• Published 27th Sep 2022
  • 838 Views, 17 Comments

Honorary Crusader - Aklinstar

An alternative take on Discord's redemption involving a certain trio of fillies during the season 2 premiere.

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Chapter 8: Twists and Turns

Applejack began to wonder what the big deal was with mazes. What made them so popular? You start at one point, get lost, and bumble your way out eventually; pretty strange entertainment if you asked her. Back on the farm the Apples would host a corn maze event every year for about a week; it was good for business. Well, ‘least it was until ponies started complaining about how it was the same maze every year… She didn’t understand the fuss, after all, why fix something that wasn’t broke? She shook her head. She made a sharp turn and was met with yet another dead end. “Consarnit…” she muttered under her breath as she made a U-turn and galloped with more vigor.

As she passed a turn she noticed a blur of red in her peripherals. She abruptly dug her hooves into the ground and leaned back to come to a halt. She peered around the edge of the hedge and saw… some apples? She took a leisurely trot up to them; curious. She stopped when she got close. Before she could get a chance to inspect them, they moved.

Applejack stared in shock for a moment before lowering one brow. “What in tarnation?” she queried, unsure of what to make of it. She didn’t think about it too long, and galloped after them. Even at full throttle she wasn’t gaining on them. She watched as they made a right turn down a fork in the maze. She lowered her head and grit her teeth as she pushed herself harder to catch up. She knew if she didn’t there was a good chance she’d lose sight of them if they made another turn down another fork or bend. She made the turn.

What she expected when she turned was to see the three apples rolling impossibly fast by some unknown force, what she didn’t expect to see was something pink and unmoving.

Her gallop turned into a slow and measured pace. From a distance she wasn’t really sure what it was, only that it appeared torn and was stationed in the middle of the road, billowing in the wind. At first based on its shape she wondered if it was some kind of giant pink butterfly that had met its unfortunate end, but as she got closer, she noticed it was hollow on both sides as the wind blew on it, making it seem like it had… loops?

“Huh,” Applejack wondered as she came to a stop above it. Gently she scooped it up, inspecting it closer. It was torn up, but there was no mistaking it, it was somepony’s pink bow. What she couldn’t wrap her head around was the fact that it looked very familiar. Which was strange because she didn’t know many ponies from Canterlot, outside of some she did business with, none of which she could recall ever wearing something like it. She’d never seen any of her friends wear something like it either… well… except Rarity, but she didn’t bring any bags in the maze with her as far as she could remember. Heck, she could only think of a few ponies she knew who wore a bow besides her sis—she dropped it.

Now hold on that doesn’ make a lick of sense, she tried to reason with herself. She picked it up again, and held it as far away from her as possible, as if trying to imagine it being on somepony, somepony like her sister… As damaged as it was, it was strikingly similar to the one Apple Bloom wore. Was it just a coincidence? After all, there was no reason her sister would be here…

Oh, horseapples…

She grabbed it with her mouth and ran as fast as she could forward. She blinked as she quickly realized she was coming up on a clearing… A clearing… Was she close to the middle of the maze and didn’t realize it? She shook her head, attempting to dispel the thought. The Elements could wait. She needed to find her sister first and foremost.

The endless green left her peripherals as she made into the… orchard? “Wha’ ‘n th’ hay…” she said with a muffled voice, still clutching onto the bow. It was a decent sized orchard too, given how many apple trees there were. Mighty strange. Why have an orchard in the middle of a convoluted maze of all things? Applejack wondered as she scanned it. Her eyes drifted to the left; she froze.

She spat out the bow in shock. “Apple Bloom!” she yelled, dashing towards her new objective.

Apple Bloom sat, unmoving staring into a pond. She didn’t turn as she heard her name being called out, nor did she turn when a set of hooves wrapped around her in a fierce hug.

“Oh, Ah’m so glad ye’re alright, sugarcube… Ya had me mighty worried when I saw yer bow… Oh shoot, Ah must have dropped it—doesn’ matter…” Applejack started out, still clutching onto her sister. She looked around, noticing it was just the two of them. “Say, Apple Bloom? Uh… where’s yer classmates and yer teacher?” She narrowed her eyes. “Did they leave ya behind!?” She gasped as another thought crossed her mind. “Did they take the train back home without ya!?” She paused at the sudden realization that there wasn’t much of a home left back home at the moment… “Never mind all that… Phew, Ah’m just glad ye’re alright… but, ‘tain’t safe here. We need ta get ya out of here.” Applejack stepped back and adjusted her Stetson. She didn’t know if there was a way out at the moment, but it didn’t matter… She’d make a way out if she had to. “Alright, so Ah need ya ta stick close by me, ya hear? Don’t want ya to get lost… again. Now, come on,” Applejack stated, letting go of her and turning around.

Applejack turned her head back to Apple Bloom. She blinked. “Uh, Apple Bloom?” she asked, concerned, trotting back up to her sister. Now that she thought about it… Apple Bloom didn’t so much as flinch when she hugged her, nor did she do much of… well… anything. She crouched down and reached out. “Sugarcu–”

“Leave me alone!” Apple Bloom fumed, knocking Applejack’s hoof away from her, but not turning to her.

Applejack flinched hard. She sputtered, eyes flicking back and forth at the ground in front of her for a moment as her mind raced. She turned her attention back to sister while in complete shock. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly. “Wha—Apple Bloom! What in the—what has gotten into ya!?”

Apple Bloom didn’t respond and instead chose to fold her hooves in front of her and keep her focus on the pond in front of her.

“Hey! Listen ta me when Ah speak ta ya, Apple Bloom! Ya can’t jus’ go an’ ignore ye’re own big sister like that!” Applejack exclaimed, exasperated.

Apple Bloom stuck her snout up in the air. “Hmph.”

Applejack’s eyes twitched. “Alright, that tears it.”

