• Member Since 28th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago


We Always Be Wondercolts Forever. (Big Fluttershy, Rainbow, Sunset and Luna fan).


Sunset turns the entire world into ponies. The world is somewhat displeased by this.

(Sex tag is for references to it and not anything that happens in the fic.)

(Somehow managed to be featured third and then second on 11/11/22! Before becoming first after that for a day! And remaining in featured box for six days overall!)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 71 )

Funny. Did laugh.

Also, Lyra goes fangasm. Like always. Also, Horny lyra, that's totally something that needed to happen.

Angry Princess is also Lul.

”Dating for the last few months and you’ve been awful at trying to hide it from us? Yeah, we noticed.” Rainbow said with a smirk, both girls blushing at her words before starting to stammer.

Way to be subtle, RD. :facehoof:

Glad you enjoyed!

She is not known to be, lol.

”Fine! The very to the point Trixie refuses to go back when she finally has access to great and powerful magic! You cannot take this from Trixie! Not when it is finally within her grasp! I AM NOW THE STRONGEST AND MOST UNRIVALLED PONY IN THIS SCHOOL! AND SOON THE WORLD! FOR NOBODY ELSE HAS ABILITIES LIKE-“


”You know what? I think I’m done this time.” slowly said Cheerliee. “I have reached my limit. We are totally screwed and I am not being paid enough for this. So I’m going to see if magical ponies can get drunk. Just. I’m done. Cheerilee is fucking out! Peace!”

Berry Punch: "Babe, now you're speakin' my language!."

Vinyl nodded with a smile, the couple running back to the science room while the unicorn looked down at herself again, shrugged and started the next track on her playlist, sliding her headphones back on and trotting away.

That's a good attitude.:raritywink:

There were a lot of good jokes to pick from this, but I think I'll settle for Celestia's coup d'etat as my favorite.

Glad you enjoyed those parts!

Great choice, lol. Was one of the first scenes I decided and was super fun to write.

Well, that was something :rainbowlaugh:

It was a good read.

EQG Rainbow Dash became a murderer without even knowing. If that thing works the same way in Equestria, then that means every pegasus that was flying will suddenly fall to their demise. Not only that but some unicorns might be doing dangerous stuff that they control with magic. And if this applies to other species, then the kill count is even higher. Let that sink in.

“Uncurse us now foul demon!” cried Derpy, her hooves crossed before she dropped like a rock and crashed into the ground once more.

:derpyderp2: "It's clearly magic, she has a history of demonic transformation, and everyone knows she's dating the school's other mad scientist. I admit 'foul' may have been a bit strong, but this is an otherwise entirely logical conclusion."

”Y-you don’t know that! You cannot ignore us forever! I am only one of many!”

"There are dozens of us! Dozens!"

I feel you overplayed some jokes—this clearly awakened something in Dash—but overall, this was a very fun pile of insanity. Thank you for it. I do love a good mass transformation story.

It was funny because it’s kinda cannon… :rainbowderp:

Just flying pegasai is nothing. She just killed the entire population of Cloudsdale, since humans can't walk on clouds...

This is so stupid... Take your Twilight damned upvote and fav :facehoof:.


*chefs kiss*

I'm glad you enjoyed the insanity regardless!
I am happy someone enjoyed that line as much as I did writing it, lol.

Not just the ones that are flying. One word. Cloudsdale.

Hilarious fic though :twilightsheepish:


Well funded educational institutions not restrained by limited budgets? I'm sold, long live the princess!

Yup. See also: why the season 8 finale makes NO logical sense. Pegasi fly with magic. Cloud structures are held together by magic. No magic? No flight, no cloud structures. RIP literally everyone in Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus.

I mean, there are buildings in Cloudsdale, but that still is a lot of deaths since the ones who get lucky are the few who are inside a building at that moment. That, and the buldings can be smaller considering pony size vs human size.

Well it's the same both ways. Loads of people will be in cars, and find it's hard to steer with hooves. So the original transformation will cause mass death. And well there have to be a quite a few humans turned pegesi that are in the air when they turn back to human.

Highly silly, but also a lot of fun!

Now I want to see what a sequel to this would look like :rainbowlaugh:

“Lyra. Did you wish really hard!?”

