• Published 15th Nov 2022
  • 1,500 Views, 172 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 26: The Generations Saga (Part 6): All the Time in the World

Episode 26: The Generations Saga (Part 6):

All the Time in the World

In a room full of spinning gears, the Time Eater was hovering in the dark. Then the room was lit up, revealing the full machine, not coated in darkness. On the ground, Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Classic Sonic and Classic Tails were running towards the Time Eater.

"Okay, whatever you are," Sonic said, pointing at the Time Eater. "If you want to avoid an embarrassing beatdown, you'd better give up now!"

Then one of the orbs on the back of the Time Eater opened up, revealing Eggman, who said, "You're not in a position to demand anything, you nasty little pincushion!"

"Eggman! But, how?" Tails asked surprised. Then another orb opened up, revealing a younger Doctor Eggman, who still had his hair.

"He had a little help!" Younger Eggman said.

"Doctor Robotnik!" Classic Tails said, surprised.

"Nobody calls me that anymore," Younger Eggman said. "If you would be so kind as to explain, gentleman genius Doctor Eggman From The Future."

"It will be my pleasure, most excellent and efficacious Doctor Eggman of the Past," Eggman said, as he flashbacked to his previous failure. "After my most recent setback, I stumbled upon the primordial form of this unique creation. Which I discovered had amazing abilities even I have never been able to master. It could erase time and space! I then had the brilliant idea to use my discovery to undo my previous defeats!" The flashback ended. "In order to perfect it, I needed the help of someone as smart as I am. The only person that smart... is me!"

"Oh, you are too kind, my dear future self!" Younger Eggman said. "And I was happy to help."

"I captured your friends, flinging them through time to bait my traps," Eggman said.

"But the more your monster tears through time, the more damage you do to the world!" Tails said.

"The world?" Eggman asked with a smirk on his face. "I'm going to own the world when I'm finished with Sonic!" He then burst into maniacal laughter, which then went into coughing, then he cleared his throat and continued laughing.

Younger Eggman shook his head and said, "Wow. Will I really get that crazy?"

Eggman leaned over his control console, chuckled and said, "We'll see who's crazy after I destroy both Sonics and the alicorn princess... forever!"

"You mean after we destroy them," Younger Eggman pointed out.

"Less arguing, more destroying," Eggman said.

"Destroy me? You and what mustache?" Sonic asked, mockingly. "I beat you all the time by myself, and now there's two of me!"

"There's no version of yourself where you win," Twilight said. "You're destined to lose because you're evil."

"Ohoh? We'll see about that!" Eggman said. Then the cockpits on the back of the Time Eater sealed themselves. Then the Time Eater started blasting towards the three. Twilight tried blocking the blasts with a barrier spell, protecting the group. Tails and Classic Tails flew out of the way.

Twilight noticed that one of the arms was missing and said, "Hey! Where's that one arm?" Just then, a time rift appeared above them and crushed the barrier and pinned the two hedgehogs and Twilight to the ground.

"NOOOOOO!!" Tails and Classic Tails said in unison.

Twilight and both Sonics were pinned to the ground, but then a bunch of gears appeared around them as the arm released its hold. Twilight, Sonic and Classic got up, but when they tried getting out, they were frozen in place. Time was frozen around them, and all they could move were their eyes and mouths.

"I can't move!" Twilight said. She then tried lighting up her horn, but it wasn't lighting. "I can't even use my magic!"

"That's right, my dear!" Eggman said from his cockpit as it was opening up. "Those time gears will not let you even move more than the muscles in your face area as long as you're in that ring of time gears. We're gonna take our sweet time destroying you." Just then, a golden energy blast hit one of the gears, making it crack. Eggman noticed it and asked, "Huh?!" Eggman looked on a balcony and saw all of the others who were sucked into the rifts standing there, along with Sarah Crayton.

MC had his left fist out, saying, "Not today, you Repulsive Robot Overlord."

Younger Eggman opened up his cockpit and said, "Who are they?!"

"They are insignificant!" Eggman said. Then all of them, except for Tom and Maddie, jumped down to the ground and headed for the time gears. Tom was holding the backpack that Hitch had. "Oh, no you don't! Luckily, I've also picked out the most dangerous villains all of you ever faced in the past to come assist us!" He then pushed a button.

MC was about to punch the same gear, but was then surrounded in a light blue aura. He asked, "Who..." He then looked around and saw a bunch of villains they all faced in the past. Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, the Storm King, the Dazzlings in Mobian Siren form, Neo Metal Sonic, Eclipse the Darkling and some of the Black Arms, Mephiles, the Dark Gaia Guardian, and the Children of Nightmare, led by Spell Nexus, who's horn was glowing.