Applejack strutted up to her, and kneeled. “Ah’m gonna give ya the count to three, Apple Bloom.”

“One.” Nothing.

“Two,” Applejack drawled, narrowing her eyes.

Apple Bloom remained still.


Apple Bloom’s head whipped around to face her, causing Applejack to fall on her rump.

Apple Bloom shot up on all fours. “Ya always do this to me! Every time! Always treatin’ me like Ah’m a baby!” She dug at the ground with one hoof. Her nostrils flared. She marched up to her and put her snout in Applejack’s face. “Well, no more! Ah’m done with you.”

Applejack reared back further and floundered about. “What!? Ya can’t jus’—done with me!? What in tarnation are ya goin’ on about!? Ah don’t treat ya like a baby, Ah treat ya like a sister who cares, Apple Bloom!” she reasoned.

“Ya, well… Ah don’t have a sister!” Apple Bloom screamed, sending Applejack reeling backwards.

Applejack’s eyes widened. She stared up to her unsure if she heard that right. She… she didn’t hear that right, no way no how… “Wh-what…?” Applejack faltered.

“Ah said, Ah. Don’t. Have. A. Sister!” she bellowed.

Applejack couldn’t believe her ears, was she going deaf? Was this some horrible nightmare? Even though she knew she was bad at fancy mathematics, she knew that this certainly wasn’t adding up. Where was all this coming from?

Before she could even begin to think to speak, Apple Bloom continued. “Ah’m done with you. Ah’m done being treated like a baby. And… Ah’m done with Sweet Apple Acres,” she spat. She promptly turned, not before giving her one last glare, and bolted, heading towards the only exit out of the orchard.

Applejack watched her own sister leave in stunned silence. Unable to process any of it. But she knew didn’t have time to process it; she had to stop her sister from getting away. “Wha—Apple Bloom!” She jumped up back to all fours and raced after her. “Apple Bloom, wait an apple-pickin’ minute!” Applejack exclaimed, adrenaline pumping through her system. Applejack caught up, and reached out, ready to pull her sister back by the tail.


As she stretched her neck out to grab her, a green wall jutted from the ground. She smacked into it at full force. She fell back, dazed. She quickly got back up and started patting the wall that wasn’t there a moment ago. She panicked. “Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom!” she screamed, pounding on the wall. She tried bucking it, she tried climbing it, she tried ramming it. All she managed to accomplish was leave a small impact crater with some crushed up leaves. To her shock, the crater bulged outwards, and the once crushed leaves returned to their original form. It was as if she never even tried.

She collapsed, exhausted. She panted, trying to catch her breath. “Apple Bloom…” she muttered…

Now she had time to reflect on it, but she didn’t want to. Her words stung something fierce, even if it didn’t make a lick of sense… Done with her…? Done with the family…? Why… Her face contorted, tears streaming down her face as she bucked the immovable hedge one last time as hard as she could, leaving a large indent that quickly repaired itself once more. “Why…” she choked. “Apple Bloom…”

Her eyes drifted forward, before landing on the pink bow. She sighed. She got up slowly and wiped her face and put her Stetson back on. Come on Applejack, ‘tain’t the time to be fussin’, she thought. She stepped forward and bent down to grab the bow—Something hit her in the head. She winced and rubbed her newly aching spot. She looked down to see an apple. An apple that was moving away from her. There it was again, some phantom force moving another one… She looked up and saw a few apples fall out of several trees at once, followed by several more apples falling out of several more trees.

They danced in place for a moment, before suddenly changing direction: her direction. She hopped back in startlement. She remained still unblinking as she stared on in shock. What in the hay is happenin’? she wondered.

The apples started laughing, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. “Wh-who are y’all?” she asked, on edge. Three giant groups of apples formed as they danced around her. They had gaps in them, making it appear as if they had eyes and a mouth.

“The keepers of the grove of truth. You may ask us…”

“One question…”

“But be warned…”

“That the truth…”

“May not always be pleasant…”

Applejack stared in shock. Grove of truth? Any question? She shook her head. “Ah don’t care about none of that! Please, ya got ta help me get outta here! Ah got ta get to mah baby sister ‘fore she gets herself into trouble!”

“Ah, that we can help with my dear…”

“But in order for that to occur…”

“You need to accept the truth…”

The truth? She furrowed her brows, confused as to what they were implying. “What in the hay is that supposed ta mean!? What truth? What are y’all spoutin’ on about?” Applejack retorted, starting to become irritated.

“Here in the grove of truth…”

“Lies will keep you bound…”

“Accepting the truth is the only way to be found…”

The three groups rolled away from her. Some individual apples lingered, dancing around her hooves, as if beckoning her to follow.

Accepting the truth is the only way to be found, rang through her head. She frowned as she pondered that. Accept the truth? She’s never been one to lie to herself… But, if this was the only way to get to her sister, she had to take it. Reluctantly, she followed. Her eyes danced between the three large groups of sentient apples that bobbed up and down as they waited for her. She shuddered as their grins bore deep into her psyche. Somethin’ strange goin’ on… Ah don’t like it one bit, she thought. She slowed as she approached the pond once more.

“For the answers you seek…”

“Go ahead, take a peek…”

She did. At first nothing happened, but then the water rippled, making way for an image to appear: an image of her sister. Apple Bloom stood under the arch of the wooden Apples’ sign. She had a singular bag resting on her back.

“Wait, Apple Bloom!” Applejack pleaded, running up to Apple Bloom and pushing her snout into Apple Bloom’s. “If ya stay, Ah’ll give ya less chores!”

That gave Apple Bloom pause. She leaned her head back and tapped her chin. “Mmm… nah,” she stated simply, walking around her.

Applejack frantically ran back in front of her. She trotted forward, causing Apple Bloom to backpedal. “Ah’ll help ya with… uh… math?” she asked with a nervous grin. Flinching as she realized that out of all the subjects she could have said, that was the worst.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at her as she stopped in place, no longer being deterred.

