• Published 16th Sep 2023
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Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

1. Welcome to Kronos Island

Dr. Eggman was on his Eggmobile, traveling around a forest on Kronos Island, one of the five Starfall Islands located in Equestria.

His research about this place made him discover an ancient civilization once knew as The Ancients. This people had the most advanced technology ever seen, and they created it ages ago, even before Equestria was founded.

They were also related to the Chaos Emeralds, and know that Eggman knew these powerful jewels are originally from this dimension, and not Mobius, he was planning to take advantage of the Ancients' technology and use it to finally make the Eggman Empire a reality. And to do so, he was going to upload his new AI, Sage, to the Ancients Cyber Space.

The best way to explain what is Cyber Space, is saying that is some kind of brain database. Just by entering Cyber Space, everything on your mind gets transported to this place: your memories, your wishes, your thoughts, even your soul.

After being traveling for a few hours, Eggman finally found one of the Cyber Space portals of the Ancients. This portal was a grey and rusty tower with a circular hole at the top, surrounded by muss.

He climbed down from his Eggmobile and walked towards the Cyber Space portal. It was difficult for him to climb up the base since it was a lot taller than him, but he managed to do it anyways. Once in front of the entrance, that was just a red gear for some reason, Eggman took out a disc where Sage was now integrated, and he grinned sinisterly before placing the disc over the gear of the portal.

"Uploading AI program now" Sage informed, hacking on the portals system and turning Cyber Space on.

Eggman laughed maniacally, and then, a red and glitchy light appeared on the circular hole at the top of the portal.

Then, screams of agony were heard as the sky suddenly broke in red and glitchy glass, meaning that the Cyber Space, and therefore, the Ancients technology, was functioning once again.

Then, all around Eggman, weird creatures appeared from small black holes on the ground. These creatures were black, had a single red triangle eye, were all taller, metallic and they all had some kind of weird swords as arms.

"Yes! It's all coming online!" Eggman cheered with she same evil grin. "The Ancients' secrets will be mine!" he added, now looking a giant creature not so far from where he was standing.

But then, the disc containing Sage's AI started to release electrical sparks, startling and worrying Eggman.

"Status report" Eggman instructed. "Answer me!" he demanded with concern.

"Simulations complete" Sage replied. "Executing protective initiative" she informed.

"What?!" Eggman asked in panic. "No! NO!" he exclaimed, now grabbing the disc and trying to remove it from the portal.

However, the portal activated and suck out the disc. Eggman tried to pull out the disc, but he ended up being sucked alongside, getting trapped on Cyber Space with his new AI, and releasing the Ancient's technology to the world once again.

In the skies, three flying figures passed by at high speed.

Two of those figures were ponies: a pegasus and an alicorn, both flapping their wings as they felt and smelled the air. The third figure was a yellow plane, being piloted by a yellow fox with two tails, while on the wing of the plane stood a blue hedgehog.

These 4 friends were heading to a certain place to look after the Chaos Emeralds and find out why they've been gathering on this place lately.

"Watch out for the ground, everybody" Tails instructed with a smile. "We're coming up on the Starfall Islands!" he added.

"Finally!" Zipp said with a tired tone. "I love flying, but we've been in the air for hours! My wings are killing me..." she exclaimed with a bit of pain.

Sunny, on the other hand, squealed excited. "This is so exciting!" she exclaimed with a smile. "Big and large islands with lots of ancient relics and history behind?! I can't wait to research all over this!" she added.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the researcher here!" Zipp said with a mocking smirk. "I'm a detective, remember?" she added, while both she and Sunny giggled.

"You tracked the Chaos Emeralds here, right?" Sonic asked to Tails with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Yup!" Tails replied. "Something has been gathering them on the islands, and now that we know they are originally from this dimension, I want to figure out what is it" he explained.

"Well, then. Let's find out what drew them here!" Sonic stated with a smile.

The plane and the flying ponies started to low down a bit as they approached Kronos Island, considered the first one of the Starfall Islands since legends says that the Ancients found this island first.

However, a red light appeared on the plane's radar, calling Tails attention and confusing him. But he didn't had time to check what was this red light, because the plane suddenly started to spin around wildly and flew towards the sky. Sonic barely hang on the wing before falling, while both him and Tails screamed in fright.

"Guys!" both Sunny and Zipp cried out, as they tried to keep it up with both of them.

