• Published 26th Sep 2022
  • 5,925 Views, 161 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 1 - BronySonicFan

The Mane 5 try to solve the magical problems of the new earth pony magic, while Sonic starts to face shadows from his past as he, Tails and Knuckles try to find their way back home.

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It was a quiet morning in the magical land of Equestria. The creatures of the forest ran freely, the birds flew and sang with joy and the flowers danced with the blowing of the wind.

But that peace did not last any much longer, since a blue blur passed right where those animals were, which fled scared and confused. Soon, a pair of red sneakers with a white stripe in the middle was seen speeding off at full speed. Those sneakers jumped over a canyon, then started running across the grass again. Little by little the figure became clearer, until seeing a big blue hedgehog with green eyes and a confident smile, running freely through the magical land of Equestria.

Come light the fuse, he's a rocket, and he's ready to go
'Cause now the count down has started and he's ready to blow
He's got the the dope sounds pumpin' in his stereo(-eo)
Kicking ass fast, putting on a show

Sonic ran through a field of flowers very familiar to him, since it was the place where he landed when he first arrived in Equestria. He began to run in Zig Zag, sliding and strolling on a side that had many dandelions, which immediately flew away.

Come on and get yourself together, there's no time to rest
And if you put the time in, he'll put you to the test
He's like a running man, in his world, more is less
And if you wanna test him best bring your best

He entered the Bridlewood forest, while touching the crystals that were there and running avoiding the unicorns of the place. She brushed past Alphabittle with a smile.

"Morning, Alpha B!" Sonic greeted.

"Morning, Sonic!" Alphabittle greeted back.

You can't stop now, lock and load
Don't stop now, come on and rock and roll!

In this world (His world- Gotta make your own way!)
Where one is all
In this world (His world- Life is just a game you play!)
Never fear the fall

He came out of the forest and ran at top speed over a river that connected with the mountains that led to Zephyr Heights, his next destination. He usually ran with his hands balled into fists behind his back, but this time he gave in to the feeling of freedom and spread his hands as he closed his eyes and lifted his head, inhaling the fresh air.

When you leap without a net you'll find
It won't be there all the time
So watch your step, now watch you step don't fall!

Now he was running over the mountains, still heading towards the city of the pegasi. She ran through the streets and buildings of the site at high speed, while greeting various pegasi and complimenting them. When he was walking along a path near the castle, he happened to see Queen Haven and her escorts Zoom and Thunder.

Damn, you can see the budget drop in animation quality, Sonic thought to himself, Otherwise these two wouldn't be the only Pegasi they would animate guarding the Queen.

"Good morning, ma'am!" Sonic greeted Haven, "You look amazing today!" he complimented him.

"Oh Sonic!" said the Queen. "You are a charm!"

"Zoom, Thunder" greeted the hedgehog in a military pose. "Keep up the good work!" he told them, and then shot off towards Maretime Bay.

In this world (Gotta make your own way!)
Where one is all
In this world (Life is just a game you play!)
Never fear the fall

When you leap without a net you'll find
It won't be there all the time
So watch your step, now watch you step don't fall!

He started running through the flower field again, this time even faster, while he hurried to get to the place on time. He decided to take a shortcut, so he headed towards the ocean and ran through the water at full speed, while zig zagging and fiddling around a bit. Once he saw his destination, he accelerated further until he passed the beach, careful not to hit any ponies and sand castles.

Watch your step, watch your step!
Don't turn around!
Watch your step, watch your step!
Don't turn around!
Just watch and look back again!
Don't fall!

Finally, he ran a little through the streets of Maretime Bay, until he spotted a group of 4 ponies that he knew quite well. After all, it was with those ponies that he restored magic to all of Equestria, reunited all ponies, and gained new friendships. Also, he had been living with them for the last 6 months, while trying to find a way to gather all the Chaos Emeralds and return home.

"What's up, everypony!" Sonic exclaimed with a smile, as he walked next to Hitch. "Sorry to get late for the party. Did I miss something important?" he asked.

"Nothing, actually. We're still waiting for Zipp to get here with Pipp's microphone" Hitch answered.

"Okey..." Sonic said in a doubtful voice, while he looked at Pipp shuffling back and forth in desperation.

"Where is she? I though she would have returned already!" Pipp cried out in frustration.

