• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 2 - BronySonicFan

The battle between good and evil continues with Team Sonic and the Mane 5 against Dr Eggman and Opaline, while Misty starts to shift her loyalties.

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1. Sonic's Origins

Green Hills - 26 Years Ago...


That's everything that could be heard all around Green Hills.

The ceremony of the Hedgehogs, celebrated each time the leader's descendant was born, was abruptly interrupted by several missiles that came from the sky, and giant machines that started to attack them with no reason.

Bernadette Hedgehog, or Bernie for short, was running away along with her husband, Jules Hedgehog. She was a light blue hedgehog with a blonde fringe, purple eyes and a green dress, while her husband was a dark blue hedgehog with green eyes. Bernie was also carrying their recently born baby in her right arm, while she grabbed Jules' hand with her free one.

They were with a group of 7 Hedgehogs that worked as guards to them, as well as an Owl lady that flew above them to keep an eye on Jules and Bernie, since they were the leaders of the Hedgehogs.

However, several robots with the Gamma symbol on the left shoulder, also wearing a flamethrower as a right arm, surrounded the Hedgehogs and pointed at them.

"In name of Dr. Ivo Robotnik, we order you to hand over the Chaos Emerald and surrender immediately" one of the robots said.

Bernie immediately grabbed the baby and hold him close her chest with fright, while Jules frowned and made some kind of electrical power appear all around his body, stepping in front of Bernie, with the rest of the hedgehogs standing at his side, ready to fight back the machines.

Suddenly, one of the robots was traversed by a spear, and said spear was grabbed by the Owl lady from before, that began to destroy some of the robots as she moved elegantly and not only dodged the robots attacks, but also destroyed them by just swinging her spear around.

Soon enough, Jules joined her by curling into a ball and then launching himself against the robots, stomping in their heads to destroy them, and also using his electrical powers to punch them and deactivate them. The rest of the hedgehogs, sins Bernie, joined their leader and the Owl lady, also using the spears they had gracefully as they destroyed the machines.

Once the entirety of the machines were destroyed, Jules approached to the Owl lady with a smirk. "Took you long enough to join the party... Longclaw" he said in a mocking tone.

"What can I say? I love a dramatic entrance" Longclaw replied with a smirk as well.

But at that moment, Jules was shot on his right elbow, and he groaned in pain.

They all turned to see where the shot came from, and they saw a bunch of machines and robots that looked like bugs moving towards them, with some hedgehogs and owls alike fighting against them... but the robots were winning.

Jules groaned in anger, and then he turned to see the other hedgehogs. "Go bring them help to fight those things and TAKE THEM DOWN!!!" he ordered to them

"SIR, YES SIR!" the hedgehogs replied, before grabbing their spears and running towards the machines to get rid of them.

"I-I don't understand..." Bernie said with a cracked voice. "W-What did we do wrong? What does this guy wants?" she questioned with sadness.

Longclaw went and gave Bernie a comforting hug, being careful to not hurt the baby.

"This Robotnik guy... That thing said he wants the Chaos Emerald" Jules said, extending his hand and making a blue emerald appear. "He attacked our village and burned it down... everything for this thing... The other Emeralds spread around after they showed us our son has been chosen––" he tried to add.

But then, a red point got on his head, and he was about to be shot by one of the robots with the Gamma symbol, if it wasn't because of Longclaw, who used the spear to move the attack again, then she quickly snatched the Chaos Emerald from Jules' hand and pointed it at the robot.

"CHAOS CONTROL!" Longclaw shouted, and then, a massive light blue laser traversed the robot's chest, shutting it down as the machine felt to the ground with a loud clank sound.

Jules and Bernie decided to run way once again, while Longclaw followed close behind, but then Jules turned to see his people being murdered by the machines, and loosing the battle against Robotnik, who appeared in a round flying cabin with a sinister smile as he saw the hedgehogs falling before his machines.

Jules frowned and groaned, stopping immediately, which confused both Bernie and Longclaw, who also stopped and turned to see him.

Jules moved towards them and looked at Longclaw with a frown, but his eyes showed worry. "Listen to me: I need you to take Bernie and my son away. Really, really far away from here" he instructed.

"What?!" both Longclaw and Bernie exclaimed in disbelief.

"This guy won't stop until he gets what he's looking for, but I won't allow him to get it. Take the Emerald with them and run away!" he instructed once again, before turning around and boost towards the battle area at super sonic speed.

Bernie frowned, and she turned to Longclaw too. "I won't run away from this fight. Not anymore" she stated with a determinate look.

"You two are definitely meant for each other... you are equally crazy!" Longclaw shouted in anger and worry.

"Longclaw, that guy destroyed our home, our ceremony, and if he finds out about our son and his destiny, I know he'll try to get him as well" Bernie replied with concern. "My husband thinks he can always get all the fun in fighting, but he forgets that I was also trained to defend our people... and right now, that's what I need to do" she stated once again.

"But leaving your son behind? Isn't that something cruel to do? Leaving your son as an orphan to fight a battle you might not come back alive?!" Longclaw shouted desperate, now fighting the urge to cry.

"Don't think I'm happy with this... but it is what must be done" Bernie replied. "Longclaw... the Chaos Emeralds choose him. You saw it with your own eyes! But he's not only destined to defeat the enemy that wiped out our ancestors home in Equis so long ago, he's destined to greater things... I know it!" she explained with a proud smile, as he looked lovely at her sleeping son on her arms. "I've had visions... dreams where he's all grown up. He's just as handsome as his father... and he overcomes many tasks and defeats bigger foes. He's more than a chosen one to destroy our ancestors' enemy... he's been chosen to be a real hero" she finished with a smile.

Then, she carefully extended her baby to Longclaw, who at first hesitated before extending her arms and grabbing carefully the little blue hedgehog, who seemed to be very pleasant with his sleep. Longclaw unconsciously smiled at the sight, before looking back at Bernie with an anxious expression.

"Please..." Bernie spoke before Longclaw even could. "Take care of him. Make sure he becomes a strong man... and if you have to lie about our fate... then do it. Don't let him know about his past until he arrives to Equestria, and don't teach him anything about our people's culture. Just... rise him as a normal child... please..." she begged with sad tears.

Longclaw felt a lump in her throat after hearing all of that, and she finally let out her tears of pain before embracing Bernie into another hug, with Bernie returning the gesture, as they both also were careful on not waking up the baby.

"I-I'll take care of him as if he was my own child... I promise..." Longclaw replied with a sad tone. "B-But you better get out alive of this, you idiot" she added in tears to her best friend.

"I-I'll do the best I can, girl" Bernie replied with a sad smile, also letting her tears fell.

Once they broke the hug, Bernie dried her tears and looked at the battle area, frowning and moving towards said place to help her husband and the other hedgehogs fight Robotnik's machines, while Longclaw sighed in sadness before running away from there, now carrying a baby on her arms.

However, as she ran through a forest, she saw a massive ship in the sky, and noticed two things: the first one, it had a giant symbol that seemed exactly like Robotnik's face; and the second one, 10 giants cannons appeared and pointed at a specific area.

She realized, too late, were those cannons were pointing at, but it was already too late when all the cannons shoot purple massive lasers to said area, and after 10 seconds, they stopped.

Longclaw felt the entire world around stopping for a second, and she ended up kneeling in the ground. Her lips started to tremble, her eyes showed pure pain, and her cheeks became wet because of the tears falling from her eyes.

Her best friend, her husband, probably 90% of the hedgehogs and some of her own people were brutally killed: turned to dust and reduced to nothing by a massive group of lasers.

She closed her eyes, and hugged the infant on her arms in search of comfort, but the fact that the child was her best friend's son only made her feel worse. She stood in there for a few seconds, just crying the lost of her friend in the middle of the forest.


Suddenly, she heard a voice. It was distant... but calming.

She slowly opened her eyes and began to look around, in search for the origin of the voice, until she noticed that a blue glow was coming from her scarf.

She took out the Blue Chaos Emerald and looked at it confused... but then the voice spoke again, and she noticed it came from the Emerald itself.


It was a bit clear this time, and she could swear the Emerald was calling her.

"Longclaw..." the voice on the Emerald finally said clearly.

"Huh?" Longclaw exclaimed, leaning her head confused.

Suddenly she heard some giggles on her knees, and she lowered her sight to see the little baby she already promised to take care of, smiling brightly and giggling on his sleep.

That made her feel something warm in her heart, and she unconsciously smiled at the little hedgehog, using her free hand to caress his head.

"Hope..." the voice in the Emerald suddenly spoke again. "He... will bring... hope..." the voice added, before fading away and recover a more casual glow.

Longclaw couldn't understand at all the message, but she guessed the Emerald was talking about the baby, that caused her to smile again.

She putted the Emerald down her scarf again, grabbed the baby and stood up, walking away slowly and looking at the little hedgehog with a soft and warm smile.

"I guess it's only you and me now... Sonic" Longclaw told to the baby.

And so, she walked out of the forest, in search of a new home to rise and take care of this little hedgehog... to take care of Sonic the Hedgehog...

Maretime Bay - Present Day

Sonic was resting on his bed, looking at the ceiling with a concerned expression.

Ever since he and the others stopped Discord from destroying magic, he's been trying to find the meaning behind Discord's clue about the remaining Chaos Emerald... the Light Blue one.

He had a special connection with said Emerald, because it was the first one he ever had. Longclaw had that Emerald with her, and she always said that the Emerald was one of the reasons she could save him from being killed by the Eggman robots that attacked their home and were chasing them.

Ever since, Sonic always tried to get that Emerald as fast as he could, but now, he had no idea of where it could be, and if all the Emeralds had the same fate once they arrived to Equestria, then the Emerald was pretty much out of energy.

"Gosh... this is so lame and frustrating..." Sonic said with concern, now sitting at the edge of his bed. "The Emerald is in Equestria... but it isn't at the same time... How can something be there and not all the same?" he questioned with a frown. "Dang it... I could call Discord himself and just make him to spill the beans, but it didn't worked when he was convinced magic needed to go. Why would he be different now that he sees that magic is necessary?" he pointed out.

After thinking over the riddle over and over again, he still got nothing and groaned in frustration, so he rubbed his eyes with one hand and decided to get out of the Brighthouse.

"I'm gonna take a run. Maybe that'll help clear the ideas" Sonic stated with a bored expression.

However, as he got up from his bed, Tails quickly rushed in with a huge smile.

"Sonic, Sonic, Sonic!" Tails called out with a huge smile, as he rushed right in front of him. "You would never believe what I found!" he stated with excitement.

Sonic was about to ask what did he found, but Tails didn't even gave him time to ask, because he was suddenly dragged by the fox downstairs.

Once they were down in the living room, Sonic felt a bit surprised when he saw a big box in a table that said 'Sonic Team Games', while Knuckles seemed to be looking at the cover of two of the games that were inside the box.

"Are those... what I think they are?" Sonic asked with a gasp, as a smile started to grew on his face.

"You mean the insane amount of games based on our adventures? You bet they are!" Knuckles replied, showing the two games he was holding with a smile.

The one on his right hand was called 'Sonic & Knuckles', while the one on his left hand had 'Knuckles' Chaotix' as the tittle.

"No fucking way... NO FUCKING WAY!!!" Sonic shouted in excitement. "Also, this story is rated T, so you're free to curse if you want, Knucklehead" he muttered to him with a smirk.

"OH, FUCK YEAH!" Knuckles cheered with a victorious smile.

Then, the hedgehog zoomed near the box and started to dig in, pulling out two games, one being 'Sonic the Hedgehog 2', while the other one was 'Sonic Adventure 2: Battle'.

"How did these stuff got in here?" Sonic asked confused, although still smiling.

"I guess it's one of the several things that got dragged by the portal when Knuckles and I arrived" Tails guessed. "Although, I found the box in the basement... I wonder why it ended up there instead with my stuff in the bedroom..." he said, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Well, figure it out later!" Knuckles stated, as he brought a Gamecube, a Switch, an Xbox 360, and a PS4. Then, he connected the Gamecube to the living room's TV. "So, are we gonna make some bets in 'Adventure 2: Battle' or what?!" he asked with a smirk to the other two.

Sonic and Tails looked at each other for a moment, before smiling with huge grins and look back at Knuckles.

"Depends on how much you're putting in the line, Knucklehead!" Sonic stated.

Several hours passed by, and Team Sonic spend the entire day betting on multiple games.

It all started with 'Sonic Adventure 2: Battle', switching between Sonic/Shadow's gameplay, Tails/Eggman's gameplay and Knuckles/Rouge's gameplay.

After that, they moved over to 'Sonic the Hedgehog 2006', which made things a lot more interesting and funnier because of the amount of bugs and glitches in the game.

Then, they played 'Sonic Heroes' with Team Sonic and Team Dark, which also made things a lot funny for the trio.

And finally, the three of them were currently playing 'Team Sonic Racing', with Sonic and Knuckles playing on separated Switches, while Tails used the TV to play there. Of course, they were all playing as themselves, as they races against Team Dark and Team Eggman in their current game.

Soon enough, the Mane 5 and Sparky entered to the Brighthouse, still not noticing that Team Sonic's been here the entire day.

"Ugh! Finally! The day's over..." Pipp said with a tired expression. "You have no idea how filled was Mane Melody today..." she exclaimed with a groan.

"I kind of do, because all of them went to my stand afterwards... I'm already out of fruits, and the next delivery won't be here until Monday!" Sunny said with concern, also with a tired expression.

"Well, Zipp, Sparky and I surely had a rough time finding all the bunnies of Eggmund..." Hitch said with a tired expression.

"We had to chase 16 bunnies the whole day!" Zipp exclaimed with a frown. "I seriously do not want the next easter season to arrive this time..." she confessed.

"And I didn't finished my unicycling project this time!" Izzy groaned as well. "Now the client's gonna be upset because I didn't delivered on time..." she complained.

"Well, at least we're finally home!" Sunny pointed out with a smile. "We can finally take a brake from such a long and tired day––" she tried to add, but...

"OH, COME ON!!!" Sonic's voice shouted in anger.

"Seriously?!" Tails complained aloud as well.

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Knuckles groaned too with a frown.

The Mane 5 and Sparky looked at each other confused, before turning their gaze to the living room, where they saw Sonic and Knuckles sat on different couches, while Tails was sitting in the floor and frowning at the TV screen.

It seemed like Team Eggman won the race, and of course, the three of them were upset at that.

Then, Sonic got up from his place, pulled out his wallet and walked towards a table with two jars. One was half way with money on bets won, while the other one was completely full with bets lost.

Sonic madly took out 10 bucks and placed them in the jar for loose bets. Then, Tails arrived and did the same thing more politely, but frowning. And finally, Knuckles also placed some money there, before going back to the couch as she crossed his arms madly.

"I can't believe we still have to deal with Eggman's shit even in video games!" Knuckles complained.

"At least the only thing he has won is a race in a video game... and that time he took over the world for 6 months, but eh. Details..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

"At this rate, we're gonna run out of money..." Tails pointed out with anger. "... Wanna bet 2 out of 3 in Smash Bros.?" he asked suddenly, smirking once again.

"Oh, it's on!" Sonic stated with a smirk, and Knuckles grinned as well.

However, a throat cleared behind, and Team Sonic all looked behind the couch, with Tails only popping his head as he also approached to the couch.

"Um... Hey there, guys!" Pipp greeted nervously, while Sunny and Hitch had raised eyebrows, Izzy was just smiling as usual, and Zipp had a bored expression. "If it's not such a bother, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Oh, hey guys! Didn't see ya there!" Sonic greeted with a smile as well. "Don't mind us, we're just having fun playing some of our games and betting a bit!" he explained.

"Your games?" Sunny asked confused, but the moment she took one step, she noticed her hoof touched something.

