• Published 13th Oct 2022
  • 1,508 Views, 27 Comments

Prince Blueblood VS Big Macintosh - MontyCS

Big Mac takes on Prince Blueblood to defend Applejack and Rarity's honor.

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Prince Blueblood VS Big Macintosh

Author's Note:

You may know this story from my now defunct MLP: FiM--Tales Of Friendship mini-series. That project just didn't get the traction I thought it would, so I just decided to re-print the three stories I did write for it as separate stories.

Celestia's sun shone brightly over Ponyville as Rarity made her way through the Ponyville marketplace, which was abuzz with activity. Needing a break from her fashioning, the white unicorn mare had decided to head into town to get a little shopping done.

"All right, what's next on my list?" she asked herself, taking out her shopping list with her magic.

Suddenly, a familiar voice caught Rarity's ear, and she turned to see Applejack, and her older brother Big Macintosh, the two earth ponies having set up a stand nearby to sell apples, apple jam, apple juice, etc. Smiling, Rarity began to make her way over to them to say hello to her friend. As the white unicorn mare approached, Applejack suddenly looked up, and took notice of her.

"Howdy, Rairty!" the orange earth pony greeted, "What brings ya here?"

"Oh, I had some shopping to do, and when I saw you here, I thought I'd come over for a quick hello." Rarity replied.

"Well, can Ah get ya anythin'?" Applejack asked.

Rarity nodded, "One apple juice please."

Smiling, Applejack gestured to her brother, and Big Mac promptly handed a small jug of apple juice out to Rarity, who took it with her magic, before paying her friend two bits.

"Well, good day to the both of you." Rarity said.

"Same ta y'all." Applejack responded in kind.

But just as Rarity was turning to leave, there suddenly came a loud commotion from further down in the marketplace. However, neither the white unicorn mare, nor the Apple siblings could see what was going on, as a large crowd had gathered around whatever it was.

"Make way, common ponies!" a voice shouted, "Make way for royalty!"

"Royalty?" Rarity wondered aloud.

Could Princess Celestia possibly be in town? Or perhaps even Luna?

No. Somehow, white unicorn mare didn't think so. This certainly didn't feel like either of the princesses. But then, who could it possibly be?

Slowly, the crowd of ponies parted, and Rarity's breath caught in her throat when she finally saw just who it was. Flanked by two royal guardsmen, and being carried on a royal litter, was none other than Prince Blueblood, the very same Prince Blueblood who Rarity had met and spent the evening with at the Grand Galloping Gala!

Rarity hadn't seen him since then and had fervently hoped she'd never see him again after the terrible way he'd treated her that night. Behind her, Applejack also stared in shock at Prince Blueblood, for she remembered him as well.

Blueblood cast a rather disdainful gaze around at the ponies of Ponyville, as though he viewed these "common folk" as being beneath him. Then, the snooty prince finally caught sight of Rarity herself, and it quickly became clear that he recognized her as he narrowed his eyes and pointed his hoof in her direction.

"That's her!" Blueblood said to his entourage, "She's the one!"

As the royal entourage came forward, Rarity glared at her "prince uncharming" as anger, and apprehension warred within her. What in the name of Celestia was he doing here? Rarity very much doubted that it was for anything nice. And just how did he find her? She'd smashed the glass slipper she'd dropped on the stairwell at the Gala the very moment Pinkie Pie had pointed it out to her. But apparently, defying that classic fairy tale moment hadn't been enough...

At last, the arrogant prince motioned for his litter bearers to stop, and they gently set the litter down. Getting to his hooves, Blueblood purposefully strode up to Rarity. She had half a mind to give him a good walloping, feeling she'd let him off way too easy at the Gala with a mere tongue lashing, then smearing him with the cake he'd pushed her into, but the presence of the two royal guards made her think better of it.

"Well hello, Miss Rarity..." Blueblood scowled.

Rarity almost growled, "Prince Blueblood, what a surprise..."

"Hmph, you didn't think you could actually just walk away from me did you?" he asked, "After how you treated me at the gala?"

"After how I treated you?!" Rarity said indignantly.

"Yes!" Blueblood snapped, "You ruined my beautiful, freshly-groomed coat, and then, as if that weren't enough, you left me lying traumatized, and absolutely helpless on the ballroom floor as the gala descended into utter chaos! Never I have been so violated, and so insulted in my life! I demand restitution!"

"Restitution?!" Rarity's temper flared, "You treat me horribly from the moment we first meet, make me wait on you hoof, and hoof for the entire evening, use me to shield yourself from a flying cake, and you mean to tell me that I owe you restitution?"

"That is right!" Blueblood bluntly replied, "And if I were you, I would just consider yourself fortunate that..."

"Hey!" Applejack suddenly leapt to her friend's side, "Leave her be! That ain't no-"

"This does not concern you, common pony...", the snobbish prince began to tell Applejack off, but the cowpony wasn't one to be ignored.

"Honestly, if Ah were as rich as y'all, Ah could afford some manners!", she asserted, actually taking a confrontational step toward him.

This caught Blueblood's attention, and he was outraged at this perceived act of insolence.

"I'll teach YOU some manners, you...!", he started to say, but then he finally recognized her as well, "Wait a minute! I know you! You're the pony who soiled my royal lips with common carnival fare!"

In the background, Big Mac's eyes widened in shock at Blueblood's words, and he stared at the scene playing out before him as the prince shifted focus to his sister.