Tails managed to stabilize the plane a bit, reading the lectures he got on his radar. "Whoa! There's some kind of atmospheric charge!" he exclaimed. "Hang on, Sonic!" he instructed with a serious expression.

However, while Tails managed to regain control over the plane, both Sunny and Zipp felt that the wind was starting to push them further than they could move.

"There's something weird happening with my wings!" Sunny said, seeing that she was flying faster despite how slowly she flapped her wings.

"Mine too!" Zipp exclaimed with worry.

And soon enough, they were side by side with Sonic and Tails. But as if the sudden atmosphere change wasn't enough, the sky suddenly shattered in red glitchy glass, opening some kind of portal that started to suck out everything that was in the sky.

As the group saw in fright, Sunny and Zipp lost control over their flying, as they started to move wildly on the sky for no reason. Sonic saw this and tried to help, but he accidentally fell from the plane. However, he was still within reach the sudden portal in the sky.

The next thing he knew was that he, Tails, Sunny and Zipp were suck out by the portal, and then he saw nothing.


Suddenly, Sonic landed on Green Hills.

"What the?!" Sonic exclaimed confused as he looked around.

In fact, it looked like Green Hills. Yet, somehow, Sonic could tell that this wasn't Green Hills. Perhaps was the fact that, despite the place looking like Green Hills, this place specifically wasn't originally from Green Hills.

That, and the glitchy sky was giving Sonic chills down his spine.

"Something feels wrong..." Sonic muttered. "This looks like my home... but I know it isn't" he stated.

Since it didn't seemed like he had another option, he decided to give it a shot, and started running around the 'level' he suddenly appeared on.

In fact, he got a deja vu as he ran around this site of Green Hills. He was pretty sure that he already did this... on Windmill Isle after he met Chip. So, either his memories were mixed up, or this place confused two different zones and acts and combined them.

Either way, he didn't wanted to be here anymore.

Luckily, as he ran on a last loop, he witnessed a white giant portal at the end of the road. He didn't cared where he went once he was out of... whatever this place is. As long as he's free, he couldn't care less.

"Alright, Sonic!" he muttered to himself. "Let's get out of here and find out what's going on!" he stated, before jumping across the white portal, just for everything around him to fade and turn into nothingness again.

The sound of raining woke him up. Well, more or less...

It wasn't just the rain, but also his body in general began to move slowly. He could feel the rain drops falling over him, and he kneeled a bit before taking a deep breath, since his memory was a bit dizzy...

But as soon as everything became clear, his eyes opened wide and he started to look around for his friends.

"Tails? Sunny? Zipp?!" Sonic called out, before groaning a bit in pain.

He probably fell on his face or something, otherwise his body wouldn't hurt this much.

Since there was no sign of his friends, Sonic looked at the ground in sadness and worry. If he was alone, then where are the others?

"Looks like I'm the only one who made it out of that... whatever it was..." Sonic told himself, shacking his head and grabbing it, since he still felt dizzy.

"Mortal" a robotic voice spoke suddenly.

"Yow!" Sonic exclaimed, turning around to find... nothing. However, he heard a voice coming from the sky, so he looked up to face the sky. "Hello?" he called out.

"You have done the impossible" the voice replied. "You have escaped Cyber Space through your own power. You are the key" they added.

What the heck is 'Cyber Space'? Sonic questioned to himself. Is it that weird place that looked like Green Hills? Weird... he thought. "'Key', huh? Sure beats being called a rodent" Sonic said with a bored expression. "Are you saying I can rescue my friends?" he questioned with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Find the Chaos Emeralds" the voice replied. "Destroy the titans" they instructed, while Sonic moved his index finger desperately. "Tear down the walls between dimensions" they finished.

"Yeah––okay––sure..." Sonic replied with a bored expression. "How about a little context?" he requested, but surprisingly, the voice didn't said anything. "Hello?" he called out, but still, no response.

Sonic looked on with a bored expression and shook his head in both annoyance and frustration, not noticing that a mysterious human-like figure was watching him on the skies.

"Oh well" Sonic said as he shrugged, then he tapped the tip of his right shoe on the ground, preparing for running a bit. "Some direction is better than none. Here we go!" he stated with a confident look.

The mysterious figure watching over him disappeared, and Sonic moved forward from the place he suddenly appeared on.

Surprisingly for him, he found a some rings. He approached them to see what they were, but just by touching one, the ring became golden dust and got inside of him.

