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Chapter 15) Preparing for War

Over the skies of the African continent, the Quinjet carrying Applejack's group was approaching its destination.

"Descend to 2600" she told Applebloom, who she was at the controls, "Heading 0-3-0".

"I hope you're right about this..." Appleblom said nervously "Or we're going to land a lot quicker than we should".

However, the Quinjet manages to pass through Wakanda's force field safely, reaching its destination.

On the airstrip in front of the royal palace, the Wakanda Royal Guard had gathered to welcome their guests, while Daring Do and Gallant True waited for the Avengers to arrive.

It was not the first time that they visited their lands, but it was always a momentous occasion to see them.

“When you said we were going to open up Wakanda to the rest of the world…” Gallant True whispered “I didn't imagine this at all”.

"And what did you imagine?" Daring Do asked, with a smile on his face.

"The Olympics" Gallant True smiled "Maybe even a Starbucks..."

At that moment, the Quinjet finally landed and activated its landing board.

Applejack and Rarity led the way, followed by Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer, while Vision and Gloriosa Daisy brought up the rear.

“Do we have to bow down?” Fluttershy whispered to Starlight as they approached, since she was unfamiliar with Wakandan customs.

"Yes, she is a queen" Starlight replied with all seriousness.

Applejack reached over and offered a hand to Daring Do, who grabbed it as well.

“I'm always thanking you for something” she drawled.

Daring Do bowed his head politely, acknowledging her thanks, and without a word from her dismissed her. What need had such things among friends?

Fluttershy bowed politely, lowering her head.

"But what are you doing?" Starlight asked in disbelief.

"Uh, we don't do that here..." Daring Do replied, easily as embarrassed as Fluttershy.

However, she was not entirely in the mood for humor and kept up with it.

"What kind of assault should we expect?" she asked.

Fluttershy quickly stepped forward to recount her experiences.

“Uh, Your Majesty, I think you should expect… a VERY big assault” she emphasized.

"Reinforcements?" Rarity asked.

“You will have my Royal Guard, the Frontier Tribe and…” Daring Do replied.

She had saved the best for last, evidently, when a certain girl appeared, with a metal left arm, obviously forged from vibranium.

Countess "Rara" Coloratura, also known as the Winter Soldier.

"A semi-stable 100-year-old woman" she replied.

She and Applejack shared a much needed hug.

"How are you, Rara?" she asked.

"Uh, not bad... for the end of the world".

On the mountain near the city, in the part closest to the vibranium mine from which the Wakandans derived most of their technological power, was the laboratory of Quibble Pants, Daring Do's younger brother.

He ushered the Avengers in as quickly as possible, eager to get started, and asked Vision to lay down on her table while he scanned him, highlighting the area where the Mind Stone was.

The readings surprised him, widening his eyes in amazement.

“Wow…” he breathed “The structure is polymorphic”.

"Yes, we had to link each neuron in a… not sequential way" Fluttershy remembered, nodding.

"And why didn't they reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Quibble asked, following her without missing a beat.

Fluttershy blinked. The prince was just like Twilight.

She made a mental note to make sure they became friends…and then not get stuck in a room with them when they talked about science.

“Because, uh… we didn't think of it” she said sheepishly.

"They did what they could" Quibble said, patting Fluttershy on her shoulder, no malice or sarcasm in her words.

Gloriosa cut in politely with a throat clearing.

“Can you do it?”

"Yes, but there are over two trillion neurons here... A mismatch would cause a chain of circuit failures..." Quibble nodded, before looking at Daring Do "It'll take time, sister".

"How much time?" Applejack asked, always pragmatic.

"As much as you guys can give me" Quibble answered, starting to work.

At that moment, an alarm sounded, and Gallant True activated a holographic map of Earth with her bracelet… showing energy readings heading toward Wakanda.

"Something has entered the atmosphere".

Outside at the entrance of the royal palace, Applebloom, Rara, and Starlight stood ready as they look up at the sky.

This last one she was wearing her upgraded War Machine armor, and she saw something that caught her attention.

(Imagine the suit for a woman)

An alien ship falling like a meteorite.

“Uh… AJ…?” Applebloom said, activating the comlink in his ear "We have a problem..."

Fortunately, whatever that ship was, it crashed into the city's force field, shattering into pieces that fell in all directions except downward, leaving the city and its inhabitants safe... for now.

“Wow, I LOVE this place...” Rara smiled.

"Well, don't both of you start celebrating..." War Machine said "More are coming from outside the dome!"

Pointing her hand at him, War Machine directed his attention to other similar, armored ships that landed outside the energy barrier and sank to the ground… ready to drop enemy troops at any moment.

Everyone in the lab of Quibble Pants could see the situation from the window.

"It's too late... We have to destroy the Stone now..." Vision said, getting down from the operating table.

"Vision, lie back down" Rarity instructed.

"We'll keep them at bay" Daring Do said.

"Gloriosa, as soon as that Stone is no longer in her head…" Applejack ordered "Send her to hell".

"I will" Gloriosa agreed, as the other Avengers began to prepare for battle.

“Evacuate the city!” Daring Do ordened to his subjects, quickly taking charge "Activate all defenses!"

Then, she paused and pointed at Applejack.

“And bring this woman a shield!”.

Hearing the word shield, Applejack couldn't help but smile.

Author's Note:

Back on Earth, Applejack's group arrives in Wakanda to try and remove the Mind Stone from Vision's head.

However, the situation becomes even more complicated when Grogar's army arrives, with the aim of obtaining the Stone... at all costs.

The war has begun...