Rarity quickly came to her friend's defense, "You mean how she gave you an apple fritter free of charge because you were going to make ME pay, and then insulted her for it because it wasn't good enough for you?"

"That sounds 'bout right, Rarity." Applejack said, unable to agree more.

"Hah! You even admit it!", Blueblood pointed a hoof accusedly at her, "And as if that weren't enough, now you think you can meddle in affairs, myaffairs, that are not your business!"

"Why of all th'...! Rarity's mah friend; stickin' up fer her ismah-", Applejack started to say, before the prince cut her off.

"Silence!" he yelled, "You just consider yourself fortunate that I am willing to forgive your shameful transgressions, as well as Miss Rarity's...", he paused to give Rarity a stern look, " ...in exchange for proper compensation."

Rarity and Applejack both stared slack-jawed at the prince as it now sunk in to them that Blueblood wasn't just demanding an apology, but actual monetary compensation from BOTH of them, with Rarity's "crime" being getting justifiably furious with him for treating her horribly at the gala, while Applejack was "guilty" of giving him an apple fritter he didn't like for FREE, and trying to stick up for her friend!

"Well?" the prince asked impatiently.

"Is this some kind of distasteful joke?!" Rarity cried.

"I am a prince!" Blueblood snapped, "I am entitled to compensation!"

In the background, Big Mac's eyes darkened as he glared daggers at the prince. Not only that, but the townsponies watching the scene were also appalled at Blueblood's atrocious, self-serving behavior; even his own royal guards, and litter bearers seemed rather embarrassed by him.

Applejack narrowed her eyes, "May we suggest where y'all can PUT yer compensation, mah good sir?"

"Wha-WHAT did you say?!" Blueblood cried, utterly aghast.

"You heard what she said!" Rarity asserted, "You...YOU boorish, brainless, LOUT!"

Blueblood's eyes seemed ready to pop out of his skull. "How-How DARE you?! I'll...!"

Suddenly, Rarity was pushed aside, and Prince Blueblood suddenly found himself staring into the eyes of a very angry Big Macintosh.

"Y'all will do WHAT?" Big Macintosh said scarily quiet voice.

For a moment, Prince Blueblood was taken aback, and even somewhat intimidated at the sudden appearance of this big, red earth stallion, but soon recomposed himself.

"Another one?!" Blueblood exclaimed, "Does everypony in this lowly community think they're entitled to a butt in?!"

Suddenly, one of Blueblood's royal guardsmen stepped forward, hoping to avoid any escalation.

"With all due respect, Prince Blueblood..." he said uncomfortably, "You're not exactly making the best impression here."

But the prince merely scoffed, and waved him away, "Please. One of my status does not concern himself with the opinions of mere common ponies such as this ignoramus. Just who does who think he is anyway?!"

"Name's Big Macintosh." Big Mac said simply.

"Oh, wait. I just realized..." Blueblood replied, "I don't care. Now stand aside."

But Big Mic stood his ground, "Nnnope."

Applejack quickly came to her brother's side. "C'mon, big brother. Rarity, an' Ah can handle this..."

"Yer mah sister, Applejack, an' Rarity's yer friend..." he replied, "If somepony's got an apple ta pick with y'all, they got an apple ta pick with ME."

The crowd of townsponies that had gathered watched the scene in growing anticipation. Those who knew Big Macintosh personally, including Applejack herself, were a bit taken aback at what was playing out before them. Big Mac was usually a rather quiet, and shy pony; he must truly be angry to be acting this way, getting right in the face of this rude, and snobbish prince who'd insulted and threatened Rarity, and his sister.

"Oh, siblings. How touching." Prince Blueblood sarcastically sneered, "Well then, why don't you take your dear sister's advice before you bring more dishonor to her, and your family?"

"Ah got a better idea. How about y'all apologize ta her, an' Rarity, an' go home?" Big Mac seethed.

For a moment, Blueblood stared at Big Mac in stunned silence.

"You presume to tell me what to do?" he said in a barely contained voice. "Do you dare threaten me?"

"Nnnope. I'm just givin' y'all a chance ta leave with some dignity." Big Mac replied.

"Dignity?!" Blueblood cried, "NOW, this plain, country bumpkin talks to me of dignity?! I can't believe I'm hearing such insolent nonsense! Now for the final time, peasant, you will stand aside before I change my mind, and stomp whatever dignity you may have beneath my royal hooves!"

"Whaddya say we put a little wager on that, an' settle this pony ta pony. Applejack an' Rarity's honor against yer compensation." Big Mac dared.

For a long moment, Prince Blueblood only held Big Mac's gaze as he realized that the red earth stallion was CHALLENGING him, and as that fully sank in, he found himself actually considering it.

But why? Why should he accept this challenge? He had absolutely no reason, and certainly no obligation to. As far as he was concerned, he was owed restitution for what was done to him, and if these ponies refused to give it to him, he had royal connections to force their compliance. There was no reason, no need...

And yet...

Was he really just going to shrink away from this insolent common pony? Why should he be afraid of one who was beneath him? Such perceived cowardice would be shamefully unfitting for one of his status. No. Blueblood would not back down; he was a prince, and he would not be threatened or dictated to. He would teach this Big Mac pony some respect.

"You think you intimidate me?" Prince Blueblood said scornfully, "If so, then you're even more dimwitted than you look. Though I guess that should be expected from one such as you."

Big Mac scowled at the prince but stayed silent.