Looking down, she picked up a box, and saw the cover, just to tilt her head with extreme confusion when she saw Sonic in a running position through a forest, while his name was printed right in front of him.

"Uh... what the buck..." Sunny muttered confused, but then, Sonic snatched the game form her.

"Oh, uh... That's a pretty bad one... Just ignore it" Sonic said with a sheepish smile, before throwing the game backwards, as it landed on a crusher and, obviously, was completely crushed.

"... How bad is that game that you had to crush it?" Hitch asked with a shocked look.

"... Well!" Sonic started with a smile.

I apologize for what you're gonna see...

There, the horror time it's over, let's get back to the story...

Sonic shivered and cringed at the memory, even pulling out his tongue and shacking his head.

"That... thing... still haunts my nightmares..." Sonic said with anxiety.

The Mane 5, on the other hand, felt traumatized by the idea of a human teenage girl kissing a literally dead anthropomorphic hedgehog.

Pipp even had to cover her mouth to not poke at the thought, specially considering she has kissed Sonic... 2 times already.

"Yeah... I... I definitely didn't wanted to see that... not even in my mind..." Zipp confessed.

"Wait, stop it, hang on!" Izzy said suddenly. "Why do all these games have your name and face on it, Sonic?" she asked, pointing at all the different games spread in the living room, like 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Sonic Unleashed', 'Sonic Generations', and even Spin-offs like 'Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games' or 'Super Smash Bros. Brawl'.

"Because they're literally based on my life!" Sonic replied with a huge smirk. "Pretty neat, right?" he questioned with a wink.

The Mane 5 stared confused at Sonic after he said that, and Izzy even tilted her head confused.

"I'm sorry, they're what now?" Zipp questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, here's the full picture..." Sonic stated. "After 10 or 11 years of saving everyone's butts from Eggman, a small group of people started to interview me and my friends about our first adventures ever..." he began to explain.

"It resulted that they wanted to create games based on our adventures as a way to show their gratitude!" Tails continued. "And so, 'Sonic Team' was founded in order to create games inspired by our battles against Eggman!" he explained with a smile.

"The years passed by, and more games came out" Knuckles explained as well. "Some are good, some are bad, some are weird... But there's something for everyone! And we get paid 30% of the money gained, but eh. Details" he added with a smirk.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hitch exclaimed, rising his hoof in surprise. "So... all these games... Are based on your lives?!" he asked in shock.

"Well, not all of them. Just the more epic and important ones!" Sonic pointed out.

"... Dudes, you seriously just keep impressing me..." Zipp said with a little smirk.

"This is so awesome!" Izzy exclaimed with a cheerful tone and smile.

"Why didn't you guys told us about this?!" Sunny asked with a little smile, as she picked up a game called 'Sonic Colors'.

"The box with the games ended up in the basement, instead of with my stuff..." Tails explained. "I still don't understand why, but I don't think I should worry a lot about this.

"Okay... but why is this game marked as 'Don't you dare to even touch me'?" Izzy questioned, as she lifted up a box with a cover that said 'Sonic Forces'.

"Oh, that piece of shit?" Knuckles asked with a frown. "We literally told them all the tragedies and atrocities we had to live when Eggman created Infinite and took over the world for 6 months... But apparently, 'iT dIdN't aPpLiEd FoR tHe KiDs', so they turned us all into a stupid joke..." he explained with anger.

"The only thing they decided to keep was me being a coward when Chaos 1 appeared..." Tails complained as well. "They got rid of everything BUT that!" he screamed with anger.

"Also, they dragged back my past self and make him pointless... which isn't so far from what really happened, to be honest, but it is still lame..." Sonic complained as well with a bored expression.

Then, Pipp lifted up a game that showed Sonic when he was younger, as well as his name printed in front. However, she also noticed that there was something behind it.

When she took the thing behind the box, she saw it was a picture... and she gasped a bit when seeing it.

"Hey, Blue Star..." Pipp called out, and Sonic turned to face her. "I found this behind the box" she explained.

The pegasus extended the picture to her crush, and Sonic took it carefully from her: It showed Longclaw smiling with her eyes closed, embracing a much younger Sonic in her arms, as he giggled to the gesture of his mother figure.

Sonic's eyes got some kind of nostalgic look on them, and he smiled at the sight of Longclaw's smile.

"What is it?" Sunny asked curiously.

"It's... a picture I took with Longclaw when I was a kid" Sonic pointed out with a smirk. "I think this was after my very first adventure. Back then, I didn't met Tails or Knuckles yet... It was only Longclaw and I. She was my only family... after my parents ditched me when I was a baby" he explained with a sad expression.

Everyone but Sunny, Tails and Knuckles gasped at the last thing he said.

"Y-Your actual parents got rid of you?!" Zipp asked in disbelief.

"Just like that?!" Pipp asked as well.

"T-They just... threw you away and left? What the heck is wrong with them?!" Hitch questioned in disbelief as well.

"I don't know... and I honestly don't care" Sonic replied coldly. "Longclaw just told me that one night I asked her about it. After that, I never asked for them again" he explained. "But it doesn't matter. Longclaw is my mother, biological or not. She always showed me the right path to follow... I guess she's the very reason I'm here talking with all of you today" he added with a smile.

"Wait! Hold on!" Zipp said suddenly. "You know, I just realized... we are a month away of celebrating the very first time we met each other... and yet, we never heard about your first adventure! Nor how you met Tails and Knuckles!" she pointed out.

"I... I haven't?" Sonic asked very confused, since he could swear he actually told them that already.

"Actually... Zipp is right!" Pipp realized as well. "We've known each other for almost a year, and yet you haven't told us any of that!" she pointed out as well, flying over him, Tails and Knuckles.

"Hey! You're right! I don't recall you having telling us that, either" Hitch added as well.

"That's... weird..." Sonic replied. "I'm pretty sure I already told you guys that... or was it just my imagination?" he questioned with concern.

"Probably... But I think it wouldn't be bad to hear that story, either" Sunny stated with a smile.

Sonic smirked and looked at the group with a raised eyebrow, also crossing his arms. "You guys won't leave me alone until I tell that story, will you?" he asked rhetorically, but of course, the rest denied, so he sighed in defeat and smiled at them. "All right, then! I'll tell you about my first adventures and how I met these two" he stated, patting Tails and Knuckles' backs with a smirk.

The others cheered, while Izzy said "Story time!". Then, Team Sonic quickly cleaned the living room so they could tell the story there. Once the place was clean, and the games were back in the box, the Mane 5 sins Izzy putted comfortable in the couches, while Tails, Knuckles and Izzy sat in the floor, with the latter resting on Knuckles' crossed legs like a cat.

Later, Sonic brought a red beanbag chair and putted it in front of the rest, before putting comfortable himself and looking at the rest, as he thought carefully on how to start the story.

"Alright, let's see..." Sonic said, rubbing his chin with a hand. "Where can I even start?" he questioned, as he thought on the subject before finally finding the proper words. "Now that I think about it, the best way to start off this story is talking about my home... no, not Mobius... I'm talking about the place I used to live on South Island... I'm talking about Green Hills..." he said with a nostalgic look...

Green Hills - 21 Years Ago...

"My home could be described, ironically, as a beautiful group of green-ish hills with the must abundant wildlife in South Island" Sonic began to narrate.

He was picturing many palm trees across Green Hills, with several flickies, cuckies, pickies, rickies and pockies moving around and playing happily.

"It's always been a really quiet and nice place to live" Sonic kept narrating. "It has everything you could ask for: sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, beautiful sights to the sunrise and sundowns... Heck, even public access to loop-de-loops!" he added with joy.

Now, he pictured several of Green Hill's beaches, with peckies and rockies moving and swimming around happily.

"But my favorite part of all Green Hills? It's gigantic, spacious, it's perfect! Perfect... to run free and be one with the wind!" Sonic narrated with a cheerful tone.

And so, a blue blur can be seen, running around Green Hills as he giggles and cheers, moving around the animals that get startled by the sudden blue blur passing by. Said blur ran through one of the loop-de-loops, and then he ran over a small bridge that suddenly broke and fell to the ocean.

The image zooms to the blue blur, and we see a much younger Sonic with a light blue skin, entirely black eyes and boots that he rolled down to look like speed shoes. He was running across Green Hills at super sonic speed, with his fists placed in front of his body and his iconic smirk.

"Ever since I was a kid, discovering I had super speed was the best thing that could ever happened to me!" Sonic continued narrating. "Running around to go wherever you want and do whatever you want with the only condition being be back at home in time for dinner? Heck, count me in! And with my powers, returning home was a breeze! Just a little blue ball with super speed running around in an extremely handsome package!" he added confidently. "But unfortunately, that quiet and peace I mentioned before didn't lasted forever..." he added with a serious tone.

As Sonic kept running around Green Hills, he saw some kind of robotic red bug with a blue face, silver metallic 'arms' and a wheel to move around, trying to catch two helpless flickies that flew and moved away from it. He also saw a blue robotic bug flying and chasing two flickies as well.

He felt both surprised and mad at what the robot was doing, so he decided to approach it. He curled into a ball, and then he jumped over the robot, smashing it hard enough and destroying it in thousands of pieces... and freeing a flicky that was trapped inside of the machine.

The flicky fell to the ground a bit dizzy at first, but it shook their head before looking around, and stopping their sight in Sonic.

"Are you okay, little fella?" Sonic asked them with concern, and the flicky shook their head in negation with worry, now flying and chirping desperate. "Hey, calm down, buddy! What happened?!" Sonic said with worry.

Instead of replying with words (since they can't talk), the flicky pointed with their wing at some big capsules in the sky, being carried by more of those flying robotic bugs. Inside said capsules, many animals from Green Hills were captured, and they seemed so desperate, trying to escape from their prison.

"What the––" Sonic exclaimed with a frown. "Who's doing this?!" he screamed in anger, also closing his hands in fists.

And then, right in front of the capsules, a floating vehicle came, with a fat man piloting it and laughing sinisterly at his accomplishment. This guy had black pants with two shite buttons a red shirt with long sleeves, white gloves, some kind of yellow scarf, glasses and a big and long mustache.

"Come on, my badniks!" the man said with an evil grin. "It is time we take over the world!" he stated, before flying away on the vehicle, while the flying bugs, or as he called them, the badniks followed as they carried the capsules with the animals.

Sonic saw this with concern, and then some of the remaining critters that managed to escape from the man's badniks came out or their hideouts and approached to Sonic, jumping and making sounds desperate, asking for his help to save the rest of their friends.

"Geez, little guys..." Sonic said with a worried expression, also scratching his neck nervously. "I-I understand that you lost your friends, and I wish I could help... I-I really do! But I cannot go... Longclaw will kill me if I even think about it––" he tried to point out, but...

All the critters around him made sad puppy eyes and begged him to help. Sonic felt his heart melt for the sad looks of the animals, and now his mind was conflicted...

"Back then, and even if I was just 5, Longclaw only had two rules: never go beyond Green Hills, and never get late for dinner. I was free of doing anything beyond those things" Sonic narrated, while his younger self looked at his hands with conflicted thoughts. "That day, however... some kind of spark ignited inside me. A flame I never felt before he added, while the younger Sonic closed his eyes and looked at the guy and his robots in the distance with a smirk. "And so, for the first time in my short life at the time, I did what any kid at that age will do if they're told to not do something: I did the exact opposite!" he ended.

And so, the younger Sonic positioned to run, before boosting through some palm trees and following the mysterious man with a mustache.

As Sonic ran through Green Hills, he found several more of these badniks created by the man.

As he crashed against all of them, curled into a ball, they all let go animals that were trapped inside. That was enough to make Sonic frown, as he kept running around Green Hills.

He collected many floatings golden rings that he decided to call 'Stamina Rings' because of two reasons: the first one, after he touched the rings, they turned into golden dust and seemed to enter his body; and the second one, once he crashed by accident against a badnik without seeing it before, instead of destroying the robot, he was sent backwards, and all the rings that he collected literally fell from his body.

He felt very confused at this, but before he could even question what happened, the rings began to glitch, as if they were about to disappear. Sonic quickly ran and collected as many rings as he could, but from the 64 rings he originally collected, he only managed to recover 20.

He groaned in frustration, stomped his foot on the ground madly... and then sighed, before looking on with a bored expression, and then boost to keep going.

After running through more loop-de-loops, defeating more badniks, collecting more rings and saving more animals, Sonic reached a place where he made a sign with the mystery guy's face spin, until it stopped and now showed his face smiling, with a hand making the 'peace' symbol.

He smiled at that, since it meant that, at least for now, the first zone of Green Hills was clear and free of badniks.

However, he heard the sound of something opening above him, and when he looked upwards, he gasped when a golden and giant ring portal opened up.

"A warp ring?!" Sonic exclaimed in amazement. "But I though Longclaw was the only capable of doing them! Huh..." he added, looking better at what was at the other side of said portal. "I... never seen that place before... better go and check it out!" he stated with a smirk, before jumping through the portal, that closed soon afterwards.

Sonic landed on a purple floating platform, and his eyes sparkled at the sight:

Whatever this place was, it was some kind of infinite void that changed of colors, and right below him, there was a giant pinball machine, that seemed to have something in the middle of it... a blue emerald floating there.

"A Chaos Emerald?!" Sonic said with both surprise, excitement and confusion. "But I thought they could only be recovered by treasure hunting around South Island!" he added with a smile... that faded away once he realized something. "Hang on! What if... What if this guy is searching the Chaos Emeralds? Maybe that's why he's kidnapping all those poor animals! He wants to use those badniks to find the Emeralds! And if he's looking for the Chaos Emeralds... then he cannot be planning anything good!" he concluded with a frown.

Without thinking it, Sonic curled into a ball and jumped over the pinball machines, working as the ball that began to move around as he tried to reach the Chaos Emerald.

After trying it for a while, he finally managed to reach the Emerald, but once his body made contact with it, the Emerald entered on him, then the entire world started to spin around, and the next thing he knew? Everything was covered on a flash of light that blinded him...

Once his vision was restored, he realized he got back to Green Hills, right in front of the end of the first act of Green Hill Zone, since the spinning sign with his face was behind him.

Suddenly, he felt something on his quills, and once he extended his hand to reach them, he took out the Blue Chaos Emerald, shining bright on his hand.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed in awe. "It's not the first time I see a Chaos Emerald in person, but... even closer, they still look pretty" he said with a smile, before shacking his head and focusing back on the task at hand. "Now's not the time, Sonic! You need to save those animals from this guy! And maybe, I should also collect the Chaos Emeralds before he can even find one" he stated with a determinate look, and then he boosted towards the next act.

After completing the second act, and also getting the Yellow Chaos Emerald, Sonic passed with no problem through the third and final act of Green Hills.

However, there was no spinning sign at the end of the third act. Instead, he saw at the distance two floating platforms, while the mystery guy stood on his flying vehicle, supervising one of the capsules with animals that was placed by the badniks just a few meters away from him.

"Hey!" Sonic shouted, carrying the destroyed bodies of two badniks with him.

Before the man could even turn around after hearing Sonic's call, his vehicle got hit by the two badniks, since Sonic decided to threw them.

The man struggled a bit to control his vehicle before finally stopping it from spinning around because of the sudden attack, and once he saw who attacked him, he frowned, and Sonic frowned back at him.

"What the–– Who's this?!" the man said with anger.

"I was going to ask the same damn question!" Sonic replied madly. "Can you explain me why are you kidnapping animals and messing with the wildlife here?!" he demanded an answer.

"That's none of your business, rodent!" the man replied with anger.

However, something on the vehicle made a bip sound, also showing a red light, and when the man pressed some buttons and checked out what was going on, his eyes widened in panic: all the badniks he sent around Green Hills were gone, completely destroyed.