Applejack faltered, coming to a halt. “Uh…” Her eyes darted all around, before landing on an apple tree. She ran up to it. “Ya always said you wanted ta learn ta applebuck, right!? Well, it’s a good day as any ta learn!” She gave it a kick, causing a few leaves to fall. Oh, right… Discord ruined our crops… she cursed under her breath.

Apple Bloom just rolled her eyes and kept moving.

Applejack ran in front of her once more. This time however, Apple Bloom just walked around.

Applejack followed her, saddling up to her side. “Ah’ll stop treatin’ ya like a baby just as ya asked! Honest!” She tried to give her best winning smile she could, which came across pained and lopsided. That was what her sister wanted, right? No longer being treated like she was a youngin’? Surely that would get her to stop.

“Too late,” Apple Bloom replied in an increasingly irate voice, still keeping her focus on the road in front of her.

That caused Applejack to stop and stutter. She was grasping for straws now. In a fit of hysterics, she launched herself at one of Applebloom’s heels, latching on. “Don’t go, Apple Bloom! ‘twon’t be the same without ya! Please!” she begged

“Let go!” Apple Bloom shook her back leg and weaseled her way free. She galloped at full speed, leaving them to wallow.

Applejack got up hesitantly and brought her Stetson down to her face. “…Guess that’s the end of Sweet Apple Acres,” she choked. She walked back to the arch and pulled out a ladder to start taking down the chains that held up the Apples’ sign.

“…Ee-eeyup,” Big McIntosh sobbed watching the last of Apple Bloom and the dust plume she left over the crest of the hill she went over.

Granny Smith remained silent as her lip trembled as she watched alongside him.

Applejack reared back from the pond. “N-no! Apple Bloom leaving Sweet Apple Acres!? Our farm being shut down!?” She shook her head swiftly. “It can’t be true. It jus’ can’t! None of this makes a lick of sense!” she quivered, holding her head and shaking, unable to process any of it.

“When all the truth does…”

“Is make your heart ache…”

“Sometimes a lie is easier to take…” a laugh echoed.

Applejack stared into the eyes of one of the piles of apples, her eyes started rippling different colors as she became hypnotized. Her coat’s natural orange became dull and lifeless.

She rapidly shook her head, wondering what had just happened. Oh, right… She frowned, remembering her earlier conversation with her NOT family member… Nope, ain’t no sister of mine, no siree… She bit her lip, which started to quiver.

The wall that blocked her from leaving earlier, suddenly opened, revealing a befuddled Twilight who blinked in surprise. She looked down, seeing dirt that had no clear indication on the mechanics of how the hedge disappeared into the ground. Fascinating… Twilight thought, wondering how much of it was magic based. Her ears perked up to the sound of shuffling hooves. Twilight snapped out of her “Twilight” mode, and remembered why she’d stopped at the wall in the first place: voices. She smiled widely at seeing her friend, feeling relieved to find somepony she recognized, or well anypony really. “Applejack! Thank goodness! I thought I heard voices.” She paused, hearing something she’d never thought she’d hear coming from the rough and tough dependable pony that was her friend Applejack: sobbing. “Applejack?” she asked, concerned and bewildered. Twilight’s gait was awkward as she paused a few times in her approach. She tried to figure out the best way to console her friend, before settling with the most comforting voice and maneuver she could think of. She placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. The orange mare flinched at the touch. “Applejack… what’s… what’s wrong?”

Applejack whirled on her, angry; her face streaming with tears. “A-ain’t n-nothin’ wrong! Nothin’. At. All!” she wailed, bolting towards the entrance.

“A-applejack! Wait!” Twilight yelled after her, completely stunned. Her concern at an all-time. Seeing her friend like this was heartbreaking. Something definitely happened, and she was going to get to the bottom of it. A thought came to mind that delayed her moment, something very strange just occurred in their exchange and she just now realized it. Did… did Applejack just… lie? Twilight thought for a moment before shaking her head. It didn’t matter. If she did, she obviously did it because she was very hurt, which was more than enough reason to catch up to her friend. She tried to channel her magic to teleport to her, but… Right, no horn… She ran after her. “Applejack!”

A set of four yellow hooves stood around a corner and watched as they departed. A wicked smirk crossed her features. She reached for a red marker and awkwardly fumbled for it with her hooves, before trying her mouth. It fell out. Oh, right. She rolled her eyes, shifting back into his original form. The marker floated and crossed out an apple on a sheet of paper. A guttural laugh bubbled to the surface as Discord morphed into a gelatinous-like form and shot up into the air, leaving a narrow and long trail to follow in his wake. He arched through the sky as he changed directions, heading towards his next destination.

Rarity couldn’t believe her rotten luck. First, a dress she’d poured hours into for an important client was ruined. Second, she’d been pulled into some positively barbaric sport… Third, dirt. DIRT EVERYWHERE. Rarity paused to lift a hoof up. She turned her head and closed her eyes, not wanting to look. She recoiled at the thought of how badly cracked she’d imagined her hoof was. She pried an eye open slowly to inspect it; her heart sank and she nearly fainted. It was worse than she thought. Her lip wavered at seeing the hairline split. It was going to take hours of a proper hooficure to remedy that! Discord would rue the day he crossed paths with her! She would ensure he would pay handsomely! Preferably with sapphires. No, scratch that: diamonds.

She made another turn–


“Gesundheit, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity stated simply as she kept moving, keeping her snout up and her eyes closed. She froze. She fluttered her eyelashes a couple times and spun around towards the source. “Swe—WhahaAHHHH!”


“Sweetie Belle! Oh, what happened to your mane!? It’s positively horrid! And your coat! How in Celestia’s name did you get so much—is that orange dye? Really darling, if you wanted to dye your coat, why orange of all things? It simply does not compliment your mane! Oh, deary me… how did this happen, darling!?” she shrieked, seeing the bird’s nest of a mane covered in twigs, leaves, dirt, oh so much dirt… It would take all her willpower not to faint at that particular moment.