"You are insignificant.", Prince Blueblood continued, "You have nothing on one such as me, and I have no reason to put what I am already owed on the line. But... A prince of my noble status does not just walk away when he's been disrespected. You think you have what it takes to stand hoof to hoof with me? I shall prove your worthlessness. I accept your challenge."

There were gasps, and murmurs in the crowd of ponies watching the scene. Was this really happening? Was Big Macintosh really going DUEL Prince Blueblood in some fashion?

"Of course, since you are the one who is challenging me, then it is only fair that I choose the contest." Prince Blueblood pointed out, "And I pick...Hmmm...Ah! A Joust; such a fitting competition for this occasion, since I am, after all, royalty, and you seem to be so eager to be Miss Rarity and your sister's...knight in shining armor."

OF COURSE Prince Blueblood would pick something that Big Mac would probably have little-to-no experience or even practice of, everypony thought.

At length, Big Mac merely grunted, "Fine."

"Oh, wait a moment..." Blueblood said suddenly, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You wouldn't happen to own a set of armor, a helmet, and a lance, would you? Oh, what a stupid question! OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T! Fortunately, I suppose we MIGHT just be able to scrounge up a leftover set just for the occasion. I guess that just leaves the question of when and where."

"Sweet Apple Acres in one week at noon." Big Mac declared.

"Is that your home turf? Perfect!" Prince Blueblood taunted, "That will make your defeat all the weeter."

"Remember mah terms." Big Mac said, "If Ah win, Applejack, an' Rarity owe ya nothin', y'all will apologize ta them, an' y'all will never bother 'em again."

"I remember your terms, now you will hear MINE." Prince Blueblood smugly replied, "When I win, your sister, and Miss Rarity will apologize to ME, they WILL pay me what I am rightfully owed, and YOU will kneel before me in front of this entire town, and kiss my hooves. Do we have a deal?"

For what seemed liked an eternally long moment, Big Mac just stared at Blueblood, until at last, he held out his hoof for the prince to shake, and said, "Deal."

Prince Blueblood however, just looked at Big Mac's hoof with disgust, certain that it must be covered in who knew what kinds of filth considering that this farm pony worked out in the fields every day.

"Ugh. I just had myself groomed." the snotty prince declined, before turning away to remount his royal litter. Before he, and his entourage left however, Blueblood turned back to Big Mac for a parting shot, "See you soon...what was your name again?"

"Big Macintosh." Big Mac said, trying to keep his expression neutral.

"Whatever..." Prince Blueblood replied nonchalantly.

With that, the arrogant prince departed. For now at least. And as the royal entourage faded from the view of the townsponies, all eyes were inevitably drawn to Big Mac, who just continued to angrily stare after the departed Prince Blueblood.

In that moment, everypony had a serious gut feeling that somepony was gonna pay...


A short time later, Rarity was accompanying Big Mac, and Applejack as the siblings were heading back to Sweet Apple Acres. Needless to say, both the orange earth mare, and white unicorn mare were a little concerned by what had just occurred at the marketplace.

"Big Mac, are y'all sure 'bout this?" Applejack asked.

"Prince Blueblood's argument wasn't even with you." Rarity pointed out, "It was us he wanted. We never wanted to drag you into this debacle."

"It was mah choice. Nopony, prince 'r no prince, is gonna mess with y'all on mah watch" Big Mac insisted, before softening his voice to an almost regretful tone, "But Ah...Ah shouldn't 'ave bet yer honor without askin' y'all first. If Ah lose...then th' two of ya will have ta..."

Rarity quickly shook her head, "No, don't worry about that. That brute wouldn't have let that matter go in any case."

"Rarity's right, big brother." Applejack nodded, "Yer th' one we're concerned about. Ah don't wanna see that hoity-toity prince humiliate y'all in front o' everypony."

"Ah know..." Big Mac sighed, "But Ah couldn't just gonna stand there, an' let 'im harrass th' two o' ya like that, even if it did mean riskin' mah own dignity."

Rarity couldn't help but be a little touched, "Well, Big Macintosh, perhaps Prince Blueblood was right about one thing. You DO seem eager to be our knight in shining armor, and that's certainly more than can be said about him."

Big Mac almost blushed at Rarity's words, but he did feel somewhat reassured.

"Rarity's right, Big Mac." Applejack added, "An' besides, Ah may be Ponyville's ten time rodeo champeen, but y'all won yer fair share o' blue ribbons in some of those competitions as well. Blueblood may think he's crafty by choosin' ta settle this in a joust, but if he thinks y'all are no competitor, he's got another thing comin'."

Big Mac nodded, "Maybe. But he was still countin' on th' fact that Ah ain't never jousted before, an' Ah haven't. That's one area Ah'm really lackin' in."

"Well then..." Applejack said, "We'll all just have ta use what time we've got 'til then ta try, an' get y'all as ready as can be."

"Think can we do that?" her brother asked.

The orange earth pony grinned, "The Apple family has never turned down a challenge before now has it? We sure as hay ain't gonna start now."

Big Mac just grinned back at her in response.

"Well, I for one, would love to see Prince Blueblood put in his place." Rarity added, "So if there's anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Y'all just make sure everypony else is there ta give Big Mac their support, Rarity." Applejack replied.

The white unicorn nodded, "Of course we'll be there."

"In the meantime..." Applejack continued, "We're probably gonna be a bit busy fer th' next seven days."