"W-WHAT?! HOW?!" the man shouted in shock and anger.

"That's what happens when you mess with my home's wildlife, old man!" Sonic replied with a confident smirk, also crossing his arms. "Now, there's two ways we can define this: one, you let go all the animals of Green Hills, leave this place and never come back! Or two, a 5 year old hedgehog kicks your butt! Choose wisely, cheap copy of Super Mario!" he warned, smashing his fist against his palm.

"Ohohohohoho!" the guy laughed. "Do you think I'm scared of a kid?! Do you even know who I am?" he asked with an evil grin.

"I don't know. Some dude with a wacky clown costume with glasses and a flying egg?" Sonic mocked up.

"You insolent little mice!" the man said with anger, also smashing his flying vehicle with a hand. "I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and soon, the power of the Chaos Emeralds will be mine! And once I have the 7 of them, the entire world will be at the palm of my hand! And everything and everyone will look... like me!" he stated, before laughing maniacally.

"You mean, like a bunch of weirdos with an egg-shaped head, a big belly and a very ugly mustache? Because if that's the case, thank you, but I'm fine like this" Sonic kept mocking up.

"You better watch your mouth, kid, or the consequences of your disrespect are gonna be deadly!" Robotnik warned with a frown.

"Ooh, I am so scared!" Sonic mocked up again, before chuckling and then placing his fists on his hips. "You're not intimidating at all! In fact, you are really goofy looking!" he kept mocking, and Robotnik began to growl in anger. "Speaking of goofy, 'Dr. Robotnik' doesn't suits you at all. I think you need something more proper and fitting... Oh, oh! How about Dr. Eggman? You know, because your head is shaped like an egg, and your body, and your flying machine..." he kept saying.

"UGH! THAT'S IT!" Robotnik shouted in anger, before smashing a button on his vehicle with his fist.

Soon enough, the lower part of the vehicle opened, and a massive wrecking ball came down and smashed the floor.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed, surprised and confused at the sudden wrecking ball appearance.

The wrecking ball lifted a bit before stopping, and Robotnik smirked on his vehicle. "Not so brave anymore now, are you?" he asked with an evil grin.

However, Sonic just frowned and positioned to run and fight at the same time. "Bring it on, Eggman!" he challenged with a determinate look.

Robotnik smirked, and then he started to move his vehicle towards the little hedgehog.

Sonic smirked back, and then he curled into a ball again before launching his body against the machine, also dodging the wrecking ball in the process. After that, Sonic landed on one of the floating platforms, then he jumped and did the same move again once Robotnik turned his vehicle around.

Sonic and Robotnik kept going with this same 'dance', although Sonic did got punched a few times by the wrecking ball, loosing all the rings he collected in the third act, to the point he only got one ring remaining. And yet, he still defeated Robotnik anyways.

"NO!" Robotnik shouted with a frown in anger, as the wrecking ball fell from his vehicle and destroyed itself on the ground. "This is impossible! H-How did you defeated my Eggmobile's most recent upgrade?!" he questioned in disbelief and anger.

Sonic however, bursted out laughing, which made Robotnik even madder than before. "No way! Your flying machine is actually called Eggmobile?! Man, you complain that I call you Eggman, but it definitely suits you better than Robotnik if you call you stuff starting with 'egg'!" he pointed out with a mocking smirk.

"You insolent! Who do you think you are?!" Robotnik shouted in anger, smashing his 'Eggmobile' with his fist.

"I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! And you are going to leave my home right now and free those animals, or else!" Sonic warned with a dangerous look, even for a kid.

"Ha! Keep dreaming, Hedgehog!" Robotnik said with a smirk. "My Empire will rise eventually, and nothing you say or do it's gonna––" he tried to add, but then his Eggmobile began to get smashed by Sonic, who curled into a ball and moved quickly against the vehicle, until he sent Robotnik flying backwards.

"That's my first and last warning, Eggman!" Sonic said with a frown. "Leave!" he shouted.

Robotnik groaned in frustration, before moving his Eggmobile quickly to elevate and boosted away. "This isn't the last time you'll heard of me, rodent!" he shouted in anger before finally disappearing in the distance.

Sonic nodded with a smile, and then he destroyed the two badniks around the capsule before standing on the button at the top, freeing all the animals trapped inside.

The animals on the capsule escaped, and once Sonic landed, he was surrounded by all of them, as the animals hugged and nuzzled him happily and grateful.

"Hey! That tickles!" Sonic said with a smile. But then he noticed that the animals were not as much as he thought they will be, meaning that more animals were still trapped. And he had the bad feeling that Robotnik probably kidnapped animals from other zones in South Island. He frowned, looked at the path that he already walked over, and then looked back at the direction where Robotnik escaped before sighing. "I'm sorry, Longclaw... but I have the power to help these animals, and I won't seat and wait for a miracle to stop this guy!" he stated.

After that, he broke the first of Longclaw's rules and boosted away from Green Hills.

Now we have a montage of Sonic passing through the next stages.

First, he moved over Marble Zone, dodging the falling bricks of the temple and almost falling into the lava at one point, but successfully regaining his composure in time before getting pass the spinning sign and then getting inside another warp ring that took him back to the 'Void World', as he decided to name the place with the pinball machine and the Chaos Emeralds.

Then, he defeated Robotnik once again in the final act of Marble before freeing the animals trapped on the capsule of said zone.

Sonic moved through Spring Yard Zone now.

With four Emeralds on his quills, and 58 rings on his pocket, things should be easy, right?

Well, not when there's a badnik designed to curl into a ball as well and try to smash you every time you simply take a step, but he still managed to defeat the machine... loosing half of the rings he collected in the process, but eh, details.

At the end of the second act, Sonic entered the Void World and came out soon afterwards with the final Chaos Emerald, having collected the six of them, since the remaining one was with Longclaw back in Green Hills.

And then, he arrived to the third act of Spring Yard Zone and defeated Robotnik once again.

As in the previous zones, he free'd the animals in the capsule, and then boosted towards the next act.

He repeated the process in Labyrinth Zone, once again defeating Robotnik's machine, and the freeing the animals captured.

He did the same on the next place, Star Light Zone, and after defeating Robotnik's robot, he went to free'd the animals captured.

However, in this place, behind him, a door close, and while he felt startled at first, he putted on a serious expression, looking around him carefully and walking on with his guard up.

"You know, Sonic..." Robotnik's voice was heard... but it didn't came from speakers, meaning that he was in the same room than Sonic at the moment. "I gotta admit that I'm impressed over you" he confessed.

Sonic snorted as he kept walking while looking around with his guard up. "I'm not surprised about that. People says I'm a wonderful person! To the point even an egghead like you agrees!" he mocked up.

"Let me explain myself better: I'm impressed... that you have nuts the size of a soccer ball to come here and challenge me!" Robotnik corrected himself.

Sonic stopped moving, placed his fists on his hips and began to tap the floor desperate. "Well, I've been told they're pretty big for a child" he replied confidently.

But then, something, some kind of sixth sense spoke on his head and shouted 'Look out!'. So, flipped backwards, just in time since some kind of crusher almost killed him. The worse part, he managed to Saw Robotnik inside of it before he disappeared.

"What's the matter, Sonic? Too fast for you?" Robotnik asked before laughing like a maniac.

Sonic, on the other hand, placed a hand on his chest and breathed heavily, since he didn't saw that coming, and even worse, he almost died.

Still, he regained his composure and focused: Robotnik wanted to crush him, so he had to wait for him to attack again before making his move.

Robotnik tried to crush him again, but Sonic dodged, and as the crusher he was on slowly moved downwards, Sonic attacked as much as he could before it disappeared entirely.

He kept doing this until he finally made the machine smoke, and he knew that was the sign to get the hell out of there.

"Welp, that's pretty much it, Eggman!" Sonic said with a smirk. "Gotta go fast!" he stated, before boosting away from there.

Robotnik frowned and groaned, then he managed to escape from the destroyed crusher he was on and got on his Eggmobile.

Meanwhile, Sonic free'd the last group of animals trapped in capsules, and then he used a warp ring himself from a bag Longclaw gave him a while ago, instructing him to only use them on an emergency, and right now, taking his animal friends back to Green Hills was an emergency.

"You win this time, Sonic!" Robotnik spoke, and Sonic turned in his direction with a frown. "From now on, you are my sworn enemy! Mark my words, little hedgehog: this won't be the last you'll ever heard about me!" he stated, before boosting away on his Eggmobile.

"Whatever you say, Dr. Eggman" Sonic said with a smirk. "I'll just blown up your plans again" he stated confidently, before crossing the warp ring portal as well, that closed behind him.

Once he returned to Green Hills, he was happy to see all the animals fine.

They were all reunited, jumping happily and celebrating that they were saved.

Sonic smiled at the sight, but then a group of flickies pushed him over to be in the middle, and once all the animals saw him, they cheered loud and clear, since he was the one who saved them all.

"H-Hey! N-No need to thank me! I just did what I knew was the right thing!" Sonic said with a nervous smile at first, but then winking at them confidently.

And then, all of a sudden, the six Chaos Emeralds he collected began to glow and surrounded him. The Emeralds 'danced' around Sonic, and while he felt really confused and the animals felt surprised, he suddenly felt the urge of touching one of them.

So, the Emeralds stopped, and he slowly extended his hand to the Green Chaos Emerald.

Once his hand made contact with it, he got some kind of sudden vision...

The vast, blue sea extended to an unknown territory.

Towards said place, six of the Chaos Emeralds flew across the sky at high speed... and soon enough, before the Emeralds decided to spread around that territory, the seventh Chaos Emerald joined in and spread long the others...

Once the vision was over, Sonic stepped back startled.

"W-What the–– W-What was that?!" Sonic questioned confused.

Then, the six Chaos Emeralds elevated through the sky, before stopping and spread all across South Island again.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed in awe, before smirking and passing a thumb over his nose. "Well, little fellas... It's been an honor to save you all. But if you'll excuse me, I need to tell someone that I'm fine!" he stated, before curling into a ball and then boost away towards his home.

"I might have won an enemy that day... but I was a kid back then" the modern Sonic narrated again. "I didn't knew that Robotnik/Eggman was serious. Heck, I didn't believe it!" he confessed...

Back to the present, Sonic was finishing narrating his very first adventure ever.

"I just thought it was a silly little adventure where I got to have some action and fun, instead of a typical day on Green Hills just running around" Sonic spoke. "I explored my entire home, I saw things I never thought I will see... I even fought against robots! Any five year old would've died to be on my place!" he said with a smile. "Without knowing it, that very day, my life actually started... and that's what brought me here today" he finished narrating.

"Dude, I so wished I had your life" Zipp commented with a smirk.

"That was... so amazing!" Izzy exclaimed cheerfully.

"Man... I heard this story before, but–– Holy shit! It always gives me chills" Knuckles said in excitement.

"You actually never mentioned the vision part before... but out of that, it's always a bless to hear your origins" Tails said with a smile.

"So... you've been dealing with this guy for a loooong time, huh?" Hitch said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"20 years of my life dealing with Dr. 'I always get my butt kicked by a hedgehog' Eggman" Sonic said with a smirk. "Almost 21 years..." he added.

The rest just laughed at him, but Sonic's expression darkened all of a sudden.

"Oh no..." Pipp muttered with worry.

"Why do I feel like this will take an unexpected turn?" Sunny questioned with concern.

Sonic sighed heavily before facing his friends back with a serious look. "As I said before, I was just a kid back then... and like I told you at the beginning, Longclaw had only two rules for me... and I broke them both that day..." he said with concern...

We flash back to that very day where Sonic saved the animals of South Island.

"That day, I not only had an adventure beyond Green Hills, but I also arrived 45 minutes late to dinner" Sonic narrated with a concerned tone. "And as you might expect, Longclaw wasn't happy at all... But don't even get me started on her face and reaction after I told her about my whole adventure..." he added, although he sounded more annoyed than concerned.

"WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!" Longclaw shouted in anger and worry, while Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I can at least forgive you for coming late, even if it never happened before, because I know that anyone can lost track of time while having fun... BUT YOU LITERALLY EXPLORED THE ENTIRE ISLAND!!!" she shouted again.

"Longclaw, this is the fourth time I say this, but I'm literally the only one that had the will to do something!" Sonic pointed out confused. "I'm not expecting you to give me a reward for saving all the wildlife of the island, but at least hearing that I did the right thing would be nice!" he said, as his cheeks puffed out and he crossed his arms.

"Sonic, for the love of Chaos! I don't care if no one could have saved the wildlife! I only care that you are fine!" Longclaw said in worry, but also frowning. "I gave you two specific rules that you never broke before! What changed?!" she asked desperate.

"Gosh! I'm tired of this place!" Sonic complained. "I always run around the exact same path, the exact same places, see the exact same palm trees, beaches, and dumb waterfalls! It's been the same ever since you let me go on my own!" he pointed out with a frown. "I have the power of going through the entirety of this world in the blink of an eye! But instead of using it to help the ones in need, o-or to have adventures and fun, I need to limit myself to this place! Green Hills is cool and all, but I know this place better than my own name! And I saw so much beautiful things while I was rescuing those critters. Why do I have to limit myself to Green Hills?!" he asked in anger.

"You already know why, Sonic!" Longclaw shouted, now even more mad than before. "Like it or not, you're not some kind of superhero! You're just a kid! A KID! The world out there is dangerous, and if you make one single step wrong, you can get yourself killed! Why is that so hard to understand for you?!" she asked angrily.

"I admit that I'm a kid, Longclaw, but I literally kicked some fat old man's butt to save the wildlife of the island!" Sonic pointed out, as he stood up on his chair, since they both were on a dinner table. "Even Eggman said that I have big guts for just being a child! If a guy like him that's obsessed with himself and his 'badniks' says that I'm impressive, wouldn't that prove that I can look after myself?" he asked rhetorically and frowning.

"Of course not!" Longclaw replied. "And who's this 'Eggman' guy, anyways?!" she asked.

"That's just a nickname I gave him because his actual name doesn't suits him" Sonic answered with a bored expression. "I mean, what kind of name is Ivo Robotnik? It sounds pretty lame..." he said, rolling his eyes.

However, Longclaw didn't replied anything this time. Sonic felt confused by this and turned to her... just to see that she had a panicked expression.

"Uh... Longclaw?" Sonic called out, raising an eyebrow.

"... H-How is he called, again?" Longclaw replied, not mad anymore, but instead... scared?

What the heck... Is she... Is she afraid?! Sonic though in disbelief. "I-Ivo Robotnik?" he replied nervously.

Longclaw replied nothing again... but her breath became really heavy, and she started to have horrible flashbacks... robots destroying her home, Hedgehogs and Owls dying before her eyes, Sonic's mother entrusting her child to her, and a massive laser killing them off... she was having a panic attack.

"L-Longclaw?" Sonic called out again, but now he was afraid, and then Longclaw suddenly felt in her knees, while she heavy breathed in panic. "Longclaw!" Sonic shouted, now running at her side and trying to calm her down.

"That wasn't the first time she had a panic attack" modern Sonic narrated. "Before she let me go on my own around Green Hills, she had plenty of those on normal situations... but whenever I got hurt, even if it was a small little scratch that will eventually be gone in a few days, the attacks frequented more..." he explained. "Ever since she let me go, as far as I know, she never had more of those... but that was the first time in a long time that she had a panic attack that bad..." he finished narrating.

"Longclaw..." Sonic called out again, once she seemed to calm down. "Mom..." he said this time, genuinely scared that something bad happened. "Mom, what's wrong?" he asked.

Longclaw turned to saw him, and she felt her heart turning into millions of pieces when she saw the fear in his eyes. She swore to protect this child with her life, specially from that guy... the very same guy that killed his parents. But now, said guy tried to do it... and he failed... Sonic won, he returned intact, alive... he was safe... and that's everything that mattered to her right now.

