• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

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Chapter 5 Ep 6: Nightmare on Mane Street

Chapter 5 Ep 6: Nightmare on Mane Street

Maretime Bay was covered in spooky decorations, meaning that it was Nightmare Night again while Hitch spoke through the speaker. “Nightmare Night is officially upon us… today!” Hitch announced at his station through the microphone in a spooky tone to the crowd.

“Huh?” The crowd look at Hitch in confusion when he said that.

Hitch notice their looks as he gave a sheepish look. “I mean… tonight!” He corrected in a spooky tone again.

“Yeah!” Sparky cheered as he clapped to Hitch as the sheriff went up to the board with a card as he cleared his throat and look at the crowd.

“It’s the spookiest night of the year and I’ve made sure tonight’s is going to be our most exciting celebration, yet!” Hitch announced, which made the crowd looked confuse again as he gestured to the board. “Pipp helped me with this ‘inspo’ board and we got something for everypony. Trick-or-treating! Costume contests! Trick-or-treating while participating in a custom contest!” He called out before he realizes what he said as he look at his card. “Wait, that was a typo. Where was I?” He asked himself as he look at the board and saw the Community Garden.

“Oh yes… Pumpkin patches! And my favorite…” Hitch said as he grab a golden pumpkin card as he turned to the crowd with a smile. “Our annual game to find the ‘golden pumpkin’! Heh?” He announced to the crowd with a smile.

The crowd just stood there in silence as they blink at Hitch as he gave a panic look. “Come on, Hitch. You’re losing them.” He said to himself before he turned back to the crowd with a smile. “Did I mention the winner will win a big mystery prize?” He asked them.

That got the crowd attention as they got interested. “Okay! Yes! Now this is what I’m talking about!” Sweets said in excitement.

Sparky babbled in excitement from what Hitch said as Jazz and Rocky are behind the crowd when they heard Hitch.

“Big prize?! I want that.” Rocky said in excitement as he and Jazz look at each other.

“So what do you think it is? A treasure trove of treats?” Jazz asked her friend with an exciting smile.

“A gourd dipped in gold?” Rocky asked next.

Jazz gave Rocky an amusing smile. “Rocky, that’s basically what the ‘golden pumpkin’ already is.” She stated as the two put their hooves to their chins in thought before they spoke together.

“A treasure trove of treats dipped in gold!” They both said in unison with a wide smile.

Rocky then gave Jazz a challenging smirk. “Bet you I can find it first.” He boasted.

Jazz gave a challenging smirk in respond. “Not if I’m the first one racing!” She teased as she trotted off.

“Hey, wait! No fair!” Rocky called out as he flew after Jazz.

Hitch then spoke to the crowd again. “Alright, everypony! Have fun, stay safe, and make sure you check out every single event I’ve prepared!” He instructed with a wave of his hoof.

“Why?” Toots asked from within the crowd. “Is there a prize for that, too?” He asked in wondered as the crowd were wondering the same thing.

“Yes! The prize of a good time!” Hitch answered with a wink as Toots just stood quiet as Hitch gave a bored expression from that. “Okay, fine, town meeting adjourned.” He said as crowd then walk off.

Hitch then heard Sparky coming towards him as Sparky babbled and place a golden pumpkin as he gave Hitch a smile before Hitch kneeled and got a panicked look.

“Oh no, Sparky! I forgot to hide the golden pumpkin!” Hitch said in panic as he held up the golden pumpkin.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 are at Maretime Bay’s Together Tree as they are putting some pumpkins in place while Sparky hopped off Hitch and went into the pumpkin patch as Pipp flew down to the clothes.

“So, what’s everypony’s Nightmare Night costume? I’ll start!” Pipp sait them in excitement before they could even speak. “I’m dressing up as a scary witch, not a cute witch! Mom would never let us go full spooky at home, so I’m makin’ up for it!” She declared as Hitch is in the pumpkin patch while trying to hide the golden pumpkin with out his friends seeing.

Zipp then land next to her sister. “And I’m gonna be a Vampony! The awesome kind.” She with a smirk.

“Wah!” Hitch yelped in started when he hide again.

“And I’m gonna be a magician!” Misty said with a smile as she brought out a magician hat. “Just a regular magician.” She added as she held up her bunnicorn plushie and held it.

“Aww!” The rest of the mares said to Misty, finding that adorable.

“That’s cute and great, Misty.” Sunset said as she gave a smile. “And I’m gonna be Twilight Sparkle. I was my old mentor last Nightmare Night, so now I’m going as my best friend.” She said as she levitated out a mane wig version of Twilight’s mane.

“Huh, I thought Sunny was gonna be Twilight since, well you know.” Zipp said with an amusing smirk.

“Oh, I was, but me and Sunset draw straws to see who gets to be it, but I got the shortest.” Sunny said with a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, Sunny. Majority rules. Maybe next year.” Sunset said with an assuring smile.

“Sure thing!” Sunny said cheerfully as Hitch is having trouble fiding a hiding place for the golden pumpkin.

“Good gourds!” Izzy called out loudly.

“Ah!” Hitch yelped before Izzy continued.

“That’s what I’m dressing up as.” Izzy said cheerfully as she pulled out a vine necklace with different colored gourds. “My favorite gourds! Because they’re all to precious to just pick one.” She said with a smile as she and the others turned to Hitch. “And Hitch, stop sneaking around and tell us what you’re gonna be!” She said with a smile.

“Yeah, Sheriff. What’s your costume?” Sunny said with an interest smile, while the mares are wondering the same thing.

Hitch gave a smile. “I’m gonna be a pirate with my trusty parrot, Sparky!” He announced while gesturing to the pile of gourds.

Sparky appeared from behind the gourds while wearing a parrot costume. “Heyo!” He cheered as he hopped in front of the girls while babbling cheerfully to them as the mares gushed at Sparky’s cuteness.

“You’re the cutest parrot I’ve ever seen!” Sunny gushed.

“You’re adorable!” Sunset cooed.

“Whoa’s a parrot, you’re a parrot!” Pipp cooed to Sparky. “Yeah, you are!”

“So cute!” Izzy cooed.

While the mares are distracted by Sparky’s cuteness, Hitch tossed the golden pumpkin into the gourd. “Phew!” He said in relief as Sparky came to him and hopped on his back.

Sparky turned back and saw the golden pumpkin glowing in purple magic before it disappeared, which made shock by that as he babbled to Hitch, trying to tell him what he saw but they couldn’t understand him.

“You’re really nailing this whole ‘parrot thing’! Great job, buddy!” Hitch complimented to Sparky as he and the mares smiled at him.

What the Mane 7 didn’t notice that each of the gourds were disappearing one by one, which Sparky tried to explain again but was lost in translation as Hitch gave a laugh while the others smiled.

And then a phone started beeping as they turned to Sunny as she look at her phone as she gasped. “We’re running out of time to get ready!” She called out.

Pipp gave a smile. “Let’s go get spooky! Woo!” She cheered excitedly as they walked off while Sunset was behind them as she stopped for a bit when she felt something.

“Huh, that’s strange?” Sunset muttered to herself as she turned back to the tree for a bit before she shrug. “Heh, maybe it was nothing.” She said as she walked up to catch up to the others.

