• Member Since 6th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago

Soft Shake

I like the pretty ponies.


Starlight Glimmer set off to defend Equestria from another ugly threat. She can't see it, can't hear it, but its here. It's here, she's found it, and she's going to destroy it on her own. No matter what it takes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Starlight no!

I’m gonna get this out of the way now. That wasn’t Twilight, and never will be Twilight. That was a hallucination and I know it but I know that was painful for Starlight regardless.

Since I can’t fathom the thought of Starlight actually dying, either two things can happen here.

A. This is all a dream and Luna’s going to pop in any minute.

B. Discord’s noticed what’s going on, and is going to stop Starlight before she does anything drastic like he did in the story Spike The Fairy.

F in the chat for Starlight

Oh man. I loved this. It's so beautifully sad and a wonderful metaphor. I hope Starlight got out okay, but the way this ends suggests to me that she didn't. :fluttercry:

You put hear as here in the description.

Reminds me of that song & animation that got a lot of attention a while ago, "I thought of suicide"

Huk #7 · Nov 5th, 2022 · · ·

It was a good read, and sadly realistic :ajsleepy:.

I wonder if anyone could really help Starlight fight the 'monster' or whether she was doomed from the beginning...

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