"Stamina Rings?" Sonic said confused. "I didn't knew this dimension had them too..." he muttered to himself.

Eventually, he just shrugged and grabbed the remaining ones, then climbed up a small hill in his way, not only finding a few more rings, but also a strange and floating white sign with a red interrogation mark on it. Behind said sign, there were three buttons on the floor.

Following his instinct, Sonic stepped over the three buttons, and the weird floating sign symbol changed to a check mark in blue.

As if that wasn't confusing enough, Sonic got some kind of vision, showing him the map of the place: Kronos Island.

"Kronos Island?" Sonic questioned to himself. "How's that...? What was...? What the heck is going on?!" he shouted in panic. "Some weird portal traps me and my friends all of a sudden, then I appear on a digital copy of Green Hills, then I appear on the first Starfall Island, and now a weird map on my brain that shows me where to go!" he shouted. "I mean, the last thing is very useful, but still! It freaks me out!" he kept crying out. "Can someone, on this stupid Island, EXPLAIN ME WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

His voice echoed not only on Kronos Island, but in all the Starfall Islands in general. Unfortunately, no one was replying nor talking back to him, not even the weird voice that told him what to do.

Sonic let out a heavy sigh before smiling a bit. "It's okay, Sonic" he told himself. "This is scary, you don't know where are your friends nor how you ended up on the Starfall Islands. But freaking out isn't going to save you nor them. Stay focused and keep going" he reminded.

Nodding to himself, he decided to keep moving forward, just to step with a small group of weird enemies. Black creatures with a single, red and triangular eye. They also seemed to have swords as arms. Sonic smirked and used his Homing Attack against said creatures, and they vanished in the ground.

"Huh, weird..." Sonic said to himself, then shrugged and kept moving.

Soon enough, he found some rails and boost rings, as well as more stamina rings on said rails and across the boost rings. Sonic smirked again and used his boost ability to use the rail, but at the once he crossed the boost rings, he obtained a weird object... a medal that looked exactly like Sunny's Cutie Mark.

"Okay, those 'piece of cake to defeat' enemies were a thing, but Sunny's Cutie Mark as some kind of medal?" Sonic told himself confused. "This place is giving me the creeps" he added.

And just then, he noticed a series of rails and platforms that lead to more boost rings... all of them having Sunny's Cutie Mark as some kind of medal.

"Something tells me I'm going to have to go a little off the beaten path and get these things" Sonic told himself, putting the medal away. "Maybe they'll help me find Sunny, or even save her" he though.

After 5 minutes exploring the same zone, he managed to get 5 more of these medals.

Thinking that there wasn't anything left to explore, Sonic decided to move forward... just to run towards more of the same black enemies he met before.

Sonic raised an eyebrow, since the enemies came out of some kind of glitchy portals that popped on the ground, but then he shrugged and launched another Homing Attack against said enemies, destroying them on one hit again.

"Either I'm stronger that I give myself credit for, or these things are built with very weak materials" Sonic told himself with a smirk. "Anyway, seems like this... uh... temple?" he said with confusion, since the enemies came out of some kind of temple, but he couldn't tell if it was a temple at all. "Whatever this building is, it seems like it guides to another of those medals with Sunny's Cutie Mark. Better catch it before keep going!" he stated to himself with confidence.

He jumped over a spring, that sent him to another spring, that made him land on the top of the temple. Then, he grabbed a swing that sent him in the air, and boosted towards a boost ring that sent him flying towards another Sunny's Cutie Mark medal.

"I should give these things a name..." Sonic told himself, landing on a structure that seemed like an abandoned temple.

However, he suddenly felt a presence, and once he looked on certain direction, he found a giant version of the same enemies he defeated before.

"Huh?" Sonic exclaimed confused.

Then, the enemy suddenly moved quickly and appeared behind him out of nowhere, attacking him on the back and sending him flying. He also lost 60 from his 83 rings, meaning that this enemy was very strong if he could took out that many rings.

"What the heck?!" Sonic exclaimed, quickly standing up on a fighting position. "Where did he came from?" he questioned.

The weird enemy slowly walked towards him, but Sonic didn't waited for him to attack back, so he just charged a Homing attack, and once he was in front of the enemy, he started to use his bare fists and punched the creature as hard as he could, but the creature prepared to attack him again as it raised its arms.

"Oh, not this time!" Sonic said with a smirk.