The stallions who was waggoning a pumpkin came up to the tree as he notice the lack of pumpkins on the Together Tree. “Hey… Where’d my pumpkins go?” He asked himself in confusion as he search around the tree.

Just then the last purple pumpkin glowed as it disappeared as well.

At the Community Garden, ponies are either taking selfies, harvesting pumpkins or Earth Ponies growing them as Posey grew one while Pipp is flying around and went to her friends from the balcony of the garden.

“So, what’s everypony’s favorite Nightmare Night traditions?” Pipp asked her friends with a smile.

“Hmm…” Izzy hummed.

“I’ll start.” Pipp said with a smile before Izzy could speak.

“Easy, Pipp. Next time, how about letting us speak before you?” Sunset said with a firm brow.

Pipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Sorry. But anyway, Mom always said, ‘Princesses are sophisticated, not spooky!’, but I’ve been flexing my ‘scary side’ ever since I got here.” She said as she took out a pumpkin to show a craving of a ghost in it.

Izzy then screamed when she saw the ghost as she toss her pumpkin away as she fell on her back. “Urgh!” She groaned as they all started laughing from that as Izzy joined the laughter. “Wow, you really got me there!” She said to Pipp cheerfully.

“That’s the ‘fear-fun factor’.” Pipp said with a smile. “When you scram the loudest, then laugh the hardest. It’s my favorite!” She explain with her hooves to her cheeks.

“Not surprising with you loving anything spooky.” Sunset commented with amusement.

“True. I do love anything spooky.” Pipp said cheerfully.

“Wait, so you ponies like being scared?” Misty asked in confusion.

“Uh, duh!” Pipp said before she got nudge to the side by Sunset. “Ow, what?” She asked in surprise.

“Pipp, Misty is still new to this. She’s been living with Opaline for so long that she doesn’t know the traditions of holidays or celebrations yet.” Sunset said to her firmly, since Misty was isolated and raised by Opaline, she doesn’t know the traditions yet.

“Oh, right. Sorry, Misty.” Pipp apologize as she then twirled around and grab a decorative map. “It’s what this holiday’s all about. And why I’m planning the super-detailed haunted of my dreams!” She exclaimed before she realizes what she said. “I mean, nightmares!” She corrected as she flew up.

Pipp then flew right in front of the Brighthouse. “I’m turning the Crystal Brighthouse into… the Crystal Fright-house!” She said in a spooky tone as she landed back to her friends.

“Crystal Fright-house? Catchy.” Sunset commented.

“Yeah. Nicely done.” Zipp said to her sister in agreement with a smirk.

“Thank you, I was working on that rhyme all week.” Pipp said to them with a smile.

“I love this idea, Pipp!” Izzy cheerfully said. “What can we do to help?” She asked before she gave a gasp. “Should I peel a bowl full of grapes and say they’re eyeballs?!” She asked excitedly.

“What else goes into a ‘Frighthouse’?” Misty asked in wonder.

“It’s basically anything your spooky heart desires!” Pipp answered with a smile. “And then, you make it your own.”

“It’s sorta anything that scares you or so like monsters to scare the jeepers out of you, really.” Sunset added as she gave a smirk. “I was a Vampire back in my world too years ago, by the way.”

“Really? Cool.” Zipp said with a smile. “Didn’t know you were a vampire too.” She added.

“Eh, it was years ago. So not much for it to be said.” Sunset said with a shrug. “But still, the creepy things you can think off, you put into the Frighthouse.” She explained.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Izzy nodded cheerfully while picking up some lights. “I always love to put up the weirdest, wildest lights display on the whole block!” She exclaimed.

“I have to build my super-complex Nightmare maze!” Zipp spoke next with an exciting smile.

“And I must cook up a traditional spread of Nightmare Night food specialties!” Sunny cheered as she lifted up her father’s book.

“Yes! Yes! A million times yes!” Pipp said in excitement. “What about you, Sunset? What’s you’re Nightmare Night idea?” She asked the Alicorn.

“Actually, I’m gonna just enjoy it.” Sunset said with a smile. “I’m not much of a planner like Pinkie but I could enjoy the festivities.” She said with a smile.

“Well, anything’s good as long as you have fun.” Pipp said with a smile.

Misty gave a gasp before she laughed a bit with a smile.

At Mane Melody, Rocky and Jazz are going through a box full of costumes as Jazz looked at her reflection.

“As an Earth Pony, I have the clear edge to win.” Jazz said with a prideful smirk while checking out a bow, then glasses and then a crown to see which fits her more. “I’ve been playing this game since I was a filly!” She added.

Rocky then snatch the crown as he gave Jazz a smirk. “And as a newcomer, I have the clear edge.” He boasted as he bump Jazz away to look at his reflection while putting on a headband. “I can look at all the places you wouldn’t think twice to!” He added before some costumes were being toss at him.

Rocky turned as he saw Jazz throwing some costumes pieces at him. “Yes, but I’ll look thrice to the locations you think twice to look--” She said before she was cut off.

“See you at the finish!” Rocky called as Jazz saw that he was wearing a vest with a headband and glasses on. “When you congratulating me on my prize!” He boasted as he flew off.

“Hey, no fair!” Jazz called out as Rocky flew out the door as she look around and pick up a mask from the floor as she race off after him.

Outside in the streets of Maretime Bay, the Pippsqueaks are laughing under the bridge as the stallion from earlier saw that more pumpkins are missing. “Huh?” He asked in confusion.

Beside the tree, a few ponies are searching around while Posey and Sweets are searching for the pumpkin. “I’m going to find me that golden pumpkin!” Sweets said as she pick up an apple to search the barrel.

“Not if I do first!” Posey said with a challenging smile as they rushed off as Posey saw a basket of leaves before she playfully toss some at Sweets. “Woo!” She playfully said as she trotted around.

Sweetslaughed from Posey’s tricks as the two then throw leaves around.

In Opaline’s Castle, Opaline is looking through the cauldron as she saw Posey and the mare playing as she gave a maniacal laugh.

“Ah, enjoy your leaves now, you sill ponies, because…” Opaline said sinisterly before she gave a confuse look as she saw Posey and the mare kept throwing leaves at each other. “Wait, why are they enjoying leaves? Is this some weird gardening celebration?” She asked herself, not knowing that it is Nightmare Night.

Behind Opaline, a pumpkin appeared out of nowhere as it fell to the floor as Opaline walked backwards and tripped with she screamed as she landed on some pumpkins and saw a dozen of pumpkins in the throne room.

Opaline was not surprise by this as she groaned. “Oh, has Misty been decorating again?” She asked in annoyance as she stood up, but then another pumpkin appeared out of nowhere, which surprise Opaline as move out of the way when they were about to land on her. “Huh… Hmm…” She then got curiosity as she walked up to the stack of pumpkins.

Opaline then saw the golden pumpkin among the pile as she picked it up and inspected it. “Hmm…” She said a again as she look at her cauldron again to see the Together Tree as she saw a pumpkin with a bat symbol on it disappeared and reappeared in her castle as she look at it.