"No!" Twilight said, noticing the group.

"That's right, Twilight Sparkle," the corrupted Spell Nexus said. "As soon as we found out that we were going to lose in our timelines, it'd make sense for us to finish you off here, so that you'll cease to exist in this existing universe. And then we'll have our own separate universes where we get what we want. But for us to get what we, the Children of Nightmare, want, we're gonna need... her!" Nexus then used his horn to pick up Nyx, who screamed.

"NYX!" Twilight called out.

"NOOOO!!" MC said. He then spun around in a spin dash, then vibrated himself out of Nexus's hold, and he sped straight towards the corrupted unicorn, kicking him in the face, making him break his concentration. Nyx was then let out of the magical hold, but was caught by MC.

"Thanks, MC," Nyx said.

"No way I was gonna let anything happen to you," MC said.

"How sweet," Spell Nexus said, mockingly. "You seem to have a strong bond. I bet I can break it."

"I don't think so," MC said. "In fact, I've ruined your original plan since the night of the ritual."

"What?" Nexus asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"When Eggman sucked us all back, I was sent into the rift that was in the Everfree Forest, the night you ponynapped Twilight Sparkle for the Nightmare Moon resurrection ritual," MC said. "I sent a beacon up into the sky, but what I didn't expect... was for the beacon to collide with the black orb... that later became Nyx."

"THAT WAS YOU?!?!?!" Nexus asked, angrily. "Oh, I am going to enjoy this!"

"Time to destroy them all!" Lord Tirek said as Chrysalis hissed. Then all of the villains got into battle position.

MC looked at the group and asked, "Who saw Avengers: Infinity War all the way through?" Only the ones who were old enough raised their hands. "Good. Time for the Wakandan Battle Cry." He then stood tall, along with the others. He then chanted with the others saying the same word after MC said it. "Yibambe! Yibambe! Yibambe!" Then the villains charged towards the heroes. MC had his arms crossed with his claws bared. "Freedom Fighters Forever!"

"Freedom Fighters Forever!" they all chanted as all of them charged at the villains. The heroes and villains charged at each other and collided, to the viewers, in a burst of white light.

The Freedom Fighters, the rest of the Mane 6, and all the others had been fighting the villains in the room. They were giving it their all when they were fighting them.

Knuckles was punching the Dark Gaia Guardian, avoiding his hammer. But Amy came in from the back and hit the Guardian's back with her Piko Piko Hammer. Knuckles caught him and threw him up at a gear, getting him caught between the two, crushing him, and disappearing in blue smoke.

"Nice job," Knuckles said.

"Nice throw," Amy said, the two high-fiving.

The sirens were using their siren songs to try to make the Chaotix to fight with each other. It was effecting Espio and Charmy, but Vector had some beats on his headphones. He was bobbing his head to his own music.

"No way I'm gonna let some divas ruin my good mood," Vector said. He then pulled out a pack of gum and stuck the entire thing in his mouth. He then blew three bubbles out of his mouth, them heading towards the three sirens. When they made contact, the Sirens were trapped in gum, their mouths shut and stuck in gum. Espio and Charmy were back to their normal selves.

"Boy, that was intense," Espio said.

"I was almost thinking of stinging both of you," Charmy said.

"Meh, nothing I couldn't handle," Vector said. "Now, let's help out the others."

Truemen was fighting off some black aliens, knocking them back with his robotic hand's magic blasts. Shadow came in and assisted, taking down some of the aliens with his speed.

"Never thought I'd be facing these guys again," Truemen said.

"Tell me about it," Shadow said. Just then, he was ambushed by Eclipse. "You!"

"Hello, brother!" Eclipse said. Just then, he was grabbed by Truemen and he threw him up into the air, without realizing there was a bomb on Eclipse's back, which blew up while he was high in the air.

"Goodbye, brother," Shadow said. Truemen then helped Shadow up. "Thanks for that."

"I've been wanting to do that to those things ever since one of those things ripped my arm off and ate it," Truemen said.

"I understand that," Shadow said. "Let's get back to the fight."

Cozy Glow was flying over the fight, but then someone's ears that she didn't expect to hear.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my pen pal." Cozy turned around to see Lord Tirek behind her. Cozy Glow got scared. "I can't believe you joined the losing side. I'm gonna have to crush you!" He then raised his arms, about to pound Cozy Glow towards the ground, but his arms got wrapped up in coils, tied to his horns. "WHAT?!" He looked around and saw Midpoint with his quiver aimed towards the centaur, his hand in a released position.

