• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


In another Equestria, order is maintained by a select group of skilled spellslingers operating under the endorsement of the crown. The ponies call them Lawmares, and they are a dying breed.

Twilight Sparkle is one such Lawmare, considered by her Princess and her peers as the finest spellslinger in generations. Her abilities will be put to the test soon, however, as a dark force is growing in the North, and not even the Lawmares may be able to keep the chaos at bay.


My loving tribute to Westerns and Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' cycle.


Chapters (13)
Comments ( 75 )

You have my attention.
Charyou tree. Come, reap.

Woo someone else who writes with a western lean.

I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

>High-class way of speaking
I'm going to have to give you a like for unintentionally making me laugh like an idiot.

Omg! I love the way you write! It's so dramatic! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time reading this
Also i think the filly might be Scootaloo in this Equestria

Badass Twilight? Hell yeah!

Definitely looking toward to this series. :twilightsmile:

A Dark Tower/western inspired ponystory?

Almighty Gan sign me right up!

"The Princess is probably better suited to explain it." He shrugged. "All I know is that my troops are under strict orders not to interfere with any public speakers unless they openly call for rebellion."

Is she going wear a viking helmet later while entering the palace?

But what if... what if there's something... somepony... that I want more than that? Something I'd never considered before. That I never thought would be a possibility?"

Rarity was silent for a moment. "Twilight... I could never come between you and your calling..."

Twilight cut her off with a kiss. "Maybe you're my calling. Lyra has a wife. Why can't I?"

I mean, you can always form a harem.

As they filed out of the chamber past her, the mare she'd singled out lingered behind. Trixie had known she would. Once the others were gone, she slowly approached the mare in black. "You... you never told me they were all going to die."

Are they going to suicide bomb for Luna or something?

Ooo, interesting. Definitely gonna follow. And I agree with 11278802's spoilered thought— would kinda make sense.

Yeesh. Sounds like Bon Bon is part of their number. Bummer.

The first few times I saw this title, I missed-read it as “Lawnmare” and expected, I don’t know, a Lawnmower Man crossover? Lawmare makes much more sense.

Not gonna lie, I can't imagine Twilight speaking southern. But the stories interesting.

That or moon dancer. She did mention being sent away as well.

I keep missreading the Title as Lawnmare . . .

Twilight = Roland Deschain
Lyra = Cuthbert Allgood
Moondancer = Alain Johns


Spoilered for those who haven't taken the journey yet, but say true.

Well, daaaaaaaaaayum. :rainbowderp:

She actually storms the palace building.

Well then.

Also both Starlight and Sunset are present? Hmm.

Sunset giving off serious Cort vibes.

Nice to see RD pop in. I'm enjoying this a lot. I've never seen what this is based on, but it's keeping me interested for sure.

I need to stress that while this is heavily inspired by the Dark Tower, it's not directly based on anything.

Those of you familiar with the cycle and those not are very much in the same boat, plot-wise.

As it turns out, they were well met indeed.

INDEED :raritywink:

Interesting to see how both Rarity's and Sweetie Belle's relationships with Twilight started. Does somewhat explain the latter, but if I'm interpreting correctly it was simply love at first sight?

Starlight's magic fades... and she grins, impressed by what she’s found. "This one has potential. Return on the next testing day, young Sweetie Belle, and we'll see how you fare on the other trials."

Just don't let her do potion (or anything resemble cooking) unless you want to deal with collateral damage.

"I HAD YOUR PRECIOUS GOOD MARE IN BED THE OTHER NIGHT!" Flash called back, reaching for a nearby lance. "SHE WAS RUBBISH !"

I don't know whether I want to like this Flash or hate him.

Hm. Interesting - if I'm reading the timelines right, Twilight's a lot newer of a Lawmare than I'd originally thought. If she was only ending her apprenticeship when Dinky was discovered, she isn't quite so much of a veteran. Which puts Moondancer and Lyra's faith in her into a new light.

" Biology . The new batch of agents still found each other tangled in the dormitory sheets more often than not. This continued on the roads, with more stallions and mares than I'd like to admit choosing their tet partners not on the basis of how well they worked together, but by how compatible they were when night fell. In the end, the best solution was the easiest one; I just had to choose between the two." She shrugged. "And I chose mares."

Time to replace them with magitech.

I don't know if this is just me overthinking or there is something going on here and it could probably be sinister but I wouldn't go that far. It's about the stallions can't into Lawmares topic, I find it curious on why it should be brought up. Of course, it could've been the author explaining to the readers on how Lawmares came to be. I know that. But the tiny cynical part of my brain tells me that it's a Chekov's Gun and something related to that is gonna pop out in the future. However, for now, red flags hasn't been raised yet and I assume it's me overthinking.