“If their silly pumpkins can go from there to here, then…” Opaline started as she gave an idea and look back at the cauldron screen. “I may have finally discovered a path into Maretime Bay! One that Twilight never accounted for.” She declared with a sinister smile as she gave an evil laughter with her wings spread as thunder crackled from the outside.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the girls were getting ready to set up the Frighthouse as Pipp flew to Sunny in the kitchen with a clipboard.

“Kitchen prepped for Nightmare Night treats? Check!” Pipp cheered as she check off the board as she flew to the main room where Misty and Sunset are setting up the decorations. “Trotway transformed into a maze of shadows? A-maze!” She joked as she check that off next.

Pipp then flew to the basement door. “Basement door turned into…” She started before she she saw the door was stockpiled of all their things as Pipp gave a shrug. “Well, pretty much the same as it was before, but it was pretty spooky then!” She cheered with a smile. “So that is a yes!” She cheered as she check off the board again.

Just then alarms can be heard as Pipp look at the basement door as a ghost flew out of it, which caused Pipp to screamed in startled from that as the ghost flew around and hit the wall as it fell to the floor to reveal Zipp’s drone was underneath it.

Zipp gave a chuckle as her drone fly around her while holding her phone to control it. “Introducing: the Ponydrone from a Tombstone!” She said in a deep spooky voice. “‘Cause it looked like a ghost, get it?” She asked her sister with a smile.

“Love it! Leave it! Make sure the sheet doesn’t reveal it!” Pipp said to her sister, liking the idea.

With Misty, she was on top of a barrel setting up a cobweb while humming to herself before her hoof got stuck in it. “Oh…” She said in surprise with a slight chuckle as she tried to get her hoof free. “Oh, uh…” She grunted as she pulled hard on the cobweb, with she manage to get her hoof free as she fell off the barrel and landed in another cobweb.

Misty looked down and saw that she was stuck again. “Um… a little help?” She called out to her friends with an embarrassing smile.

Sunset came to Misty as she gave a slight chuckle. “Got caught in a spider’s web, huh?” She asked amusingly.

Misty gave a slight chuckle from that. “Yeah, could use some help though.” She said sheepishly.

“Don’t worry, Misty. I got ya.” Sunset said as she grabbed Misty’s midsection as she tugged hard to get her free from the cobwebs.

Outside the Brighthouse, Izzy gave a playfully evil laughter as she gave an exciting look. “This will be the most excellent acorn light show Equestria has ever seen!” She announced as Pipp came to her as Izzy plugged the lights in.

The lights on the Brighthouse lit up very brightly as Pipp and Izzy closed their eyes tight before they squint their eyes at the very bright Brighthouse.

“Mostly because they won’t be able to see anything else after.” Pipp said to Izzy before she gave a smile “But still… great work!” She said to her as she walked off, but she hit a barrel with a pumpkin on it as she cleared her throat and shook her head as she enter the Brighthouse.

In front of the Brighthouse at the community garden, Hitch, who is in his pirate costume with Sparky behind him, is next to a sign.

“Pin the husk on the corn cob! Here it is!” Hitch announced as he got behind the sign. “You’re favorite Nightmare Night activity with… no line!” He yelled out as he saw nopony was around before he turn the sign around. “And here it is! Your costume contest sign-ups! WIth not one, not two, but 12 different sub-categories!” He announced as he toss some flyers around. “All the rules are on this handy dandy informational flyer!”

Sparky babbled as he held up the flyer before Hitch look around and saw nopony wants to join in. “And no line for that activity either? Huh?” He asked in confusion before he saw two Earth Ponies close by as he came to them. “Come on, ponies! You truly haven’t experience Nightmare Night until you’ve experience all of it! Plan your night!” He announced while giving the stallion the flyer as he trotted off.

The mare look at the stallion as she shook her head from that as she and the stallion walked off while the stallion tossed the flyer away.

Back inside the Brighthouse, Misty is freed from the cobwebs thanks to Sunset as they looked at the kitchen, to notice the amounts of food and decoratives around.

“Wow! You did an amazing job transforming the kitchen into a mad scientist’s lab, Sunny!” Misty said in awed as Sunny brought out a tray of snacks from the fridge as she puts it down to the fridge.

“Actually, Misty, this is just how she do.” Sunset said with a shrug.

“Wait, really?” Misty asked in surprise.

“Oh!” Sunny said as she turned to them with a sheepish look. “Uh, yeah, this is just how it normally looks when I cook.” She said with a smile as the bot on the stove started clanking as Sunny turned the stove off.

“Yeah, this is pretty much how Sunny cooks.” Sunset said as she leaned in close to Misty as she whispered with a smirk. “Though to be honest, when she does this, it does look like a mad science lab.” She whispered as the two ponies chuckled.

“I heard that, and so true.” Sunny said with a chuckle as she check the pot.

“You look like you could use some help.” Misty said to Sunny.

“Yeah, Sunny. This seemed a bit much for you.” Sunset said in agreement.

“Oh no, I’m an old pro at this.” Sunny assured them with a smile before the pot the lid from the pot flew off, which landed on Misty’s horn. “Oh! But I guess an extra set of hooves couldn’t hurt.” She said sheepishly as she took the pot off of Misty’s horn.

Misty gave a chuckle as Sunset smiled in amusement. “Glad you notice that, Sunny.” She said as the three walk up to the table. “So, what do you want us to do?” She asked.

“Yeah, what are theNightmare Nights treats, anyways?” Misty asked as she levitated a notebook and a pencil.

“Oh, just a few things.” Sunny said before she took a breath and started speaking very fast. “Apples for bobbing, caramel apples, apple spice smoothies. Oh! Juggling apples, carving apples, apples to draw spooky little faces!” She listed out as as Sunset and Sunny watched on with wide eyes as Sunny took a deep breath again and Misty couldn’t write that down. “Fried apple spice donuts, baked apple cinnamon cobbler, frosted apples spice cakes, apple-flavored water which is just regular water but you add apple pulp to it!” She said as she took a breath again as she talked normally. “So I guess it’s technically a juice?” She guessed.

Sunset and Misty gave as Misty spoke. “Hm-hmm. Wow. That’s… a lot of apples.” Misty said in surprise.

“And I thought Applejack put apples in everything.” Sunset commented in surprise that Sunny used that many apples.

Twilight then appeared from the necklace as she was surprise by that as well. “Wow, Sunny, that’s… impressive.” She said in surprise.

“Yeah, way to use an apple theme.” Sunset added, since even Twilight didn’t caught that like herself and Misty did.

Sunny gave a smile at them as she pick up an apple. “Thanks. These Nightmare Nights treats were my favorite Nightmare tradition from when I was a filly!” She explained as she turned to them. “And I want everything to be exactly as I remembered it for tonight’s Crystal Frighthouse!” She said before she gasped and tossed it away. “Oh! So we gotta get moving!” She called out as a timer dinged.

“Hold on Sunny…” Sunset tried to say as Sunny grab the pot.

“I could…” Misty tried to say as Sunny then started tossing some apples into the table.

“Hey, Sunny, could you just…” Sunset tried to speak but Sunny was going to fast to listen.

“Hey, want us to pass…” Misty tried to speak again.