"Eeyup. So we'd better get started." Big Bac agreed.

"Well, I shan't keep you from what needs to be done any longer." Rarity said, "I'll see the two of you later."

Applejack, and Big Mac nodded, and with that, the white unicorn began to make her way back into Ponyville, while the two siblings headed in the direction of the Apple family farm. For them, there was much work to be done, and only a week to do it, so there was no time to be lost...


One week later, nearly the entire town gathered in a field at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres to watch the jousting contest between Big Mac and Blueblood. A few members of the Canterlot Press had also arrived to report on the event and were trying to hype it up as a "showdown of the classes" with Prince Blueblood representing the upper-crust, and Big Mac representing the common pony (or the "crumbs" in Prince Blueblood's own words.).

Before long, Rarity arrived at the improvised jousting arena accompanied by Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, who had also come to watch, and show their support.

"Wow." Rainbow Dash commented, "They drew quite a crowd."

"So where's Applejack and Big Mac?" Fluttershy asked, "I don't see them anywhere."

"Nopony's seen or heard from them in seven whole days now." Twilight put in.

"Actually, Twilight..." Pinkie Pie pointed out, "I think it's been closer to a week."

Everypony just rolled their eyes at Pinkie's comment.

"Well..." Rarity said at last, "They only had a week to prepare, and they meant to make the most of it."

It was then that a commotion coming from up ahead drew their attention.

"Look! There they are!" Rarity pointed as her eyes lit up.

Sure enough, Big Mac, and Applejack, as well as Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith were making their way onto the field, with the crowd parting to make way. Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, & Rainbow Dash quickly made their way over, eager to know whether Big Mac thought he was ready.

"Applejack! Big Macintosh!" Rarity exclaimed.

"What have you two been doing for the past week?" Twilight asked.

"Gettin' ready fer today that's what." Applejack replied.

"Well..." Rainbow Dash asked, " Is he ready?"

Applejack paused for a moment, then replied, "We hope so..."

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed.

Big Mac had indeed been as busy as a bee as he trained with his family's help to prepare for today's competition. For the past seven days, Big Mac had run laps around the farm, run the obstacle course they used to practice for rodeo competitions, and they'd even set up a makeshift practice target which he had practiced jousting on using long wooden pole as a makeshift lance. Heck, for the past week, he'd even done all his chores in HALF the time they usually took him!

Long, and short of it, Big Mac hadn't been idle; he had taken this as seriously as he, a lowly farm pony, possibly could have. Now all that was left was the actual jousting competition itself...

"Hope so?" Apple Bloom suddenly piped up, "Ah know so! Mah big brother is th' best there is!"

Big Mac smiled at his little sister's faith, and confidence in him. Upon hearing the news, Apple Bloom had actually been excited at the prospect of her big brother taking on a mean prince in a jousting competition, saying that Big Mac was gonna be "a knight for a day" just like in the fairy tales. While her optimism, and innocent mindfulness were indeed precious, Big Mac only hoped that this did indeed have a fairy tale ending.

Several other ponies from the crowd then pressed forward, all of whom had questions for him, and he quickly found himself becoming overwhelmed from the pressure due to his shyness.

"All right! Stand back!" Granny Smith shouted, "Stand back! Give mah grandson some air!"

Thankfully, in that moment, everypony's attention was suddenly arrested by another commotion as a royal trumpet sounded off in the distance, and a procession of Canterlot ponies began making their way onto the field.

Nopony said a word, as it was pretty obvious as to who was coming.

First came a pair of Canterlot royal guards, followed by several servants, and flunkies in expensive clothing who began spreading confetti into the air, as the trumpeter continued to play a fanfare. Bringing up the rear were two ponies pulling carts which were both covered by a tarp. And in the middle of the whole procession, seated high up on his royal litter, was Prince Blueblood, who carried himself in an unquestionably pompous manner.

"Of course... He's making an entrance..." Rarity muttered.

As the litter bearers reached their destination, they carefully put Prince Blueblood down as two of his servants began to literally roll out a red velvet carpet for him that led up right to Big Mac, Applejack, Rarity, and the others. The arrogant prince then proceeded to stride up to his "low-born" challenger with much swagger.

For a moment, Prince Blueblood, and Big Macintosh just stared one another down as everypony else just looked on in silent anticipation. After what felt like hours, but was probably just a few moments, Prince Blueblood broke the tense silence.

"So, you actually showed up." he addressed Big Mac, "Are you prepared to do or die, common pony?"

"Eeyup." the red earth stallion replied.

Then, the prince leaned in closer, "I'm willing to give you one more chance to...leave with some dignity.", he sneered, repeating Big Mac's own words from before, "Leave Miss Rarity, and your sister to me, and I'll forget about you."

"Nnnope." Big Mac declined.

Blueblood turned toward Rarity, and Applejack, "Did either of you even try to talk some sense into him?"

"It's his choice. He wants it." Applejack said simply.

"And besides..." Rarity added with a wry smile, "I'm kind of looking forward to this..."

Prince Blueblood scowled, turning back to Big Mac, "Very well."

Big Mac's other friends, and family all glared at the arrogant prince, but he paid them no heed, for they were of no concern, unless they dared to make themselves so.

"Well, let's get on with it then, shall we? I haven't got all day." Blueblood said somewhat impatiently.