"Um... Pipp? Aren't you struggling yourself way too much over a microphone?" Sonic asked, finding Pipp's attitude a little too dramatic.

But Pipp looked at him with a frown and a deadly stare, as Sonic felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Haha, I'm danger!" he said with an awkward smile.

In the middle of the same green field Sonic appeared in Equestria, the piece and quiet of the place was disturbed by a strange portal. This portal started to drop many big yellow metallic peaces, and it dropped some blueprints as well. And then, an anthropomorphic yellowish fox with gloves, red and white shoes, blue eyes and two tails he used to fly, crossed the portal and started to pick up the blueprints from the ground. His name was Miles Prower, but everyone called him Tails.

And then another anthropomorphic creature crossed the portal. This one was a red echidna with red shoes with a yellow stripe in the middle, big white boxing gloves with two spikes on the knuckles, pink eyes and a frown, since he was running towards Tails. His name was Knuckles the Equidna, and not only he was the guardian of a powerful gem called the Master Emerald, he was also the last of his own kind.

"I got them!" Tails exclaimed with a smile, charging all his blueprints with him.

"Okay, now let's go back before…" Knuckles tried to say, but he noticed a bunch of Tails things and materials crossing the portal and coming towards them.

Knuckles ran to Tails to cover him. "Uh oh..." was the only thing the younger said, before being knocked down by the Echidna.

Soon, various materials fell on them, and the portal closed completely, now leaving them stranded in another dimension as well. Knuckles brushed the rubble off of him, and looked around, discovering that he was now on a field with a giant cherry tree in the background.

"Great. Now we're in another dimension too…" Knuckles said, then analyzed what he just said and gasped. "Which means..."

"That we can look for Sonic!" Tails exclaimed excitedly. "Quick, help me lift some of these things!" he pled to the Equidna.

"Okay. What do you have in mind?" Knuckles asked curiously.

"We will build a plane like the Tornado, and we will look for Sonic" the younger replied with determination.

"Sounds fine to me, but don't you think we should find out were are we first?" Knuckles asked and suggested.

"Maybe, but who knows how much time we will waste not looking for Sonic" Tails said, as he was picking up some materials to build the plane.

"... I know you want to look for him, and after all these months, I gotta say I want to find him too... but..." Knuckles stopped midsentence since he didn't want to say the next part.

"But what?" Tails asked with curiosity.

Knuckles sighed, and the shook his head in negation. "Nothing. Just a silly idea that I know it's not gonna happen. C'mon, we have a plane to build up" he said as he picked more materials for the plane.

Tails looked at Knuckles with doubt, but decided to let him be and keep gathering the pieces of the broken machine Tails made to look for Sonic.

I can't tell him that Sonic might want him to stay strong and keep going without him Knuckles though to himself, I already lost his trust once, I can't lost it again for something so polemic.

After a few hours of picking up pieces of the machine, and other materials that crossed the portal as well, Tails and Knuckles stand next to each other, looking at the big pile of materials they would use to build a replica of Tails' plane, the Tornado.

"So, how much time do you think we would last to finish this plane?" Knuckles asked, still looking at the pile.

"Maybe a week. Or just 5 days if we do it quick. I think we should look for a place to stay for the moment, and then start to build the plane tomorrow" Tails suggested.

"I like the sound of that" Knuckles said with a smile, but it faded away. "The problem is... we don't know where we are..." he pointed out.

"... True... but that doesn't mean we can't search" Tails assured with a smile, and the flew to the cherry tree.

Once he arrived, he felt curiosity on why the tree was so big, so he started to inspect the trunk. After a few minutes of searching around, since the tree was very big, he felt that he could push a part of the trunk, as if it was some kind of door.

"Hey Knuckles!" Tails called out to the Equidna. "Come take a look at this!" he asked.

Knuckles quickly ran towards the younger, and stared confused at the part of the trunk Tails was pushing. "Uh, what are you doing?" he asked in confusion.

"There's some kind of door here..." Tails explained. "Here, touch these part..." he requested as he pointed the same spot he was pushing.

Knuckles doubted for a second, but decided to listen to his friend anyways. He touched the spot Tails was pointing, and just like him, he felt that he could push the trunk like if it had a hole. "Ey, it's true. There must be something inside this tree. Let me just..." Knuckles said, and then started to move his arm in circles while he prepared to punch the trunk.

