• Member Since 27th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

L Morning Star


It was a day as normal as any and in the blink of an eye I am recruited by a being of chaos who forces me to kill, and now with the beast finally defeated the only thing I and my summoned companions can do is flee from the wrath of the equestrians.

Did I mention that none of us were summoned in his original body?

-Disclaimer: none of the series, characters mentioned and images are mine.
-I apologize for the spelling errors, I'm bad with English so I depend a lot on the translator.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 42 )

Keep up the good work is a good start

thanks, you don't know how it helps me

Interesting. Its been awhile since I've gotten into Pokémon but I'll need to check this out.

Wouldn't it make more sense to make the main character a Zoroark?

all the summoned ones start weaker than the character they represent, otherwise the ponies would not be able to compete with some of them

I still don't know what he means, honestly I think he was the wrong person

I believe it is a link for a scam, you should be able to remove the comment if you want.

Do you plan to evolve Zora into a Zoroark?

I hate to give spoilers but I think it's obvious that there will be changes over time

That's fair. It's good so far and I'm looking to see how you work your Author Magic.

While I'm very easy on grammar side of stories, because usually there is not a lot of errors and you can understand meaning behind everything - this story (but mostly 6th chapter) made me cringe. Error on error, i can barely understand WHAT idea behind what you write! Please try to proofread your chapters or at least find editor! It's honestly close to impossible to read this now.

sorry i used a new translator thinking it was better i will fix it as soon as i can

I'm going to have to second that. The story has promise but it is in dire need of proof readers/editors. I know it isn't easy with it being translated to another language but I'm sure if you find an editor (one who can preferably understand your native tongue) you should be golden.

Thanks for the advice and I hope you don't mind if I ask if you know a translator (Spanish/English) who can help me since I don't even know where to find one.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, I owe you one

Do you have it all written in Spanish? I could help if you wanted, though I won’t be able to dedicate a lot of time, I can translate so as to have it well written.

Pretty interesting story so far but... the incorrect use of pronouns everywhere is very distracting and makes me slow down my pace to understand what is written

Very interesting story. My native language is Belarusian and Russian (I also understand Ukrainian), but I am quite fluent in English and have a good command of Spanish (I do it until it is at the level of English). I mean, your and similar stories are read by people like me and inspire people like me to learn foreign languages) Although I understand that sometimes fussing with grammar can be annoying. In general, thank you for your efforts!

Will the story continue?

The next chapter is already ready, I just need my translator to send it to me, but due to the dates I think it will take a while.

Proofread and edited by Underrated Drake

I.... seriously? This... This is just....... i can't understand half of this chapter, how is this "proofread and edited"?? I know i commented about grammar here before, and even recommender whole group where you can find proofreaders, but my god this chapter is THE WORST in terms of grammar. Past half point in it i can maybe understand 1 in 3 words, if that much...

At this point, you could ask an AI to fix it for you. It can't get worse than that.

I don't remember the text processing AI available out there, some are available for free, others you have to pay a subscription.
Try with chatGPT, it's the best one freely available so far. Just ask it like you would a person, and give it a paragraph to see if the results are to your liking.

Thank you very much for helping me, I will try to improve as much as I can

If you do use it, use it just as an assistant, not to do your work for you.
You'll still need to curate the result so you don't post something weird or out of context.

The english in this is quite good, but I cant read this. I cant keep track of whats going on. The words, He and she are interchangeable so much that I cant tell what character is doing what? A sentence that I think is about discord refers to him as She, He, and She. All in the exact same sentence. So is this a Discord sentence or Luna? Between this and a story written in cave man speak, I prefer the caveman written story. At least I can follow whats going on.

Shining Armors death scene lost all drama because I couldn't figure out who the hell was getting killed. In that scene was a little girl, and Shining Armor, and there is a reference to Cadence. So when she is bleeding to death, as she dies, who the hell is it referring to? Did the little girl get killed, did Cadence somehow show up? No, It's referring to Shining Armor, as he dies. As he bleeds to death. But its so muddled and unclear because shining armor is not a SHE.

I cant read this, I cant follow whats going on.


Yeah, I know, I published these episodes before I had a translator to help me, I already sent him a rewrite, but he hasn't translated them yet.

So in this au Discord care's less about chaos so he kills I hope the main character(s) are going to recover.

It took me way longer than it should have to realize that there was a new chapter (which was great by the way). Hope to see a new one again soon.

Comment posted by Solar_Wolf deleted May 15th

Will the story continue?

I honestly don't know, the real reason I started this story was to have more experience for what really matters to me and although I have this story made up in my head I don't know if it's worth it.

Do you think it deserves a continuation?

with all the certainty of my being!

I really like this-- I am a sucker for Zoruas. But man, a lot of the punctuation and paragraphs need work. It's a great start, great ideas, just needs some editing. Would love to see more soon.

Thank you very much, but I'm afraid I couldn't do it better, I've already tried other translation methods and from what they told me they are even worse than this.
I have been practicing my English, but I have never been good in that area.

No blame to ya, not the easiest language. Especially if your first language has a very different linguistic origin.

i know that i am just one person but i really like your story and i hope you will continue it despite the language problem

cool so spike is growing , is he like pony size now or maybe bigger like a teen ?

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