"Give revenge, you gain an ally in evil," Midpoint said. "Give a truth serum, you understand the why."

"Why you...!" Lord Tirek said before Midpoint got out two more arrows and fired them. The arrows collided with the base of Tirek's horns, exploding, and the horns coming off, Tirek roaring in pain. Then the magic that he took was released and Lord Tirek gone down to his weakest form. "Uh oh."

Midpoint adjusted his bow to turn into a bow staff, rushed towards Tirek, and hit the centaur in the face. Tirek spun around and fell unconscious.

"Discord showed me how Tirek gets more powerful," Midpoint said. "I noticed that his horns get bigger whenever he steals magic. Obviously, that's where all the stolen magic is stored."

"I guess that makes sense," Cozy Glow said.

Over with Sunny and her friends, they came across Mephiles. Pipp and Zipp were angry to see him. Zipp said, "You."

"Well, well, well," Mephiles said. "If it isn't the heirs to the throne of Zephyr Heights." Zipp was getting more angrier than she already was.

"You killed my mother!" Zipp shouted. "You're gonna pay for what you've done!"

"Oh?" Mephiles asked. "Then let me spare you the pain of separation... and join her!" Mephiles then fired a beam towards the group, but they were protected by a barrier of red and light blue energy. When Mephiles stopped the attack, the barrier vanished and standing in front of Sunny and her friends were Starlight and Sunset.

"I've seen what happens when you mess with the proper timeline," Starlight said. "Nothing good." She then fired a spell at Mephiles, making him freeze in place.

"Wha... what did you do?!" Mephiles asked. "I can't move!"

"He's all yours, Zipp," Starlight said. "I just used a spell to freeze time around him."

"Oh ho, I'm going to enjoy this!" Zipp said. She then started using Mephiles as a punching bag.

The Storm King was trying to take out Silverstream, who was trying to get away from him. The Storm King shouted, "I'll use you to get all the power in the world!" He then laughed evilly. But then he was pushed from behind by Yona. Then she and Gallus sat on him.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Gallus said. "Hey, Blaze, you want in on this?"

Then Blaze came in with a fireball in her hand saying, "Gladly." She then aimed the fireball at the Storm King's face and threw it.

Sandbar, Smolder and Ocellus were trapped in Chrysalis's sticky slime as the last evil changeling was walking towards Ocellus. She then said, "You're weak, my little nymph. But don't worry. You won't even remember this horrible feeling you have."

"I don't think so," came Olive's voice, gaining Chrysalis's attention. Chrysalis turned around to see Olive behind her. She had something in her hand. She then threw it towards Ocellus, which expanded into a gas mask.

"You seriously think a gas mask will stop me from taking away all her useless power?!" Chrysalis asked.

"Not that," Olive said. "It was for me to do this." She then sprayed an aerosol spray can at Chrysalis's face. Chrysalis smelled it and got repulsed, and fell to the floor. She then shouted loudly, her eyes starting to turn red. Olive then went over towards the three and freed them from their sticky situation.

"What did you spray on her?" Smolder asked.

"Bug repellent," Olive said. "That'll keep her busy." Smolder laughed at what Olive said.

"That explains why you put the mask on Ocellus," Sandbar said. "She would've also been affected like that." Olive, Ocellus and Smolder nodded in agreement.

MC and Twilight's friends, along with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Joshua, Dinky and Twist were all taking on the Children of Nightmare. Nexus was trying to get his hands on Nyx, but MC was keeping him from touching her.

"You really think you can stop me?!" Nexus asked, angrily. "I know every complicated spell in Equestria! You don't stand a chance against me!"

"Oh, really?" MC asked. He then took off the rings on his wrists and handed them to Nyx. "Hold onto these." Then a burst of gold energy came out of MC as he roared. "It's time I show you what I can do!" He then hugged his body tight, getting ready to release a huge amount of power. "Chaos Rogue!" MC then swung his arms out, sending a burst of energy, surrounding the Children of Nightmare. The "Blessings" they all had flew out of their mouths and were burnt to a crisp. Nexus's "Blessing" was taking longer than all the others. The energy went around the magical bindings surrounding it, and the "Blessing" he had eventually disintegrated. All of the Children of Nightmare fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Are they... okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"They'll be fine," MC said. "Mom'll send 'em back to their proper timeline and this'll all be like a dream to them." MC then aimed his left fist towards the time gears containing Twilight, Sonic and Classic Sonic, freeing them from their Chronological Prison.