Knuckles made the punch, and then a hole was made on the three. Both Tails and Knuckles poked their heads and exclaimed "Wow!" in awe at what was inside. It was some kind of tree house that was made once of crystal, but now it looked rusted, although it was pretty much intact in everything else. It also had conveniently enough space for both of them to stay and build the plane. The two friends looked at each other and smiled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tails asked the Equidna.

"Oh, I bet some grapes I do!" Knuckles stated, as they both started to move all their materials to the inside of the tree house.

Once they moved all the materials, Tails quickly builded a door with the trunk pieces knuckles broke, and then closed the hole of the tree to stay hidden.

Outside one of Dr. Eggman's basements on Mobius, many robots and machines were shooting at a target that was running towards them. However, those shoots bounced on his body, and the figure somehow teleported behind the robots and disabled the machines with kicks and punches. The figure landed on the ground, and slowly walked towards the main entrance.

Once he stood in front of the giant metallic door, he grabbed a device from his quills and putted it on the scanner. He pressed a few buttons on the device, then turned around with his arms crossed and waited. After a few seconds, he heard the system of the door failing, causing the door to open suddenly. He took the device out of the scanner, and boosted out running inside the basement.

Once inside of the building, he ran so fast that he created a barrier in front of him that destroyed the machines that were trying to stop him. After running trough the place for a while, he reached a big room with a computer, and many capsules with copies of Metal Sonic body.

"This is Agent Rouge from G.U.N. to Shadow the Hedgehog" a voice spoke from his communicator. "Shadow, do you copy me?" the voice asked.

"This is Shadow the Hedgehog to Agent Rouge from G.U.N. I copy" Shadow replied, walking towards the computer.

"Did you manage to enter the basement?" Rouge asked.

"I did, I even had a very warming welcome from the doctor's machines" Shadow replied. "But just like I expected, this place is empty as well. No sign of Dr. Eggman here" he added.

"This is the 17th basement with no clue of him. Wherever he is, it's not a place we know about, that's for sure" Rouge said with frustration.

"I said there's no sign of him, I never said there's no clue" Shadow pointed out, turning on Eggman's computer.

"What do you mean?" Rouge asked confused.

Shadow started no navigate trough the computer files, and he found something that caught his attention. "Project Equestria" he whispered, as he opened the file and started to read some of Eggman's notes. "Dimensional travel? What's the doctor planning on doing exactly?" Shadow asked out loud.

"Shadow, you do know I'm still here, right?" Rouge asked, since Shadow apparently forgot he was talking with her.

"I'm gonna send you this so you can check it yourself" Shadow replied, as he started to quickly write a mail and send to Rouge the same file he was looking at. "The doctor was searching for a way to travel trough dimensions" he pointed out.

"It seems that he was looking for some kind of magical power source for a big machine of his" Rouge added, as he read the article Shadow sent to her. "Why am I not surprised?" she said sarcastically.

"He was looking for a place named... Equestria" Shadow added. "A place full of magic and... talking horses?" he said with a little confusion.

"After traveling to the future multiple times and visit a parallel dimension just for the Olympics, a magical world with talking ponies doesn't sound weird at all" Rouge pointed out.

Shadow suddenly stopped talking when, among the notes, there where several videos of this place. However, the one that genuinely caught his attention was a video that showed Sonic on the thumbnail, something he hasn't seen in a long time. He decided to play the video, and then his jaw dropped once he saw the full thing: it was a montage on everything Sonic has done on Equestria, as well as show Sonic training a little with his new electrical powers.

Shadow had no words to describe what he was feeling. And even if he had, he was so stunned to the recording that he could not talk at all.

"Shadow?" Rouge called from the communicator. "Shadow, what's wrong? Are you there?" she asked, but still got no response.

Shadow slowly came back to reality, he shook his head and he answered. "Rouge... I now where's Sonic... and it seems the doctor it's with him as well. Perhaps Tails and Knuckles ended up there too" he replied, then turned the communicator off. "I may not be a friend of yours, Hedgehog, but I'm gonna bring you back, even if it's the last thing I would do" he stated, then teleported out of the basement.

Author's Note:

Welcome to Sonic x Make Your Mark, everyone!

As I announced before, the special would be just one big chapter, so I hope you got lots of free time, because this is gonna be a long reading.