Sweetie Belle scowled as her sister ran around and continued inspecting her. “Rarity.”

“Oh, forget how it happened! It simply doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you need a nice long soak in a tub—oh that dye is going to stain, I hope Princess Celestia doesn’t mind letting us make use of one of the castle’s… And thank goodness I packed five different kinds of Ponavie shampoo and conditioner. I'll be quite amazed if we don’t run out by the time we’re done! Oh… and brushing—brushi–”

“RARITY!” Sweetie Belle screamed as she jumped once in place.

Rarity blinked in surprise before clearing her throat. “Yes, Sweetie Belle?” she asked, before faltering at the look Sweetie Belle was giving her.

Sweetie Belle curled her lips inwards, and kept her eyebrows lowered as she started directly into her sister’s eyes.

“Is… is something the matter, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked, knitting her brows in worry.

“Yes! You!” Sweetie Belle yelled, pointing an accusing hoof at her.

Rarity reared back in shock. “Aa—I… what!? But, whatever do you mean, Sweetie Belle? What have I done to deserve such… such harshness from my own sister?”

“I have been out here, LOST. FOR. HOURS! And the first thing you care about is how I look!?” She shot Rarity a glare that kept her sister from answering. “If I were out here, lying on the ground”—she laid down—“unmoving, would you perform TLC to my unkempt mane”—she got up and ruffled her own mane—“instead of performing CPR!?” she shrieked as she compressed a small rock with two hooves, causing it to shatter.

Rarity looked horrified.

Sweetie Belle faced away from her and scoffed. “Hmph. Guess so…” she muttered, having the briefest and tiniest of smirks.

Rarity shook her head, finally snapping out of her shutdown state. “What? No!” Rarity rushed forward to the front of her. “Look at me, Sweetie Belle.” She brought Sweetie Belle’s chin up so she could face her; a look of concern predominately showing in her eyes whilst holding a sad smile. “I care about you deeply, Sweetie Belle. I do. I’m sorry, I—sometimes I tend to fret over the most minute of details that I often end up skimming over the bigger picture.” She shook her head and sighed. “You’re right, my first reaction should have been to check and ensure that you were okay.” Rarity reached around her sister with both hooves and pulled her into a tight hug. “Can you forgive this positively foolish sister of yours?” she mumbled, opening her eyes halfway.

“No,” Sweetie Belle whispered, easily pushing herself away from her stupefied sister, who lost all the strength in her legs to hold her up.

“You say you care about me, but is that really true?” Sweetie Belle accused, taking one step towards her sister.

Tears started forming in Rarity’s eyes.

“Why won’t you ever let me help you? Why do you keep putting me on the sidelines just to watch you work?” She took another step forward.

Rarity’s makeup smeared and her lips trembled as she remained unmoving on the ground. “I–”

“I’ll tell you why,” Sweetie Belle spit as she dropped down to Rarity’s face level. “You don’t care about me. I’m nothing more to you than an annoying little filly you wish you didn’t have to associate yourself with.” Sweetie Belle got up and trotted away from her, before stopping near a bend. She turned her head to give her a side glance. “You know, I had hope when I learned that you were chosen by some magical force to represent some fantastical Element. It was like something out of a fantasy book! I was so excited to think that maybe, just maybe my sister would treat me like… well… a sister.”

Rarity choked back a sob.

“Guess I was wrong. I should have known better than to think that my selfish sister could ever change just because she represented some stupid Element. Some Element of Generosity you are. And some sister you are... I’m going to find a new and better sister, one who actually cares about me, one who will treat me the way I deserve.” Sweetie Belle faced away. “Goodbye, Rarity,” she stated in the most bitter tone she could muster, before galloping away.

Rarity’s tears flowing freely. Her pain was unimaginable. Disowned by her own sister. Her words left an impact she didn’t know could ever be fixed. “N-no! SWEETIE BELLE! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” she wailed desperately. She got up, feeling sad, confused and angry. She ran after her, but the tears made it too blurry to distinguish where she was heading. She turned and turned and turned, frantically searching for her sister. Then, one sharp turn later, she promptly banged face-first into something, hard. She fell down to her rump and rubbed her snotty snout before opening her eyes. “S-sweetie Belle! Oh, thank goodness I found you!” she choked, hugging her. “Shh, shh, shh… It’s okay, no words need to be spoken,” Rarity said, placing a hoof on her sister’s granite surface. “Your sister is here… You’re my sister, FOREVER,” she said dramatically as she shook Sweetie Belle, who had mysteriously and suddenly weighed a ton more, had jagged edges, was gray and happened to share the name of a certain pink mare’s sister’s pet.

Rarity’s coat started to dull; her mannerisms in shambles. Her eyes twitched; her mouth curved into a lopsided smile. “We’ll… we’ll do whatever you want, yes! I’ll let you stitch and even let you handle those fabulous sapphires I had acquired from last week’s expedition with Spike—oh dear, I’m going to need to ensure I keep him away so you don’t go sneaking off and become his sister on me! Oh! And your friends… you… you don’t consider them sisters, do you, Sweetie Belle?” She gasped. Her eyes fluttered and she shook with rage. “I knew it! Those little traitors… I’ll—hehe, doesn’t matter. Simple doesn’t—IT MATTERS A LOT!” she screamed as she shook the boulder with more vigor this time.

“But that’s okay, it’s fine… I’ll just have to break that sisterly bond you have with them, because you’re MY sister and I can’t share you with anyone. Hope you understand, dear,” she said, giving it a manic grin, eyes still twitching.