The two ponies in Blueblood's entourage who'd been hauling the carts now pulled them forward, and removed the tarps covering them, revealing that each cart contained a set of armor, a helmet, and a lance. At this, Prince Blueblood promptly headed over to the cart that contained his armor, and after a moment's hesitation, Big Mac followed suit, heading over to the other cart.

The armor bearers then helped the two combatants into their armor, and once they had finished, stood back to allow everypony a proper look at them. For several long moments, the crowd couldn't do anything but take in the sight before them:

Prince Blueblood proudly stood clad in suit of golden armor, and a golden helmet complete with a visor to lower over his face in order to protect his "royal looks". Big Mac, on the other hoof, wore a relatively plain, and clearly unpolished suit of armor, and a normal helmet that didn't include a visor. What was more, despite his determination, Big Mac, unlike Blueblood, couldn't help but feel a bit awkward wearing it.

His friends, and family however, felt both a bit prideful, and excited at this whole thing, especially Apple Bloom.

"Ah can't believe it! Mah big brother's a knight fer a day!" the little filly delightedly bounced up, and down, before running up to him, "Ah know, big brother! We'll call ya: Big Mac, th' Apple Knight!"

Big Mac suppressed a chuckle, smiling down at his littlest sister. Prince Blueblood on the other hoof...

"The 'Apple Knight'?!" the prince scoffed, "That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

"Says you!" Apple Bloom shot back.

Blueblood just looked at Big Mac, "Seriously, does nopony in your family understand the concept of respect?"

"Might ask y'all th' same thing." Granny Smith answered first.

"Never mind." Prince Blueblood said, ignoring her.

As if on cue, the pony who'd be acting as the official for the competition came forward to stand between Prince Blueblood, and Big Mac, raising his voice for everypony to hear.

"Welcome, one and all, everypony! If I may now have your attention please. The tournament shall soon begin, but first, allow me to introduce our competitors..."

"Standing to my left, representing Canterlot, Prince Blueblood!" the official gestured to the prince, before then gesturing to Big Mac, "And standing to my right, representing Ponyville, Big Macintosh!"

Most of the crowd cheered for Big Mac, lending him their support, but gave a rather muted response to Prince Blueblood, not surprising considering his bad treatment of virtually everypony else. Blueblood just scowled haughtily at them; these low-born ponies could cheer Big Mac, and not cheer him all they wanted, it'd only make their despair at seeing their "champion" kiss his hooves after his victory all the more satisfying.

The official then proceeded to lay out the basic rules of the contest, as well Big Mac, and Prince Blueblood's respective terms for victory for those who didn't already know.

"And now..." he concluded, "The two competitors may proceed to their respective stations at the ends of the barrier."

During the past three days, a small fence had been constructed in the center of the field to act as a makeshift tilt barrier for the jousting tournament. But just as Big Mac was starting to make his way towards his respective side, Prince Blueblood quickly took a step in front of him.

"Well, Big Macintosh, the time has come..." the prince sneered, "You should've backed down while you could."

"Perhaps it's Y'ALL who shoulda backed down..." Big Mac calmly retorted.

Blueblood frowned, clearly not pleased with the response, "Just remember: I gave you chances."

And with that, the prince stalked off towards his end of the tilt barrier, and after a short moment of glaring after him, Big Mac followed suit.

As Big Mac reached his respective end of the tilt barrier, his friends, and family approached him for a final show of support, with Applejack, and Rarity in particular stepping forward.

"Well, Big Mac..." Applejack sighed, "This is it. We did all we could get ready. Ah guess th' only thing left ta say is: good luck, big brother."

"Thanks, sis." Big Mac replied, "Ah hope Ah don't let y'all down."

"Believe me, you won't." Rarity assured, "I never meant to get either of you involved in this, but you know, I'm actually quite touched. It's not often that somepony rushes to my rescue. Whatever happens, Big Macintosh, you'll still be more chivalrous than Blueblood will ever be."

Big Mac could only smile as he once again found himself trying not to blush at Rarity's words.

"Hey!" Prince Blueblood impatiently shouted from his end of the tilt barrier, "Can we get on with it already?!"

By now, everypony else was dangerously close to charging down the tilt barrier to give Prince Blueblood what for themselves, but ultimately, decided to leave it to Big Mac, who simply gave them a nod to assure them that he fully intended to.

"Go get 'em, big brother!" Apple Bloom called out to him as he took his place at his end of the tilt barrier.

It was then that the two armor bearers approached the competitors and placed their lances onto the lance rests that were attached to the sides of their armor. As Big Mac took a moment to get a feel for his lance, Prince Blueblood just smiled knowingly at his own, for the prince knew that his victory was already in the bag.

And then, the moment that everypony had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Competitors, take your positions!" the official instructed.

As Big Mac, and Prince Blueblood assumed their final positions to begin the joust, the crowd of ponies held its collective breath. The two stallions glared down the tilt barrier at one another, and tensed their bodies, waiting for the signal to charge.

This was it.

"Get ready..." the official shouted.

Prince Blueblood smirked, lowering the visor of his helmet; this was going to be grand, and it wouldn't take long either. Once he put this common pony in his place, he would claim what he was owed from Miss Rarity, and Applejack, then leave this one-horse town, and get back to Canterlot.

"Get set..." the official shouted again.

Big Mac shook off any lingering doubts, reminding himself what was at stake. He thought about his sister, and Rarity; how shamefully Prince Blueblood had treated them, how their honor was on the line, and how they were counting on him. The red earth stallion needed no further motivation. He would not fail them. He COULD NOT...