She placed a hand on Sonic's head and caressed it softly, while Sonic sat at her side and rested his head on her chest. She felt her hearth melting, and she softly embraced Sonic in a hug.

"Take care of him. Make sure he becomes a strong man... and if you have to lie about our fate... then do it. Don't let him know about his past until he arrives to Equestria, and don't teach him anything about our people's culture. Just... rise him as a normal child... please..." Bernie's voice echoed on Longclaw's mind.

She shook her head a bit after hearing those words again, and yet she looked down at Sonic, who's ears fell down, and even if she could not see his face, she could tell he was wondering what happened to her.

Longclaw sighed heavily before finally say something. "That... guy... Robotnik... he... Sonic, remember that time you asked me about other owls and hedgehogs like us?" she asked him a bit concerned.

Sonic lifted his head to face her. "Y-Yeah... you said some of them ran away to other places in the world... and that some died when your home was attacked... before my... before I was..." he tried to say, but he couldn't.

"Well... that guy, Robotnik... he is the one that attacked" Longclaw confessed.

Sonic's eyes went wide after he heard that, and he looked at her with panic. "W-What?" he asked confused.

Longclaw tried to say something else, but... she felt her eyes wet, and before she realized, she was crying... she was crying a lot.

Sonic immediately embraced her on a hug, and it seemed to work a bit, because her tears stopped for a second. He couldn't believe that Robotnik not only was careless about the wildlife, but he also destroyed his mentor's home.

"... I should have kicked him on his balls..." Sonic muttered suddenly.

Longclaw's eyes widened after she heard that, but she ended up bursting out laughing at Sonic's comment.

"What?! I'm serious!" Sonic replied with anger, but Longclaw's laughs became louder. "Oh, come on, Mom! You gotta admit that is the least that guy deserves!" he tried to point out, but Longclaw just kept laughing.

"I didn't had the intention of making her laugh, but... it was definitely better than hearing her crying" modern Sonic narrated again....

Back to the present, Sonic was smiling sadly as he kept narrating.

"Ever since I discovered that Eggman is the reason why my parents left me, and why Longclaw saved me, my fight against him became personal... because he messed up with the most important person of my life. How was I supposed to let that slip?" Sonic finished narrating.

However, once he saw his friends again, his eyes widened: Hitch was crying a river as he sniffed a lot, Sunny was hugging a pillow as she tried to hide her tears, Knuckles and Izzy were hugging each other as they cried together, Tails' ears were down and he simply seemed sad, since he already knew this part of the story, Zipp was trying to contain her tears, although she was doing a terrible job, and Pipp was crying a river as she dried her tears with a handkerchief, and her tears ruined her makeup since it was running down her cheeks.

"Oh boy..." Hitch was the first one to speak. "That's enough to make a grown man cry!" he said, as he also used a handkerchief to dry his tears.

"Why do you always have to narrate this part so sadly?!" Knuckles complained.

"Crying wasn't on my plans today!" Izzy complained as well.

"T-This isn't the kind of turn I was expecting..." Sunny confessed, also sobbing a bit.

"I hate you for making me cry..." Zipp simply said with an eye twitching, although her tears didn't stopped falling.

"B-Blue Star!" Pipp cried dramatically, although no one minded since no one though she was exaggerating... except for Sonic.

"And then?" Tails asked with a little smile, since he knew the next part could cheer the rest a bit.

"After that, she finally calmed down" Sonic said with a smile. "We decided to spent a bit of time outside of the house to distract our minds, and it worked pretty well... because we even forgot about the dinner!" he explained with a smirk and a chuckle.

That seemed to lighten up the mood, since everyone else chuckled as well.

"And then, we took the picture we saw earlier" Sonic added. "We didn't wanted to remember that day in a bad way, so we did that. We took that picture to remember why we cared so much for each other" he explained, and then he took out a copy of said picture from his quills. "I always take it with me... In a way, it makes me feel she's still here" he finished.

"Aw man..." Knuckles said, with his tears finally dried. "I always forget that you actually narrate things well, even for you" he commented.

"I'm just gonna ignore that for your own good" Sonic said with a bored expression. "Anyways, that's pretty much it! That's the story of my very first adventure" he added with a smile.

"And what a ride!" Sunny said with a smile, as she also dried her tears away. "Though, that last part, you could have softened it a little to saves us the tears" she added mockingly.

"Agreed" Zipp deadpanned.

"Sorry, but if I tell a tale, I tell it exactly as it happened... or exactly as I remembered it. Give it or take it!" Sonic replied with a smirk.

"Well, now that we know about your first adventure..." Pipp said, as she quickly fixed her makeup. "How about you tell us of how you met Tails or Knuckles?" she asked.

"Oh yeah! I definitely wanna know that!" Zipp said with a smirk.

"Me too!" Izzy said cheerfully.

"Oh... em..." Sonic said nervously, before starting to whistle as he looked around the Brighthouse, suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting.

"Oh, I see what's going on!" Tails said with a mocking tone before chuckling.

"Well I don't" Knuckles deadpanned. "Care to explain?" he asked.

"If Sonic wants to tell how he meet you, first he needs to tell how he meet me!" Tails explained. "BUT, before explaining that..." he added, then turned to see Sonic with a mocking smirk.

"First, I have to tell you about..." Sonic sighed before continuing. "A certain pink hedgehog girl..." he added with a twitchy eye...

Never Lake - 19 Years Ago...

In a rock, near Never Lake, a pristine lake area on Mobius, there was a pink hedgehog girl with a set of fortune cards.

She had a green shirt, a yellow tutu, a red ribbon around her quills, completely black eyes and purple shoes.

The girl placed the set of cards and revolved them for a while, before finally pulling three of them from the pile, since she wanted to meat her fortune.

The first card showed an owl, representing a wise choice; the second card showed a map and a compass, representing a path to be followed. The final card, however, showed a ghost with a sickle, representing either danger or death.

The girl wasn't satisfied with this result... so she decided to make a cheating move.

She looked around, making sure no one else was there, and then she placed the card back on the pile, before revolving all the cards again with a nervous smile, and finally pulling out a new third card.

This one showed a more satisfying result, since the card illustrated a knight in the top of a mountain, representing that someone will find their 'knight in blue armor'.

She squealed at this new result, but then suddenly the wind blew and took the three cards away from her. She tried to reach them, but her eyes topped on something else... something coming straight from space.

A little planet, ironically called Little Planet, slowly descended until it was above Never Lake, and the girl felt so surprised and curious abut this place that she immediately ran towards said place to investigate...

"Now hang on a second!" Pipp said suddenly, interrupting Sonic in the process.

"Uh... yeah?" Sonic asked confused.

"I don't wanna make any kind of bad impression, but... Why does this girl matters?" Pipp questioned with a frown.

"What part of 'I need to tell another story first' you didn't understood?" Sonic asked back. "Pipp, this girl does matter, and you'll find out why IF you please let me keep going..." he pointed out.

Pipp huffed madly, then crossed her front hooves and looked away, while the rest sins Sonic chuckled at her attitude, and Zipp even shook her head on disbelief and with a smirk.

"As I was saying..." Sonic kept narrating. "Longclaw told me about a one time event every year: the appearance of a mystical place known as Little Planet" he began to explain...

Back to the flashback, we see a little bit older Sonic running at high speed across a field.

"As the name implies, it is a tiny world filled with beauty and mystery. Appearing over Never Lake for just one month a year, it is a place where the past, present and future collide, thanks to the mysterious Time Stones that lie hidden deep within the planet" modern Sonic narrated.

As Sonic ran across the field and over some rivers, that splashed a rainbow for some reason, he reached a forest where he looped on a group of trees before making some parkour on some trees ahead.

After that, he launched himself towards a canyon, where he made a loop in the air and launched to the other side, before curling into a ball and then boost through a group of rocks that leaded him towards a trunk.

"Longclaw always told me that Little Planet was a beautiful place full of its own wildlife and rules" modern Sonic narrated. "The Time Stones were just a plus, the real attraction was the flora and fauna" he explained.

Sonic began to run even faster, with his feet turning into the shape of an eight. Then, he jumped over a formation of rocks, before standing over one with his hand holding his entire body and his feet in the air, while he looked at something in the distance, and then he decided to boost towards the place he saw.

"At the time, I was 7 years old, and although she allowed me to explore the entire island freely after my first adventure, she also said that I was right about limiting myself" modern Sonic kept narrating. "She told me about Little Planet, and for the very first time ever, she allowed me to leave the island and go beyond the sea to see this place for myself" he added.

He eventually arrived to a lake, but since he didn't knew how to swim, he somehow managed to jump in the water as he moved to a wall of rocks at the other side of the lake, where he began to ran upwards.

Then, he made more parkour on some pilled rocks before boosting towards the Never Lake.

However, once he arrived there, he stopped and felt both surprised and shocked when he saw Little Planet over the Never Lake... but even if this was his first time seeing the place, he could sense that something was wrong.

"However, once I arrived there, Little Planet wasn't the beautiful place Longclaw told me about..." modern Sonic said with worry.

A giant metallic chain was seen, and the movement of said chain made a small formation of rocks fell to the ground. As if this wasn't enough, the area where the chain was attached had the shape of Robotnik's head.

Sonic frowned, now having a very bad feeling about his, and so, he used the rocks to jump upwards, but then he saw a giant rock that he couldn't not jump over... so he jumped, then curled into a ball, and then he traversed the rock, destroying it into smaller rocks.

Then, he began to run around a giant rock, until he reached the top and stared at Little Planet with a frown... because the place was completely covered by something.

"It was tied to the ground with a giant metallic chain, and the entire planet was covered in some kind of metallic shield as well..." modern Sonic explained. "Something was clearly wrong with this place, and I needed to find out what was it!" he added.

Then, Sonic curled into a ball again and launched himself towards the giant chain, where he ran over before boosting towards Little Planet.

Sonic discovered several things about this place.

The first one: there were panels that could sent him to the past of Little Planet, so if he wanted to restore Little Planet to its former glory, he needed to do this on every single act of the place.

The second one: Robotnik was back, and he did the exact same thing he did to the animals of South Island to the animals of Little Planet: he turned them into badniks.

The third one, and the most confusing one, Little Planet didn't looked that good until he travelled to the past and the went back to the future.

He admitted that the place was beautiful and all, but... he still felt like something was wrong with this place. Of course, he was pretty sure that 'something' was Robotnik, but he still needed to investigate further.

So, after completing Palmtree Panic Zone, and also after collecting two of the Time Stones in a strange place where he had to avoid water or else he'll be sent back to reality, he moved towards Collision Chaos Zone.

This place was a bit more futuristic compared to the previous zone, and he felt like this was because of Robotnik.

However, he didn't expected to be suddenly embraced into a hug by a mysterious pink hedgehog girl he never saw before.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed startled, while the girl just hugged him tightly.

After a while, Sonic looked around, then he putted on a bored expression and struggled a bit to get free of the girl's grip, until he finally did it, but he fell backwards in the process, and the girl fell to the ground.

Then, Sonic stood up and cleaned the dust of his body, before seeing the girl in the that ground kneeled and shook her head. Sonic felt kinda bad for making her fall, even tho she was the one that jumped suddenly over him. Still, he shrugged and extended his hand to her with a smile.

The girl noticed that, and she looked at Sonic, who smiled at her, and she smiled brightly back before taking his hand and standing up.

"T-Thanks!" the girl said joyfully.

"Heh... No problem, but... why did you jumped over me all of a sudden and out of nowhere?" Sonic asked her confused.

"Oh, that... well, I was just reading my fortune cards as usual, and a few days ago they told me to come here to the Never Lake!" the girl began to explain, as she hopped happily around Sonic, who looked at her confused. "And once here, I read my fortune again, and I was told that I will meet my Knight in Blue Armor here!" she squealed happily. "So, I came here to Little Planet to wait for him... and now you are here!" she added, again embracing Sonic in a hug.

Sonic, however, felt his eyes growing wide and he stepped back from the girl's grip again. "The what now?!" he asked, startled and confused. "Let me get this straight: You read fortune cards, they told you you'll met your 'true love' or something, here in the Never Lake, and now you think I am that Knight?!" he questioned in shock.

"Mhm!" the girl replied with a smile.

"Okay, no... No, no, no, no. Sorry, girl, but you got the wrong hedgehog" Sonic said with a bored expression. "First of all, we're just kids. Second, even if we were not, I'm not looking forward to a relationship of that kind. You know, kisses, hugs, hands hold and yuck" he said, pulling out his tongue and pointing at his open mouth with a finger.

"Aw, don't be shy, you handsome stranger I just met!" the girl said, as she tried to approach Sonic and hug him again, but he placed his hand on her entire face to stop her from doing so.

"Okay, if you're gonna refer to me on some kind of way, then please let it be by my name" Sonic said with annoyance. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog" he said with a tired tone, crossing his arms and tapping his foot in the ground desperate.

"Oh, right! I forgot to introduce myself!" the girl said, before giggling. "My name is Amy Rose!" she presented herself with a smile.

"Uh-huh... Nice to meet you... I guess" Sonic deadpanned.

Suddenly, the two hedgehogs heard something braking, and soon enough the sound became louder and louder, like if it was coming for them.

Amy immediately grabbed Sonic's arm in fright, and while Sonic felt annoyed by her, he decided to let her be. After all, whatever was coming for them could hurt them, and even if he didn't knew her, he was willing to protect her, since it was clear to him that she was an innocent kid, just like him.

And then, a wall of spikes was broken, and a robotic figure boosted towards them.

By instinct, Sonic tried to move away along with Amy, but the robot grabbed her and flew to the air.

That made Sonic fell backwards in the floor, but he managed to quickly shook his head and then stand up to face at the robot in the sky... and he couldn't believe what he was seeing:

A blue robot with metallic quills, red eyes and shoes, a yellow belly and claws instead of fingers was staring deathly at him, while he carried Amy in one of his arms, and Amy herself tried to get free from the robot's grip.

"Let me go!" Amy cried out, but the robot didn't even moved.

"Hey, you creep!" Sonic shouted to the machine with a frown. "You better let her go right now! Last time someone messed with me, they got their ass kicked really hard! You want to end like them?!" he warned.

"Perhaps you should be careful where you go, Sonic" the robot replied in a deep voice.

"What the––" Sonic said as his eyes widened, but then he frowned again. "How do you know my name?!" he asked.

"I was created to be like you, be better than you, be you" the robot replied. "The doctor gave a code name: Metal Sonic. But you're free to call me however you like, although it doesn't matter. You'll be destroyed eventually, then I'll be the one and true Sonic!" he added, closing his free hand into a fist.

"Metal Sonic? More like Metal Bullshit! You wished you could be half as awesome as I am!" Sonic mocked up with a smirk. "Now, let her go!" he demanded with a frown.

"You wanna save her? The come and get her" Metal Sonic said, before boosting away with Amy.

"No, NO! SONIC, HELP ME!" Amy shouted as she was dragged away.

"Amy!" Sonic cried out, before frowning and groaning. "You crossed the line now, Robotnik! Messing up with the wildlife and destroying my mother's home is going far, but now kidnap a child?! You really are messed up, old man!" he added with anger.

And then, he boosted to follow Metal Sonic.

After collecting all the Time Stones, clearing Collision Chaos Zone, Tidal Tempest Zone, Quartz Quadrant Zone and Wacky Workbench Zone, and defeating Eggman in all those places, Sonic reached Stardust Speedway Zone.

He boosted like a maniac through the first two acts, using the Time Stones to achieve the good future in both acts since he was in a hurry to free Little Planet from Robotnik and to save Amy from Metal Sonic...

