• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 486 Views, 8 Comments

Pupil of the Night - Echo-Web Productions

The introduction of my first MLP OC, Painted Night and her life as the forgotten student of Luna.

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Chapter 3 - Friend of the Pupil


"Yes, Snow?" She stopped, looking back at the captain and beloved friend.

"Show that tyrant the wrath of the night."

Luna nodded determinedly, a silent promise passing between the two. The door shut and the alicorn began her walk down the hall, eyes narrowed angrily as she thought of her mission ahead.

Snow closed the door, her smile one of worry for her princess.

‘What if they can’t defeat him?’

Shaking her head of negative thoughts, she turned to the two fillies, ears flicking as their whispering filled the room. She allowed herself a genuine smile, gaze flitting to the glimpse of sunlight peeking through the thick curtains.

“Alright fillies, time to get back to bed.”

Painted smiled at the guard, quick to listen and bury herself under the plush blankets. Dusk Dagger on the other hoof….

“Awwwww, mom! We just met and we have so many things planned already! I’ve already napped!”

The young thestral hybrid whined, her eyes widening and lips pouting. Used to her daughter’s shenanigans, Snow Star’s horn lit up, her magic wrapping around Dusk with ease. Quickly, and with a yelp from the filly, Snow had Dusk Dagger stripped of her armor and laid under the blankets, next to Luna’s Prodigy.

“Oh dear. My apologies, Painted Night. Would you allow Dusk Dagger to sleep with you?”

“I don’t mind! I’ve never had a sleepover before.”

Heart melting at the young one’s innocence, Captain Snow Star tucked in the fillies and activated the galaxy ceiling. A myriad of cool colors swirled to life, little jewels twinkling like the stars themselves. Staring at the beautiful display, one could forget they lay in a room with a ceiling, able to lull themselves to sleep with the majestic magic.

Snow looked to the girls, noticing how the sky enraptured the fillies’ attention. She also noticed how the young unicorns began to tire, watching as their bodies slowly succumbed to sleep’s comforting hold.

“Good day, my little fillies. May the night greet you with love when you wake.

Click. The bedroom door opened and the devoted moth-, no, Captain Snow Star of the Lunar Guard, stepped into the hallway. Click. Shutting the door and casting a spell on the room to protect its precious inhabitants, the captain took her position by the door, face becoming stoic and fierce, body unmoving.

Facing the East wall, a large blue stained window, the experienced warrior watched the sky be swept away by dark blue. Eyes dropping to the horizon, Captain Snow Star allowed herself the pleasure of watching her mistress’s domain come to life, as its light rose to its spot in the heavens. Feeling the moonlight wash over her, Snow Star looked down to see her crystalized coat reflecting the moon and setting her in an ethereal glow. Having satisfied her attention for the night, she returned to her duty whole-heartedly, ready for the night ahead.

Laughter filled the Lunar Halls, patrolling guards cooing at the precious sound. Two unicorn fillies skipped down the hall, taking turns making faces at each other and laughing. Painted Night stuck her tongue out, magic flashing to form a replica of her face above her. Dusk Dagger laughed happily, repeating the expression, horn flickering before sputtering out. Skidding to a stop, Dusk looked up at her horn and huffed.

“Why can’t I do that too?!”

“It takes practice, Dusky! It took me years to figure it out and I still can’t do it all the time!”

“I hate things that take so long to dooooo!”

Painted lit up, smile widening in excitement.

“Oh! What if I teach you and we practice together! I can study and you can practice your magic for the Guard!”

Dusk clapped her hooves, stars in her eyes.

“You’re a genius Night! Oh and mom could even teach us some more magic!”

Turning excitedly to the mare behind them, the fillies quickly jumped up. Snow Star gave a smile, seeming to think the idea over. Hoof rubbing under her chin, she gave a sly smirk.

“I might.”

“Come on mom! She’s Luna’s student! And I need to know more magic to be a strong guard like you!”

Snow continued humming in fake thought, smirking. The fillies quickly put on their puppy dog eyes, hunching in on themselves to make themselves cuter.


Sighing at their combined attack, Star gave a dramatic woe, hoof flying to her forehead.

“I guess I have no choice! You fiends have bested me with your devastating attack! Bleh.”

Her hoof dropped to her mouth and she began giggling, trying hard to cover them.

“You girls are getting better. Even Discord himself would have caved with those looks.”

The girls giggled amongst themselves, giving each other a high hoof. Their gazes returned to the captain, wide in hope.

