• Published 18th Oct 2022
  • 1,217 Views, 17 Comments

The True Master of Games? - Sindenovah

An certain iconic sentient giant white glove appears in Equestria, badly wounded. What will he do in this new world with access to the infinite amount of multiverses at his fingertips? And why does he like coffee? Or the calmness of a pale light.

  • ...

The Master of Questions?

Twilight Sparkle could be described in many words. Sweet, fanatical, loving, obsessive, hard-working, attentive, caring, intelligent, focused, and many more. Right now however? Their is only one word that could describe the purple unicorn now.


Not annoyed, not malcontent, not angry, not sad, not frustrated.

Just irritated.

"My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. Also, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!" Spike finished reading the princess's letter as said Twilight Sparkle let out a groan of irritation.

"Look on the bright side, Twilight. The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?" Spike asked, hoping to cheer his unicorn caretaker up at least a little bit. Luckily, he succeeded.

"Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I'm right! I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return." Twilight said confidently.

"Then... when will you make friends, like the Princess said?" Spike asked hopefully.

"She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making-," She said, before freezing in place, her eyes open in a frightened but blank stare. Spike started to get very worried very quickly, as well as the two pegasus royal guards who just finished landing the chariot.

"Twilight, are you ok?" Spike asked in rapidly growing fear, shaking the purple mare's shoulder in concern.

"Miss Twilight?" One of the guards asked, turning around in alarm. Luckily, they did not have to wait long for a response from the still frozen unicorn. Suddenly, Twilight collapsed forward in the carriage, barely catching herself with her fore-hooves as she breathed in and out deeply.

"Twilight! Are you ok? What happened?" Spike asked panicked, gently holding Twilight's side in his claws to help her settle herself. Both of the guards disconnected from the chariot and hurried over to check over Twilight as well.

"Are you alright Miss Twilight?" One of them asked as they both helped her out of the carriage.

"I don't know. I just froze up for a second. I'm feeling better now though. I guess I just scared myself at the thought of Equestria's fate actually relying on me making friends," She said with a laugh while rubbing her ear, getting an eye roll out of Spike, and a chuckle out of the guards.

"Of course. We'll, at least your ok. You scared the heck out of me!" Spike responded with a half-hearted glare. Twilight laughed sheepishly before responding.

"Sorry Spike, i'll make sure that doesn't happen again. Now let's get a move on and get those preparations checked. I want to finish as soon as possible." She said with certainty, getting a hardy nod from Spike in response.

"We'll then, if you are all well, we shall return to Canterlot." One of the guards spoke, returning to his previous position at the front of the chariot.

"Good luck on your venture Miss Twilight, Sir Spike," The other guard spoke as he followed his comrade. Twilight and Spike thanked both guards as they walked past them on their way into Ponyville.

"Thank you both for your help," Twilight thanked them with a smile, which they returned happily.

"Have a safe trip back!" Spike waved to them happily, which they returned with a happy nod before taking flight back towards Canterlot.

Applejack did not need to be here to tell Twilight was lying. Spike didn't notice, but the guards did. They simply did not question her on it due to her showing an obvious sense of stubborness, and both correctly assumed they would not have gotten much out of the purple unicorn even if they had tried. Instead, they decided to instead inform the Princess about the incident. Spike and Twilight continued on, with Spike pointing towards a friendly looking pink pony approaching them. What no creature present knew, was what actually caused Twilight's short freeze.

Twilight herself was silently contemplating the brief but memorable, what had to be some kind of vision, that she had experienced as she massaged her ear again. Any actual visual imagery she saw was for a few split seconds, but it was enough. Such carnage was rare for any living pony to even think about, let alone actually see.

What was even worse, was that the carnage wasn't what she would remember, or more specifically be scarred by, the most out of that experience. The bodies and what had to be blood all over the scenery would certainly not be the first thing she would remember whenever she would draw upon the memory of the events of about 20 seconds ago. No, that title wen't to something she didn't even actually see. Something that felt like it was trying to destroy her hearing from the inside out. The first thing she heard, and what caused her to freeze.

She would never be able to forget that horrible sound.