Speaking of him, Metal Sonic was in front of a metallic door in the third act, and Sonic stopped right beside him, as they stared deadly at each other.

"Ah, Sonic!" Robotnik's voice spoke over, as he flew on his Eggmobile over his recent creation and the real hedgehog. "I see you already met my brilliant masterpiece, Metal Sonic!" he said with a grin. "Too bad he's gonna be the one that destroys you forever!" he stated, and then he laughed like a maniac.

"Eggman, you've been saying that ever since we met" Sonic pointed out with a bored expression. "You could build an entire planet with your face, and I'll still defeat you anyways! Because the bigger your ego gets, the funnier your humiliation is!" he added with a confident smirk.

"Oh, but I know that Metal Sonic will defeat you, little hedgehog" Robotnik assured with a grin. "He has your speed, your skills, extra upgrades, and he's intelligent enough to destroy you!" he stated.

After that, he boosted away on his Eggmobile, while Sonic and Metal Sonic prepared for a race.

Sonic ran on his place, with his feet forming the shape of an eight, while Metal Sonic charged his rockets, and once the metallic door blocking their way opened, they boosted away.

The race was tight and hard, but since Metal Sonic tried to cheat by hitting Sonic, and instead ended up crashing against many electrical devices that damaged his system, Sonic was able to take the lead, and near the end, Robotnik suddenly appeared on his Eggmobile again, using a laser coming down from it to chase both Sonic and Metal Sonic.

However, Sonic smiled when he saw the finish line, and once he crossed it, a metallic door closed, and Metal Sonic crashed against it, feeling a bit dizzy before being completely destroyed by Robotnik's Eggmobile laser.

"What?! NO!" Robotnik cried out in anger. "THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING AGAIN!" he shouted.

"I told you, Egghead!" Sonic mocked up. "Keep trying everything you want, I still have the high ground!" he added with a confident smirk.

"I admit I love Star Wars movies, but that reference isn't stopping me from killing you, little piece of shit!" Robotnik shouted with an angry tone.

"Sweet Chaos! You kiss your mom with that mouth?!" Sonic kept mocking with a smirk.

"UGH! THIS ISN'T OVER UNTIL I SAY SO!" Robotnik stated, before boosting away on his Eggmobile.

Sonic rolled his eyes, but once he looked even more up, he saw Amy tied up as she struggled and tried to get free.

He jumped high enough, curled into a ball and then cut the rope with his quills, before catching Amy in bridal style in the air and landing on the floor.

"There you go, Ames!" Sonic said with a smirk. However, the girl just covered her eyes with her hands and didn't replied anything. "Uh... Amy? A-Are you okay?" he asked, now worried that Metal Sonic might hurt her.

"If I say 'yes', you put me down" Amy muttered with a smirk.

That was enough to make Sonic put on a bored expression, and then let her go, as she fell to the ground again.

"Geez. I didn't knew girls where this annoying..." Sonic muttered with annoyance, rolling his eyes and then walking away from Amy. "Alright girl, I'm gonna take charge of Eggman... like the last time, and then I'll pick you up to get out of here. See ya!" he stated, before boosting away to defeat Robotnik.

"Be careful, my amore!" Amy shouted as she waved her hand.

"DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT!" Sonic yelled in anger, and Amy simply chuckled.

After defeating Robotnik in Metallic Madness Zone, the place began to tear down.

So, Sonic returned to Stardust Speedway to pick up Amy, and then he began to run out of Little Planet.

Once he jumped out of the planet's atmosphere, he landed on the ground and carefully placed Amy down, before stepping back and then boost away from her, while Amy looked sideways at him for a second before he ran away.

Next, the chain holding Little Planet and the metallic shield exploded, and Little Planet floated into the sky before making a bunch of Fireworks explode, including one that formed the shape of Sonic's head.

Then, Little Planet floated and vanished into space, leaving behind a trial of sparkles.

However, Robotnik managed to escape on remains of his Eggmobile with a Time Stone, and when Sonic noticed that, he threw a rock at him and made the Eggmobile explode, making a smoke cloud with Robotnik's face.

After that, he boosted away, moving towards South Island to talk with Longclaw about his most recent adventure. However, he couldn't help but remember Amy, just to immediately feel awkward after doing so.

"Geez, that girl is a weirdo" Sonic said with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, she seems like a good girl, and she definitely tried to get away from Metal Sonic. I can respect that, but sweet Chaos, why is she so obsessed over me?!" he asked with an anxious look. "Hopefully, I'll never see her again..." he added, before making a final boost towards his home.

"Let me guess... You did saw her again" Zipp guessed with a smirk.

"Like you have no idea" Sonic replied with an annoyed tone and a bored expression. "When Eggman unleashed Chaos, she tried to make me marry her! When I first met Shadow, she confused him with me, because she wanted to make me date her! When Eggman created Neo Metal Sonic, her only purpose was finding me to do the same damn thing! And she kept going again, and again, and again, and again..." he kept listing, while the rest's eyes sins Tails' and Knuckles' widened in surprise.

"Sweet ponyfeathers..." Zipp muttered in shock. "That girl... was really into him, huh?" she asked with an awkward smirk.

"Yeah... She's a great cheerer, tho. Even Sonic liked it when she stopped launching at him and actually thought before acting" Tails said with a smile.

"Talk for yourself" Knuckles said with annoyance. "I see Amy as my sister, but she was so annoying when she talked about Sonic so frequently!" he pointed out, crossing his arms. "Shit, I enjoyed it a lot more when she suddenly stopped talking about him and changed the subject. She could be talking about the most recent pop song I never heard about, and it was still better than hearing 'Sonic this' and 'Sonic that' all the fucking day!" he added.

"... and again, and again, and again... Until... she stopped" Sonic kept narrating.

"Wait, what?" Hitch asked confused. "She... stopped launching over you?" he questioned.

"Yeah... it was so... sudden and unexpected" Sonic pointed out. "After defeating Time Eater with my younger self, Amy... she simply began to grow apart. Whenever she saw me, she used to try and pull me into a hug I didn't wanted. But after that thing... she simply stopped" he explained. "It doesn't bugs me now, of course, but back then... even if I never liked it, I was used to her being like that, and simply stopping... I don't know. I guess I was worried that something bad happened to her..." he added.

"Did you... did you ever asked?" Pipp dared to question.

She was really mad deep inside, or rather jealous, specially hearing that Sonic didn't minded Amy's attitude at times, but she still wanted to know why Amy stopped obsessing over Sonic.

"I did, actually" Sonic replied... with a smile. "And I was... pretty surprised, to tell the truth" he added.

Amy's House - 5 Years Ago...

Sonic and Amy recently arrived to her home after hanging out with Tails and Knuckles the whole day.

Surprisingly for everyone, Sonic himself included, he offered to go with Amy to her home. On their way there, they talked about trivial things, so it was just a nice walk... but once at Amy's door, she took a deep breath before turning to face Sonic.

"Hey, um..." Amy began a bit nervous. "Thanks for coming up with me, Sonic. You... rarely do something like this on your own" she pointed out with a smile.

"Yeah, well... I kinda came with you because I need to ask you something that's been bugging me for the past year..." Sonic confessed as she scratched his neck.

"Oh?" Amy said, raising an eyebrow. "And what is it?" she asked.

Now Sonic took a deep breath, placed his hand together, and then looked at Amy with concern. "Amy... You have been... how do I put this? Chasing me? Wanting my love? I don't know, but... you always treated me like if I was your boyfriend even if I always protested" he explained. "But ever since I defeated Time Eater, you seem... distant... I'm not saying that I don't like this change... I actually appreciate you a lot more now, I never knew you were such an amazing and caring person, o-or that you were an incredible chef!" he confessed with a smile.

The compliments made Amy's heart rush, and she felt her cheeks warming up, but she quickly shook her head and focused again on Sonic.

"I Discovered all these things after this change... But I can't help but feel that something's wrong..." Sonic said with concern. "Look... I just wanna know if everything is okay. You are my friend too, Ames... and I wanna make sure you are fine..." he explained.

Amy took another deep breath, then she scratched her hair a bit before facing Sonic again with a sad smile. "To tell the truth... something did happened. But is nothing you have to worry about!" she assured, but Sonic's frown told her that he wasn't convinced with that answer. "Look... I know what I say after you free'd me in that Chemical Plant copy on that strange place where Time Eater took us all. But... while I was trapped... I have what you could say is a revelation" she explained.

"A revelation?" Sonic questioned.

"While I was trapped... I saw the way I always acted towards you ever since we met" Amy revealed. "I seemed happy and comfortable in all of those memories... but you didn't. You... you were always frowning, or annoyed, or even mad! And I was forcing you into something you didn't wanted!" she pointed out with concern. "Sonic, I... I cheated with those cards... I didn't liked my original destiny, so I changed it" she confessed. "I changed it, and then I met you, and I though you were that Knight my cards told me about... and I dragged you into a fantasy that wasn't even real or written" she added in sadness.

"Amy..." Sonic said in shock.

"I realized that I was being a terrible friend. You were always uncomfortable around me... and I want to change that" Amy added, now smiling sadly. "Sonic, I know you don't like me. I've always known... I guess I was just to immature to admit it. That's why I haven't launched against you for this past year" she explained. "I wanna be your friend for sure, Sonic. And I want you to be happy too! After all, you do live by your way, your own way, right?" she added with a playful wink.

Sonic smirked at her after hearing all of that. "Look at you, Ames! I never thought you'll ever say any of that!" he said mockingly, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one that can change, Hedgehog" Amy said with a mocking tone.

"You are hanging way too much with Knuckles if you're calling me like that" Sonic said with a smirk.

"Says the guy who keeps nicknaming every living being!" Amy retorted.

After that, they both burst out laughing, not able to contain their laughs behind their smirks anymore.

"She wasn't the same Amy I knew in Little Planet anymore..." modern Sonic narrated. "And you know what? That's not even bad. Not a single bit" he added cheerfully...

"Yeah, I can tell she still has feelings... just not as stronger as before" Knuckles added once Sonic finished narrating.

"Okay..." Sunny said confused. "But why do we had to know all of this, again?" she asked.

"Metal Sonic being defeated, Eggman being humiliated for the second time and getting inspired to make another plan, and my adventure in Little Planet being the main reason why Longclaw finally let me go on my own" Sonic explained.

"The what now?" Izzy questioned.

"Um, Blue Star... You didn't mentioned that..." Pipp pointed out.

"I didn't?" Sonic asked, and the rest shook their heads, while Tails facepalmed. "Huh... I was pretty sure I did..." Sonic confessed...

Green Hills - 18 Years Ago...

"Come on, Longclaw!" Sonic complained as he followed his mother with his eyes completely covered, also holding her hand. "Just tell me where are we going already!" he begged.

"Be patient, Sonic" Longclaw said with a smirk. "We're almost there" she assured.

Sonic groaned in annoyance, but decided to not question further. They kept walking for a few minutes, until Longclaw finally stopped.

"Alright Sonic, you can open your eyes now" Longclaw announced.

Sonic took off the band over his eyes, just to look something being covered by a big white blanket. He looked confused at Longclaw, and she instructed with her hand that he should go and take the blanket off.

Sonic hesitated at first, but at the end did so, and once he took the blanket off, his eyes' sparkled: down the blanket was hidden a red plane, with withe stripes at the sides and white wings, as well as a star with wings in the tail and Sonic's name printed in both sides.

"No way!" Sonic said excited, quickly moving around the plane to see every details, before jumping over the only seat in the plane. "After three years of begging, you're finally giving me a plane?!" he asked excited to Longclaw with sparkling eyes.

"Well, you insisted so much on learning how to fly one, and you're 8 now, so... I guess you earned it" Longclaw replied with a soft smile. "Besides, since you know nothing about swimming, I'll be more relaxed if you travel from one place to another in this rather than run across the sea" she added.

"Wait... travel in a plane?" Sonic questioned, before gasping in awe. "Are you saying that I can leave the island more often now?!" he asked in excitement.

Longclaw simply nodded with a smile, and Sonic immediately ran around her with excitement, ending up hugging her tightly, with Longclaw hugging him back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Mom!" Sonic said in excitement, while Longclaw just giggle at his attitude.

A few days later, Amy returned to the Never Lake to make another lecture with her fortune cards.

This time, the first card showed a group of animals dancing around happily, the second one showed two tails and the last one showed a very big emerald.

Amy couldn't understand these cards in particular, but before being able to study them further, something flew over her and blew the cards away, and her cheeks puffed in annoyance.

But then, she looked up and saw a red plane flying away, and when she saw that Sonic's name was printed at one side, she smiled and called out Sonic's name.

In the plane, Sonic heard at Amy's call, and he looked sideways at the ground, noticing Amy herself waving her hand at him.

Sonic smirked a bit and saluted at her, before flying away from there.

After a few hours, he saw an island at the distance and smiled, since this was the place he was looking for.

"Next stop: West Side Island!" Sonic shouted in excitement.

"HANG ON!" Tails voice came suddenly...

"You piloted the Tornado for the very first time to fly to West Side Island?!" Tails asked out of the flashback in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Sonic replied with a smile. "Of course, everything we lived there wasn't planned, but I'll fly there thousands of time again if I ever get the chance!" he added.

"I'm a bit lost here..." Sunny said, raising her hoof in the air.

"Yeah, me too" Hitch added with a raised eyebrow.

"West Side Island is a place that many consider as 'the perfect vacation destiny', and its wildlife is even richer than South Island's" Sonic explained. "But most importantly? This place is where the foxes come from..." he added, looking at Tails with a knowing smirk...

West Side Island - 18 Years Ago...

Sonic was looking for a place to land his plane, then he spotted a small island and headed towards the coast. Once on land, he decided to explore the place a bit.

"Alright, time to take a little vacation" Sonic said with a smile.

One day, shortly after his arrival, the hedgehog began to sense that someone was following him. At first he thought it was nothing, but once, he turned around and found a little two-tailed fox. The fox hid in some bushes when he realized that Sonic saw him. Sonic found that attitude strange, but he shrugged and continued on his way.

The little fox still followed him for a while. Meh, let him do whatever he wants Sonic thought at first, but after a while, he began to feel curious about why that fox was chasing him, so he decided to test him. He boosted away at top speed, but when he thought he had lost him, he was surprised to find the little guy next to him, flying at high speed with his tails spinning like a helicopter propeller.

Sonic was surprised not only by the fact that he could fly, but also that he could keep up with him. He stopped abruptly in front of the fox, who barely stopped, coming face to face with Sonic.

He was looking at him with a serious expression, but he quickly softened as soon as he spoke. "So, you're able to keep up with me, huh?" he asked with a smirk. "Tell me, why are you following me? Not that it bothers me, but I find it strange that you follow me without even knowing me" he pointed out.

The fox didn't know what to do for a moment, but he decided to speak. "S-Sorry…" he said nervously, and a little scared. "I-It's just that I saw you on the beach the other day, a-and I really liked your plane! But I also saw you running super fast, and I thought it was amazing! Then I thought that I could be as cool as you and, well, I decided to follow you" he explained.

"So you want to be like me, huh? Well, I must say that you don't need to be like me, if you're already great" Sonic said with a big smile. "You have two tails that allow you to fly at great speed, and on top of that you are slippery. It took me a while to discover that you were following me, little buddy. What's your name?" he asked.

The boy suddenly felt a little sad. "I-I don't like my name... I'm... Miles Prower..." he replied.

"So your name's Miles... if you say you don't like your name, it must be because someone is messing with you, right?" Sonic asked, and the fox nodded slowly. "Bullies, those good-for-nothings. Well, don't worry about them anymore. I'll teach you some tricks so they don't mess with you again... Tails" he said with a smirk.

The boy looked at Sonic surprised and excited. "H-How did you call me?" he asked.