Seconds before the creature could touch him, Sonic place his hands together and then pushed them against the swords, parrying the attack and then charging both his Homing Attack and Spindash against the enemy, then doing a quick loop in the air before charging another Homing Attack, cancel it and kick the creature, sending it flying backwards and destroying it entirely.

However, in the same place were the enemy vanished, a floating black gear with light blue stripes appeared. Sonic decided to approach it and grab it.

"So, there's Stamina Rings, Medals with Sunny's Cutie Mark, and Shining Gears..." Sonic listed. "I think I'm calling those medals 'Sunny's Memory Tokens' from now on. Who knows, maybe they are what I need to free her from wherever she's supposed to be trapped" he told himself with a smile, before putting the gear away.

Sonic decided to keep going, now crossing through some more rails and boost rings, where he found more of Sunny's Memory Tokens.

"Mortal" the voice spoke again.

Sonic got startled from the voice and smashed the breaks, once again seeing towards the sky.

"Oh, hey there, mysterious voice in the sky" Sonic greeted. "Are you here to pull another Discord and tell me a very vague hint on where I have to go now?" he asked on a playful tone.

However, what he got by an answer was a weird blue-ish and purple-ish aura surrounding him.

"Be empowered with this technique" the voice replied.

"Technique?" Sonic called out, but the voice didn't replied. "Oh, come on!" he groaned before sighing. "Well, I gotta admit that something feels different" he said with honesty.

After wondering around the new area of the island he accessed to for 10 minutes, Sonic saw another portal of Cyber Space not so far.

He boosted towards it with a determinate expression and stood in front of the pedestal that lead to the portal's entrance.

"Return to the digital dimension again" the voice instructed. "Use that gear to bridge the gap between dimensions" they added.

"If you're just going to pop out of nowhere from time to time, at least try to sent some kind of sign first" Sonic begged with a bored expression.

He climbed up to the platform of the portal and took out the gear, then placed it on the empty spot he found on the portal. However, he realized that the spot where he placed the gear still had enough space for another gear.

"It is not enough to make the connection" the voice spoke again. "One gear will not suffice" they added.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" Sonic shouted in frustration and annoyance.

"Hunt down another target and take its gear" the voice instructed.

"Seriously, you have to tell me these things before, not just assume that I'll understand everything on the first attempt! That's not how this works!" Sonic pointed out with a frown.

Suddenly, a portal opened in the sky, not so far from the portal, and then a massive enemy that looked like a tower landed on the grass.

Sonic got down from the portal's pedestal and looked at the enemy with a raised eyebrow. "First some kind of soldiers creatures, then a ninja creature, and now a tower that pretty much looks like it moves on its own" he assumed. "I'm just gonna call the the small ones 'Soldiers', the big ones 'Ninja' and the towers... 'Tower'? I don't know, I have no other idea on how I should call that thing" he pointed out to himself with a bored expression.

Sonic decided to confront the Tower. But he couldn't even move from his place when Tower started to shot spikes at him. Sonic managed to dodge said attacks just in time, but Tower kept throwing them, so he started to run around it, waiting until it stopped shooting at him so he could attack.

Just like he predicted, Tower stopped attacking, so Sonic used his Homing attack to approach the enemy and started to punch him on the lower base, destroying it not so much later. However, Towers till had plenty of bases, and Sonic had two options: repeating the process until he could punch the top, or find a way to got straight to the top and kill Tower instantly.

"Actually... I have a third option!" Sonic reminded.

He waited for Tower to attack again, and after it stopped again, Sonic slowly trotted around the enemy... somehow realizing a blue-ish and purple-ish aura behind him. Once that aura was completely closed, another of the bases got completely destroyed, startling and surprising Sonic.

"Now look at that!" Sonic cheered with a confident smirk. "I have no idea what I just did, but it was cool!" he added, immediately dodging more of the spikes that Tower shoot at him. "But I'll think on a proper name for that move later. Right now, I need to take you down!" he stated with confidence, charging his Homing attack again, but this time to the top.

He started to punch multiple times the top of Tower, then he jumped in the air and used his stomp move to smash Tower's 'head', which made enough damage to the enemy, making the 'head' fall apart and destroy itself, and therefore, destroy the rest of the bases as well.

Just as he expected, after the enemy vanished, another gear appeared in the ground. He grabbed it, clean it a bit and then looked at it with a proud smile.

"Use the gear as you have done before" the voice instructed.