“Now, what do you say we go home, hmm?” she turned around and started trotting, before noticing she wasn’t being followed. She quickly ran back. “Oh dear, are your legs tired? Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle. Your wonderful, generous and not-at-all selfish sister is here to help. I’ll just carry you back! Yes!” she declared, grunting as she craned her neck to place the giant boulder on her back. “My… Sweetie… Belle… you… sure are… heavy…” she struggled to say as she crept forward, lifting one painful hoof up at a time.

Twilight rounded the corner, eyes glued to the ground in thought. She was followed reluctantly by a bickering Pinkie Pie and a downcast Applejack. Twilight sighed. Not only had she been unsuccessful in her attempts to figure out what was wrong with Applejack, she now had to deal with a constantly on-edge pink mare that accused her of making fun of her every time she’d even so much as glance at her. She wondered if it were possible that the day could get any crazier.

“Oh, look! More ponies to make fun of Pinkie Pie, just great!” Pinkie remarked, pointing an accusing hoof at Rarity.

Twilight perked up at hearing Rarity’s name. “Rarity! Are we glad to see—Why are you carrying a humongous boulder?” she asked, craning her head in disbelief.

Rarity gasped and put her hooves around the boulder, as if trying to block its hearing. “Twilight! How could you say such an awful, awful thing to MY sister, Sweetie Belle!? So what if she’s… a little wealthy around the gut, it doesn’t matter! Also, before you ask… NO. She’s MY sister and you can’t have her!” she yelled, pressing her back against Boulder Belle while hyperventilating.

“That ain’t yer sister!” Applejack accused; lips puckered. “Nope, that’s uh, Apple Bloom! Yep. Apple Bloom. Ya know, mah sister who thinks of me as her big sister, doesn’t hate me and ain’t leaving the farm? That’s the one! Honest. Yep.” Her eyes flicked side to side.

Rarity gave her a venomous glare. “Lies and slander! How dare you accuse Sweetie Belle of being that… that ruffian of a sister of yours! You lay one hoof on her and you are so. Going. Down!” she hissed, getting into a fighting pose while standing on two hooves. She promptly lost balance and fell on her rump.

Twilight watched the exchange in confusion. She couldn’t for the life of her wrap her head around what was happening. While she was used to her friends acting strange from time-to-time, she being no exception, this took the cake. Usually it would be somewhat endearing, this was anything but. They were all acting in opposition of how they usually acted, and now two of them believed some stupid boulder was their sister!? Well, at least one of them did. She wasn’t sure what to make of Applejack since she’d all but confirmed she’s a liar now after she’d asked her the simple question of what her main harvest back home was and getting pear as a response. It took a mareculean effort to not go into a total meltdown after hearing that.

Twilight glanced at Pinkie Pie, who was laying on her back, forelegs holding her head.

Pinkie promptly sat up when she noticed she was being watched. “What? You thinking about making fun of me? Well, are you!?” she shrieked.

“Argh! NO! I was just going to say we need to get a move on! We’re still down two mares and we need to find the Elements!” She whipped her head over to the other two still arguing over Boulder Belle, or was it Boulder Bloom…? Okay, maybe she was starting to lose her mind too. She really needed to get them going.

“Come on girls, it’s time to go,” Twilight urged as she started trotting away, before pausing and noticing no one was following. “Oh, for the love of…”

Twilight trotted up behind the boulder, took a deep breath and strained herself to lift it. With shaky legs and labored breathing, she shuffled away slowly. When she got a good ten ponies’ length away from them, and was near the turn she wanted to head down next that happened to have a slope, she promptly leaned to the side, letting the boulder slide off. She walked around and grit her teeth as she put her back into the boulder. It budged forward just enough to cause it to start moving on its own. She turned towards the still arguing duo and called out to them, “Guys, look! I think your… sister? Sisters?” She rubbed her temple. “Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are trying to get a move on!”

Applejack and Rarity turned towards her in shock.

“S-sweetie Belle, w-wait for me!”

“Apple Bloom, hold up, sugarcube!”

They took off towards the boulder that was barreling at nauseating speeds, destroying any unfortunate stone columns and vases in its path. This should have been a clear indication that perhaps it wasn’t either of their sisters, but the thought didn’t so much as cross their minds given the destructive tendencies of the CMC.

Twilight sighed in relief and took off after them.

Pinkie Pie scoffed and reluctantly followed while muttering a few curses under her breath.

Sweetie Belle watched from a corner as they left. Her twisted smile twitched. She laughed. It was too rich! Discord, frankly, your genius scares me at times! Discord thought, wiping a tear as he changed back into his Draconequus form. He chuckled as he crossed out a trio of diamonds.

He looked to see who was next. Ah, the scaredy pony. He snorted. This was too easy; he’d practically tasted victory already. Oh, he couldn’t wait to see all their reactions when they finally caught up with one another! The chaos, it would be delicious! “Anywhos…” He snapped his claw and suddenly sported a pair of swim trunks while standing on a diving board. “I certainly hope, Buttercream doesn’t mind me diving in on her like this~” he sang as he started bouncing on the board.

One of the three other Discord’s coughed. “It’s Shutterfly, if you’re going to say the name you may as well get it right.” The other two nodded in agreement.

Discord rolled his eyes and dived into the tiny pool, causing a tidal wave to come out and drench the others. They held out signs: a pickle, an asterisk, and a frog doing a backflip.

Fluttershy peered from within a hedge. Seeing that the coast was clear, she jumped out. Her hooves shook in place and teeth chattered as she checked her surroundings once more. She took a breath. She appeared determined. “Okay, I can do this. I can–” she screamed in fright as a few tiny pink objects floated into her view. She dove back into the hedge and struggled to get back in. Once in, she realized she wasn’t in any danger, as the creatures who “chased” were those that were represented as her cutie mark. “Oh, wait a minute… Butterflies?” They flew off, heading around a bend. “Wait! Don’t leave me here!” she said, as she raced after them, worried she’d be left alone once more. She chased them down a few turns, before losing sight of them. She froze and started to panic, twisting her head in each direction in a desperate attempt to find them.