"Tails. It suits you pretty well, after all. That way, I don't have to call you something you don't like" Sonic said with a smile, then putted an arm around Tails' neck. "Starting today, it's Sonic and Tails against the world!" he yelled with joy.

Not able to contain his excitement, Tails began to fly around with happiness, then sitting on Sonic's shoulder and hugging his head, making Sonic pat his head a bit with a smirk.

A few days later, after getting to know each other better, Sonic and Tails were on the beach, with Tails checking out the plane from everywhere.

"So, Tails..." Sonic called out after a while. "You said that you felt really interested on my plane before finding out about my speed, right?" he asked curiously.

"Yup!" Tails replied. "I spent a lot of time in the library, studying all kind of engineering and technologies!" he explained.

"Seems like you're pretty busy" Sonic said with a smirk.

"Well, I wanna become an inventor one day, so I must be prepared!" Tails pointed out with a smile.

"An inventor, huh?" Sonic said, then he climbed up on the plane's wing since Tails sat on the pilot's seat. "What do you say if I teach you something about flying?" he asked with a smirk.

"Really? I mean, I barely understand how they spin and lift me off the ground, but––" Tails tried to pint out, but then his eyes widened in realization. "Y-You're not talking about my tails... are you?" he asked to Sonic.

Sonic simply smirked and denied with his index finger, and Tails' eyes sparkled after that.

"DO YOU MEAN IT?! YOU'RE GONNA TEACH ME TO FLY A PLANE?!" Tails shouted in excitement.

"Sure thing! I mean, you already showed some amazing places around the island. The least I can do is teach you how to fly using the Tornado!" Sonic replied with a smirk.

Tails couldn't help but launch over Sonic and hug him tightly, while Sonic just chuckled a bit and patted Tails' head again.

A week later, Sonic was resting on the beach at the Tornado's side.

He spent the entire week teaching Tails how to fly the plane, and Tails was learning fast enough. Not only he learned the basics of how to pilot the plane, but he also quickly learned how to make some loops in the air and another tricks.

The hardest part was definitely teaching him how to land, but he still managed to do so.

Since he learned to pilot the Tornado so quick, Sonic also taught him some moves, like how to curl into a ball. But he also showed him a new technique that Longclaw showed him a few months ago: the Spindash, an attack where Sonic curls into a ball and charges up on his place before boosting against his enemies.

And just as he expected, Tails learned these attacks in the blink of an eye. The little fox was really growing on him, and he was starting to consider him like a little brother, despite just having met him almost two weeks ago.

He was now resting in the sand as he looked at the sky with a relaxed smile, but then he saw seven colorful points flying before they spread across the island... and his eyes widened when he remembered that vision of the seven Chaos Emeralds traveling to a mysterious place.

Sonic immediately stood up and quickly moved to the Tornado, before pulling out a Nokia phone and quickly type Longclaw's number. However, before he could make the call, Longclaw herself began to call him, and he immediately answered the call.

"Longclaw!" Sonic called out.

"Sonic! The Chaos Emerald is gone!" Longclaw cried out from the other side of the call. "I-it simply began to glow, and then it floated away!" she explained with worry.

Sonic looked back at the sky and remembered the seven colorful lights he saw, which made him frown. "I think I have a hint of where it might be..." he said to Longclaw with a determinate look.

Tails passed through some bushes as he tried to ran away from something... or somebody.

However, he reached a dead end, so he lay in the wall and grabbed his tails in fear, while two shadows approached him.

It was revealed to be two regular foxes. No, they were seriously regular, since they were brown foxes with a single tail, but they also had mean looks towards Tails.

And then, one of them suddenly grabbed both of Tails' tails and began to pull them to mock him off, while the other fox just laughed at him, and Tails covered with his arms in fright, waiting for this to be over soon.

Luckily for him, his prays where listened, because, Sonic passed by, grabbed the two bullies, spun them around, and then threw them to the ground, all in a matter of 2 seconds.

When Tails opened his eyes, he gasped in awe when he saw Sonic in front of the two dizzy bullies with a smirk, and then Sonic walked over him with a regular smile.

"You okay, little buddy?" Sonic asked him, and Tails nodded.

However, one of the bullies slowly got up and approached at Sonic with effort, but then Sonic turned and kicked the bully... on his testicles, making the fox fell on his knees as he grabbed his crotch and then fell to the ground.

The other fox stood up with difficulty, but before he could even react, Sonic approached him, grabbed his arm and then buried one of his quills on his skin.

"Ouch!" the fox complained, as he stared in fright at Sonic, despite being younger than him.

"Listen here, good for nothing. We have two possible routes for you and you pathetic friend: One; I get this quill off from your arm, you take your friend with you, then you turn around and never mess with this kid again" Sonic warned with a dangerous frown. "Or two: you mess up with him more, and I will not only keep kicking this idiot's crotch until he has no offspring, but I'll also bury this deeper into you" he added. "So, what would it be?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" the fox shouted without hesitation.

And so, Sonic removed the quill from the fox's skin, while he grabbed his friend and then ran away from there.

Sonic nodded with a frown, before turning back to Tails and smiled to him. "What did I told you? With me around, no one will ever mess with you again!" he told him with a wink.

"T-Thanks for that, Sonic... I meant it" Tails replied with a sheepish smile. "Sorry that you had to come here and rescue me..." he apologized.

"Hey, don't apologize for needing help" Sonic told him with a smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Everyone needs it at some point. In fact, I am the one who needs your help" he pointed.

"W-What?!" Tails asked in shock. "Y-You need my help?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Yup!" Sonic assured. "Have you ever heard of the Chaos Emeralds?" he asked.

"Duh! I have read everything that is known about them. I mean, maybe I cannot tell the exact place where they are, but I could try!" Tails replied confidently. "Why?" he asked.

"I'll explain you all while we move around Emerald Hill" Sonic stated. "So, what do you say, little buddy? Are you up 2 it?" he asked him rhetorically.

"Totally!" Tails replied in excitement.

"Well then..." Sonic said, before boosting away. "Try to keep up!" he shouted.

Tails stared at him in awe before running off to follow him, and then he spun his tails to go a little faster.

Once he almost reached Sonic, and he noticed it, he boosted away again, making Tails spin his tails even faster. Sonic looked at him sideways with a smirk, before winking at him and then boost at top speed.

Tails smiled and made an extra effort, making his tails spin faster than ever, and once he realized, he was completely elevating in the air and flying at the same speed than Sonic.

Sonic never expected to find the 7 Chaos Emeralds in Emerald Hill Zone, and he never expected to find a lot of badniks either.

Whenever he had 50 rings and passed over a 'checkpoint' panel, some sparkles appeared in the top and sent both him and Tails towards the Void World again... but something changed.

Instead of having the giant pinball machine, it was now a long alley with rings and spike bombs.

The objective in these 'special stages' was to collect a minimum amount of rings and dodge the bombs until a Chaos Emerald dared to appear before the duo. Once they grabbed it, they went sent back to Emerald Hill, and they had to repeat the same process another 6 times to collect the other Chaos Emeralds.

Besides of all of this, every single time Sonic or Tails destroyed one of those machines, animals from West Side Island were set free, and they ran away in fright and relieve.

Sonic told Tails about his adventures in South Island and Little Planet, and how a guy named Robotnik wants to conquer the world with his machines and create an Empire full of them.

"That sounds horrible!" Tails said with concern.

"This guy is really in love with himself and his stupid machines" Sonic pointed out with a frown. "And this is the zone's third act, right?" he asked, and Tails nodded. "Then that means we're close to confront Eggman" he pointed out.

"Eggman?" Tails questioned confused. "I thought you said his name is Robotnik..." he pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Rule number one of 'heroing': Never acknowledge your enemies by their names, always have a nickname for them. That way, when fighting, they'll be so mad because of the nickname that they'll attack you just to attack. Not because of a strategy: just out of anger!" Sonic explained with a smirk.

"Huh... that actually makes a lot of sense!" Tails said with a smile.

And after passing through a final 'checkpoint', Sonic stopped suddenly and frowned when he saw Robotnik approaching on his Eggmobile, or a new version of it since it had an helicopter's propeller on the top.

"Well, well, well! But if it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog, my sworn enemy!" Robotnik said with an evil grin, and then he noticed Tails, who was hiding a bit afraid behind Sonic. "And it seems that you have found a new friend, too!" he added.

Sonic turned to look sideways at Tails and smiled at him with a nod, while Tails putted on a determinate expression and looked at Robotnik with a frown.

"Nice to see you too again, Eggman!" Sonic mocked up. "What are you up to now? First you destroyed my mother's village, then you tried to turn South Island's animals into your puppets, then you tried to conquer Little Planet and get the Time Stones. What will it be this time, huh?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed.

"That doesn't concerns you!" Robotnik replied with a frown. "Now that I can finally create my dreamed Death Egg, I only have to get rid of you, little pest! And it seems like I will need to get rid of your little and pathetic friend as well..." he added with concern.

And then, a red car with a drill in the front appeared, and the Eggmobile landed on it to control it.

Sonic smirked and adjusted his gloves, ready to fight Robotnik, and Tails gulped nervously, but he was still willing to fight back anyways.

"Tails..." Sonic called out, and the young fox looked at him. "Breath deeply, and then follow my lead" he instructed.

Tails nodded and took a deep breath, before facing Robotnik once again, now with a determinate look. And then, the two friends boosted against the Egg Drillster, the machine Robotnik wanted to use to get rid of them.

Sonic and Tails curled into balls and spindashed against Robotnik's Egg Drillster. The drill of the vehicle came off multiple times and hit both Sonic and Tails, making them loose their rings in the process, but they still managed to collect some of them back to keep fighting.

Once they finally smashed the Egg Drillster with a cooperative killer-punch, Robotnik flew off the Egg Driller on his Eggmobile and frowned at Sonic and Tails.

"Dang you, Sonic and Tails!" Robotnik cursed in anger. "This isn't the last you'll heard of me, you got it?!" he stated, before boosting away. "And keep an eye on those Emeralds, Sonic! Perhaps I'll end up stealing them from you!" he shouted, before bursting out laughing and then disappearing into the next Zone.

"Why can't he simply give up and go home without making me go through a big struggle?!" Sonic complained with a frown, crossing his arms and stomping his foot madly.

"Whoa..." Tails said in awe. "That was... so... cool! Man, I can't believe we actually defeated that guy! Even if it wasn't permanently..." he said in excitement, also making some loops in the air before landing again.

"Glad to see the excitement, buddy. But now we gotta stop this guy before he takes over the entire island" Sonic pointed out with a frown. "And I don't know what's this 'Death Egg' of his... but it sounds like a lot of trouble and copyright struggles with Lucasfilm" he added with concern.

"Uh... what?" Tails questioned confused.

"One day I'll explain it to you" Sonic replied with a smirk. "So, are you up for an adventure to defeat a walking egg that has a mustache with your new best friend?" he asked him confidently.

"Are you kidding?! I would have to be crazy not to accompany you!" Tails replied with newfound confidence.

"That's the spirit, little buddy!" Sonic stated with a smile.

And then, they both boosted towards the next zone, but not without freeing the animals that Robotnik captured in Emerald Hill on a capsule, just like he did on South Island.

Sonic and Tails had a blast during their adventure.

They collected rings together, they smashed robots together, and they even cleared all the zones from badniks and free'd the animals from capsules together.

This adventure alone make their bond grow stronger within' every second. Tails admiration for Sonic was growing bigger, but Sonic also admired Tails as well, because even if he seemed afraid at times, he still decided to go with him on this adventure, and that's something he both admired and respected from him.

Too bad Tails fell back to the island with the Tornado once he tried to infiltrate Wing Fortress with Sonic.

Sonic was glad that his new best friend was okay, tho, but he still frowned as he managed to destroy the fortress before reaching the Death Egg.

Remember that Robotnik mentioned he liked Star Wars movies? Well, from Sonic's point of view, he was probably seeing way too much of them, because the Death Egg was just a copy of Star Wars' Death Star, with the only difference being that it had Robotnik's face.

Still, Sonic only cared on fooling his plans again, but he made the probably big mistake of entering to the Death Egg with no rings.

And yet, he defeated the first 'boss' of the place easily. Emphasis on boss being between quotation marks, because even Sonic though this was some kind of bad joke from Robotnik.

The 'boss' in question was a grey robot controlled manually by Robotnik, and it was named Mecha Sonic. It literally could only Spindash and curl into a ball. Unlike Metal Sonic, who at least could strike a punch, this was a piece of cake for Sonic.

However, once he moved to the next place of the Death Egg, he immediately regret laughing at Robotnik's face: A massive robot with Robotnik's form appeared, having three spikes on its hands and Robotnik's face as well.

Sonic was having a very hard time fighting against this machine, because he couldn't calculate the exact moment to strike since Robotnik always change his strategy, and the fact that Sonic had no rings with him made things even worse. Still, he could strike some punches, but just one hit from the Death Egg Robot, the machine's name, was enough to sent Sonic backwards and make him feel to his knees on the floor.

"Well, well, well!" Robotnik mocked up with a grin, approaching Sonic on his Death Egg Robot. "It seems like the tables have turned, little hedgehog!" he pointed out with a big smirk. "I told you that messing up with me was a big mistake, but you refused to listen!" he shouted in anger. "But no more, Sonic. I will finally destroy you right here, right now! And once I'm done with you, I'll kill your little fox friend, then that hedgehog girl I kidnapped in Little Planet, and then I'll turn both South Island and West Side Island into my empire! Everyone will be kneeling before me! Your precious Owl mother included!" he stated before laughing like a maniac.

Sonic was panting in effort the whole time, also growling and frowning at Robotnik's speech, but when he mentioned Longclaw, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

He felt anger traveling through his body, and suddenly, the seven Chaos Emeralds surrounded him.

Sonic was being levitated in the air by the Emeralds, that began to spin around him as he glared daggers at Robotnik.

"You can mess with me everything you want, Eggman. I don't give a shit" Sonic stated with anger. "But if you mess with my home, with my friends, and with my family, then you better pray up, Egghead, because you'll be making a very. Big. MISTAKE!!!" he shouted.

And then, the seven Emeralds entered inside of him, turning his blue fur into a golden one, being surrounded by an aura of the same color.

Robotnik covered his eyes at the sudden golden aura, but once he was able to see clearly again, he gasped at the sight of Sonic's body being completely surrounded by the Chaos Energy of the Emeralds, and he felt scared as fuck for the very first time in ages.

"N-No way..." Robotnik muttered in disbelief.

"Time to scramble some Eggman! SUPER SONIC STYLE!!!" Sonic stated with a confident smirk, before charging up a Spindash, now fully charged on Chaos Energy, and then boost towards the Death Egg Robot.

He hit the machine once and got sent backwards, but still curled in a ball, Sonic charged another Spindash and boosted back to the machine. Inside the robot, Robotnik was struggling as he tried to find a way to strike back... but it was useless.

And then, Sonic began to repeat this exact process and hit the Death Egg Robot again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, until he was hitting the machine at the speed of light, not even giving Robotnik a chance to strike back.

"And mark my words, Eggman!" Sonic announced before blowing the killer punch. "Next time we see each other again, I don't want to see your ugly creations messing up with the wildlife of any single place on Mobius. Understood?!" he shouted in anger.

Not waiting for an answer, Sonic charged a massive Spindash before launching against the Death Egg Robot once again, and the punch was so strong that it sent both him and Robotnik out of the Death Egg and towards earth, with Sonic falling unconscious midair as he fell back to West Side Island, while both Robotnik and his Death Egg fell in a different direction.

Tails managed to fix the Tornado after falling from Wing Fortress.

Suddenly, an explosion in space called both his attention and the animals' around him. They all turned to the sky to see the Death Egg falling away to an unknown place, while a golden light was also falling towards the island.

