"Because we haven't had a strong hand in a long time." He glanced back and made eye contact with the child. "That strong hand will be you."

Grover was genuinely touched by the compliment.

"And ponies aren't splintered like us YET."

"What do you mean?"

"Grover, have you ever heard of… 'Harmony'?" The little one looked up in surprise, the concept was something much discussed among griffon schoolchildren.

"Yes sir, but I just listened to stories." He gave his uncle a quick glance, silently asking for permission to continue. He received a nod and then continued. "It is a government over the 'Alicorns' a social caste that governs all the other three tribes that together form their country."

"Right and wrong at the same time my dear student."


Proteus just chuckled at his student's disbelief, but he quickly composed himself and continued. "Officially Equestria is a constitutional Diarchy, with the senate looking after the state and its two 'immortal' rulers acting as overseers and only intervening when 'needed.' But unofficially, the reality is very different." Grover noticed how dismissive he sounded when he spoke of the Alicorn rulers of Equestria and their actions, he seemed to hate them for some reason. "Beyond what many believe, Equestria is a government with one of the most efficient propaganda machines in all of world history. Hiding the fact that they are an absolutist Diarchy. A government between two heads of state that both have complete control and power over the country, and leading their subjects without an iota of restrictions."

"What??" Grover looked even more shocked, but Proteus continued, looking a little annoyed by the child's surprise.

"You're a little genius, you could understand it easily, but I'll help you. Explain to me, what is an Alicorn?"

He hesitated a bit, afraid of getting his question wrong. "It is.. A race attained only by hard work and embodying their talent..." He looked distrustfully at the Archon. "Huh?"

"That's right, but could you explain to me why there are so few Alicorns?"

"Because... Because few were worthy of the position! Yeah! That's why!" Grover exclaimed very confidently and with a huge smile.

"You're right, officially. But not officially? You're wrong." Grover was surprised.

"But, Ponies are good! I've heard the stories! Peace, prosperity, and harmony! They live in a period of perfection for decades! No prejudice or economic problems!"

"Perfection you say?" Proteus laughed. "The only perfection is the gods, the creators of life and the universe. We are many things, but perfect is not one of them.

He snarled at the thought of that despicable race. "And ponies are no different."

"Why uncle?"

"They're not perfect, they're stagnant." Grover's eyes widened in surprise and he opened his mouth to try to argue, but his uncle didn't give way. "Their rulers have the tools and the ability to transform their species into the perfect war machines, with wings to fly freely through the skies and with horns to cast spells with monumental capacity for destruction while living far longer than any other race."

"But…if that's true, why didn't Celestia do it?"

"Because that would break that illusion of 'perfection' that princesses have so long tried to cultivate. They didn't even bother to give themselves the proper title of 'queen' or 'empress' to fortify that illusion of camaraderie and humility."

"Illusion of perfection...? Are you telling me that they... manipulate their subjects?" He received a nod.

"Precisely. Maintaining its 'perfection', it kills any renovation ideas before they even start." He would explain as they finally approached the royal library. "With their 'cutie marks' they do away with any ambition they would have for assigning each citizen a role in society." The priest narrowed his eyes. "And by maintaining a monopoly on their techniques for the 'ascension' of other Alicorns, they manage to reward those who are extremely loyal, while maintaining the illusion of meritocracy and 'equal-standing' amongst the few alicorns they have."

Grover couldn't close his mouth that kept agape with these information bombs thrown at him. 'I hadn't thought of it that way...'

But he would snap out of his thoughts when Proteus stopped abruptly. When Grover looked around and could see that they had already arrived at the royal library. Its giant, countless shelves filled with book after book.

The little heir had already lost count of how many times he had come here, but he was surprised at how quickly time seemed to pass by talking to his uncle.

"Looks like we're going to have to cut our conversation short, hope it gave you something to think about." He says as he bends down and helps the little emperor down. Turning to face him.

"What??? You can't just drop a bomb like that and not tell everything! That's unfair!" Proteus just burst out laughing, stroking the feathers on the head of the child who had puffed out his cheeks and closed his arms in an exaggerated sulk.

"Life is not fair." He teased the livid child. "But first, I'd like to introduce you to someone."

This caught the attention of the heir.

The Archon swept his gaze around the library, his eyes narrowing as he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Wait here Grover." Before the little one could say anything more, the priest had already left and entered the deeper rows of books.

Grover looked around but did as he was told, taking the time to think about what his uncle had discussed with him. He had never stopped to think about seeing Equestria that way, he always believed that information placed in books could be completely trusted. Proteus totally broke this illusion of total truth, he should judge all information before taking it as truth...

He heard footsteps, it was Proteus, but he wasn't alone. Beside him was... 'A diamond dog...' He thought with surprise, he had already met some nobles who came from Bronzehill, the land of imperial dogs. But he had never seen one his age. He could see that he was about the same size as Grover, with brown fur and yellowish eyes.

"Rufus, I want you to meet your new lord. Grover sixth, and heir to the throne." The dog's eyes totally bulged and his mouth went agape, Proteus just smiled in response and returned his gaze to a confused Grover. "Grover, meet Rufus Loudbark, your first vassal."

Both children were just silent in shock. They stared at each other in utter surprise and disbelief. Returning their gazes to the priest who seemed to be enjoying the children's surprised reaction with his mischievous smile.

"EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH??" And Proteus burst out laughing

Author's Note:

Happy new year!

Rufus Loudbark