“Fluttershy…” came a voice from behind, startling her. She turned her head around to see the three butterflies hovering above her.

“Looks like you’ve been left behind by your so-called friends, huh?” they asked in sync, crossing their forelegs. They raised a questioning eyebrow while holding a smirk, knowing how easy this would be–

Fluttershy lowered her eyebrows and shook her head. “Oh, no,” she started, raising her head back and giving them a smile. “I’m certain they’re doing their best to find me.”

“Well,” they flew around her. “It must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are.”

“Not at all,” she said, her smile going bigger and her eyes widening. “I am weak and helpless and I appreciate their understanding.”

What, Discord thought, starting to become irritated at how this wasn’t at all how he expected this interaction to go. They sputtered. “Yes… well, surely it burns you up… I mean, that they’re always pointing out your flaws, right?” they asked with their voice shifting away from its honey-sweet tone to something deeper and unbelieving for a moment as they faltered, unsure of how this conversation could derail any further.

Fluttershy just gave them a confused look. “Not really,” she stated with glee, lifting a hoof. “In fact, I think I’m awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be.” Her face was completely at peace, as if she’d thought about this for a long time.

Something inside Discord snapped. The butterflies flashed away, revealing one very angry Draconequus.

Fluttershy froze in place, scared.

Do you know what gives me the courage to face my fears?

Fluttershy blinked as the recent conversation started to surface.

You do.

Discord floated in place and threw his arms out. “Oh, for goodness’ sake!”

Trust in your friends and you will find the courage to face any obstacle.

Her eyes widened.

Discord dropped down and reached a claw out–

“Hold on just a minute there, buster!” Fluttershy commanded, causing Discord to instantly retract his claw.

Fluttershy flew up to his face and prodded him in the chest. “You think you can just bully my friends all you want and get away with it?” she probed, giving him a wicked stare.

Discord’s mind went blank. He had no idea what was happening. This isn’t at all what he’d been expecting.

“Well, do you?” she accused, her scowl deepening.

Discord shrank back, keeping his appendages close to his chest. Do something you nitwit, the voice inside his head screamed.

“This is what you’re going to do. You are going to apologize to my friends. You are going to apologize to Princess Celestia—”

Discord raised his paw.

“—and Princess Luna.”

He lowered his paw.

“Then you’re going to return the Elements. If you’re a good boy and do all that, we could maybe have a tea party every Tuesday. Got it?” She poked him on the chest again.

Discord blinked a few times as the hamster wheel in his brain started moving once more. “Ohh, yes!” He kneeled before her and started bowing to her several times in a row. “Anything for the Princess of Kindness! Please, have mercy on this poor servient of yours!” He lifted back up and saw her giving him an eyebrow raise. That broke him. “Bwahahaha!” He fell back and clutched his sides. “Oh, you’re. Just. Hilarious! Ahaha!” He got up to wipe a tear. He thought this encounter would be a little bit dull compared to the others. Oh, how wrong he was!

“What’s so funny, mister!?” Fluttershy asked, frustrated. “If you don’t listen to me, I’ll give you… The Stare,” she proclaimed ominously in the most serious voice she could muster, narrowing her eyes to emphasize the last word. No one could withstand even a fraction of its power; Discord would surely be no match.

Discord snorted. “The w-what?” he choked back a laugh. “Oh, please! Anything but that!” He threw himself down before her, clutching her forelegs. “Your stare is known throughout the cosmos as being a force that nobody can oppose! If you use it on me, I… I don’t think I’ll make it!” he said in a mockingly scared tone. He let go and laughed again.

Fluttershy gave him the full-on stare assault, closing one eye and focusing her other one on him.

Discord choked, clutching his throat. “Uh—p-please… I… can’t…”

She continued the assault, completely serious.

Discord, seeing how much she was concentrating on using this supposed power of hers, lost his mind. “Ahahahaha! Y-you’re a riot, Fluttershy! Hahaha!” He waved his body around in hysterics, not unlike that of a wacky inflatable mare.

Fluttershy reeled back in shock. No one had ever resisted her stare before…

“Y-you know what? You gave me a pretty good laugh, I must admit! Bravo! For that, I think I’ll just let you be, for now.” He looked into a mirror as he adjusted his tie. “I have other matters that need my attention at the moment anyway, busy day and all that. I’m certain you understand, kind as you are or whatever,” he informed while waving her off. He combed his mane back, before snapping and pointing at himself. A briefcase appeared by his side, he reached to grab it. “It’s been fun. Let’s do this again sometime, Nutterby.” He started walking away, whistling a tune.

Fluttershy’s gaping maw closed to a fine line, before twisting into an ugly scowl that revealed her bottom row of teeth on both sides. Her eyes narrowed as her face grew red. “NO! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT, MISTER!” she bellowed, flying like a jet straight up to his face.

Discord reared back and dropped his suitcase in shock.

“YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! YOU WILL APOLOGIZE TO MY FRIENDS! AND YOU WILL GIVE BACK THE ELEMENTS!” She tried using the stare once more, with even more force than ever. She grit her teeth as she became increasingly irate at seeing it have no effect.

Discord blinked in surprise as Fluttershy’s coat slowly started to dull on its own.

“No, scratch that…” Her voice quieted and became scratchy as her coat completely dulled out. An evil smirk appeared on her features. “I think it’d be more fun to hurt you instead…”

The tiniest bead of sweat appeared on Discord’s forehead. He summoned a kerchief to wipe it as he adjusted his tie. “…You know what? Now that I think about it… I think I liked the old Fluttershy just a teensy bit better, just my opinion. But, you do you. I really do have somewhere else to be, so… arrivederci!” he threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared.

Fluttershy skidded to a halt on the ground where Discord once stood. She pounded her hooves on the dirt several times in frustration.