However, Tails gasped in shock and worry when he saw the golden light turning into a blue regular guy... or hedgehog in this case.

Quickly enough, Tails got over the Tornado and turned it on, flying towards the unconscious Sonic that was falling from the sky.

Sonic, on the other hand, managed to wake up just in time, and he realized that he was falling, but before he could even scream in fear or to ask for help, he saw the Tornado and Tails on it approaching.

He smiled, and he Spindashed towards the Tornado's plane, landing on it and smiling to Tails with his thumbs up.

"Nicely done, Tails!" Sonic told him with a smirk.

"You are the one who made all the hard work inside of that thing!" Tails pointed out. "But what was that golden aura around you?" he questioned.

"I don't know, but it was awesome!" Sonic said with a smile. "One second, Eggman was about to destroy me, and the next one, I'm some kind of Undefeatable Golden God that kicked Eggman's butt really hard!" he explained. "But let's find out why the Chaos Emeralds helped me to defeat Eggman later. Now we have to––" he tried to state, but Tails interrupted him.

"What?! The Chaos Emeralds did that?!" Tails questioned in disbelief, but he earned a bored glare from Sonic. "Right! Gotta stay focus! Sorry!" he apologized. "I'm just really intrigued on how the Chaos Emeralds did that, but I guess we'll find out later" he stated.

"That's the spirit, little bro!" Sonic said with a smirk, and Tails' eyes sparkled after hearing that, but he shook his head and focused on the task at hand again. "Now, we need to make sure that the Death Egg won't land on another place that Eggman can use for his own mischievous plans" he pointed out.

"Then I'll put max potency towards the Death Egg's direction!" Tails stated.

And then, he moved the Tornado and boosted towards the Death Egg to make sure Eggman won't try something else...

"Wait..." Knuckles said confused, once Sonic finished narrating. "So you met Tails and I almost at the same time?" he asked.

"With two weeks of difference, but yeah" Sonic replied with a neutral expression.

"This guy literally called everything he created starting by Egg, but he hated being called 'Eggman' back then?" Pipp questioned confused. "What changed?" she asked.

"It's hard to tell when he stopped hating on the name, to tell the truth" Tails replied, placing a hand on his chin. "I think it was a little bit after we defeated Perfect Chaos, but I can't tell exactly. All I can say is that, one day, he stopped presenting himself as 'Ivo Robotnik' and began to use 'Eggman' as his actual name" he explained.

"According to Eggman himself: he found some beauty behind the name, and so he decided to embrace it" Sonic said with a bored expression. "I still have Baldy McNosehair to mock him up, tho, and a very long list of nicknames I know he hates, so even if 'Eggman' is the way he presents himself now, I don't really care as long as I can mess up with him!" he added with a smirk.

"Eggman takes 'loving yourself' to a whole new level..." Hitch pointed out. "A spacial station and a robot with his face? How obsessed is this guy with his image?" he asked.

"You mean 'how not so self-obsessed is he'?" Knuckles retorted with a bored expression.

"And what was this... um, how you called it... 'Super Sonic' thing you mentioned?" Sunny asked.

"Remember when I used the Chaos Emeralds we have to stop Eggman's rocket from blowing up the Wishing Star and how my fur turned pink?" Sonic asked, and the Mane 5 nodded. "Well, with the seven of them, instead of pink, my fur goes golden, and just like I mentioned, I turn into some kind of Undefeatable Golden God that I called 'Super Sonic' because it sounded cool in my mind... when I was 8..." he explained with a bored expression.

"So the energy of the Emeralds transfers to your body and causes some kind of boost that makes you, in theory, undefeatable... interesting..." Zipp muttered as she rubbed her chin.

"Hey! You mentioned that you met Knuckie and Tails almost at the same time!" Izzy pointed out. "But you haven't explained that yet!" she added.

Sonic chuckled at her. "Yeah, I know, Izz. I was getting there. But I think we should get a bigger picture here before I tell my point of view of this story" he explained with a smile, and then he turned to Knuckles. "So, Knucklehead, care to explain what happened?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

"Oh, you know I'll gladly will!" Knuckles replied with a knowing smirk as well...

Angel Island - 18 Years Ago...

A younger Knuckles was guarding the Master Emerald on Hidden Palace in Angel Island.

"Back then, I was only 9 years old and... I was completely alone since I lost my mother" Knuckles narrated. "When I was 6, she contracted a mysterious cancer that began to weaken her until, one day, she didn't wake up anymore" he added with sadness.

Knuckles, in the flashback, was frowning and crossing his arms, while he just looked all around Hidden Palace in search of possible threats.

"However, I was trained since birth to hide my emotions, and so, I had no time to cry her death. Instead, to keep my mind free of any negative emotion, or any emotion in general, I decided to fulfill my duty as the new guardian of the Master Emerald" he added. "I spent the next three years of my life completely alone, completely emotionless, just watching over a giant rock that no one dared to approach ever since my people was doomed to look after it" he explained.

In the flashback, Knuckles turned around and looked madly at the Master Emerald. It was pretty, no doubt, but he actually hated that rock, for dooming his entire people, and for making him to look after it even if nobody dared to steal it.

"However, one particular day, I could sense something was wrong" Knuckles narrated again. "That, and because the whole island was shacking for some reason" he added with concern.

"An earthquake?" Knuckles said with a confused expression. "But Lava Reef hasn't given any signs of eruptions..." he said.

Looking back at the Master Emerald, he groaned and decided to transport towards Sky Sanctuary to check out what the heck was going on, even if that meant he had to leave the Master Emerald for a while.

Once he reached Sky Sanctuary, his eyes widened when he saw some kind of planet with a face, that crashed against the 'ceiling' of Hidden Palace.

"So that's why the entire island was shacking..." Knuckles muttered with a frown. "Wait... that's Hidden Pal–– The Emerald!" he shouted with worry, before quickly transporting back to Hidden Palace.

Once he returned, he found the 'face' of a robot, and soon enough, from said face came out a man.

I'm not lying when I say that this man was literally round. His body, at least, was fat, the fattest man Knuckles has ever seen in his life. He was wearing a red suit with black pants and boots, he had his head shaped as an egg, literally, and he had a long mustache. He also wore glasses.

The man was groaning and complaining aloud, also throwing a tantrum like a baby who did not buy a candy.

Knuckles looked at him with a bored expression, since the man's attitude was very childish... but as soon as he saw that the man looked at the Master Emerald and extended his hand as he walked towards it, Knuckles quickly moved towards him and tapped his shoulder.

The man got startled, and turned around to face him a bit scared.

"Alright, pal" Knuckles called out with anger, raising his fists against him. "Give me one good reason to not beat your ass out of my island!" he threatened, while the man stepped back until he fell in the ground.

However, and for Knuckles' surprise, the man kneeled and started to sob loudly.

"P-Please, young man!" the man pled. "D-Don't hurt me! I-Im the victim on all of this!" he said between sobs.

Knuckles raised an eyebrow, and for once, he let his guard down. "Elaborate, old man" he said.

"Y-You see..." the man started to explain. "I-I was trying to protect some little animals from a guy called Sonic... He wants to take over the world!" he explained. "H-he has 7 powerful little gems, and a partner with two tails. T-They want to rule everyone! They attacked me because I was trying to protect the animals, b-but..." he added with sobs.

"7 Powerful gems... but the only powerful gems I know are... the Chaos Emeralds..." Knuckles muttered, placing a hand on his chin. "And if they had the Emeralds, and attacked this old man... they must be coming for the Master Emerald!" he yelled in worry and anger.

He looked back at the old man and extended his fist, while the man ducked for cover. But then, Knuckles smirked at him and opened his hand.

"I think we haven't introduced ourselves properly, partner" Knuckles said.

The man smiled and took Knuckles' hand, standing up and shacking it. "Excuse me, young man. My name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik" he presented himself with a grin.

"I'm Knuckles. Knuckles the Echidna" Knuckles presented himself as well. "I'll usually wouldn't ask this to anyone, but would you mind to look after the Master Emerald? I need to make sure this 'Sonic' guy won't approach the greatest treasure of Angel Island" he stated with a frown, also cracking his knuckles.

Robotnik looked at the Master Emerald and grinned sinisterly. "Oh, it will be my pleasure to look after your treasure, Knuckles" he said in a friendly tone. And also use it as the new battery for my Death Egg! he though.

Knuckles nodded, blindly trusting Robotnik, and then ran towards Secret Temple's exit.

Once he was out again on Angel Island, Knuckles glided down until he landed near some ruins, then he dig a hole on the ground and hid there for quite a while.

Finally, he heard the sound of someone approaching, and once he felt they were near by, he jumped out of his hideout and punched whoever was coming by.

Luckily for him, he punched Sonic himself, who was using the 7 Chaos Emeralds until Knuckles punched him. Quickly, Knuckles grabbed the Emeralds and started to juggle them, at least until Sonic slowly stood up as he shook his head.

"What the––" Sonic said, confused on who punched him and why.

"If you think you can come to my island and steal the Master Emerald, then you're terribly wrong!" Knuckles stated with a chuckle and his arms crossed...

"Hang on, hang on, hang on..." Zipp abruptly interrupted. "You... You punched the Chaos Emeralds out of his body? Just like that?!" she asked to Knuckles on disbelief.

"When I said that he literally punched me when we first met, I wasn't kidding" Sonic pointed out with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, Super Sonic may be powerful and all, but surprise attacks are one of his weaknesses, and even tho I didn't knew that when I punched him, it gave me the upper hand!" Knuckles said with a smirk.

"But don't get too excited, Knucklehead!" Sonic said with a mocking smirk. "Now that we know your side of the story, let me tell mine so our stories can properly connect!" he stated...

Unknown Location - 18 Years Ago...

"After defeating Eggman and damaging his Death Egg, Tails and I approached with the Tornado to the place where the Death Egg landed... and we couldn't believe our eyes: the legendary Angel Island was before our eyes" Sonic narrated. "Back then, we knew little to nothing about this place, just that it was a hidden island floating in the skies" he added.

"Many thought it was just a legend, some even tried to look after it, but had no luck" Tails joined the narration. "Luckily for us, Eggman's Death Egg landed right in this mystical place, and we both knew it was bad news for anyone living there" he added with concern.

"No way... Angel Island..." Tails muttered in awe. "I thought it was just a legend!" he said in excitement.

"Longclaw told me about this place as a bedtime story..." Sonic said. "I always thought it was just that... Guess you learn something new everyday!" he added with a smirk.

"But this is bad news!" Tails pointed out with worry. "Eggman crashed there, which means that he'll be looking for a way to make that thing fly again! Not to mention, this place has it's own wildlife for sure as well..." he added with concern.

"Which means that he'll get them to create more badniks!" Sonic finished with a frown, and Tails nodded. "Then we cannot allow that! Do you mind if I went ahead with the Chaos Emeralds? I wanna wrap this up quickly before Eggman tries anything at all" he explained.

"Go ahead! We'll met on the island after I find a proper spot to land the Tornado" Tails replied with an assuring smirk.

Sonic nodded, and then he jumped off the plane, curling into a ball midair, and then summoning the Chaos Emerald to transform into Super Sonic again. Then, he boosted towards Angel Island.

As he flew across the a forest, he saw some ruins in the distance and boosted towards them... but once he approached the ruins, something came out of the ground and punched him, not only taking him down, but also making him loose all the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic slowly stood up and he shook his head, and then his eyes widened when he saw a red echidna juggling the Chaos Emeralds with a frown.

"What the––" Sonic said, confused on who punched him and why.

"If you think you can come to my island and steal the Master Emerald, then you're terribly wrong!" the echidna stated with a chuckle and his arms crossed.

Soon enough, Tails arrived as well, but as soon as he saw the echidna with the Emeralds, he hid behind Sonic.

"Who the heck are you supposed to be?" Sonic asked with a frown, standing on a defensive pose to protect Tails and to fight the echidna if necessary.

"Name's Knuckles" the echidna said with a mocking smirk. "And luckily enough, Robotnik warned me about you" he stated, now frowning. "You won't get your dirty hedgehog hands over the Master Emerald! The same goes to your fox buddy behind you!" he warned.

"Dude, I have no idea what Master Emerald are you talking about, but I'm pretty sure Egghead is just tricking you" Sonic replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, sure thing" Knuckles said sarcastically. "If I were you, I'd leave the island immediately. So be wise, you two, and get out of my island!" he warned.

After that, he boosted away with the Chaos Emeralds, startling both Sonic and Tails because of his sudden move.

"Whoa!" Tails exclaimed. "Did you see that?! He's as fast as we are!" he said with awe.

"Maybe" Sonic said with a frown, before looking back at Tails with a smirk. "But he isn't as cool as we are! Now come on, we gotta find the Emeralds and stop Eggman before he does something to that guy, or to us..." he said with worry.

Tails nodded in agreement, and after that, they both boosted through the island, passing near by the ruins.

"We spent the rest of our journey doing the same thing we did on West Side Island: we defeated Badniks and freed' animals, we defeated Eggman everytime we crossed paths with him, and of course, we tried to make Knuckles realize that Eggman was just using him, but he always refused to listen" Sonic narrated.

"We also recovered all the Chaos Emeralds by entering on hidden warp rings that took us back to the Void World" Tails narrated as well. "But this time it was a round planet with red and blue spheres. Apparently, we had to turn the blue ones into red ones, and once that was done, we collected an Emerald before being sent back to reality" he added.

"I'm a bit lost here..." Sunny's voice spoke. "Why this Void World you mention always changes?" she asked.

"We can't tell exactly why, unfortunately" Sonic replied. "I want to believe that the Emeralds were testing the skills of whoever wanted to collect them, so it always changed it's form" he explained.

"Going back to our story, we reached Hidden Palace, were we confronted Knuckles again, and we defeated him!" Tails narrated in excitement. "But... well... let's just say that Knuckles realized his mistake way too late..." he added with concern.

Knuckles was on the floor, panting exhausted as he frowned to Sonic and Tails, who didn't seemed to be any tired of the fight.

"You... won't get... the Emerald... I won't... allow it..." Knuckles said tiredly.

"UGH! How many times do I have to tell you? We don't care about your stupid Emerald!" Sonic shouted, tired of Knuckles believing he wanted the Master Emerald.

"If you're not... here for the Emerald... Then why are you guys here?" Knuckles asked confused.

"We're here to stop Eggman!" Tails replied. "He's the one who wants your Emerald! He just tricked you to keep us busy while he steals it!" he explained with worry.

"He... He did WHAT?!" Knuckles shouted in anger.

Suddenly, the entire place began to rumble, and when Knuckles turned around, his eyes widened when he saw a mechanic claw taking the Master Emerald away from him.

"Wait!" Knuckles shouted, as he ran towards the claw and jumped to grab the Master Emerald. "Robotnik! This wasn't the deal!" he added in anger.

Robotnik simply laughed at Knuckles' attitude. "You are more foolish than I ever thought, then!" he said in a mocking tone. "A smarter mind would seen this trick a mile away! But you're a knucklehead, after all. Tricking you was so easy that I can't believe you even trusted me so soon to look after your Emerald!" he added with another laugh.

Then, something came flying at top speed and hit Knuckles, making him fall to the floor with a small fragment of the Master Emerald.

And just like that, Knuckles realized his mistake: he trusted a total stranger way too quick, and now the Master Emerald was gone.

"No..." Knuckles muttered with worry and anger. "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!" he shouted.

"Hey, Knucklehead!" Sonic called out with concern. "Calm down, man! We'll help you take that Emerald back!" he assured with a smirk.

"No, no, no! You don't understand!" Knuckles said in anger, as he stood up and looked at the fragment of the Master Emerald with concern. "The Master Emerald is the reason why Angel Island floats in the air. Without it––" he tried to explain, but then the entire island began to shake violently.

