• Published 10th Jun 2022
  • 1,047 Views, 14 Comments

a little louder - Dashie04

Schoolyard bullies say the most interesting things, and sometimes, the actions hurt more.

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Fluttershy watered the flowers outside of her home. While humming a short tune, some sort of earth pony folk song, she mentally covered her checklist for the day.

Watering the flowers was almost done, after that, she’d have to feed the animals, perhaps go to the Ponyville market to get some additional supplies. The only problem was all the other ponies.

Fluttershy was never a social pony.

She didn’t like to go into massive social situations. She was perfectly happy where she was, in an old wooden cottage on the outside of Ponyville, conversating with all of her animals. They always held very interesting conversations.

It was something she’d never quite gotten over, but she had made progress. Social situations didn’t send her into a complete panic anymore. Ever since she got Rainbow Dash’s help when they were both fillies, she’d learned to embrace the pony she always wanted to be.

Fluttershy had fallen from Cloudsdale 10-15 years ago now, and she hadn’t seen Rainbow Dash since. Some butterflies broke her fall, and shortly after, she got her cutie mark. It was nice and cute, a set of three butterflies. Ironically, she hasn’t had any reason to fly since, so she still wasn’t very good at it. She was fine with that.

Fluttershy finished watering her plants and headed back inside. She made sure she wasn’t missing any animals and gave them all their food. Dog food for the dogs, fish for the weasels, salad for the brand new bunny litter that had been born, all things which Fluttershy had done many times.

After giving all the animals food, Fluttershy pondered what to do next. She always had to stop by the Ponyville market, feeding so many animals was hard work. However, there was nothing wrong with taking life easy and saving the bits that she gathered from babysitting some ponies’ animals for a while longer, at least until she inevitably had to face the crowds.

Fluttershy laid down in what could loosely be described as her living room. Soon, all the animals surrounded her.

Fluttershy gave several animals pats and pets, and a few of them started talking to her.

“One at a time,” Fluttershy said, as the discordant chattering continued. She repeated herself a few times before the animals around her decided to listen.

Of course, when they all calmed down, Fluttershy talked to them all.

“The voice is coming along? Thanks,” Fluttershy said to a bear that decided it would be first up. “I’ve been trying real hard… thanks Harry.”

“Look, I know you’re hungry again Mr. Fluffles, but I’m not going to go over the veterinarian requested amount,” Fluttershy responded to a very moody bunny next to her.

This continued for a half-hour or so, with different animals taking their turns at talking to Fluttershy. Fluttershy laughed and chatted with them, thankfully, she caught herself before she got too carried away.

“This has been fun, but I do unfortunately have to go the Ponyville market to collect all of your food,” Fluttershy said. “No, Spot, I don’t want to go, but I have to,” she added, to a dog that was barking at her.

Fluttershy pet all the animals again, and then took a deep breath and headed outside.

Fluttershy took in the wonders of the nature all around her, the chirping birds, the beautiful trees and flowers, and just how peaceful everything was. She was so invested that she didn’t hear the rustling of a piece of paper as a familiar pegasus approached.

“They said that Fluttershy lives here…” Rainbow Dash said to nopony in particular, looking at directions on a piece of paper she recently received from a pony in Ponyville.

That was when Fluttershy ran into Rainbow Dash.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squealed. She was so lost in the beauties of nature that she didn’t notice the prismatic maned pegasus in front of her. At least not until she literally ran into her.

Fluttershy immediately froze up, and her brain completely shut down. Sure, this mare was quite a bit shorter than her, but she still looked scary.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked.

There was something about the voice that made Fluttershy dethaw a bit. Her brain did a quick reset, and Fluttershy suddenly recognized the mare in front of her.

“R-Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked right back.

Rainbow Dash laughed, took to the skies, and did a flip. “The one and only.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t quite touch the ground, but Fluttershy still tried to tackle-hug her anyways.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Come on, Flutters, you met me once like 15 years ago. N-no need for all the contact.”

Fluttershy; however, continued hugging Rainbow Dash who, despite her words, allowed it. Instead of responding to the statement directly, Fluttershy only said one thing.

“Thank you.”

Author's Note:

Shocker, the contest didn’t hold me back. It turns out it only took an hour after all. So, I decided to invest more time into writing my ultimate modus operandi, trans horses. Again.

Also because I had a great idea for how to end this story and I thought it’d be cute. I hope you enjoyed my new favorite headcanon.

Note: this epilogue is unedited. I might come back to it later, but if it doesn’t seem as up-to-snuff as the main chapter, that’s probably why.

Comments ( 4 )

Short, cute, and sweet. This is going in my pride bookshelf (whenever I remember to make it...)

Gayyyy I love it ^^

Awesome I love happy endings!

This fic made me feel emotions

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