“Does this mean you’ll teach us?!”

Slightly unnerved by their synced response, Snow chuckled and nodded. She then held up her hoof.

“On one condition. I want you two to help me make our Princess a gift. She has been gone for a few days now and will no doubtedly be tired from her trip. I want you girls to help me make her a gift to help cheer her up. Do we have a deal?”


Her ears pinned back with the surprisingly loud and instant response. Rubbing her ear, she nodded.

“Great! Now let's head to the fields to start training!”

The following days were filled with magical training and precious planning. Though the nights passed rather quickly, the time was well spent and much was learned between the three unicorns.

Painted Night has devoted herself to her studying and gifting, allowing herself to escape the worry for her mentor. Dusk Dagger dove into her training, fiercely fighting to be a guard, just like her mother. Snow Star busied herself with the foals’ training and guarding them constantly, also burying her worry for their Goddess of the Night.

Soon, a week had come and gone since Luna left for her mission. The fillies have grown, both in size and talent, proving to be prodigies in their own ways. Captain Snow Star has been rather successful keeping them safe and distracted and it wasn’t long before their gift was ready.

It was unusually quiet in the castle, the normal sound of laughter missing from its halls. The guards grew tense with the eerie silent, all wanting to look for their lovable trio, but none willing to make the first move.

A loud bang came from Princess Luna’s room, startling every guard in the vicinity. The dear laughter they missed followed soon after, the Princess’s door swinging open to reveal the trio covered in glitter. They trotted into the hall, the glitter disappearing with a flash.

“She’s gonna love it! I’m glad we could do this for her! I can’t wait for her to return.”

Night walked to the window, propping up on the sill as she lovingly looked to the moon. Dusk walked up beside her, hopping onto the sill and sitting next to her friend.

“I’m sure Luna will be back any day now! I can’t wait for her to see her gift!”

Snow Star smiled at the girls, trotting over and nuzzling them both.

“Dusk is right, Luna will be back any day now. She could be on her way back right now! So how about we train before she returns and show her the new spells you two know!”

Dusk smiled widely, Painted giving her own smaller smile of excitement. Snow Star’s horn flared up, the mare disappearing with a pop, the fillies quickly following with their own flare of magic.

They were quick to appear in the training fields, Dusk shivering at the nauseous after feeling. Snow Star smiled and walked to the edge of the field, raising her hoof to tap against a small white crystal. A magic shield surrounded the field, preventing any stray spells from hurting anypony. She then walked to the center of the field, smirking at her students.

“We’ll be doing a small sparring match today. If either of you can land a spell on me, I’ll make my special fruit cakes for breakfast tomorrow. Ready?”

Painted and Dusk nodded, both determined as they readied themselves. They were going to get their fruit cakes.

With a small ding, the spar started, Dusk Dagger firing a small laser towards her mom. The experienced unicorn easily deflected it, keeping her eyes on the two fillies.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that for the fruit cakes.”

Taunting the fillies, Snow noticed Painted disappear, quickly blocking a spell from behind.

“Nice try Painted, but try to quiet your magic during spells, okay?”

“Got it!”

The spar continued as such for a few minutes, Snow blocking the twos’ spells and instructing them as they went. Eventually, the young unicorns grew tired, breath ragged and bodies ready to buckle. Captain Snow Star smiled at the two.

“Give up? Shame, I truly thought you wanted those fruit cakes.”

She shook her head with feigned disappointment, smiling proudly when both of their horns lit up.

“That’s my girls. Never give up.”

Painted let loose a spell, it weakly bounced off of Snow’s shield. The shield stayed summoned as Dusk let loose a stronger spell, one that also bounced off the shield. Or that’s what the ponies thought would happen. Snow Star flinched and her shield suddenly dissolved, the spell hitting her square in the chest and sending her to the ground.


Dusk Dagger was quick to her mom’s side, Painted just behind her. The two fillies helped the older mare up, tears filling their eyes.

“Are you okay?! I didn’t mean to make it that strong!”

“No, no Dusk! I’m fi-!”

Snow Star tried to let them know she was okay and it wasn’t the spell, but then she felt it. Something snapped inside of her and it felt as if her soul was a puppet just snipped from her strings or as if it was ripped from her body. Perhaps a combination of both. She doubled up, tears quickly overtaking her eyes and a scream ripping itself from her throat. She doesn’t remember much after the sensation, only pain, the fillies’ faces and the swift darkness that met her after.