Sunny was moving back and forth across the table as she is putting some ingredients and a lot of apples as she turned to them. “Thanks for the help, girls. I couldn’t have done this without you two!” She said as she place the apples in the blender.

Misty, Sunset and Twilight looked at each other in confusion as Misty spoke. “Uh… Sure!” Misty said.

Sunset look at Twilight with a chuckle. “Classic Sunny. She’s just like you when you wanted to get things ready quickly.” She said in amusement.

Twilight gave a chuckle from that. “Heheh. I can see that.” She said with a smile.

The blender whirled as some contents spilled out as some got on Sunset’s muzzle while Misty shielded herself with her notebook as Misty turned to Sunset with a chuckle.

“Sunset, you have a uh…” Misty trailed off with a chuckle as she pointed to her muzzle.

“I got it.” Sunset said with a chuckle as she wipe her muzzle off.

At Opalines Castle, Opaline is pacing back and forth as she is inspecting the pumpkins on how they came here and to her castle.

“Ugh!” Opaline groan in frustration as she pace in a circle. “Opaline, Opaline, Opaline. It’s clear you’re…” She said to herself before she knock the pumpkin with the bat a little closer to the tree stem all as it glowed and disappeared as she gave a bright smile. “…the most brilliant Alicorn in the universe! Wow! Ha!” She cheered.

Opaline then started moving some more pumpkins next to the stem, and each of them disappeared as she kept putting more.

Back in Maretime Bay, the stallion from earlier was looking at the tree as he wondered where the pumpkins go before a couple hit him on the head before they fell on him as he fell to the floor.

“Ow!” The stallion groaned in pain.

Back at the throne room, Opaline smiled at what she discovered. “Just as I suspected.” She said as she look at the tree stem. “That useless Together Tree I grew all those years ago has finally made a connection with another one!” She cheered with her wings spread as she touch the stem.

Meaning that the tree in Opaline’s Castle is a Together Tree she grew herself.

Opaline then have a thought as she turned to the cauldron to the Maretimen Bay’s Together Tree. “And a perfect one at that. Which means, I’ve discovered a magical tree network! Which means that if pumpkins and ponies and me can travel between them! Ha!” She said in excitement as she gave an exciting smile. “Take that, Twilight Sparkle!” She yelled before another pumpkin appeared behind her as she gave a startled scream,

Opaline recompose herself as she gave an evil smile. “I mean… Take that, Twilight Sparkle, Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer. Opaline’s coming to town.” She said to herself with a sinister smirk.

It was nightfall at the Crystal Brighthouse as as the girls were in their costumes, while Sunny’s costume look like a hippie as they turned to Pipp.

“Can we get started yet?” Sunny asked Pipp in excitement. “We’re so excited!”

Pipp adjusted a skeleton cardboard as she turned to her friends. “This haunted house has to be perfect, and right now, it’s almost perfect.” She said to them. “But we still need more cows! Uh, more lighting! Just… more!” She called out as she started panting.

“We’ll all work together so we can get this done in ten minutes tops.” Izzy assured as she reared up. “All hooves on deck! Let’s go, go, go!” She called out as she blew on her whistle as the group broke up to get started.

Pipp sigh in relief. “Thanks, ponies. I appreciate it.” She said as she adjusted the cut board again.

At the Together Tree, ponies are chatting around while they are in their costumes before a purple mist began to form around the base of the tree as the ponies around watched as a triangular portal opened up as Opaline came through it as she gave a maniacal laughter as she gave an evil smile at the ponies.

“Hello, Maretime Bay!” Opaline said as she took to the air. “It is I, Opaline Arcana, about to turn this night into a nightmare spectacular!” She declared as two ponies, one who is a snowflake and the other is Sugar Moonlight as a spider, came up to her.

“Oh hooves! That was so cool!” The stallion said with a smile.

“Amazing!” Sugar Moonlight added with a smile.

The stallion then gave a gasp. “Do the laugh again. Do the laugh again!” He said eagerly.

Opaline raised a brow from that. “What?” She asked, not what she was expected.

“And the entrance! Great entrance.” Sugar Moonlight complimented as a couple of other ponies came to Opaline. “But I missed that first part where you cackled. So you just pretend I didn't see your dramatic pose and try it all again, okay?” She suggested.

“Oh, oh, oh!” The snowflake stallion hopped up and down excitedly. “And can you say my Dad’s name when you do it?” He asked excitedly. “It’s ‘Butter’. He’d get a real kick out of this!” He added as he started recording Opaline on his phone as he laughed.

Opaline flew down as she gave a confused look. “You’re not scared?” She asked in confusion.

“Oh yeah! Like so terrified!” Sugar Moonlight answered with a smile as she chuckled.

A stallion came to them as Opaline came in front of him as she spread her wings. “Fear me!” She yelled out.

“‘Fear me, Butter’!” The snowflake stallion said.

“Oh! Wait, is that like… your catchphrase?” Sugar Moonlight asked curiously.

“‘Cause we love it!” The snowflake stallion said as he laughed as the crowd does to.

Opaline groaned from this. “Stop filming me!” She ordered.

“Yeah, that’s it!” The snowflake stallion said.

“Stop applauding!” Opaline yelled out at them, but they were still applauding and cheering her.

“Get angrier!” The snowflake stallion cheered.

“Ugh!” Opaline groaned as her right eye twitch in annoyance that the ponies aren’t fearing her and thinking she’s playing a trick.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Pipp was going through the finished maze as she made it to the fireplace with her friends behind her. “This maze is complete!” Pipp said as she check off her board.

The girls sigh in relief that Pipp approve.

“With just one last ingredient…” Pipp started with a smirk as the girls turned to her in surprise as Pipp then pulled a rope down, which caused bats to fall from the ceiling as the girls, sin Misty, screamed in fright from that as they all gave a laugh.

Pipp then touch a big cobweb on the wall as she tested out. “Fake spiderwebs feeling strong!” She said with a checked on the board again as the girls sigh again as she gave a smirk again. “With just one last touch…” She then pulled the rope nearby again as more bats fell as the girls all screamed again with smiles, except for Misty who looked confuse.

At the kitchen, Pipp tasted the food Sunny made as she gave a smile. “Apple treats tasting delicious!” She cheered as she checked the board again as they all sigh again before Pipp gave a smirk again. “Hmm… But you know what’s missing?” She questioned.

Sunny went wide eyes from that. “No, Pipp. There’s now way, you--” She tried to pleaded.

“I was gonna say a dash of nutmeg!” Pipp said as she pick up said season as the mares sigh in relief as Pipp then gave a sinister smirk and again as a tug was lowered and she pulled with an evil chuckle as the bats appeared again as the mares, sin Misty, screamed again as they started laughing while Sunset breathed to calm her heart while Misty inspected the bat.

“That better be the last one!” Zipp said to her sister in amusement as the bats rolled back up.

“Pipp, you got us good!” Izzy cheered.

“So good!” Sunny added with a chuckle.

“Just, enough. Save it for the frighthouse.” Sunset said as she caught her breath with a slight chuckle. “We might lose our voices.” She added.

Pipp nodded in understanding before she gasped when she saw Misty isn’t laughing. “Misty, what’s wrong? Why didn’t you scream like the rest of the group?” She asked in confusion.

“Hey, yeah. You didn’t scream like us with those bats.” Sunset added in agreement as the others turned to her in confusion.

“Do you not find bats scary?” Zipp asked in wonder.

“Would you prefer giant spiders?” Pipp asked.

“Mmm-mmm.” Misty said with a shrug. “It’s nothing personal, Pipp. I guess I just don’t ‘scare easy’.” She said with a smile.

“Wait, you don’t get scared easily?” Sunset asked in surprise. “How come?” She asked in wondered.

“Well, if you were raised by an evil Fire Alicorn when you were a filly with all her scarey threats, plannings, anger, and not to mention lecturing and scolding with her scary magic, nothing scares you anymore.” Misty explained with a shrug, since having been raised by Opaline since she was a filly, she doesn’t find anything else scary for her.

“Ah, she does have a point.” Sunny said as the others nodded in understanding.

Pipp then flew to Misty with a smirk. “Until tonight” She said before she gasped with a smile. “I’m going to make you my ‘Nightmare Night Challenge’! By the of the evening, you are going to be screaming and laughing and sharing in all the spooky fun!” She declared with a twirl as Misty just gave a small smile as the doorbell ring as Pipp gasped. “Showtime, ponies!” She called out before Sunset felt something she looked out the window, sensing that it was coming from town.

“Hmm… I feel…” Sunset muttered to herself as she narrowed her eyes at Maretime Bay.

“Sunset, what’s wrong?” Izzy asked the others turned to her.

“I-I need to head into town real quick.” Sunset said with a serious look that the others didn’t notice as she walked up to the door.

“Why? Aren’t you gonna enjoy the Frighthouse?” Pipp asked in concern.

“I will once I get back. Just need to check around town real quick.” Sunset assured as she walked up to the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. You ponies have fun.” She said as she walked out the door as ponies began to enter the Brighthouse.

The rest of the girls were concern for Sunset as they turned to her. “I wonder what’s gotten into Sunset.” Zipp wondered.

“Well, sometimes she can be deep in thought so maybe it’s something in her mind.” Sunny theorizes while looking at where Sunset took off in concern.

“I’m sure it’s nothing! She just needs some air! Now, let’s get this Frighthouse started!” Izzy cheered.

“She’s right! Sunset will be fine. Let’s get this part started!” Pipp announced as the girls got to their places.

In town where MAne Melody is close by, Rocky stopped in front of a bridge as a shadowy figure was underneath it.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Rocky.” Jazz spoke from under the bridge as she came out of the shadows. “If that’s your real name!” She said with a teasing smirk.

Rocky gave the same expression. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Jazz.” He repeated as he took off his glasses as Jazz walked up to him. “Guess you’re not the gifted golden-pumpkin-finder like ya thought!” He boasted.

Jazz just gave him a smirk at him. “Or maybe I’m just not wanting to dish out all my secrets.” She said softly as she circled around Rocky.

“You must know something, ‘cause I’ve checked every garden and flipped over every gourd!” Rocky stated.

“So have I!” Jazz cried out as she grabbed Rocky, which surprise the Pegasus stallion.

“Wait.” Rocky said as Jazz broke apart. “If you checked everywhere, and I’ve checked everywhere else… Then where could it be?” He questioned in confusion as he turned to Jazz with a smile. “Unless Hitch’s ‘big prize’ was just quality time spent with your closest friends.” He theorizes.

Jazz gave a small smile at Rocky from that as she gave a slight blush from his words as the two smiled at each other, before they started laughing together.

“Nah! That’s nuts!” Jazz said to Rocky in amusement.

“Right?!” Rocky said with a smile.

The two looked at directions as they move their eyes to each other before giving smirks as they went off to separate directions. “Heh…” Jazz chuckled.

“I’m gonna find the golden pumpkin!” Rocky called out.

“Not if I do first!” Jazz responded as they trotted off in different directions.

Somewhere near the square, Opaline is looking around while observing. “Hmm…” She thought before she continued on. “Ugh…” She growled at a stallion, who only laughs in respond. “Why… isn’t anypony fearing me?” She demanded.

Opaline then saw the ponies around her as they weren’t paying her no mind, which annoyed her.

“And what are these outfits?!” Opaline questioned at the costumes the ponies are wearing. “Fashion in Equestria has really gone downhill.” She commented.

Sweets and Toots turned to Opaline, while Sweets a cat while Toots a dog as Sweets gasped with a smile. “Incredible costume. You look terrifying!” Sweets complimented, which made Opaline looked confusion by that.

“Oh yea. And your wings and horn are so realistic!” Toots added as he reach out for Opaline’s wings. “May I?” He asked.

Opaline then hissed at Toots, which made him and Sweets flinch back from that. “Take another step and I’ll banish you to the moon!” She threatened as she got close to Toots’ face.

Toots and Sweets however started cheering her while Sweets hopped excitedly. “Yay!” Toots cheered.

“Oh yeah!” Sweets cheered. “I love that! Seriously, who you supposed to be? Nightmare Moon?” She asked in curiosity.

“You’re new worst nightmare.” Opaline growled as her eyes had flames in them.

Toots and Sweets went wide eyes from that before they smiled. “That was so good!” They both said in unison.

“Seriously, can I hire you for my Nana’s birthday?” Toots asked the bewildered Opaline, since she wasn’t expecting that. “She’d love it!” He added.

“Ugh!” Opaline groaned as she trotted off a filly and her father. “Ah!” She yelled as the two screamed before they laugh as the father took a picture “I’ll show you what to scream about!” She yelled out before she bump into Posey.

Posey gasped when she notice. “Whoops! Sorry about that.” She apologize before she notice Opaline’s appearance. “Wow, look at you… Your costume’s fab!” She complimented while Opaline raised a brow. “And mine? Well, non-existent. Mine’s at my friend Windy’s house. It’s why I’m in such a hurry! Excuse me!” She said as she began to walk off.

Opaline then saw Posey’s Cutie Mark as she have a thought as she stopped Posey with a smile. “No, no. Excuse me!” She said with a smirk as she then used her horn as magic surround Posey’s Cutie Mark as they were bubbled and floated off her flank.

Posey watch in shock as her Cutie Mark floated next to Opaline, and then she gasped in shock as Opaline hissed at her as Posey ran off screaming in fear as Opaline look at the Cutie Mark she stole.

“I did it!” Opaline cheered before she frowned as she turned to the crowd of ponies. “But it’s going to take me all night if I’m going to do this one-by-one.” She whined since it will take her forever to get all the ponies Cutie Marks as she began to walk off with Posey’s Cutie Mark. “Maybe it’s time to regroup and form a new plan. My work here is far from done.” She said as she too the sky and laugh maniacally.

“Opaline?!” A familiar voice was heard as Opaline froze in surprise before she turned and look down to see Sunset in front of her while looking in shock. “H-How are you here?!” She questioned in shock.

“Twilight Sparkle!?” Opaline yelled in shock as she flew down while putting Posey’s Cutie Mark away, not noticing that it was Sunset in her costume. “How did you get your body back!? I saw you as a spirit the last time we met!” She demanded.

“Wrong pony, fire freak!” Sunset yelled out as she remove the mane wig to reveal her real one.

“Guardian Sunset Shimmer!?” Opaline yelled out as she glared again. “I see you manage to wear a Twilight costume, though the question is why?” She asked in confusion.

Sunset raised a brow at the question Opaline just asked. “Don’t you know? It’s Nightmare Night. Ponies are dressing and doing things scary.” She explained with a brow.

Opaline went wide eyed from that as she facehoofed herself. “Oh dear Equestria, I forgotten that it was Nightmare Night.” She muttered, now understanding why the ponies aren’t fearing her the whole time.

“Wow, you are way behind the times.” Sunset commented before she get seriously. “Enough of that, how are you here?! You were suppose to be in your castle with Twilight’s invisibubble keeping you out!” She demanded.

Opaline gave a chuckle. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” She taunted as she glowed her horn. “And since I have time, how about we have a little dance?” She mocked as she took a ready stance with her wings spread.

Sunset got determined as she took a ready stance herself with her horn glowed as well. “I planned to.” She she then flew up into the sky.

Opaline gave a smirk. “I’ve been waiting for a rematch.” She said as she took to the skies as well as the two Alicorns then fired up their horns as they charge at each other with a battle cry.

Back at the Brighthouse, Izzy was outside as she inspected the lights. “Now do I need more lights on the left side or is it more frightening if they’re uneven? Or, oh oh! Maybe I pile on all the lights on the left and leave nothing fo the right!” She said to herself. “Or, no…” She muttered as she thought through her idea.

Behind Izzy, the ponies are entering the Brighthouse as Sweets and Toots are at the front door while Pipp opened the door. “Welcome ponies! One and all!” She called out as they enter the Brighthouse. “To the spookiest Frighthouse where you’ll have a ball!” She announced.

Zipp was controlling her drone, which is in the ghost costume as the drone hit the cobweb as it got stuck. “Agh! No! Why! Did I! Put This…” She complained in frustration as she mash her phone many times while she remembered that the crowd was looking at her. “...very real ghost who’s glitching so much, it’s spooky!” She said sheepishly in a spooky tone while feeling embarrass.

At the kitchen, Sunny was hading out the treats. “So… How’s everypony enjoying the traditional ‘Petrifying Pomme Fruit Feast’?” She asked eagerly while holding a plate and gave a laugh. “‘Pomme fruit’ is another word for apples, which are being consumed in the exact wrong way!” She yelled out as she saw a Pegasus dress as a guard while biting on the caramel apple stick and not the apple itself.

The pegasus put the caramel apple down while giving Sunny a sheepish look before Sunny heard clattering sounds as plates fell from Sugar Moonlight’s costume and the snowflake stallion from earlier.

Sunny heard slurping as she turned and saw Sprout sipping on a cop before tossing it to the floor, which made Sunny a little irritated from that.

“Pipp!? Didn’t you promise to guide the ponies through the house so it wasn’t a free-for-all?” Sunny asked as she gave an anxious look. “This isn’t anything like how it used to be when I was a filly.” She added, looking around to notice that Pipp wasn’t around. “Pipp! Pipp?” SHe called out again as ponies are eating on the stand. “Hmm… I wonder what task she’s so focused on now?” She asked herself.

Sunny then turned to see the pegasus from earlier pick on the stick of the apple again as a pony fell from the table as Sunny gasped with her left eye twitching. “Where’s Sunset when you need her?” She asked.

Somewhere in the Brighthouse, Misty is walking around as she hummed happily as Pipp was on top of the maze wall while giving a mischievous look.

“Oh. I’m gonna get her!” Pipp said as she flew in after Misty.

Misty went into the bathroom as she washed her hooves before Pipp screamed while making a face, but Misty didn’t react as she just gave a small smile as she turn off the shink and walked off.

“Oh.” Pipp sigh, since she didn’t get Misty that time.

In the bedroom, Misty flopped on her bed as she sigh in relaxation before her bunnicorn plushie appeared behind her, which Pipp is holding as she screamed to scare Misty.

“Part two!” Pipp said as she revealed herself to Misty, who didn’t react to that as Pipp just gave a dull look and gave Misty back her plushie, which she accept as she laid down with it.

A little bit later, Misty walked up to the basement door as she grab a tube of glue as she stood there with a knowing look.

Four… three… two…” Misty counted down as she saw that nothing popped up as she closed the door and continued on.

Urgh! Wait, Misty! My hooves got stuck!” Pipp cried out from behind the door as she knocked on the door. “Come back and I’ll try again!” She cried out as she gave a yelp and got out of the door as she and the stuff inside fell out of it as Pipp flew up, but saw her left rear hoof still stuck as she pulled it free.

Pipp then flew to where Misty walked off. “I… will… scare… you…” She said in a slight craze look, going to scare Misty no matter what.

Back outside, the ponies are enjoying their Nightmare Night before they saw flashes and turned and look up as they saw and saw two magical beams clashed as two ponies are flying around the sky, which is Opaline and Sunset fighting each other.

In the sky, Opaline fired a magic beam at each other as Sunset dodge it and fired back as Opaline summoned a shield to protect herself as she did a loop and flew at high speed as Sunset charged at her as the two Alicorns tackled each other as they fell across the sky while hitting each other with their hooves.

“You think you can beat me this time, Guardian?” Opaline taunted with a smirk. “You don’t even have your friends to back you up.” She mocked.

“Even if they’re not here at the moment, they would’ve taken you down again!” Sunset retorted as they spin across the sky as Sunset charged her horn.

Before Sunset could fire, Opaline tacked her again as they flip across the air before Sunset punched her to the face with her hooves as they split up and blasting magic at each other as they were then tackled to the empty beach as they rolled across the sand as Sunset and Opaline landed in a short distant from each other as they pick themselves up.

“Oh, love your fire, Sunset! You have made my night!” Opaline said as she gave a taunting smirk. “But it’s gonna take more than that, to beat me, Guardian!” She boasted.

Sunset gave a glare. “I would think of no better way to put you back in the fiery hole you came from!” She retorted as she basted and charge at Opaline.

Opaline repeated what Sunset is doing as she blasted back and charge at Sunset as the two then got in close range as they tried to land hits at each other while ducking or dodging each others’ blasts as they seemed to be an even match before they clashed horns.

“You’ve been practicing, huh, Sunset?” Opaline asked with an impressive smirk.

“Have to if somepony like you show up on our home turfs!” Sunset stated as she pushed Opaline back as the Fire Alicorn grunted as Sunset manage to grab one of Opaline’s hooves and turned her back as she twisted it as Opaline grunted from that as Sunset kept the pressure. “I don’t know how you escape Twilight’s invisibubble, but I’m putting you back!” She yelled as she pinned Opaline to the wall end of the beach with all her strength.

Opaline grunted as she tried to get free from Sunset’s grip as she started to know that she doesn’t have time for this and must retreat to her castle for her next plan as she grunted a bit and charge up her horn as she manage to get free from Sunset’s grip as she pushed her back.