"CHARGE!!!" the official finally called.

Both stallions rocketed forward the exact moment they received the signal to charge. The entire crowd began shouting and cheering as the two gladiators barreled down their respective sides of the tilt barrier towards one another. As Prince Blueblood, and Big Mac closed the distance, they both put on speed, and began to angle their lances across the barrier, both aiming to deliver a decisive blow to their opponent.

For a moment, time seemed to slow down for both the competitors, and the crowd, when suddenly, their came a loud clang as the tip of Prince Blueblood's lance connected with Big Mac's armor. The red earth stallion staggered badly under the impact of the heavy blow and was just barely able to stay on his hooves; his own aim had been off, with the tip of his lance merely glancing off of Blueblood's helmet.

Prince Blueblood merely shook his head, before looking back, and laughing underneath his visor when he saw Big Mac leaning against the barrier to support himself as he staggered towards the opposite end.

"Ha-Ha-Ha! Is that the best you can do, you big oaf? Pathetic!" Blueblood mockingly shouted as he rounded the end of the barrier.

Slowly regaining his bearings, Big Mac also rounded the barrier until both stallions stood on opposite ends once again. Suddenly, he found himself wondering if perhaps he'd bitten off more than he could chew. He hadn't been ready for a hit like that, and he didn't know if he could take another one.

Within the crowd, Big Mac's friends, and family also grew increasingly concerned, because now they could see that he might be in trouble. Applejack, and Rarity's hearts in particular began to sink; Big Mac was doing this for their sake, and not only was there a possibility that he could get hurt, but if he lost, then Blueblood would humiliate him in front of everypony. Above all else, neither mare wanted that; the fact that they'd also have to pay Blueblood his compensation meant nothing to them. That wasn't important.

"Don't give up, Big Mac! Y'all can do it!" Applejack called to her brother.

"We have faith in you! Be our knight!" Rarity shouted her encouragement.

Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and the rest of the Mane Six all followed their example, with the rest of the Ponyville crowd quickly joining in, hoping to invoke a second wind.

Hearing the calls of encouragement reminded Big Mac of what he was fighting for. Once again, he thought about his sister, & Rarity, as well as Prince Blueblood's behavior... And that was all it took for him to regain his resolve. He would NOT let his friends and family down, nor would he let that prissy prince have the satisfaction of thinking that he could just step on anypony he pleased.

It was then that Prince Blueblood, smug as ever, began his second charge down the tilt barrier. Taking a few deep breaths, Big Mac promptly did the same.

Once again, the two stallions thundered down their respective sides of the barrier. Once again, the two rivals put on speed as they closed the distance and angled their lances across the barrier to deliver a blow to their opponent.

Beneath the visor of his helmet, Prince Blueblood grinned in a sinister fashion, for he just knew that his moment of triumph was at hoof. At the same time, Big Mac put every ounce of speed, and strength that he could muster into the charge, determined to do this for his friends, and family, or go down trying.

Again, time seemed to slow down...

Then, the whole crowd was shocked into silence when there came an almost deafening CLANG as the tips of BOTH Prince Blueblood, and Big Mac's lances struck home this time. What happened next only prolonged everypony's stunned silence, as Prince Blueblood suddenly let out a SCREAM as he was sent flying through the air by the force of Big Mac's blow!

While Big Mac himself was again heavily staggered by the blow from his rival's lance, this time, he had been ready for it, and was able to, if not no-sell it, at least withstand it. Recovering his balance again, the red earth stallion quickly headed to the end of the tilt barrier to see where Blueblood had landed.

Prince Blueblood lay some distance away from barrier, completely dazed, and loudly groaning in pain. For a moment, he'd almost forgotten where he was, and couldn't understand what had happened. How did Big Mac do that? He was just a common pony who'd never jousted before in his life.

But what the prince hadn't considered however, was that while this was true, in reality, Blueblood had only ever jousted a few times himself before, and even then, it was more as a hobby rather than as actual competition. What was more, while Big Mac had taken this very seriously and trained as hard as he possibly could for past week, Blueblood, assuming an easy victory over his low-born opponent, hadn't even bothered to truly prepare. And last but not least, he'd also completely failed to take consider just how strong Big Mac actually was.

At last, Blueblood managed to sit up, and remove his helmet, trying to clear the cobwebs from his head, when suddenly, a shadow fell over him, and he looked up to see Big Mac standing before him with a real angry look on his face. Then, the red earth stallion began to menacingly advance toward him...

"N-No, wait!" Prince Blueblood blurted out, stumbling to his hooves, and staggering backwards, "Don't hurt me! No, no! Don't hurt me!"

Then, in his panic, the prince tripped over his own hooves, and fell backwards right into a mud puddle, getting mud all over himself.

"Uuugghh! My coat! My mane!" he wailed dramatically, then looked up to see Big Mac standing over him again.

"Ah think that's th' least o' yer worries right now..." Big Mac said, taking off his own helmet, and tossing it aside.

"No! Stop! All right! All right!" Prince Blueblood cried, "I yield! YOU WIN!"

At Blueblood's submission, the entire crowd erupted into almost deafening cheers of triumph.

"Prince Blueblood had yielded!" the official shouted over the din, "And the winner is...Big Macintosh!"

A huge grin spread across Big Mac's face as it all sunk in; the red earth stallion almost couldn't believe it. He had actually done it. He had actually won.

The Mane Six, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith all ran to him the moment he was declared the victor, and almost smothered him with acclaim.