Sonic putted the gear away and walked towards the portal. Well, he was actually running, but since he was going slow, he considered this as just walking.

"Hmm... I need to find a proper name for that strange new ability I got out of nowhere" Sonic told himself. "But I'll worry about that later" he told himself, waving his hand and not paying so much attention to that.

He arrived once again to the portal, and place the gear on the entrance, not only making a perfect fit, but also reactivating the entire portal as it shone bright on a red and glitchy color.

"Return to Cyber Space. As many times as it takes" the voice instructed.

"I mean, is not like I have any other choice, so..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

Sonic touched the 'button' of the portal, and then a red and glitchy light appeared at the top of said portal, being followed by the energy of said light being transferred to the button that Sonic pressed. The energy of the portal started to suck out his body, turning them into some kind of red particles that disolved and entered on Cyber Space once again.

The stage he appeared on was a resemble of the second act of Windmill Isle.

However, and just like what happened with the previous stage, it looked like Sky Sanctuary despite its structure not even being from that place.

"Knuckles will be pissed if he was here..." Sonic muttered to himself.

The stage in particular wasn't any difficult or interesting, but for some reason, he could tell some people will hate this place in particular.

"Either skill issue or they're too slow!" Sonic mocked up with a smirk.

Finally, after passing on some rails and jumping over some spikes, Sonic jumped over a spring and reached the exit of the stage.

The same red particles from before appeared, materializing on Sonic once again, who looked at his body to make sure he was complete.

Sighing in relief, he turned around to leave, when suddenly a floating key appeared above him. This key was silver, had blue light lines and the key ring had the form of an emerald.

Sonic extended his hand to, as the key slowly descend to it and 'entered' on his hand, while Sonic just shrugged with a smile.

But once he got down from the portal's pedestal, he witnessed a giant blue light pointing to the sky from a hill. Not only that, but a red one also showed up all of a sudden, pointing to the sky as well.

And as if all of this wasn't weird enough for him, two weird structures, that looked like towers, started to shine and made a bridge appear suddenly, connecting the island were he was right now and an island he didn't had access to before.

"Gears for Cyber Space and keys that I gain everytime I clear a stage..." Sonic muttered to himself. "This place may be on the same dimension as Equestria, but I have a lot of vibes from my home. There's some kind of... connection here. I can feel it..." he added with concern.

After exploring the sector of the island one last time, also expanding the map on his mind a little bit and collecting a few more Sunny's Memory Tokens, Sonic crossed the new bridge and jumped over a few string before passing through boost rings that made him land on the hill where the blue light he witnessed before comes from.

Around, he saw some ancient structures and little creatures he never saw before. They looked like rocks, but they were adorable, and they even made a high pitched sound that made Sonic giggle.

"I don't know who you little guys are, but I already like you!" Sonic said with a smile, as he patted the head of one of those creatures and the creature just jumped excitedly.

But then, he saw that the blue light was coming from the blue Chaos Emerald, that was trapped in some kind of capsule on a structure with three towers around.

Sonic approached said structure and extended his hand, with the key that he obtained before turning into dust and entering the capsule of the Emerald. After that, the capsule and the Emerald disappeared, then the Emerald popped up out of the structure and landed on Sonic's hand.

"One down. Six to go" Sonic stated with a smile, then putted the Emerald aside.

After that he turned around... and then noticed the vast new place he had to explore: lots of ruins, a giant enemy, more rails and platforms that felt like home for him. Heck, even more rings of different kinds were around. And don't get me started on the amounts of space he had to run around freely.

Sonic smiled to himself. "A whole new world to explore" he stated with a smile.

Boosting towards one of those enemies he saw, Sonic got a determinate look... but then something caught his attention.

He smashed the brakes and saw something a bit hidden on some bushes, so he decided to stray from the path and move towards those bushes.

Now that he was getting closer, he saw that it was red capsule with spikes around. However, that wasn't it's only feature... it had something inside. Or rather, someone... somepony...

"What the––" Sonic muttered to himself, but once the figure inside said capsule was clear, he smashed the brakes and gasped. "S-Sunny?!" he asked on disbelief.

Author's Note:

Just to be clear: the Cyloop won't be properly named until later in the story.

I want someone to give the name instead of Sonic just thinking on it.

Also, to those who have played Frontiers and wonder how many chapters will it take for each island: It should be sorted out by Chapter 4.