“Another time, Guardian! I have other plans and evil schemes to attend to! Ta-ta!!” Opaline said as she did a big flash with her horn, which blinded Sunset as she covered her eyes.

“Ah! The flash spell! Cheep shot even for you, Opaline!” Sunset shouted as she rubbed her eyes, but the moment she opened them and her sight returning, she saw Opaline was gone. “Where are you?! Opaline! Come back you coward!” She yelled out, which echoed through the beach as she sigh in defeat, already knowing that Opaline got away.

Twilight then appear from the necklace as she gave a comforting look. “Opaline may have escape Sunset, but we know her plans. We just need to find a way to return to the dragonlands and warn the other dragons. She haven’t won yet.” She assured Sunset in a comforting tone.

Sunset took a deep breath before she gave a worried expression. “It’s not her plans and her escape I’m angry about, Twilight. It’s how she manage to escape your invisibubble? She wasn’t suppose to get out this early. And yet, she somehow she manage to escape and enter Maretime Bay.” She said in worried as she look out at see with Twilight in deep thought.

Twilight gave a concern look. “I don’t know how she did it either. But it’s best if we get back to the Brighthouse and warn the others of what we’ve learn.” She suggested.

Sunset gave a sigh. “You’re right, they need to know this. Especially Misty, since I have a feeling that they won’t like what happened.” She said, knowing how the others are going to react to this.

Yeah, I know.” Twilight said in agreement as Sunset flew off back to the Brighthouse, going a bit slow since she was exhausted from the short fight and magic she used on Opaline.

Back in the Brighthouse, Sunny is chuckling nervously while ponies are overcrowding the kitchen and are having some more of her food as even some of the critters are grabbing some.

The ponies either grabbed a piece of a treat or the whole tray as they eat or sip their drinks while bumping into each other in making a mess. Zipp was having trouble getting her ghost out of the web as she grunted a bit before she got it free, but it fell to the floor.

“Watch out!” Zipp called out as the ghost sheet landed right in front of Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz’s who are all dress as Alicorns as the drone flew around while looking unimpressed.

Outside the Brighthouse, Izzy plugged the lights on as more and more lights turned on as she put on her sunglasses, but it was so bright that the ponies are screaming as they couldn’t see as some of trip or tried to cover their eyes.

Izzy gave a laugh from, thinking the ponies are screaming for fun when she didn’t know that they were screaming because it was too bright to see.

Back inside the Brighthouse, a filly was crying at her spilled candy apple on the flor with Kenneth right in front of her as it pecked on the apple.

Sunny is chuckling nervously as she tried to pass out the treats, but a unicorn grabbed the whole plate, which caused Sunny to scream from that as she groaned and screamed as she had enough.

“This is not working!” Sunny shouted as she slam her hooves to the table while looking at the crowd. “That’s it! The Frighthouse is closed!” She yelled out, which surprised the group as the lights turned on.

Pipp finished putting the stuff back into the basement as she saw the lights turned on as she heard what Sunny just yelled. “Why is everything messed up?! We literally just opened our doors!” She pointed out as she flew to Sunset, who is watching the ponies leave. “Sunny, what happened?” She asked.

“It was mayhem!” Sunny yelled out as she grab some apple spice donut and gave it to some ponies passing by. “Uh, sorry, sorry! Here, have an extra apple spice donut while you go.” She said nervously.

Pipp watched on with a sad look while wondering how the Frighthouse fell apart as the ponies exit the Brighthouse as the lights turned off and the girls regrouped together.

“What the hay, guys!?” Zipp asked in shock at what happened.

“It just wasn’t Nightmare Night.” Sunny answered while looking away solemnly.

“But I worked all day on my ponydrone!” Zipp complained.

“And I spent all afternoon trying to figure out which of my special acorn lights to string!” Izzy added cheerfully.

“And we made some great food, Sunny!” Misty said before she corrected herself. “Well, you did. Made most of it. Okay, all of it.” She admitted as Sunny gave a small smile. “Sunset and I only helped by getting out of the way. But we did it the traditional way!” She added with a smile.

Sunny then gave a thought to what Misty and her friends are saying as she spoke. “You’re all right, but I guess I was just hoping that tonight’s celebrations would be… Like they used to be.” She said.

“Where did we go wrong?” Misty asked in wondered.

“I don’t know, but somehow, we did. And if Sunset was here right now, she would point out the flaws.” Sunny said, knowing that this was one of those moments where Sunset points out the flaws, but she isn’t with them at the moment. “And it was a total bust!” She called out.

“Wait, wait, wait up.” Pipp spoke up as they turned to her. “Even with the chaos, I didn't think it was a total bust!” She said as the drone in the ghost sheet flew by as it hit the wall many times as she ignored before continuing. “Oh… But maybe I was also too focused on scaring Misty and making ‘the perfect Frighthouse’ to notice.” She admitted.

Izzy gave a chuckle as she spoke. “And I couldn’t see anything behind my lights.” She said cheerfully, since her lights was too bright even for her.

Zipp gave a laugh at that as he drone flew to her. “Well, nopony could!” She said before she saw their knowing smiles at them. “Okay, fine, I was little too swept up in my gadgets.” She admitted.

Just then, the door opened as Hitch entered the Brighthouse as he notice it was empty. “You guys are… already done your Frighthouse? I miss it?” He asked them while panting a bit as he rushed to a pumpkin and leaned on it.

“No. I think maybe it was me who missed it.” Pipp said to Hitch with a smile as she spoke to the rest of her friends. “Uh, like the point, I mean. I started all this. And putting such high expectations of perfection on something is a recipe for disaster!” She explained while giving a sheepish look.

“Oh. Tell me about it!” Hitch said in agreement. “I was just so focused on making this the ‘Best Nightmare Night Scare-a-thon in Maretime Bay, ever’ that I forgot to consider Maretime Bay in the first place.” He said while looking down a bit as he pick up the flyers and toss them away. “What was I thinking? Sunset was right when she told me before I made my announcement. These ponies don’t need 27 events to fill a night and make it perfect.” He said.

“Wait, Sunset told you?” Sunny asked in surprise.

“Yeah. She tried to tell me that I shouldn’t just make activities just because I announced. She told that they should have fun in their own ways.” Hitch said with a sheepish look. “Though I guess I got stubborn that she said that she’ll let it slide, but soon the lesson would reveal like it hit me in the face, which it did.” He added as he gave a sheepish chuckle as the girls laughed with him.

“Yeah, not every holiday has to be perfect… or exactly the same as it was last time. Right?” Izzy asked her friends with a smile, which they stood quiet for moment as she kept her smile before she drop it and spoke again. “No I’m genuinely asking. It doesn’t have to be the same, right?” She asked again, being serious about the question she asked.

Sunny gave a laugh as she walked up to Izzy. “No, Izzy. It doesn’t have to be.” She answered before looking down. “I’m sorry for thinking it had to. I was just looking forward to recreating my special memories” She said with a smile as her friends smiled at her. “It’s just like with Wishday. I cherished the times I had with my Dad so much, I guess I just… wanted to share them with my best friends.” She finished.

“But, can’t you still?” Misty asked as she gave a small smile. “I mean, share your memories, but also--”

“Make new ones.” Hitch answered with a smile.