"Ya did it, Big Mac!" Applejack cried.

"Yes!" Rarity joyfully exclaimed, "I knew you wouldn't let us down!"

"Y'all won, big brother!" Apple Bloom all but squealed.

Granny Smith beamed from ear to ear, "If only yer Ma, an' Pa could see this!"

As other ponies crowded around Big Mac to voice their own praise, and congratulations, the red earth stallion was so overcome with emotion that he actually shred a few stallionly tears.

Prince Blueblood on the other hoof whimpered rather pathetically as he crawled out of the mud, and into the waiting hooves of his flunkies who were scrambling to attend to him.

"Get this filth off of me, you imbeciles!" the prince dramatically whined, "Get it off!"

Suddenly, one of the Canterlot press ponies trotted up to them and snapped a picture of Blueblood still covered in mud, adding to his misery.

"Get out of here!" he screeched helplessly.


A short time later, once both sets of armor had been packed back into the carts, and Prince Blueblood had been at least somewhat cleaned up (though he still looked a mess), his entourage quickly made ready to depart.

But just as Blueblood's servants began to escort him back to his litter, they suddenly found their path blocked by Big Mac, the Mane Six, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, who had no intention of letting him leave until he fulfilled the terms of his defeat.

"Out of my way!" the humiliated prince spat in frustration.

"Y'all lost fair, an' square, Blueblood..." Big Mac declared.

"Prince Blueblood!" his defeated opponent insisted.

The red earth stallion ignored him "Now apologize ta Rarity, an' mah sister..."

"I am royalty!" Blueblood cried indignantly, "You cannot tell me what to do, peasant!".

"We had a deal, an' y'all will honor yer end o' it!" Big Mac demanded.

"Deal or no deal, I will NOT grovel to the likes of you, and your kind!" the prince retorted.

Suddenly, Rarity stepped forward, "Then perhaps we should have Princess Celestia settle this matter."

"Yeah..." Applejack agreed, stepping up as well, "Ah'm sure she'd be quite interested ta hear 'bout all this."

"I should think so!" came the voice of the jousting official as he suddenly made his way toward them, "Especially considering the fact that Prince Blueblood was cheating!"

"What?" everypony exclaimed, as a look of panic spread across Blueblood's face.

The official proceeded to explain how in a jousting tournament, all competitors were given lances of the same size, weight, and hardness both to prevent serious injury, and to prevent anypony from having an unfair advantage over their opponent. As it turned out, while the official had been helping the armor bearers pack up, he had discovered that the lance Prince Blueblood had been using against Big Mac was not a proper jousting lance, but one specially made to be much harder, allowing him to inflict heavier blows. It was subtle, but it was still cheating.

"Y'all cheated..." Applejack smirked at Blueblood, "An' y'all STILL couldn't beat 'im?!"

"And you said HE was pathetic!" Rarity added, trying to sound outraged, but was also clearly trying hard not to crack up, "Yes, Applejack; Princess Celestia, and all of Canterlot would be very interested to hear about this!"

Prince Blueblood's face turned an almost beet red as he lowered his gaze in shame, and humiliation as the reality of his defeat fully sank in. Not only had he lost, but there was no way out of this, royalty or not. He would either apologize to Rarity, and Applejack now as per the agreement, or he would be forced to do so later by Princess Celestia, and she would make it more painful for him.

"All right, all right..." he groaned, looking back up to face both Rarity, and Applejack, "Miss Rarity, Miss Applejack, I am so terribly sorry for the way I treated the both of you at the Grand Galloping Gala, and in the Ponyville Marketplace. My behavior was very unbefitting for a prince, and I hope you may one day forgive my shameful transgressions."

Rarity just grinned smugly "Apology accepted."

"We can afford ta let bygones be bygones." Applejack added with equal satisfaction, "Now git outta here."

And with that, Prince Blueblood dejectedly headed over to his royal litter with his servants in tow.

"I can't believe it. I, a royal prince of Canterlot, lost to a common farm pony..." he muttered as he slumped into the seat of his litter, before turning to his servants, "Just get me back to Canterlot. I need my royal bath."


A few moments later, everypony looked on as the royal entourage faded into the distance, taking Prince Blueblood home with his tail between his legs.

With that, most of the crowd quickly began to depart as well, leaving Big Mac, the Mane Six, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith mostly alone.

"You were simply magnificent, Big Macintosh..." Rarity praised.

Applejack beamed, "Darn tootin' he was! Knocking Blueblood off his high horse like that! He'll be th' laughin' stock o' Canterlot for months!"

The rest of the Mane Six all voiced their commendations as well.

"Ah, it was nothin' really..." the red earth stallion replied modestly.

"Nothin'?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, "It was somethin' all right! Our big brother was a knight fer a day, an' beat th' mean prince! We ain't never gonna forget this!"

"Nnnope. Ah guess not." Big Mac ultimately admitted.

Granny Smith stepped up, "Ah know ya think that y'all were just doin' th' decent thing by stickin' up fer Applejack, an' Rarity, but even so, y'all should be proud. Ah sure am, an' Ah know yer Ma, an' Pa would be to."

The others all nodded in agreement.

"Just wait till we go tell th' relatives!" Apple Bloom said.

"Well, before anypony goes anywhere..." Rarity suddenly walked up to Big Mac, "Big Mac, there's something I'd like to give you."

"Huh?" Big Mac turned to face her.