Nineteen. I see what you did there.


I feel it too.
Probably a reason why Trixie is with the Good Mare.

Well, I suppose this is oddly good news. Sunset's illusion magic isn't typically that good, so she's at least not the traitor.

Rip Glimmer.

Twilight assessed her fellow Lawmare's injuries. Going by her breathing, she definitely had bruised ribs. Possibly worse. There was no telling the extent of her internal injuries. She winced at the sight of her missing hoof, dreaded the moment the bandages would be removed revealing her ruined eye. "Sunset... what happened?"

Hey, at least now you get a cool prosthetic.

Is this going to be an arc, or would this be the last time Sunset appears? I really hope she isn't like this only for shock value

Oh, a Lawmare doesn't stop fighting until her heart stops beating.

That was pretty sick (good way). Nice flashback. :yay:

On the other hand, that means the traitor is one of Twilight's Tet, Twilight herself, or indeed Sunset (you don't need illusion magic if you're willing to undergo real physical injury for the cause).


My money's on Starlight having faked her death. She's tougher than going down off-screen.

Oh, boy...........

That last bit............

Yep! Called it! I just didn't want to ruin it in the comments.

Cadence is the Good Mare. Oh my god you mad writer...

Twilight is just as blind as Roland. Bout to get your blinders torn off, cully.

Damn, that was one hell of a bomb you dropped there.

You say another level of the Tower referring to stories, another fic on the platform instantly comes to mind.

Regardless of that, I’m intrigued.

All hail our God empress Cadance, queen of love.

"I love you all so much, I'm willing to kill everypony!!!"

Well, that escalated quickly.

"The wizard Marelyn crafted thirteen of these glasses in the days so long ago that even I've forgotten them. Each has been lost or destroyed over the years... all save one. This one. Marelyn's grapefruit. The wizard's glass. This is the answer to the riddle that vexes all of my little ponies. 'How does Celestia always know?' The answer is that I don't. I only know what the glass tells me. It shows me the past, the present, and sometimes the future." She gave the bauble a withering look. "It can be irritating at times. Sometimes it only gives me the vaguest hint of what's to come. If it had told me that all the Lawmares would have been killed in Ponyville, I wouldn't have..." She stopped when she caught the look on Twilight's face. "What?"


Also if there were 13 of them, all with the ability to tell the future, do they all say the same thing, taking into account each of the users all would behave differently after they know the future, or is this universe everything is determined before hand?

"Send your gilly away, Lawmare." The mare in black tossed back her hood, letting her silver mane tumble free. Trixie Lulamoon smiled as her eyes flashed at Twilight's just as they'd done the first day they'd lain eyes on one another. "It's time we held palavar, you and I. Long passed time, I'd say."

She's going to recruit them, then together they attack and dethrone god, completely ignoring the fact it was Cadance who killed her sisters, not Celestia. Cadance just needs to sit back and watch them kill each other before picking the scraps.

In the cycle, Maerlyn's Rainbow as they were called each had a different ability. Some gave visions of the future, some allowed the holder to peer into the private lives of whoever they wished. Black 13, the most dangerous of the bends o' the rainbow, allowed the holder to pass between levels of the Tower itself.

As to Trixie's motives... well, you'll have to wait and see, I beg.

“I’ve played the betrayer more than once.”

“Go then. There are other worlds than these.”

Oh, Rarity. ☹️

Okay, theory time.

Celestia said she was doing it for her, her little ponies, I presume. So much so, that Luna succumbed to the Nightmare. Which is in canon. Then, there's the part where she sends the Lawmares to Ponyville. An odd decision, a controversial one, if you will. The question is why? Why send them to their deaths if she cares about them? Is it because she had seen the domino effect of their death?(Twilight's future move) Or did she become obsessed with the glass or enthralled by it that she willingly betrayed her own resolve of protecting her little ponies? The latter can be seen during her outburst, she prioritises the glass first rather than Twilight which, as Celestia said, she cares and she did it for her. However she went for the glass rather than checking if Twilight was hurt. Controversial, no?

What is that glass? Is it sentient? Is it corrupting like the Alicorn Amulet? As a price for knowledge of the future. Or was Celestia just obsessed with the glass because she just wants to know the future? Perhaps as a coping mechanism, so another case like Luna wouldn't happen to her again.

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