Soon enough, all Angel Island was falling towards the sea, until it finally landed, causing the entire ground to rumble.

Sonic and Tails ducked down once the island began to fall, while Knuckles tried to keep his balance, but once everything was over, he recomposed himself and looked at the Death Egg with a frown.

"I need to get there and take the Emerald back!" Knuckles stated. "If he launches to space with the Emerald... perhaps the island will never float again, and the wildlife around could die..." he pointed out in concern.

"Well, luckily for you, we have defeated Eggman and his robots several times now! The wildlife included. So cheer up, Knucklehead, 'cause we're gonna help you recover your precious Emerald in no time!" Sonic assured him, slightly bumping his shoulder, and Tails nodded in agreement.

However, Knuckles wasn't convinced at all. "I was literally betrayed 5 minutes ago. How can I trust your word?" he asked with his arms crossed.

"Hmm... how about this: If we're lying and we do take the Emerald away, which won't happen, then you can punch me harder than when we met next time we see each other" Sonic replied with a smirk.

Knuckles actually found that pretty tentative, and so, he shrugged and raised his thumbs up. "Sounds good to me. Now, let's smash that Egghead down!" he stated with a confident smirk, also bumping his fists.

"That's the spirit!" Sonic cheered. "Now, mind to lead the way?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yeah! We don't know this place like you, and we need to reach the Death Egg before it launches to space!" Tails pointed out with concern.

"Luckily, I know a way to get there fast enough! Come on!" Knuckles stated.

Sonic and Tails smirked at each other, and then they decided to follow Knuckles.

At the end, Sonic used the fragment of the Master Emerald to power up the Chaos Emeralds.

If you wonder why Sonic has the fragment, Knuckles gave it to him and said that it was a test: If Sonic returned the fragment in the Master Emerald and the Master Emerald itself, then he'll apologize for everything he made to stop him and Tails from stopping Robotnik's plan.

Fusing the fragment with the Chaos Emeralds caused them to adopt a new form Sonic decided to name as Super Emeralds, and with them, he gained a new transformation that he decided to call Hyper Sonic. It was that, or calling the transformation Super Sonic: Phase 2, but this isn't Dragon Ball, so it wouldn't have worked that much.

And with this new transformation, Sonic not only destroyed the Death Egg entirely this time, but he also chased Robotnik across space, while the doctor tried to escape on his Final Weapon and holding the Master Emerald.

Luckily, Sonic managed to recover the Master Emerald from Robotnik... at least for a while, because he lost the Emerald when he got hit by the very same thing that stopped Knuckles from stopping Robotnik before: a new and more advanced model of Mecha Sonic. This one could move on its own, and it even used the power of the Master Emerald to transform into Super Mecha Sonic.

Unfortunately for the robot, Knuckles found the Chaos Emeralds, that returned to their original form after Sonic lost them because of Mecha Sonic's surprise attack. The echidna used them to transform into Super Knuckles, but unlike Sonic, his fur turned pink instead of gold. Still, he was more powerful now, and powerful enough to defeat Super Mecha Sonic, which is exactly what he did.

Once the battle was over, Knuckles let the Chaos Emeralds go, and they lifted to the sky before spreading across the entire world in this occasion. Then, Sonic landed in front of the Master Emerald after being saved by Tails and placed the fragment on the giant jewel, and then he began to walk away.

That confused Knuckles, for some reason. "Hey, wait!" he called out, and Sonic turned to face Knuckles. "Aren't you gonna... take the Emerald away?" he questioned confused.

"Um... no?" Sonic said with a raised eyebrow. "We told you before: we don't want your Emerald, Knucklehead" he said with a smile.

"Yeah, we just wanted to stop Eggman from making any more damage" Tails added, as he landed at Sonic's side.

"I get why you still don't trust us at all, tho. You were betrayed, and... I guess it's gonna take a while for us to earn your trust" Sonic said with a smirk. "Until then... I'm willing to wait, Knuckles" he added, now extending his fist to him.

Tails smiled and extended his fist as well with Sonic's, and Knuckles hesitated at first, but he eventually smirked and joined his fist as well.

"I hope our paths meet again, Sonic. And you too, Tails" Knuckles said with a smile.

"Expect to see us again soon! You cannot get rid of me that easily!" Sonic said, as he jumped off, and then Tails launched to caught him and lift him in air.

"You better stay out of trouble, Hedgehog!" Knuckles shouted mockingly. "I still owe you one and I don't like it!" he added.

Sonic simply laughed out loud, while Tails rolled his eyes and took him away and towards the Tornado...

"And as you might imagine, that first encounter was just the beginning of a bigger adventure" Sonic narrated...

"We still had some clashes, and Eggman still tricked me for a while" Knuckles confessed with a bored expression, now standing with Sonic and Tails after the narration was over.

"But the past is finally in the past, and now we fool Eggman's plans together!" Sonic said with a smile, placing a hand on Knuckles' shoulder. "Perfect Chaos, The ARK, Neo Metal Sonic, Time Eater. Heck, you even lead the resistance against Eggman when he took over!" he added, slightly pushing Knuckles as the echidna chuckled.

"We also used to do a lot of this stuff with Amy... But now is just the three of us" Tails added with a bit of concern.

"She used to?" Zipp questioned.

"What happened?" Pipp asked curiously.

"After taking the world back... she simply quitted" Sonic replied with a worried frown.

"We tried to ask her why, assuring we were just curious, but... we are still confused on her answer" Tails added. "She simply said that she wanted to explore frontiers she could never reach around us, and that's pretty much it" he explained.

"Oh..." the mares in the room cringed, while Team Sonic and Hitch felt confused.

"Uh... girls?" Sonic called out. "You don't happen to know what does that mean... do you?" he asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Um... how do we put this without being harsh..." Sunny wondered as she tapped her front hoofs together nervously.

"Well... um..." Izzy said nervously.

"She basically said that... she was feeling... uncomfortable around you?" Pipp said with a sheepish smile.

"She probably felt like nothing but 'the girl of the group' and quitted" Zipp said with concern. "Sorry, girls, but they need to know" she said when the other three glared at her.

"... What the actual fuck?" Sonic said with a very confused face.

"She felt like she was just the girl, and then she left..." Knuckles summarized, and the mares nodded with concern. "Huh... As a feminist, and a guy who feels like he understands woman, I'm really disappointed I didn't saw that coming..." he said with shame.

Sonic's eyes went wide after hearing that. "Wait, you're a feminist?" he asked confused.

"Just because I'm a meathead doesn't mean I don't understand the true concept behind feminism, Hedgehog" Knuckles replied with a frown and his hand on his hip.

"It's really a shame Amy never told us she felt like we left her out..." Tails added, changing the subject before Sonic and Knuckles began to argue.

"Agreed... I don't think we could've convinced her to stay in the Team, but at least we could have listened" Sonic added with concern.

"I just hope she's fine back home..." Knuckles said with a worried frown.

In the snowy mountains of Equestria, the blizzard was finally over.

So, Team Dark and Amy decided to move forward and began their search for Team Sonic.

"Scanning area for possible threats" Omega reported, as he walked behind the others and his head moved in 360 degrees. "Scanning completed. No threats detected" he informed.

"So we're free of enemies?" Amy questioned.

"For now, at least" Shadow nodded. "We don't know for sure if this is gonna be a ride in the mountains. After all, we have no idea of what's this place full of magic capable of" he pointed out.

"Oh, come on, Shadow" Rouge said on a mocking tone. "What's the biggest harm a group of cute talking colorful ponies could do?" she asked rhetorically.

"Cream and Charmy are cute and adorable as well, yet you know we shouldn't mess with them" Amy pointed out with a bored expression.

"At least someone here gets it" Shadow smirked, and Rouge rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, Omega stopped moving, and turned his head to scan something in a mountain that was to the top.

"... Chaos Emerald detected" Omega informed suddenly.

The others topped and turned to face him confused. "I'm sorry, what?" Amy questioned confused.

"I detect Chaos Energy lectures coming from a cave at the very top of that mountain" Omega explained, as he turned the rest of his body in the same direction of his sight and then pointed at the top of a very high mountain. "Therefore, a Chaos Emerald must be resting inside the cave" he pointed out.

"A Chaos Emerald..." Shadow muttered, before closing his eyes to concentrate on the nearest Chaos Energy sign, and then open them with a serious expression. "Omega's right. There is a Chaos Emerald there" he added.

"But why would a Chaos Emerald come to this place?" Rouge questioned confused.

"The Emeralds are a mystery, no matter how many times we've used them" Amy pointed out. "Geez... now I'm conflicted... Should we go get that Emerald just in case, or should we keep looking for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles?" she questioned.

"Hate to admit it, but I'm also conflicted" Shadow confessed, crossing his arms. "The sooner we take those three and Eggman back, the better... Yet, leaving the Chaos Emeralds here isn't and option..." he pointed out.

"Then why don't split up?" Rouges suggested. "Two of us can go look after the Emerald, while the other two go and look for Sonic, his friends and the doctor" she explained.

"Separation is not recommended" Omega said. "Splitting up has a chance of 99.3% to end in our doom. The next instruction is going to sound cheesy, but staying together is highly recommended on our current situation" he explained.

"So, we do one of our tasks, or we die... how calming, Omega" Amy said, crossing her arms and putting on a bored expression.

"Perhaps..." Shadow spoke. "I could use Chaos Control with the Chaos Emerald to sent a message to those three" he suggested. "I'm pretty sure Sonic or Tails had a bag of Warp Rings with them at all times. If we sent a message..." he began to explain.

"We could tell them that we're here! And we could give them the Emerald so Tails can get us back home!" Amy kept going with a smile, while Shadow nodded.

"And with a Warp Ring, will be with them in no time" Rouge finished with a smirk.

"Then it's settled: We'll delay our meeting with Team Sonic to get that Chaos Emerald" Shadow stated. "Omega, how far are we from that cave?" he questioned to the robot.

Omega scanned all the path towards the cave before giving a proper response. "If we move right now: 5 days, 2 hours and 33 minutes" he replied.

"Oh great... more walking" Rouge complained, rolling her eyes.

"If it makes you feel better, at least you can fly when your feet get tired. We have to conform with walking over lots and lots of snow..." Amy pointed out. "Or roller skate, in Shadow's case" she added in a mocking tone, causing Rouge to chuckle.

"You'll never accept they are air shoes, will you?" Shadow asked in annoyance.

"Nope!" Amy replied cheerfully.

And so, they all began to walk towards the cave to collect the Chaos Emerald.

In Opaline's Castle, Opaline herself was sitting on her throne, staring confused at Eggman.

"I simply don't understand, doctor" Opaline said with concern. "You literally threatened me for not appreciating Misty, and now you come here to apologize?" she added with a scoff. "I don't understand why you apologize right now, when that happened months ago! I'm pretty sure we silently agreed to not talk about this" she pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"The way I see it, Opaline: I was showing you that I know my place and that I know what I'm doing" Eggman replied with a frown. "Therefore, I needed to show you that it is not convenient for you to have me as an enemy" he explained. "However, I'm still a genius. Even I know my limits, and I'm very aware that it is not convenient for me to have you as an enemy, either" he confessed. "If Sunny, with friendship, rainbows and colors is capable to kill off my badniks, I don't wanna know what you can do with that fire of yours" he pointed out.

"So you wanna make amends to prevent getting your ass ignited, Ivo?" Opaline asked with a mocking smirk.

Eggman grinned back at her. "I just wanna make sure that no stupid actions get on our way" he pointed out. "After all, we still have Crystals and Emeralds to steal, magic and power to take, and worlds to conquer" he added.

Opaline's grin grew as she got up from her throne and walked over to Eggman. "Alright, doctor. I'll let slip your little threat months ago with one condition" she warned.

"Which is?" Eggman questioned.

"Whenever you least expect it, I'll be threatening you as well, Ivo" Opaline said with a glare.

Eggman didn't seemed surprised. Instead, he simply snorted. "Yeah, I expected something like that" he confessed. "Very well, then. Opaline Arcana, I think it is time we talk about... the next level" he stated with a grin.

Green Hills - 21 Years Ago...

Sonic was sleeping peacefully on his bed.

Meanwhile, Longclaw wasn't even at her home... because she was outside, on one of the farthest mountains in Green Hills, recording a message for Sonic in the Blue Chaos Emerald.

"... I know it's going to take you time to process all of this... but know that, even if I'm not with you anymore, I'll always watch over you. I have to go now, my dear Sonic, but know that we'll see each other again, one day..." Longclaw finished narrating her message.

Once everything was said and done, the Blue Chaos Emerald stopped 'scanning' Longclaw, and it slowly descended until it landed in the ground... where the Earth Pony Crystal was located.

Then, Longclaw grabbed the Emerald and the Crystals, and then she closed her eyes, making the other six Chaos Emeralds to appear around her.

She concentrated, and the Emeralds danced around her, with the one in her hand floating and joining the others, and then, the seven of them combined to open a white portal.

At the other side, she saw a lighthouse over a hill, and she nodded to herself before crossing the portal.

She flew down and landed at the top of the lighthouse, and then she whistled a melody quiet enough so only whoever was inside the lighthouse could hear it.

Soon enough, the lighthouse's front door opened, and out of the lighthouse came a blue stallion with purple-ish mane, tail and beard, brown eyes a collar with a six pointed star crafted in the middle and glasses.

The stallion whistled back the melody, and soon enough, Longclaw landed behind him with a silent thud. However, he still heard her, and when he turned around to face her, he smiled warmly.

"I expected you to arrive sooner, Longclaw" the stallion mocked up.

"It took me a while to put Sonic to sleep" Longclaw replied after an eye roll. "And I needed to record the message for him and your daughter to hear" she pointed out.

"Yeah, well. It's still hard to believe that my little Sunny will meet your son and have all kind of adventures" the stallion said with a sad smile. "Even worse is to know we won't be there for them..." he added with sadness.

"I know, Argyle... But the sake of our worlds depends on their meeting... And so, we must leave this for them" Longclaw explained.

"I understand" Argyle assured. "So, you have the message, right?" he asked her.

"Right here" Longclaw replied with a smile, extending the Earth Pony Crystal to Argyle, who carefully took it with his hoof. "You'll make sure it reaches them... right?" she asked him with concern.

"Don't worry about it" Argyle assured with a smile. "Both Sonic and Sunny will get this message. I'll make sure of that" he said with confidence.

Longclaw nodded relieved, and then she tried to hold her tears back. "Argyle... I can't thank you enough for this..." she said with a sad smile.

"I should be the one, thanking you, Longclaw" Argyle said with a sad smile as well. "Thanks to you, I know for sure that ponykind in Equestria will reunite not only because of Sunny's efforts, but also because she gets help from an amazing friend like Sonic" he added with joy.

After that, they both shared a quick hug... the last one they'll ever share.

Then, they departed ways, with Longclaw flying back to the portal, but not without turning to see Argyle one last time with a sad smile. Argyle smiled back and waved his goodbye, while Longclaw nodded with sadness and finally crossed the portal back to Mobius, with the portal closing behind her.

Later, Argyle went back inside the Lighthouse, and placed the Earth Pony Crystal over his desk, since he needed it to make the lamp for Sunny, and to make sure that both her and Sonic eventually get Longclaw's message...

Author's Note:

This episode is pure Sonic lore, and it's exactly what I've been wanting to tell ever since the very first book.

Since this Season is focusing a lot on Sonic and his past, I thought the best way to start it off is by retelling his origins. I've been wanting to tell the original SEGA Genesis games, as well as Sonic CD, for a while, and I thought this could be the perfect chance to retell said games.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and get ready, because we're just starting! :pinkiehappy: