• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 387 Views, 7 Comments

Paradise in Limbo - Undome Tinwe

In Limbo, a Gardener cultivates a place of peace for a Lost Princess.

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The Warriors

The Fallen Princess stared aimlessly out into the infinite vastness of Limbo as she skipped another stone across the pond.

"I failed," she said to herself as she watched it sink beneath the water.

"I failed, and now all those souls are lost because of me." Another rock. This one didn't make it as far before succumbing to the pond.

The Gardener watched as the Fallen Princess continued to berate herself. In truth, she hadn't known what to do when her dearest friend had returned transformed for the worse, and had simply stood by and watched as the pond was slowly filled up with rocks.

"I was a fool," the Fallen Princess' tirade against herself continued. "Knowing oneself is not the wisdom that brings joy. If I had been a better person, then perhaps that would have been true, but I see now that I was happiest when I was ignorant of my Fall."

Eventually, the pain was too much for the Gardener. It hurt so much to see such a strong soul brought so low by circumstances, and she had to do something.

The simple tranquillity of her garden wouldn't be enough this time.

"There is still a chance for them," she said, stepping forwards. "I spoke with the Sorcerer before your arrival. The Tyrant who appeared with those souls might have been the source of their banishment, but he does not have dominion over them yet. The others are gathering for the defence, but only you have the connection with the lost souls."

The Fallen Princess let out a bitter laugh. "Better that I stay here while the worthy fight. I know I was no warrior, and for all I know, that was why I was banished here. Perhaps I was a coward who abandoned my people, and was rightfully punished for it."

"I cannot speak to the past, only what I see now." The Gardener placed a firm hoof upon the Fallen Princess' shoulder. "I see a mare filled with love, who found her purpose in helping others, one who has wandered this realm despite its dangers and spoken with those far more dangerous than the Tyrant. I do not think that a coward would have produced such a bright soul, and I do not think you would simply stand by while innocents are threatened."

"Then why am I here?" the Fallen Princess snapped, her lips almost curling into a snarl. "Why am I sitting here, useless, while the others prepare to fight for my people?

"This garden is a place of peace, of reflection," the Gardener replied gently. "It is not weakness to need what is offered here— in fact, it is strength to be able to take the time to collect one's thoughts. What matters is what you do once those thoughts have been collected."

Tears began to well up in the Fallen Princess' eyes. "I'm scared," she whispered. "I can feel my connection with those souls, and I cannot bear to see them lost again."

"You are strong," the Gardener said, "and you are not alone. As I said, the others are beginning to gather as well. The Sorcerer will fight alongside the Mighty Helm and the Legionnaire. Even the Healer and the Beacon of Hope will be there. With your wills combined, the Tyrant does not stand a chance, and with your connection to your people, you will surely be able to save them."

For a moment, the Fallen Princess simply stared at her, eyes widening. "You believe that," she said in wonder. "You truly believe in me."

The Gardener smiled. "I do. My soul is bared to you, and you can see its conviction. Draw your strength from that, if you need to." She focused her mind, her very spirit, on the faith she held in this incredible mare to do what was needed to safeguard her people. There was no chance for failure, and the Gardener radiated this confidence from her very being.

Steely determination filled the Fallen Princess' expression. "Come with me, then," she demanded. "Stop hiding in your garden, and fight with me, if you are so sure of victory."

"I—" the Gardener hadn't left her garden in an eternity, not since she had begun to cultivate. Her plants needed her, and she needed to be here to tend to the souls who sought her solace. And yet...

She knew she was scared of stepping out there, into a realm of chaos shaped by battles of will. Here, in this garden, she controlled all who stepped in her domain. But out there, she would be at the whims of the strongest wills.

She looked into the eyes of the Fallen Princess once again. They would triumph, and there was no need to worry what would happen afterwards, for she was a pure and good soul.

The Gardener nodded. "Let us make haste. The battle begins soon."

"Thank you," the Fallen Princess whispered as she stood up. "Thank you for being my strength and my friend."

The Gardener smiled as she prepared her mind for battle. "Always."