Pinkie Pie was known for being a very friendly and excitable pony. Today however, she was ecstatic. A new friend had just arrived in town, and she needed to plan their Welcome to Ponyville Party! She was on her way to Sugarcube Corner to get started, when she suddenly froze. The hyperactive pink pony all of a sudden froze in her tracks, staring blankly forward with widened eyes. This lasted approximately five seconds before she fell forwards, bounced off the ground like a ball, and bounced on her hooves a few more times to regain her balance as she then massaged her ear. Despite the comical recovery, her mood had dropped. Not much, due to her optimistic nature, but it still had dropped.

"Wow! That was random! And kind of scary. Wonder why were all being jumpscared by-"

Pinkie suddenly froze and started vibrating, the vibrations traveling from bottom to top before she gave a short spaz and stood back up straight.

"Oh. ok! You did technically ask nicely instead of yelling at me. Sure! I'll keep quiet about it." Pinkie said looking upwards, slightly confusing the townsponies since they had seen her act random ever since they started living in Ponyville. Pinkie was still nervous however, shown by her mane becoming slightly less poofy.

She felt another strong vibration, just much quicker this time.

"Oh! Ok!" She said happily, literally springing upwards as her mane regained what little amount of poof it had lost. She did have one last thing to say however.

"I feel kind of bad though, if I ever tried to scream that loud, i'd ruin my throat."

Que a very quick but immensely strong vibration.

"Sorry! Won't do it again!"

Anyone who has been in Ponyville for more than a day has heard of the Apple family. And anyone who has heard of the Apple family has heard of Applejack, as well as her strength of character as well as literal strength. Said orange earth pony was finishing up her chores. Many would call her crazy for actually liking chores, but she couldn't help it. Simply getting hard work done every day made her feel fulfilled, and she wouldn't want it any other way. Applejack had just finished preparing most of the food for the Summer Sun Celebration banquet earlier. She was just about to buck another tree, before her line of sight abruptly and immensely changed.

"Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres." Spike finished as he and Twilight arrived to said Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight was greatly annoyed at first, before becoming concerned once she saw the orange pony with a straw hat simply standing by a tree with buckets full of apples around it. What was even more alarming to Spike specifically, was that her eyes were widened in a panicked state to a unnervingly familiar degree. Both her and Spike quickly ran over just as the mare shook herself out of her stunned state, now rubbing her ear with a hoof.

"Are you alright miss?" Spike asked as Twilight gently put a supporting hoof on the mare's shoulder.

"Oh don't you worry, i'm alright. Just spaced out for a bit. Does feel like a manticore and a dragon had a roaring contest in my head though." She said, still rubbing her ear.

That silently alarmed the purple duo of dragon and pony.

Throughout the day, Twilight and Spike noticed a disturbingly similar occurrence with a few (Spike: interesting, Twilight: annoying) ponies throughout the day. A rainbow headed pegasus, a grandiose unicorn, and a shy animal loving pegasus. Each time they either encountered or approached them, they would have their eyes widened for a few seconds before rubbing their ears in pain. Just like she herself did earlier. Neither of them voiced these concerns to each other, due to the celebration being so imminent, and Twilight's worries about Nightmare Moon. That didn't mean it didn't leave their thoughts completely, same as every other pony affected.

Celestia was supposed to be preparing for her arrival to the celebration, but was instead preparing for her sister. She wasn't stupid. If their was anyone who Nightmare Moon would target the second upon freeing herself, it would be the one who barely beat her with the use of a now unavailable resource. She wanted to go and check on Twilight after the report her guards gave her, but due to everypony being so busy, she wasn't able to hear what they had to say until later in the day. If she wen't to check on Twilight now, she'd only be a magnet for more trouble, knowing herself well enough to admit she would not be able to leave her students side, especially in light of the coming threat.

As she was trotting back towards her room, she noticed something peculiar. A certain statue was in it's usual place in Canterlot castle. Normally, the being that WAS the statue would be laughing at the little bits of his own brand of humor he was able to create with the limited influence he had. Celestia never questioned why she could tell what the scheming draconequus was feeling, she just always assumed it was his doing. Now though, he was silent.

He was never silent.

Not even for a few minutes, let alone several days.

What Celestia didn't notice, was that their was something that neither her nor anyone else in their section of the multiverse could sense. But Discord could. Being the god of chaos, Discord knew he was very sensitive and self-aware to quite literally anything going on in Equestria. From a rabbit stealing a carrot from a irate pony's farm, to a Parasprite devouring half a mile of forest. This also let Discord know when he was the ONLY one who could sense something. Specifically, something approaching. This particular something was why Discord was currently mentally static for several days long after his own little incident.

