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Sleepless in Ponyville

*Scootaloo's POV*

I was out practicing my skills just before I crashed into Rusty.

Rusty spoke "Hey Scoots."

Lance was on Flora's back as the young Beast-lord was running through town.

Lance spoke "Hey, guys."

I spoke "Guys! Check this out!"

Flora chirps.

I rode my scooter and I flew off a ramp, feeling the wind flow through my hair! “Woohoo!”

But then Rainbow Dash flew by, sipping a drink!

Rainbow Dash spoke "Nice moves, kid."

Thankfully, Millie was nearby before I had crashed.

Sliding off Millie's back, I spoke "that was awesome!"

And I couldn’t believe what I heard. “Nice moves?! Rainbow Dash thinks I got nice moves!”

Twilight was trotting over with Dusk, Daylight and Silverstorm following. Akari was being carried by Silverstorm.

And then I saw the rest of our crusader team.

Later, I was finishing telling them what happened. “And the next thing I knew, I was airborne, and then Rainbow Dash flew by and said ‘Heh. Nice moves, kid.’”

Applebloom spoke "Wow!"

Danyelle chuckles "That's amazing Squirt, keep that up and you'll fly for real."

That made me a little nervous though. “A-Are you sure?”

Danyelle spoke "I'll let you in on a secret though Scootaloo. When I first arrived, I didn't know how to fly but Rainbow taught me how."

That made me more excited. “*Gasp!* Really?! That’s awesome! Maybe Rainbow Dash wants to take me under her wing and be like my big sister! *Squee!*”

Danyelle spoke "Plus it's been a while since I had gone camping."

Rusty asks "Can I go, auntie?"

Danyelle spoke "Of course and before Lance asks, he can come too."

Lance exclaims "Alright!"

Sweetie Belle spoke "Ooh! Maybe I can get my sister to come too! Rarity loves camping!"

Danyelle spoke "She has her hooves full because of Snowfire. But good luck talking her into coming."

*Later at Carousel Boutique…*

Rarity exclaims "I despise camping! All of that… *Shiver!* Nature…! And there’s Snowfire as well."

Sweetie Belle spoke "But Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are going with their sisters, same with the others and some of their families. But, no… You don’t wanna spend time with me… *Sad Squee and face*"

Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity, I think it’s alright for you to go. You spent so much time trying to take care of Snowfire. I think you could use the time to relax and spend time with your sister."

Rarity sighs "Fine... But I'll have to ask Blaze if I can borrow Millie for a couple of days. I'd rather not have my tail burned off by Danyelle if I made Sweetie Belle pull a wagon of my belongings."

Sweetie Belle spoke "You’re the best sister ever, Rarity!"

Sweetie Belle gave her big sister a hug, and Rarity hugged her back.

Blaze stopped by with Millie since the beast-lord had an empty wagon strapped to the back but there were no wheels on it.

Blaze spoke "Hey Rarity."

Rarity spoke "Oh, am I glad you’re here, Blaze."

Blaze asks "Where are you and the others going?"

Rarity spoke "A forest path towards Winsome Falls."

Blaze spoke "How nice, I suppose Danyelle's going as well."

Rarity spoke "But of course. And she’s bringing Rusty and his sister. And I’m sure that Scootaloo and Rusty will simply look adorable together."

Blaze facepalms. "Inari's sick... And Serenity is missing..."

Rusty spoke "Crap! My mom will shave my tails if she found out!!!"

Danyelle quickly wrote a letter and sent it to Zecora.

Danyelle spoke "I hope this works."

Rusty spoke "Same...."

That Rusty… He‘s so cool… Somehow, I couldn’t help but feel a lot warmer as my face blushed apple-red.

Rusty asks "Scootaloo?"

That snapped me out of it as I stammered. “Uh, y-yeah, Rusty?”

Rusty spoke "You're blushing."

“R-Really? What makes you say that?” I nervously asked.

Rusty spoke "Your face is as red as Applebloom's mane."

“Uh, Applebloom’s ribbon is pink. Her mane and tail are red.” I pointed out.

Lance spoke "Anyways, let's get going!"

Danyelle spoke "I also included where to go if Zecora does find Serenity."

Rainbow soon arrives though a frightened Pegasus filly was following her.

Rusty asks "What’s going on?"

Rainbow spoke "Long story short but this filly needs help."

The shy filly spoke "H-hi...."

But then Silver showed up.

Myuri growls "What do you want Silver?"

Blaze spoke "Calm down Myuri, Silver's no threat."

Myuri calms back down.

Blaze asks "What's the matter Silver?"

Silver spoke "It’s about the filly that’s on Rainbow Dash's back, her name is Zipp Storm. She’s from the future."

Danyelle spoke "Some of us are no stranger to time travel... We've had a pinkish brown hawk girl show up once, followed by a white ponykat..."

Silver spoke "But Zipp is vital in that future, for she’s a part of the new generation."

Twilight runs a memory scan on the filly.

Twilight spoke "Wrong Zipp... This one was once a plushie..."

Silver sighs "Oh. Phew!"

Nyx spoke "The real one won't appear for a while."

Blaze cuffs Silver on the head before laughing.

Silver spoke "But something’s telling me that the future will come here."

Danyelle spoke "We already have an older Twilight roaming around."

Blaze asks "Silver, you not saying that their future could be…?!"

Silver spoke "I hope not. I really don’t want them to go through with what happened to me."

Danyelle spoke "Only time will tell."

I don’t know what was going on, but it was starting to scare me.

Danyelle spoke "*ahem* Anyways, we should get going."

And so, the group heads off to Winsome Falls.

When we got there, we saw Rainbow Dash being awesome as always, getting the campsite ready. Seriously, she’s so cool!

Twilight helped Rainbow with setting up camp.