I laughed far far harder than I had any right to.

Omg that exact line also went through my head.

I thought of the best alternate ending to this fic

What if, when Rainbow smashed the machine, it erased everyone's memories but they were still ponies, so they proceeded to live out their lives and eventually formed Equestria, thus making Equestria take place in the future from Equestria girls.

Any relation to the Mythril story of the same name?

Thank you!!

Oh god I have evolved to making Doctor Who references even when I don't plan too

Well, I'm happy you enjoyed regardless!

That could be an interesting idea for a fic in general, lol

Maybe a small one, I thought I'd seen the title before somewhere when I came up with it, but wasn't sure where it was from so stuck to it.

I see. Something in me wondered if it was a small tribute to said author, as Horse Things was the last story he wrote before he died.

Would have been funny for there to be a moment where Sunset has to talk down Luna. "Listen and understand, you are currently an Alicorn who doesn't know how to use magic. And you have enough magic to destroy the world. Be calm." Very fun read.

It would've been interesting to see how princesses celestia and luna reacted to being turned into humans.

Show of hooves now, who else wanted to see the total failure to reutrn the EQGverse back into humans? I would REALLY love to see what would have happened lol. And ole Sun Butt with a god complex was quite amusing

I miss Mythril's daily blogs. Talk about dedication.

It would be very amusing, lol.

“OH COME ON, I’M A DOG AGAIN!?” :moustache:

I loved this, thanks for writing it. I needed to read some comedy AKSKDKDK.

I loved this, it was absolutely hilarious to read. I loved everyone's reactions to what was going on, especially Celestia going crazy and Lyra obsessing over ponies, the bit with Luna was good too. And I just knew that this transformation was going to affect Equestria too, before it even got there, I just had a feeling that it was going to happen.

And, also, I have a question, that thing with Fanon Lyra being obsessed with humans, where did that start exactly, I'm just curious.

Lyra's fanon human obsession stemmed from a scene where she was seen sitting in an awkward, human-esque position on a bench in the background of an episode. Not sure which one though.

Okay, thanks, I've always wondered about that.

It's a side topic here, but Cozy's plan very clearly didn't interfere with pegasus magic - probably part of her overall plan to take power after. But a LOT of pegasi were flying long after they shouldn't if Starswirl had been right. Like, all of them. Except Scootaloo.

However, as for this... I'm more disturbed, honestly, by most of the dragon race suddenly turning into highly flammable canines, probably many of them while in lava flows.

No problem! I have some more comedy fics uploaded if you ever need more! :raritywink:

“YAY! YOU'RE THE BEST BONNIE!” she cheered, lifting the blushing Bon Bon with her magic and trotting away into the halls.


:pinkiesmile:: Remember when you all called me "the crazy one"?

”Oh dear.” shispered Fluttershy. “She’s Sunsetting.”

Okay, as much I get annoyed at Twilight being so often portrayed as a complete basket case always one mild annoyance away from a psychotic breakdown... I do really like the idea that Sunset's direct equivalent to Twilight's flanderized-but-still-notable episodes is having a conniption. Yet another way they compliment each other, as if I needed more reasons to like them as a couple.

Anyway, fun fic. A few mistakes here and there, but nothing too terrible. And, yes, the implications were... a little concerning, but nothing that can't be swept under the mental rug with "Something something magic."


However, as for this... I'm more disturbed, honestly, by most of the dragon race suddenly turning into highly flammable canines, probably many of them while in lava flows.

Well, to be fair, we don't actually know that Dog-Spike isn't fireproof too. I mean, he kept his head and ear fins, maybe he kept a few other draconic aspects. Admittedly, Naturally-Dog-Spike has them too, but you never know. Heck, maybe he's fireproof too and just never realized it. I mean, obviously there's no real way on knowing without testing it and...

Sir? Sir! Sir, please put down the flamethrower, I was speaking hypothetically.

I did a double fucking take at the title. 'All Our Things Are Horse Things' was the last story MythrilMoth worked on before he died, and left it unfinished. To suddenly see it updating and trending...

Yeesh. You gave me a heart attack, man.

Its funny until you realize that Clousdale exists.

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