Normally, this wouldn't be a bother. Discord was well aware his senses could stretch out to far beyond what he privately called the MLP Multiverse for sake of a rare moment of simplicity. All of those other handsome devils in this one, as well as other MLP Multiverses, could do the same, so they were all used to seeing massive swells of energy just pop up out of nowhere. But even among all of those random and/or edgy individuals popping up throughout the multiverse, their was something particularly foreboding about this one. Specifically, how pure the energy felt. How raw it felt. Plus, those energies would usually appear in a single universe.

Not outside of the multiverse itself.

It also would not have forced it's way in.

And be moving towards a single one.

While already feeling like it had been here already.

Honestly, Discord's increasing worry makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Why would a being, representing chaos personified into an energy called magic, want to sense what would have to be by far the largest energy signature he had ever felt in his existence, break into the multiverse he inhabits, and feel like the exact opposite of his own energy?

It's rather fair for anything calling itself the Lord of Chaos to be unnerved at a massive signature nearly identical to that of Order energy be traveling anywhere near the direction of their universe.

Twilight Sparkle was, like most ponies of Equestria, very easy to startle. She watched with growing concern as the image of the mare on the surface of the moon disappeared. The pit in her stomach grew larger and larger as Mayor Mare finished up her introduction for the princess while Fluttershy prepared her birds.

"-the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day. The good. The Wise. The bringer of harmony to all of Equestria! Princess Celestia!" the mayor finished, gesturing to the top balcony, which was Rarity's que to open the curtains as grandiose horns trumpeted to further support the princesses entrance. If only their was a princess with an entrance to support.

"This can't be good," Twilight spoke in worry, as their was no sign of the aforementioned Sun Princess. The rest of the ponies present quickly started panicking.

"Remain calm everypony, their must be a reasonable explanation." Mayor Mare stated, desperately trying to calm down the populace.

"Oh! Oh! I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" Pinkie Pie excitedly asked, looking to the floor and below herself to see if the Princess was hiding below. Rarity took it upon herself to observe the stage and see if she could find even a hair of Princess Celestia. To no avail.

"She's gone." Rarity announced in shock, causing everpony else present to gasp in fear and alarm.

"Oh, she's goo-" Pinkie started off in awe, before her eyes widened in fear and her pupils shrunk to pinpricks, and her body had a very violent shudder. Twilight turned to Pinkie in confusion, having never seen anything even close to a reaction as strange as this from the pony during the short time she's known her, and that's saying something despite that short time. Before she could question her on it however, a purple mist starting appearing on the balcony Princess Celestia was supposed to be at. The mist swirled higher and higher before bursting apart, revealing a jet black alicorn with a cutie mark of a cresent moon on a purple, twilight sky, draconic cyan eyes, pearly white fangs, light blue armor adorning her hooves, chest, and head, and a mane resembling an ethereal night sky, filled with stars that flowed on its own.

"Nightmare Moon!" Twilight shouted in fright as Spike fainted in fright, falling off of her back in the process. Said night goddess surveyed the ponies before her in satisfactory recognition.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces." She finished with a harsher tone.

"What did you do with our-" Rainbow Dash started before she felt her a brick dropped into her gut. All of her senses were suddenly screaming at her to run. Not where, not how, just run. To make it worse, if she was reading herself correctly, it wasn't even because of Nightmare Moon. Applejack noticed her friend almost collapse to the floor, shaking and sweating more than anypony she had ever seen except for Fluttershy.

"Whoa their Dash, are you ok? What's wrong?" She asked while helping the cyan pegasus right herself, though it did little to stop the shaking. Everypony else, including Nightmare Moon, took notice of Rainbow Dash's current state of panic as well. Twilight also started to feel a pit continuously drop in her stomach once she started sensing a faint magical signature, growing larger by the second.

"Is their something wrong with her? Surely mine appearance is not that fearsome?" Nightmare Moon questioned, having heard the beginning of Rainbow Dash's unfinished statement earlier. Going by that, the pegasus was not scared of her nearly enough to warrant such an unprecedented response. Nightmare Moon abandoned these questions when she too noticed the growing magical signature, only unlike Twilight, she recognized where, or more alarmingly, what, it was familiar too. Nightmare Moon's eyes slowly widen in fright before turning towards Twilight, seeing that the purple unicorn was also showing signs of growing alarm. Twilight turned to Nightmare Moon as well, and both had a silent connection as they came to the same conclusion. Something was about to arrive. Something big.