"I never imagined that I would ever do this..." the white unicorn said with a odd smile, "But it seems only fitting that the damsel reward the knight for coming to her rescue. So..."

Then, to everypony's surprise, especially Big Mac's, Rarity proceeded to give to the red earth stallion a kiss on the cheek.
And this time, Big Mac wasn't able to keep himself from blushing.

"O-O-Ooooh...!" he could only exclaim.

Rarity began to giggle, and then the others started chuckling as well. Before long everypony had erupted into bouts of laughter as Big Mac just broke into the most bashful smile one could possibly imagine.



Comments ( 27 )

This was a neat story, especially the ending. ^^

A very good follow up to "The Best Night Ever", your story makes me really wish that the writers made an actual follow up episode or even a comic adaption to it.

I loved the ending BTW.

"N-No, wait!" Prince Blueblood blurted out, stumbling to his hooves, and staggering backwards, "Don't hurt me! No, no! Don't hurt me!"

I see you are also a fan of Disney's Robin Hood. He threw an angry tantrum when he couldn't have his way; I'm surprised he didn't call for his mom while he was at it. Honestly, Blueblood, what part of "earth pony strength" do you not understand?

Haven't read it but is that a glorified bib that Blueblood is wearing, LOL.

I just saw that episode. I think my life is rigged xD

What a great read. I love seeing someone like Blueblood get his butt handed to him.

meh, the Official mlp comics handled him way better anyways.

:trollestia: Spike, Welcome are you staying the night How is my student Twilight doing in Ponyville?
:moustache: Twilights doing great and sorry I'm just running an errand for the girls, Maybe next time?
:trollestia: Just like ole times

:raritywink::applejackconfused::rainbowlaugh::twilightoops: You did what to Bluebloods bed?
:moustache: It's a dragon thing
:trollestia: Oh smoking ash and pee? Oh yes just like old times...

I kind of wanted see how Celestia would react to hear about her nephew cheating. Is there a story where she disowns the stupid brat?

ICR Who (Groucho Marx? W.C. Fields?)
"...out fighting for a woman's honor. She wanted to keep it."


Celestia: So, nephew. I heard you had a joust with the Duke of Everfree.
Blueblood: What?
Celestia: Well, technically the Duke to be, as the Duchess is still alive.
Blueblood: There is a Duchess of that forest?
Celestia: Well, the town hadn't been built when I gave her parents the land, so the title is named for the forest.
Blueblood: They sure didn't act like nobles.
Celestia: No, they don't act like modern nobles. They act like how I remember the first ponies I gave titles to acting. Helping their fellow ponies, not like you and your kind, looking down on everypony, acting almost as bad as the unicorns before Unification.
Blueblood: You can't be serious, Aunt Celestia.
Celestia: Oh I am. Did you know I've thought of getting rid of the nobility altogether at least twice a century for the last 8?

What the shit man, that's pretty funny, but how?, Why?

Anons "Canon" Incident
It's about to be here.

I'm glad you liked it. Rarity kissing Big Mac was just too good not to do!

Did you catch the Aladdin reference?

I wouldn't go that far, but she at the very least gave him a tongue lashing. Not to mention the fact that Blueblood made a massive fool of himself.

Oh well. Least he got what he deserved.

I know there's at least one. Probably more.

The story is fine for what it is, but personally it found it difficult to be vested in a story that from the title alone you can guess more or less what's going to happen. "Blueblood acts like a jerk --> gets humiliated" is an Undead Horse Trope right up there with red and black alicorn self-insert OCs. Probably worse, because at least people are embarrassed about red and black alicorn OCs, whereas people keep doing "lol, let's laugh at Blueblood the whipping boy while we beat him" as if it wasn't already a tired premise 5+ years ago.

It's also ironic, given that the whole point of the Gala episode was to teach little girls a moral lesson. Blueblood was a gender inversion. Everything that he does is stereotypical female behavior or based on old-timey expectations of women for men. Expecting your date to pay? Hiding behind Rarity? Expecting her to put her coat down so he could walk on it? Reverse the genders, and now do you see what's going on?

The whole point of his character is that he's acting like a girl, casting Rarity in the role of a guy...to point out how ridiculous these sort of gender expectations are. To tell girls, "hey, you see how ridiculous Blueblood is being? Don't be like that."

Stories like this that take Blueblood as a punching bag to be humiliated and laughed at, are entirely missing the point of his character.


Blueblood was a gender inversion.

Are you saying Blueblood is TRANSGENDER?!!!! :pinkiegasp:

Like, ohhhhh mah god! We TOTALLY have to prostrate ourselves before h-.. them... and kowtow, neeeeiiighhhh, WORSHIP hi-... their... every single demand! If anyone doesn't like Blueblood's insane behavior, it's YOUR fault for being a phobe!



Yeah I was mildly interested and thought maybe the title was misleading and we find out that Blue is more "honorable", and that maybe he thought Rarity was just another floozy that was after him for his money and title but no. It's just Blueblood is an ass story that pops up all the time. Hell I was reading a story about an entirely different character but they still threw in Blueblood losing his title and everything as a laugh because.... he's the communities punching bag I guess (right there along Flash Sentry).

Comment posted by AmlpfanREADER deleted Oct 15th, 2022

I'm sorry but Rarity was given a taste of her own medicine by Blueblood at the Gala.

This story reminds me of a movie called,"A Knight's tale".

Never thought of that before! Good reference!

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