A hedge slid into the ground, revealing four other ponies.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight beamed, finally glad to come across someone who knew was bound to be her usual self. “I’m so glad to see a friendly face.” She glanced behind her, looking to the others. “This awful labyrinth is getting to everypony.”

Applejack and Rarity growled at her while playing tug-o-war with the boulder. Pinkie Pie just blew a raspberry at her.

Twilight sighed.

“Aw, boo-hoo-hoo! Why don’t you wave your magic little horn and make everything all right?” Fluttershy retorted, giving her a cold look.

Twilight’s heart sank. Not Fluttershy too… she thought. “Uh…”

“Oh, that’s right, you can’t. You don’t have one,” Fluttershy stated, flicking Twilight’s muzzle with her tail as she walked away from her.

Twilight let out a frustrated groan.

Rainbow Dash stuck her head out from around a corner. Coast is clear, she thought. She galloped to another corner–

“—that’s awesome!”

Rainbow Dash skidded to a halt and launched to the nearest cover. She put her back against a stone vase and flicked her ears in the direction of where the voice came from.

“Heh, yeah I know,” came another voice.

Rainbow Dash knitted her brows. The voices appeared to be coming from around the next bend on her right. She tip-hooved around the vase and hugged the hedge tight.

“With a wingspan like that, you must be a totally powerful flier!” came the first voice again.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened, recognizing whose voice it belonged to. She peered around and confirmed her suspicions. Squirt? What is she—Her inner thoughts died when she peered out further and noticed who she was with.

“What? You mean… these?” Gilda stood up on her hind legs and extended her wings, giving them a couple powerful flaps.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash barked, blowing her cover. She glared at Gilda as she approached them.

“Well, well, well… If it ain’t Rainbow. Traitor. Crash. What do you call a traitor and a crasher? Trash. More fitting, don’t ya think, dweeb?” Gilda snarked, walking up to her with a strut.

“Traitor!?” Rainbow Dash butted heads with her. “I didn’t betray anyone! You hurt my friends! What’d you think I was going to do!? Give you a pat on the back you big stupid mean bird!?”

Gilda scoffed, leaning her head back and glancing at Scootaloo. “Ya gotta watch this one, kid. She’ll claim to be friends with ya one minute, then stab ya in the back the next, she’s two-faced and totally crazy,” she said while moving a claw in a circular motion around her head.

“What!?” Dash exclaimed and looked at Scootaloo. “Don’t listen to her, Squirt! Me and her are no longer friends because she’s not who I thought she was! I thought she was cool, and at one point, I think she really was. But she’s changed! Now, she’s just mean and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if it means hurting my friends!” Rainbow Dash walked over to Scootaloo and stood beside her, still keeping her eye on Gilda. “Come on, Squirt. Let’s go,” she stated with determination, starting to trot off.

Scootaloo kicked a pebble. “I used to think you were awesome, Rainbow Dash… How could you just… stop being friends with her just like that?” she asked, keeping her gaze on the ground in front of her.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked, taken aback. She spun on her.

“I mean, sure Gilda did some pretty awful things, that’s true. But you were friends with her for years, right? Don’t friends try to work things out?” She blew her mane out of her face. “I mean, I get in fights with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle all the time, but we’ve always been able to patch things up. I can’t imagine just… being friends one moment and not the next...”

“That’s different! Your friends don’t go around hurting others on purpose, do they?” Rainbow Dash scowled as Gilda blew a raspberry at her. “She gave me no choice. There was no way we could remain friends with the way she was acting towards everypony else.”

Scootaloo whirled on her. “You don’t get it!” she screamed.

Rainbow Dash took an involutory step back in shock.

“Yes, she was mean! I get that! Okay!? But she was one of your oldest friends! Instead of just… just throwing her out of your life, why didn’t you at least try to get her to see reason? Why didn’t you try to work through the issues?” Scootaloo rubbed her temple.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth–

“Maybe, the reason WHY she was acting mean in the first place was because she was jealous!” Scootaloo pleaded.

Rainbow Dash shook her head in disbelief. “Jealous? Jealous of what?” she exclaimed, throwing a cautionary look at Gilda, who appeared to be more interested in the tips of her claws.

“Jealous of your friends! Jealous because she thought you were replacing her!” Scootaloo reasoned, waving a hoof.

That struck a chord. “N-no. If—why didn’t—she should’ve just—ugh! Gilda! Why didn’t you just tell me? I was never trying to replace you! Why weren’t you just honest with me instead of acting like a big jerk!?” Rainbow Dash sputtered, exasperated.

“Well, I guess she wasn’t wrong though, huh? You left her without a second thought, and now she has no friends. Some loyal friend you are…” Scootaloo walked and stood beside Gilda.

Rainbow Dash flinched.

Gilda turned to Rainbow Dash. “Because I thought you’d think I was lame, alright? There, you happy now?” she scoffed before looking down to the orange filly. “What’d ya say that we ditch this no winged, lame-o and take to the skies, kid?” She flapped her wings a couple times before sitting.

“Yeah… sounds good to me,” Scootaloo acknowledged, sounding bitter, giving Rainbow Dash one last sad look before hopping up and latching her hooves around Gilda’s neck.

“No, wait! She is wrong! I didn’t leave her just like that, I didn’t! It’s her fault! If she had just said she was sorry things could have been different, but she didn’t!” Rainbow Dash tried to reason, not understanding how this was happening.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” Gilda said simply, before giving a few powerful flaps, lifting herself up.

Scootaloo turned her head away from her and held a smirk.

“Scoots, wait!” Rainbow Dash yelled, galloping towards them. She leapt, trying to tackle them out of the air, but it was too late.

They took off, leaving her behind.

Rainbow Dash spat the leaves out of her mouth and got back up immediately. She jumped, as if trying to get to them. She growled as she realized she was a sitting duck, with no way to go after them. She let out a frustrated growl before kicking a nearby chest and causing it to open. “Stupid, Gilda,” she muttered angrily, glancing at the object she hit. She froze.