Very quickly, every pony present, be it Unicorn, Pegasus, or even Earth Pony, all started feeling a growing presence. The presence itself did not feel malicious, simply the incalculable size of it was what was putting every creature, including the now very awake Spike, on edge. The only thing to distract them all from their growing fear and unease, despite how counterproductive it would come to be, was from Pinkamena Diane Pie. The pink pony finally stopped shuddering, which everypony and dragon present were shocked to see they forgot she was even doing that, as well as the fact that they were even more unnerved that she stopped. Pinkie slowly caught her breath before speaking to no one in particular, in a very nervous voice.

"That was oooooonnnnneeeee big doozy," Pinkie said nervously, before every pony in the room froze in utter terror at a sudden sound that decided to force it's way through the physical barriers of the body, and ingrain itself into their very subconscious. Only 6 creatures present recognized the familiarity of this sound and felt it's force significantly more than everypony else.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike Solaris, Rarity Belle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and even Nightmare Moon, all covered their ears to try and desperately block out the overwhelming sound, Nightmare Moon especially dreading being forced to perform such an action once again, but taking no hesitation to do so.

Unbeknowst to everypony and dragon in the town hall, they were not even close to the only beings to hear this familiar wail. The horrendous shriek stretched throughout all of Equestria, bringing several other ponies, thestrals, changelings, manticores, a dragon, a single zebra, and a multitude of other creatures either to their knees, or desperately trying to block out the brief but scarring cry. Said cry still wen't even farther, eventually reaching across all of Equus. Scarring the minds of any creature with it's existence, despite it's unnoticeable briefness. It even reached a certain Princess currently trapped on the moon, filling the poor captive with immense dread for the safety for her student and sibling. Especially her sibling. The owner of that horrid shriek clearly did not take kindly to heavily one sided dark or light beings if what she sensed was even close to accurate. Due to that knowledge, her sister's current state would be the equivalent to a target on her flank. She could only hope the creature would be able to calm itself down, and that her corrupted sister did not do anything stupid to incite the glove's wrath.

Only the select few who have heard the scream in their brief visions would have noticed two facts that made the wail even more terrifying.

1. The vision had somehow censored it. It was far, far worse in the waking world.

2. This scream had a second part to it, and this part sounded much closer to something comprehensible, but the senses of anything that heard it were screaming at them if it was, they did not want to hear it.

Still, the eldritch scarring wail continued to expand it's reach, to deep below the surface of the planet, forcing it's way through the barriers separating otherworldly layers of Equus, and even far beyond the borders of the very universe it started it's journey in.

And any being that could be labeled as a being.

For only a few seconds.

Which was more than long enough for what could barely be called a sound to cement itself into their innermost memories.

Heard. This.





Author's Note:

It took so much editing to get the eldritch screams to look nice. I hope I did a good job with this one! As usual, comment any advice or questions you have for me! Also, please tell me if I did a good job on building up suspense. I definitely think I could have done it so much better, so please give me any advice on that.

Comments ( 9 )

for my next trick I will yell

Hope to see more it's pretty interesting

Fair enough. I can admit I did overdo it with the screaming.

Comment posted by DingoAte deleted Sep 6th, 2023

I don’t wish to be rude, but can I get a status update on this story?

I’m actually working on the next chapter this week. Should be out fairly soon.

Princess Celestia gazed out over the peaceful kingdom of Equestria, her thoughts heavy with the revelation she had just shared with her trusted advisors. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow across the land. Her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, looked up at her with a mix of curiosity and concern. After you have done all of this I suggest you relax in the evening and go play something, I recently found information on Jackpot City Casino Canada https://casinosanalyzer.ca/online-casinos/jackpotcitycasino.com I think it's worth checking this project out) "Princess Celestia," Twilight began, her voice gentle, "I've never heard you speak of this Master Hand before. Who is he, and what does it mean that you share so many names with him?"
Celestia sighed and turned to face Twilight. "Master Hand," she began, "is a being of great power and mystery. He is the creator of a universe known as Smash, a place where various worlds and characters collide in intense battles. In that realm, he is known by many names, some of which I have shared with you."

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