• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!


Something keeps stealing Izzy's art supplies, and she won't stand for it! Don your detective cap, because it's time to figure this out.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 11 )

You know... If you were to take off 17 words that would be exactly 2000... (Yes, I'm trying to lure other people into my craziness.)

Remington blinked softly at the image of the busy city. "Can you narrow that down a little bit? That's even vauger than usual."

Should be
even vaguer than

"Remi took a fresh whiff and set the cubby down. "Let's find out!" She followed that scent trail slowly, wandering away from the display. She arrived at a point in the floor where the trail just... stopped."

Extra double quote mark at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph

Good to see Remi again. How's her kid? Also Izzy is fun 100% of the time.


The boss is a jerk.

Its detective Izzy!

I haven't read any of the other stories Remi is in, but she works really well as an audience surrogate of sorts. I think G5, at present, still feels pretty alien to those of us who have been used to G4 all these years, so a time traveler from (A version of) G4 is easy to relate to.

I really feel like this story is one of the G5 fics that I've seen sticking closest to canon, despite the deviations. Not only was the early sentimental stuff with Izzy really nice, but Remi doesn't really seem much more out of place in Maretime Bay than Misty does. Something about the town being its specific mix of peaceful and chaotic seems to attract fish out of water interlopers like that.

This seems like a good, comfy place to "pause" the story for now, but I look forward to more cute misadventures in this setting if inspiration ever takes root again.

Thanks for talking this walk with us. One wonders what that fox will get up to in the future.

TDistant Reflections
Equestria and Everglow have brushed against one another through the course of their histories, each time fleeting, but memorable to those involved. Many many years later, the unaging Twilight captains a space vessel to explore the universe.
David Silver · 203k words  ·  69  8 · 1.6k views

The original story she popped out of.


My pleasure. One wonders indeed. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for linking where Remi originally came from, too. I hope to check it out sometime. :twilightsmile:

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