“Even though holidays are about traditions, they’re also about surrendering to the surprise of what this moon will bring!” Zipp said with a spooky tone and a smile.

“And what’s more surprising than Nightmare Night?” Pipp asked as she landed on the floor with a smile and wings spread.

Zipp gave a smirk as she brought out her phone and press on it as the bats fell from the ceiling as Pipp, and now Misty, started screaming as bats then appeared from the barrels as Misty screamed some more before it passed.

The others then started laughing from that as Misty started laughing as well. “Got you! Yeah!” Zipp cheered as Misty kept laughing.

“You got me! You got me that time!” Misty cheered as they all laughed together.

“The Frighthouse is officially reopened!” Pipp declared as the outside lights turned back on as Sunset then came to the door while giving a serious look. “Oh, hey, Sunset! If you are wondering if you missed the Frighthouse, you didn’t. We just have some problems with…” She tried to explain.

“No time for that.” Sunset said seriously, which made the rest of the Mane 7 surprise by that.

“Sunset? What happened? And why is your costume all ragged?” Sunny asked in concern, noticing Sunset’s Twilight costume is all messed up.

“We have a big problem, ponies. Really big then the Frighthouse.” Sunset said seriously as she sat on the chair while the others look in concern.

“What is it?” Hitch asked in wonder as he and the others are worried.

Sunset stood silent before Twilight appeared with a grim look. “Because Opaline was here, in Maretime Bay Earlier. And Sunset fought her.” She said dreadfully.

“WHAT?!” The rest of the Mane 7 called out in shock.

“Opaline was here in Maretime Bay!?” Izzy asked in shock with wide eyes.

“Yeah, she was here. Somehow manage to get into town.” Sunset said while giving a dreadful look. “I fought her but she manage to throw a cheap shot on me and manage to get away.” She explained.

“Wow, you had a rough night.” Pipp said in sympathy. “Why didn’t you call us? We could’ve helped.” She stated.

“I would, but by then it would be too late.” Sunset said while rubbing her chest as Sunny place an icepack on her head she got from the kitchen. “I manage to throw a few hits and try to get some answers on how she escape, but she wouldn’t babble it out.” She explained.

“But how did she manage to escape the invisibubble!?” Zipp asked in shock.

“Yeah, even right now, it’s too soon that she manage to escape it and get into Maretime Bay!” Misty pointed out, having a hard time believing that Opaline was here in Maretime Bay in town and they were too busy with the Frighthouse to even notice.

We don’t know. But somehow, she found a way to escape it and get into Maretime Bay.” Twilight said while giving a worried thought. “But whatever she came for, it must’ve been evil.

“But what we do know, is that Opaline found a way, and looks like our mission to stop her is going to be even more challenging.” Sunset said seriously. “Meaning we have to be more careful and be ready for anything.” She added.

The rest of the Mane 7 looked at each other while giving worried expression before they turned back to Sunset with determined looks as they nodded in understanding, seeing that things just got more serious with Opaline.

At Opaline’s Castle, the triangular portal opened up as Opaline came through it as she took out Posey’s Cutie Mark as she levitated to a leaf on the stem as she place Posey’s Cutie Mark into it as it was now secured into the leaf.

“Excellent.” Opaline said with an evil smirk. “While this maybe a start, Sunset sure did put up a fight on her own with me.” She said as she rubbed her sore cheeks Sunset punched her at. “While I would’ve just take her down and steal her Cutie Mark, I have to continue my plans. But I’ll need more power. Much more.” She said as she walked up to the cauldron.

The cauldron then made a protection of two dragons, one that is white, a female and the other is red, a male, sleeping slumbery as Opaline look at them. “And I know just where to get it.” She said as she gave a maniacal laugh with an evil look, thinking that she will soon have her dragons and their fire to become more powerful.

The next day after, the Mane 7 are cleaning up the Crystal Brighthouse now that Nightmare Night is over as they are packing in the decorations and cleaning the room

Sparky started babbling as he is chasing after a bird with a bat decoration as he ran up the stairs as Hitch saw him go.

“Sparky! Sure hope you’re helping, not playing!” Hitch called out while giving Sparky a look.

In the bedroom, Sparky chased after the bird as they entered the bedroom as they went to Zipp’s section and knocked over her headphones, puzzle cube, and almost her Z-Goggles as Sparky made the map Zipp was studying fell to the floor.

Just then, Sparky’s scales started glowing again as he felt it and turned his attention onto the map as he came up it and saw it glowing as well. Sparky looked in awed before he felt a sneeze coming on as he sneezed out one of his dragon fire as it hit the map, which restored it to it’s former glory as it now clearly showing a map of a land on it with Twilight’s Cutie Mark at the right side bottom of it.

Sparky looked in awed as Hitch came in as Sparky giggled happily. “What did I just say?” Hitch asked Sparky before he gasped when he saw the restored map. “Wow! Everypony! Get in here!” He called out to his friends.

The rest of the mares came up when they heard Hitch as they all looked down at the map. “Sparky’s dragonfire restored the map we’ve found in the basement!” Sunset called out in surprise. “It must’ve scent Sparky and got him to use his dragonfire ot restore it.” She added with a wide smile.

“Amazingly sparkly!” Izzy cheered with a wide smile.

Sunny read the map as she saw the descriptions clearly. “‘The Isle of Scaly’?” She read before she gasped in realization. “It’s… the Dragonlands! It’s a map that’ll lead us back!” She called out happily to her friends.

“Great! Now we have the precise location on where the Dragonlands is!” Sunset cheered, now happily, now they know where to go to get to the Dragonlands without a magical portal gateway like from the Wishing Tree.

"We can finally warn them about Opaline!” Zipp said with a wide smile.

Twilight then appeared from the necklace as she gave a wide smile of joy. “And we can finally find Spike if he’s there too!” She said in excitement, hoping that Spike is somewhere in the Dragonlands and really hoping that she gets to see her number one assistant, brother, dragon-son and royal advisor again.

Misty gave a concern look. “And we better do it soon. Before it’s too late.” She said as they all gave looks of worried mixed with determined, knowing that it’s a race to the dragons between them and Opaline and they won’t lose to it.

“Hang on, Spike. We’re coming to save you and the other dragons.” Sunset finished with a determined look.

And soon, we’ll see each other again.” Twilight finished with a serious look, going to find her dragon friend and protect the rest of his kind from Opaline’s grasp from taking their fire.

Somewhere in the Dragonlands jungle, in a large cave at the base of mountain, dwelled a long purple, green spined snake tail, connected to the large muscular body an adult purple dragon, with an rusty gold medallion around his neck with Twilight’s Cutie Mark carved into it, as he sleeps in slumber before his eyes opened up sluggishly as he moan tiredly.

“Twilight?” He called out before looking to the side of his cave to a carving of a small dragon with six mares standing with him as he gave a small tired smile at it. “Wherever you are, you’re trusted assistant will be waiting for you.” He promised.

This dragon was in fact Spike the Dragon, Royal Advisor and oldest friend to Princess Twilight Sparkle who, even after all this time, never gave up hope he would see Equestria in peace and harmony again.

End of Chapter 5 Ep 6.