Twilight spoke "Since Spike's with his family for a couple of days, I locked the library up."

Rainbow spoke "Oh."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

I told myself, “Okay, Scootaloo, you can do it.”

Rusty spoke "Hey Dash, Scootaloo wants to ask you something!"

Rainbow asks "Okay, what is it, squirt?"

Nyx was resting beside Danyelle while reading a book.

I felt like I gulped a huge lump in my throat as I asked Rainbow Dash, “Do you think that you could be like… *Gulp!* my big sister?”

Silverstorm had spat out some some water in Rarity's face by accident before coughing.

Danyelle soon burped up a letter from Gilda which read "Hey Dash, guess what? Ezee and I are proud parents of three newborn gryphons, two males and a female. But to our surprise, the girl was a taur of all things!"

Rainbow spoke "Whoa! Really?! That sounds awesome!"

Twilight spoke "I've never seen a gryphontaur before."

Applejack spoke "Simmer down there, Twilight."

Danyelle chuckles "Egghead."

Rainbow Dash laughs "Yeah. Hehehe!"

Danyelle and Rainbow Dash fist/hoofbumped each other.

Twilight spoke "Not an egghead!"

There was more on the letter. "PS: Twilight is an egghead!"

Twilight spoke "Oh come on!"

Nightfall was laughing.

I couldn’t help but snicker at that, while I was also excited about the news for Gilda and her family.

Danyelle chuckles "Tempest is gonna flip once we tell him!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Not to mention Lillian."

A bush rustles suddenly, spooking the group.

Danyelle stammers "Wh-what w-was th-that?"

A voice asks "Who's got my rusty horseshoe...?"

Rainbow Dash stammers "N-No! It couldn’t be!"

The bushes rustle before a Mobian Rockhopper Penguin male steps out while carrying a surfboard under one arm.

The male laughs "Hah! I got you lot good!"

Then Danyelle started laughing on her back.

Danyelle laughs "Good one Cody! You got Rainbow good!"

Rainbow asks "Huh?"

Cody chuckles "Dany and I had this prank set up in advance but kept you in the dark about it."

But then suddenly, Rainbow Dash started laughing. “Wow! That was a good one!”

All 14 of the Crusaders started to laugh.

I chuckle "By Celestia's mane! That was hilarious!"

Rainbow Dash chuckles "Even I gotta admit that was funny!"

Danyelle laughs "yeah and no offense Dash but your scary stories aren't that scary..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh come on!"

Danyelle spoke "Last time you told a scary story, Li nearly sliced your tail off since Sakura was crying."

Rainbow Dash stammers "B-But they’re not with us this time, right?”

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised you didn't go berserk when Clarity had called you "Rainbow Crash" back when you first met her."

Rainbow Dash scoffs "She was just lucky I don’t fight demons…"

Danyelle spoke "She's the only half demon you know..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "I know."

But then I realized something, Rainbow Dash never answered my question!

Rainbow spoke "Oh sorry Scoots, I almost forgot about you."

That caught me by surprise. “Huh?” She remembered my question?

Rainbow pulls me in for a noogie.

Rainbow spoke "I've always wondered what it was like to have a little sister."

That shook me to my very core. “*Voice breaking* R-Really?”

Rainbow spoke "Of course Scoots!"

That pushed me over the edge as I… Uh… Well… Burst into tears and I hugged Rainbow Dash with every bit of strength in me.

Danyelle and the others chuckle.

But suddenly, Rainbow Dash started having tears too as she hugged me back. “Normally, I would deny it, but I’ll let it go just this once.

*Two days later,*

The group had returned to Ponyville.

Danyelle spoke "That was the best camping trip ever!"

Me and my new big sister-figure definitely agreed on that. “Hay yeah!”

Nightfall spoke "It was okay."

Lillian spoke "Welcome back guys."

Rusty asks "Hey, uh, Scoots?"

“Yeah?” I asked.

Rusty asks "Could I talk to you alone?"

A loud boom was heard followed by a scream from Ein.

“Uh, sure.” I answered.

An invisible Nightfall had followed me and Rusty.

“So, what is it you wanna talk about?” I asked.

Rusty stammers "I know we're not old enough yet but I..."

A twig snapped.

Twist spoke "Sorry!"

Twist ran off.

Rusty asks "But um… could you be my… *Gulp!* girlfriend?"

I couldn’t believe what I just heard, Rusty asked me to be his girlfriend! “Y-Y-…YES!” But the. I did something on pure instinct that neither me or Rusty expected, and I still can’t believe I did that! I kissed Rusty right on his lips, with Rusty’s eyes wide open from shock, before he closed them, kissing me back. The two of us were completely lost in that moment. And we were so lost in it, we didn’t even notice that we started moaning in pleasure as I felt him grabbing my flank.

Tails calls out "Rusty!"

That snapped me and my new boyfriend outta that love trance.

Rusty spoke "Oh shoot! I gotta head back to dad!"

Blushing, I spoke "oh okay."

Rusty asks "Maybe we could go on a date sometime?"

I spoke "Sure Rusty."

We shared one last peck before each of us heading back home. But unknown to any of us, Silver Spoon saw the whole thing.

I felt light as a feather before taking flight for the first time!

I shout "AW YEAH!!! I CAN FLY!!!"

But then Blu and Jewel saw me flying.

Jewel chuckles "Heh. Just like you, huh Blu?"

Blu spoke "Yeah, except in a non-life or death situation."

Danyelle elbows Rainbow before pointing at me.

Rainbow Dash gasped, before growing a smile as big as Pinkie’s, cheering into the sky and started flying alongside me! This! Is! The! Best! Day! Of! My! LIFE!!!

Danyelle takes flight as well, flying on my other side.
