• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
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I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.


While trying to protect his family from an attack by King Sombra’s newly-enhanced army, Shining Armor ends up blacking out and waking up in a mysterious new place. The scenery is bizarre, but not as bizarre as its residents. To return home and reunite with his family, Shining must work together with the strange inhabitants and travel this new world.

An MLP/Centaurworld crossover. As a note, the beginning is going to be more or less in line with the first episode of Centaurworld, but I plan to mix things up a bit more as the story goes on!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 60 )

I was wondering when someone would step up and do this. Well done!

I was honestly shocked it hadn't been done already, haha.

Thanks! It's admittedly a little more ambitious than my usual writing projects so I hope I'm able to do it justice!

Pointy-Horse is Best Horse.

My thoughts exactly. Surprised it took this long.



TSomewhere Else
An evil trapped between worlds, once freed and defeated, only to find a new world to stake its claim
Conglomerate · 11k words  ·  25  1 · 1.2k views

Ahh! I'd done a search for Centaurworld in stories but didn't realize that it wouldn't search in descriptions.

I'm still yet to watch the season 2 finale but once I do I'll check it out!

If Pinkie Pie went to Centaurworld...

I did feel a little guilty replacing Horse as I love her, but yep, Shining’s in her place here.

I hope not to disappoint! I’m working on the next chapter as we speak :twilightsmile:

I've been waiting for another Centaurworld crossover.

“Well, Ched,” Wammawink said calmly. “Our new friend just needs a proper welcome. So why don’t we give her one right…noooooow?”

I'm enjoying this so-far, but I think that you may have forgotten to adapt the original quote.

Whoops! Missed that one, haha. Thanks!

I added this story to the new Centaurworld group. The Herd's Houseboat

11268906 Oh, didn't realize there was one already.

I wonder what Shining's version of this will be?

More whimsical than the one he usually wakes up in?

The voice is familiar.

11269996 Voice actress is Kimiko Glenn (IMBD), she voices Izzy Moonbow in the MLP: A New Generation.

Flurry is truly helpless? Must be set before the episode where Twilight tried to multitask while foalsitting her, since she could put a shield around herself there.

I'd guess they would have considered removing the Foal's Forbearance but decided it would be too unpredictable... maybe saving that to do with their dying breath since it couldn't make the situation worse at that point?

I'm guessing Fimfiction moderators got at you for putting in songs that aren't from the show? Dang mods

Oh no, just had a kind person inform me about that rule!

11270688 Yep, I remember when they did that. Sucks. Good luck, Twinkletail, that show is basically one long musical, and the fact that the characters are aware of everything that happens in the song, unlike in some other shows, makes it harder.

Heard a few high commendation for the show but was afraid it would not respect my very limited time. Took the plunged today after I saw this fic on the featured list.

I'm definitely going to be tracking this! What season and episode does this story begin?

I’m glad to hear it!

This story starts with season 1, episode 1. Once the events of episode 1 are done, I plan on deviating a bit from the path of the episodes, while still working towards the same goal. The plan is to finish where season 1 finishes, although I’m not counting out the idea of going further.

So far, this is proving to be quite good...considering that Centaurworld has always been a peculiar show in a good way and that is something we can all appreciate. I sure hope to see more chapters as Shining continues his adventure through Centaurworld with his new herd. (I just hope the Mane 6 will be involved in the final episodes of season 1 and much of season 2)

“And there are five centaur shamans that live in different corners of the world!” Zulius added. Unlike the others, he didn’t ignore and/or not notice Wammawink’s disapproving look, opting instead to laugh. “What? You know me. The fact that you don’t want me to tell her these things makes me want to tell her even more!”

Good substitute for the crunch of skulls under-hoof. I look forward to seeing how you'll adapt the next song.

One day I will stop habitually using her because I’m so used to Horse being in Shining’s position.

Today clearly wasn’t that day.

Thank you for pointing it out :twilightsmile:

Rewatch the show, much? :raritywink:
Personally, I've watched a few episodes a few times, and keep listening to the songs.

You're welcome.

So far...so good!!! I love how you integrate Shining Heart into Horse's role quite well. however, I am curious about what will happen in later chapters that will parallel the show. such as will his appearance become more like that of the Centaurworld centaurs like what happened to horse and whether or not he'll encounter the Nowhere King while being reunited with his family and hopefully the Mane 6 if they appear in the empty void scene looking for Shining Heart with princess Candance and Flurry Heart.

I can already see some slight differences already...from how fragile things are sung to discovering a strange crystal...I just hope it doesn't;t stray too far from the original Centaurworld series though.

I hope it stays enjoyable! My plan is to stick to the original idea of the show. but mix things up here and there. I feel like I'd be cheating if I did everything exactly like the show, haha.

Sombra and the Nowhere King... that would be an interesting and scary combo

Oh deer! I suppose that it would.

Well, you did say that you intend to diverge a bit from canon. Let's see what's down this route.

I am enjoying the different dynamics that Shining brings.

Comment posted by AliCentaur Br0ny deleted Jun 18th, 2022


What I want to know is how the, "How does it feel to kick a tree?" part will go.

Come to think of it, I wonder how Shining will react to (kind-of) pulling a Chrysalis, and crashing a wedding.

Indeed. I am glad to see the divergences between a war-hungry steed and a skilled commander who likely lives out the adage "If you would have peace, prepare for war.". Both are skilled combatants, and devoted to those closest to them, but I don't think Shining would
try to blitz past a Taurnado as his first move after seeing one, certainly not with raw civilians around who might try to follow him.

Only just realized that I'm very interested to see who the General will be, it's kinda hard since Shinning is basically the General back in the Crystal Empire. Also wondering if Sombra is replacing the Nowhere King or going to co-villan with him. Ooh, maybe Sombra's the general and your going to diverge from the original General/Nowhere King idea to make it fit? Is Woman gonna be Princess Amore somehow? So many questions to be asked but I suppose all will be revealed with time. Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying this immensely :raritystarry:

Shining continues to be a better person than Horse. I look forward to seeing how the ending with Wammawink will play out in future chapters.

I wonder why Wammawink acted weird at that last part?

Will Tirek appear in this story?

Good work on the new chapter, especially with Shining and Wammawink starting to see eye to eye. Can't wait to see if they'll meet Water Baby in the next chapter or 2.

More than most, that song would benefit from new lyrics to fit this*. Horse's new intelligence seemed to be eating her memories. I have a hard time envisioning Shining having the same problem. Although, a bigger question if you don't keep that aspect despite it being somewhat difficult to justify is what is going to happen with the Whaletaur Shaman?

*Understandable if it is not in your wheelhouse to provide them, mostly just making an observation.

Heh, I was wondering if this would come up!

I’d considered changing the lyrics as I did with a couple of the other songs, but I couldn’t quite figure something out that would still convey the emotion the way I was hoping. I justified it to myself with the bit about how day and night seem to be passing faster here than in Equestria and the fact that Shining wasn’t sure how the times correlated, bringing up the worry that he could be gone for even longer than how long it feels like he’s been in Centaurworld.

It might have been a little flimsy in retrospect, haha.

Sensational as always! Keep up the good work :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by SanteriSalovaara deleted Jul 16th, 2023
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