"Finally," Sonic said. Then the Chaos Emeralds came around them. "Time to scramble some Eggmen. Super Sonic Style." Then the three of them transformed into their super states and flew towards the Time Eater, who was about to charge in at them.

Twilight, Super Sonic, and Classic Super Sonic charged towards the Time Eater, who tried taking them all out, but they dodged the attacks.

Twilight then noticed the Time Core powering the Time Eater. She then said, "Alright, you two. Time to take this thing down." Then the three of them charged at the Time Core.

"Oh no you don't," Eggman said. The Time Eater then tried swiping at the three, but the swiping arm of the Time Eater was broken into pieces. "Uh oh."

Twilight, Super Sonic and Classic Super Sonic then flew up into the air, and then flew straight towards the Time Core of the Time Eater.

"Focus all power on one point!" Super Sonic said. "Let's do it!" Then the three of them charged at the core, which was trying to be blocked by the Time Eater's remaining arms, but the arms got broken through, and the three crashed into the Time Core, and everything going into a bright white light. Everyone there was covering their eyes from the brightness afflicting the room.

Eventually, the light dimmed down, and all the heroes ended back on the baseball field in Green Hills. The same chili dog that Sonic took a bite out earlier fell from the air and Sonic caught it. Sonic, Classic Sonic and Twilight were all back in their normal forms.

Sonic sniffed the chili dog and took a bite out of it. He then said, "Still warm." He then chuckled. "Time travel."

"That... was... AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I can't believe that just happened," Joshua said.

"You're telling me," MC said. He then noticed his mom walking up to him. She gave him a sad smile. "You're going back to the White Space?"

"Someone has to keep every timeline in place," Sarah Crayton said. "And besides..." She looked over at Classic Sonic and Classic Tails. "Those two need to get back to their proper timeline."

MC sighed and said, "I really enjoyed this moment, Mom." Then the two hugged.

"Anytime with you is always precious to me, Michael," Sarah Crayton said. "Take care of yourself." She then looked towards Classic Sonic and Classic Tails. "Alright, you two. Time to get you home." Classic Sonic and Classic Tails looked towards Sarah Crayton. Classic Sonic nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"It was great teaming up with you," Sonic said to his classic counterpart. "Hope you learned a few tricks that will help you out in the future. I mean the past. You know what I mean." Classic Sonic nodded and then sped off, trying to do an air boost that Sonic did, but only moved a couple inches in mid air. He then fell to the ground. "Dude, sweet! And you're only going to get better." They noticed that Sarah Crayton was opening a rift back to the white space. She nodded towards them.

"Well, I guess this is it," Classic Tails said. "See ya." Then he and Classic Sonic headed for the rift.

"Hey Sonic! Enjoy your future. It's gonna be great!" Sonic called out before Classic Sonic, Classic Tails and Sarah Crayton went through the rift before it closed.

"I have to admit," Sonia said, walking up to Sonic. "This has been the strangest birthday we've ever had together."

"Totally, dudette," Manic said. "But, at least it'll be one we'll never forget." They all nodded.

"Hopefully, things will start to cool down," MC said, standing next to Twilight, Nyx, Joshua and Spike.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "And with Eggman gone, we'll be able to sleep peacefully with no consequences." Without realizing it, all of them were being watched by an evil looking purple alicorn with a white mane with cyan highlights, an evil smirk plastered on her face. She was joined with a blue unicorn with a dark blue and teal curly mane.

"That is where you're wrong, Twilight Sparkle," the alicorn said before giving an evil chuckle. "Your troubles... are just beginning." She then gave a loud cackle.

Back with the group of heroes, Tom was handing Hitch his backpack.

"Here you go," Tom said.

"Thanks," Hitch said taking it, but being clumsy, he dropped the backpack, the egg falling out and rolling towards Fluttershy. She grabbed it and examined it. She then gasped.

"Guys, look!" Fluttershy called out. "A dragon's egg!"

"That's a dragon's egg?" Sunny asked.

"Yes," Fluttershy said. "They need a large amount of heat for it to hatch." She then put the egg on the ground.

"Spike, Smolder, Blaze, light it up!" MC called out. Then the two dragons used their fire breath and Blaze used her firepower to heat up the egg. Then the egg started hatching, revealing a little dragon hatchling. The dragon hatchling was green with four darker green horns, a lime green belly, and something that Equestrian Dragons didn't have when they were hatched, wings, with pink insides.

"Whoa!" they all said.