Her eyes widened at the sight of a pair of cyan wings sitting inside the chest.

Twilight sighed. It had been a long day, but she knew it would soon be over. All they needed was Rainbow Dash and… well the Elements too, but one thing at a time.

She looked back to ensure her friends were still with her. Fluttershy ignored her, instead choosing to touch the boulder, much to the constant frustration of Applejack and Rarity, who had resolved to carry it at the same time, as they agreed that the boulder was, somehow, both their sisters. She facehooved, sliding it down as they stopped for the twentieth time to argue with Fluttershy, who kept laughing them off. Pinkie Pie just did a motion with her hoof around her neck and pointed at her.

A very long day.

She shook her head, disheartened. “At least Rainbow Dash won’t let us down,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Well, looky there. Rainbow Dash is flying away. She’s abandonin’ us. Unlike my sister, Apple Bloom, who Ah know would never do such a thing as cruel as that. Heh, yep…” Applejack said with a quickly faltering and pained smile.

Twilight just scoffed. Rainbow Dash? Flying off and abandoning her friends? Ha! “Now I know that’s a lie.” She looked up, humoring her. She felt her heart in her throat and became numb as she stared, dumbstruck. Sure enough, Rainbow Dash was flying off in some unknown direction, leaving them behind. “How can it be?” she asked, keeping her eyes glued to the fading rainbow contrail that was going further and further into the distance.

A loud bang resounded in the sky, knocking her from her thoughts. She jumped before looking up and seeing lightning flash through the sky. The ground shook, and the hedges started to disappear back into the ground in droves.

“Well, well, well. Somepony broke the ‘no wings; no magic’ rule,” Discord remarked, flapping out of the settling dust, revealing himself. He snapped his claw, returning the horns and wings to their rightful owners. “Game’s over, my little ponies,” he mockingly said, pointing a claw at them. “You didn’t find your precious Elements.” He got into Twilight’s face and gave her an evil grin, before snapping back. Discord looked to the sky in amusement, holding a pink umbrella out.

“Looks like we might be due for a big old storm of chaos,” he laughed as he unfurled his umbrella to be inside out. Lightning crackled throughout the sky.

Celestia trotted, her hooves echoing in the darkened hallway that held varying shades of blue décor. Light filtered through the maroon blinds, casting a long, disfigured and faded shadow of herself against the doorways she passed. Her mind was in a complete state of turmoil, betraying her practiced strides and her outward neutrality.

Her steps felt heavier and heavier as she neared her destination. Slitted yellow eyes stared inquisitively at her from above.

Slowing to a halt, she stood at the silver arched door and took a deep breath. She hesitated, staring at its handles and briefly wondering once more if there were any other options available.

The faceless fillies flashed in her mind’s eye for a moment, Discord laughing as he held them by strings and strew them about.

Her breath hitched. She shook her head; she didn’t have time for doubts. Steeling herself, she opened both sets of doors using her magic, the doors pushed forward with a creek. The poorly lit hallway did little to help her peer into the room. She lit her horn, casting a soft yellow glow.

She trotted to the crescent shaped moon bed and saw her sister soundlessly asleep. Luna’s eyes tightened at the sudden offending light. She mumbled something nonsensical before pulling the sheets over her head.

Celestia would have laughed at the sight, had the situation been different. She sighed. “Luna,” she whispered, pulling the sheet back to reveal her head.

Luna grumbled and turned her head face-down into her pillow.

“Luna,” she stated louder than before.

Luna folded the pillow on both sides of her head.

Celestia’s lip tightened. She didn’t want to do this, but… “I am sorry Luna, but it seems that your reform to bring back cheese wheels as a traditional engagement gift by royalty has been… turned down.”

“WHAT?” Princess Luna shot up, her eyes bloodshot. “HOW DARE THOSE INSOLENT FOALS TURN DOWN OUR AUTHORITY! WHAT HATH THEY GOT AGAINST SUCH DELECTABLE EATS!? WE WILL—Sister?” she asked, suddenly confused. She rubbed her eyes. “Ugh, what time is it?” She pulled the clock from her nightstand. She blinked blurrily, squinting, before groaning and falling back into her pillow. “Please tell Us this has nothing to do with that diplomatic trip to Griffonstone? We already apologized for spitting out their''—her face soured—“food so suddenly and violently. Even though it was terrible…” she muttered.

“No, Luna. I am afraid not,” Celestia said, using her magic to turn on the twisted lamps that were near the bed.

Luna’s ears perked; her brows knit. “Afraid not? Then it is–“

“Worse. Far worse,” Celestia said seriously, starting to pace the room.

Luna’s eyes widened at seeing her sister’s mannerisms. She’d rarely seen her sister get worked up like this, unless the situation was dire. Her sister waking her up should have been a red flag enough, but this was… “Sister?” she asked, getting out of bed suddenly, no longer feeling tired. “Sister,” Luna tried again, placing a hoof on her sister’s shoulder, giving Celestia pause. “What is it?” Luna asked, worried.

Celestia bit her lip.

“Discord has returned.”

Author's Note:

It hurt my soul to do this chapter, especially for Applejack's and Rarity's parts... But it felt right to do given who Discord was at this point in the show. How could he possibly be redeemable after this you ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see~

Oh, I skipped over Pinkie Pie's part because I felt Discord and her part would have gone pretty much the same as the show. Although you could argue Discord would have been a little more brutal in his approach after Pinkie declined his invitation to join him. I had one idea I could have gone with, but uh... it was a little too brutal. Let's just say it would have involved Pinkie being picked on by Discord in the disguise of her friends, laughing at her as she kept tripping and falling for their "pranks." Yeah... I didn't have the heart to do that.

Next chapter we're diving back into more CMC and Discord shenanigans!