The dragon hatchling looked towards Hitch, and cooed. He then crawled towards Hitch, who took him in his arms and Hitch said, "Aww... who's an adorable baby dragon. You are. Yes, you are!" The dragon hatchling giggled. Smolder then walked over towards the dragon hatchling and inspected the hatchling's wings.

"Well, this hasn't happened before," Smolder said.

"What hasn't?" Hitch asked.

"Usually, dragons are supposed to go through the molt to get their wings, and they only molt when a dragon reaches a certain age after being hatched," Smolder said.

"Guess they'll evolve after a certain time," Spike said.

"Probably," Sunny said.

"Meh, I wouldn't be too worried," Hitch said. He then gave the hatchling a hug. "I'll be sure to watch over this little guy for a long time. Isn't that right, Sparky Sparkeroni?" The dragon hatchling giggled at the words of Hitch.

"Sparky Sparkeroni?" Smolder asked. "Wow. That is not a dragon name in the Dragon Lands."

"She's right," Spike said. Then all of them had a laugh.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the white space, both Eggmen were searching for something.

"Are you sure you saw a door over here?" Eggman asked, looking towards Younger Eggman.

"What?!? You were the one who said you saw a door over here."

"Well, I know it was one of us," Eggman said. "Shut up and keep looking." The two silently argued as everything went to a white void. Eventually, the two were just laying on the ground, trying to pass time.

"What time is it?" Younger Eggman asked.

"It's the exact same time when you asked earlier and it will be the exact same time when you ask later," Eggman answered, angrily. "There is no time here!!"

"Let me just say that this was a brilliant plan that you came up with," Younger Eggman said, sitting up.

"Don't get too self-righteous," Eggman said before pointing at Younger Eggman. "It'll be your plan pretty soon."

Younger Eggman looked towards the viewers and said, "I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to forgetting it."

"I heard that!" Eggman said.

"Do we ever win?"

"That depends on your definition of 'win'."

"Beating Sonic."

Eggman bent his head down and said, "Oh, well, then no."

"That doesn't give me much hope," Younger Eggman said. "Maybe I'll go back and get my teaching degree."

Eggman then stood up and said, "That's not a bad idea. I've always enjoyed telling people what to do." All Younger Eggman did in response was shake his head.

Author's Note:

Well, that's the end of Season 3 of "My Little Pony: The Mobian Era." It might take a while for Eggman to return to the Timeline. But don't worry. There'll be more adventures coming. Until next time...

Comments ( 29 )

I guess what’s next is either The Mobian Era Season 4 or Sparkle’s Little Dusk IV.

The "Z" episode.

"I've seen what happens when you mess with the proper timeline," Starlight said. "Nothing good." She then fired a spell at Nexus, making him freeze in place.

Shouldn't the target of that spell be Mephiles?

So many characters in this series, I wonder who will be introduced next. Maybe it'll be the champions of Foenum (Them's Fightin' Herds).

What a season. Looking forward to S4

heh. wonder what will happen in the time spance for the next adventure? hopefully some love will spark soon.

This was a funny chapter and and amazing season can't wait to see season 4 and speaking of I can't wait to see if there'll be another sparkle little dusk story I really liked that story

I love your story! I hope the next season is Sonic Lost World and Sonic Forces. Cause I hope it's the Deadly Six and Infinite. Maybe Sonic Team Racing?

In Season 4, I will guess it will be Lost World, Forces, Frontiers, and what's the 4th one?

i think the 4th one is sonic prime but i don't know much about it at this time

So lost world,forces and frontier next unless I'm forgetting something maybe a spin off in between maybe I'm not sure.

I suspect that the author is holding out until the next modern Sonic game comes out after Frontiers to make it an even 4. So it'll be Lost World, Forces, Frontiers and the next modern Sonic game that I don't think has been announced yet because I doubt it's going to be Superstars.

Finally, someone gets it! Thank you!

Sadly, we may not be seeing any new Modern Sonic games that aren't a remake of previous games in 2024. They just released a trailer for a Generations remake with Shadow added into the mix.

Actually, I think I can work with this. If this version is based on Shadow, I bet I can make a saga for that.

Is there gonna be a Season 4?

It's the next story I'm gonna work on after this current one.

Nice. Starting with Lost World?

Nothing related to the games in this upcoming season.

This season, it won't be Eggman who's the main antagonist.

Hope to see more of this story soon.

Considering that Misty joins with the Mane 5 and we find out that she's Alphabittle's daughter, I wonder how those will effect the next Mobian Era story.

Spirit of freedom is like red fountan ship from winx club?

Do you imagine Jim Carrey or Jim Cummings voicing Dr. Robotnik in his franchise?

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